editor.d.ts 944 KB

  2. declare module 'csharp' {
  3. import * as CSharp from 'csharp';
  4. export default CSharp;
  5. }
  6. declare module 'csharp' {
  7. interface $Ref<T> {
  8. value: T
  9. }
  10. namespace System {
  11. interface Array$1<T> extends System.Array {
  12. get_Item(index: number):T;
  13. set_Item(index: number, value: T):void;
  14. }
  15. }
  16. type $Task<T> = System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1<T>
  17. namespace System {
  18. class Int32 extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<number>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<number>, System.IFormattable
  19. {
  20. }
  21. class ValueType extends System.Object
  22. {
  23. }
  24. class Object
  25. {
  26. public Equals ($obj: any) : boolean
  27. public static Equals ($objA: any, $objB: any) : boolean
  28. public GetHashCode () : number
  29. public GetType () : System.Type
  30. public ToString () : string
  31. public static ReferenceEquals ($objA: any, $objB: any) : boolean
  32. public constructor ()
  33. }
  34. interface IComparable
  35. {
  36. }
  37. interface IComparable$1<T>
  38. {
  39. }
  40. interface IConvertible
  41. {
  42. }
  43. interface IEquatable$1<T>
  44. {
  45. }
  46. interface IFormattable
  47. {
  48. }
  49. class Void extends System.ValueType
  50. {
  51. }
  52. class Boolean extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<boolean>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<boolean>
  53. {
  54. }
  55. interface Converter$2<TInput, TOutput>
  56. { (input: TInput) : TOutput; }
  57. interface MulticastDelegate
  58. { (...args:any[]) : any; }
  59. var MulticastDelegate: { new (func: (...args:any[]) => any): MulticastDelegate; }
  60. class Delegate extends System.Object implements System.ICloneable, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  61. {
  62. public get Method(): System.Reflection.MethodInfo;
  63. public get Target(): any;
  64. public static CreateDelegate ($type: System.Type, $firstArgument: any, $method: System.Reflection.MethodInfo, $throwOnBindFailure: boolean) : Function
  65. public static CreateDelegate ($type: System.Type, $firstArgument: any, $method: System.Reflection.MethodInfo) : Function
  66. public static CreateDelegate ($type: System.Type, $method: System.Reflection.MethodInfo, $throwOnBindFailure: boolean) : Function
  67. public static CreateDelegate ($type: System.Type, $method: System.Reflection.MethodInfo) : Function
  68. public static CreateDelegate ($type: System.Type, $target: any, $method: string) : Function
  69. public static CreateDelegate ($type: System.Type, $target: System.Type, $method: string, $ignoreCase: boolean, $throwOnBindFailure: boolean) : Function
  70. public static CreateDelegate ($type: System.Type, $target: System.Type, $method: string) : Function
  71. public static CreateDelegate ($type: System.Type, $target: System.Type, $method: string, $ignoreCase: boolean) : Function
  72. public static CreateDelegate ($type: System.Type, $target: any, $method: string, $ignoreCase: boolean, $throwOnBindFailure: boolean) : Function
  73. public static CreateDelegate ($type: System.Type, $target: any, $method: string, $ignoreCase: boolean) : Function
  74. public DynamicInvoke (...args: any[]) : any
  75. public Clone () : any
  76. public GetObjectData ($info: System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, $context: System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) : void
  77. public GetInvocationList () : System.Array$1<Function>
  78. public static Combine ($a: Function, $b: Function) : Function
  79. public static Combine (...delegates: Function[]) : Function
  80. public static Remove ($source: Function, $value: Function) : Function
  81. public static RemoveAll ($source: Function, $value: Function) : Function
  82. public static op_Equality ($d1: Function, $d2: Function) : boolean
  83. public static op_Inequality ($d1: Function, $d2: Function) : boolean
  84. }
  85. interface ICloneable
  86. {
  87. }
  88. interface Predicate$1<T>
  89. { (obj: T) : boolean; }
  90. interface Action$1<T>
  91. { (obj: T) : void; }
  92. interface IDisposable
  93. {
  94. }
  95. interface Comparison$1<T>
  96. { (x: T, y: T) : number; }
  97. class Type extends System.Reflection.MemberInfo implements System.Reflection.IReflect, System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type, System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider, System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo
  98. {
  99. public static FilterAttribute : System.Reflection.MemberFilter
  100. public static FilterName : System.Reflection.MemberFilter
  101. public static FilterNameIgnoreCase : System.Reflection.MemberFilter
  102. public static Missing : any
  103. public static Delimiter : number
  104. public static EmptyTypes : System.Array$1<System.Type>
  105. public get MemberType(): System.Reflection.MemberTypes;
  106. public get DeclaringType(): System.Type;
  107. public get DeclaringMethod(): System.Reflection.MethodBase;
  108. public get ReflectedType(): System.Type;
  109. public get StructLayoutAttribute(): System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute;
  110. public get GUID(): System.Guid;
  111. public static get DefaultBinder(): System.Reflection.Binder;
  112. public get Module(): System.Reflection.Module;
  113. public get Assembly(): System.Reflection.Assembly;
  114. public get TypeHandle(): System.RuntimeTypeHandle;
  115. public get FullName(): string;
  116. public get Namespace(): string;
  117. public get AssemblyQualifiedName(): string;
  118. public get BaseType(): System.Type;
  119. public get TypeInitializer(): System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo;
  120. public get IsNested(): boolean;
  121. public get Attributes(): System.Reflection.TypeAttributes;
  122. public get GenericParameterAttributes(): System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes;
  123. public get IsVisible(): boolean;
  124. public get IsNotPublic(): boolean;
  125. public get IsPublic(): boolean;
  126. public get IsNestedPublic(): boolean;
  127. public get IsNestedPrivate(): boolean;
  128. public get IsNestedFamily(): boolean;
  129. public get IsNestedAssembly(): boolean;
  130. public get IsNestedFamANDAssem(): boolean;
  131. public get IsNestedFamORAssem(): boolean;
  132. public get IsAutoLayout(): boolean;
  133. public get IsLayoutSequential(): boolean;
  134. public get IsExplicitLayout(): boolean;
  135. public get IsClass(): boolean;
  136. public get IsInterface(): boolean;
  137. public get IsValueType(): boolean;
  138. public get IsAbstract(): boolean;
  139. public get IsSealed(): boolean;
  140. public get IsEnum(): boolean;
  141. public get IsSpecialName(): boolean;
  142. public get IsImport(): boolean;
  143. public get IsSerializable(): boolean;
  144. public get IsAnsiClass(): boolean;
  145. public get IsUnicodeClass(): boolean;
  146. public get IsAutoClass(): boolean;
  147. public get IsArray(): boolean;
  148. public get IsGenericType(): boolean;
  149. public get IsGenericTypeDefinition(): boolean;
  150. public get IsConstructedGenericType(): boolean;
  151. public get IsGenericParameter(): boolean;
  152. public get GenericParameterPosition(): number;
  153. public get ContainsGenericParameters(): boolean;
  154. public get IsByRef(): boolean;
  155. public get IsPointer(): boolean;
  156. public get IsPrimitive(): boolean;
  157. public get IsCOMObject(): boolean;
  158. public get HasElementType(): boolean;
  159. public get IsContextful(): boolean;
  160. public get IsMarshalByRef(): boolean;
  161. public get GenericTypeArguments(): System.Array$1<System.Type>;
  162. public get IsSecurityCritical(): boolean;
  163. public get IsSecuritySafeCritical(): boolean;
  164. public get IsSecurityTransparent(): boolean;
  165. public get UnderlyingSystemType(): System.Type;
  166. public get IsSZArray(): boolean;
  167. public static GetType ($typeName: string, $assemblyResolver: System.Func$2<System.Reflection.AssemblyName, System.Reflection.Assembly>, $typeResolver: System.Func$4<System.Reflection.Assembly, string, boolean, System.Type>) : System.Type
  168. public static GetType ($typeName: string, $assemblyResolver: System.Func$2<System.Reflection.AssemblyName, System.Reflection.Assembly>, $typeResolver: System.Func$4<System.Reflection.Assembly, string, boolean, System.Type>, $throwOnError: boolean) : System.Type
  169. public static GetType ($typeName: string, $assemblyResolver: System.Func$2<System.Reflection.AssemblyName, System.Reflection.Assembly>, $typeResolver: System.Func$4<System.Reflection.Assembly, string, boolean, System.Type>, $throwOnError: boolean, $ignoreCase: boolean) : System.Type
  170. public MakePointerType () : System.Type
  171. public MakeByRefType () : System.Type
  172. public MakeArrayType () : System.Type
  173. public MakeArrayType ($rank: number) : System.Type
  174. public static GetTypeFromProgID ($progID: string) : System.Type
  175. public static GetTypeFromProgID ($progID: string, $throwOnError: boolean) : System.Type
  176. public static GetTypeFromProgID ($progID: string, $server: string) : System.Type
  177. public static GetTypeFromProgID ($progID: string, $server: string, $throwOnError: boolean) : System.Type
  178. public static GetTypeFromCLSID ($clsid: System.Guid) : System.Type
  179. public static GetTypeFromCLSID ($clsid: System.Guid, $throwOnError: boolean) : System.Type
  180. public static GetTypeFromCLSID ($clsid: System.Guid, $server: string) : System.Type
  181. public static GetTypeFromCLSID ($clsid: System.Guid, $server: string, $throwOnError: boolean) : System.Type
  182. public static GetTypeCode ($type: System.Type) : System.TypeCode
  183. public InvokeMember ($name: string, $invokeAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags, $binder: System.Reflection.Binder, $target: any, $args: System.Array$1<any>, $modifiers: System.Array$1<System.Reflection.ParameterModifier>, $culture: System.Globalization.CultureInfo, $namedParameters: System.Array$1<string>) : any
  184. public InvokeMember ($name: string, $invokeAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags, $binder: System.Reflection.Binder, $target: any, $args: System.Array$1<any>, $culture: System.Globalization.CultureInfo) : any
  185. public InvokeMember ($name: string, $invokeAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags, $binder: System.Reflection.Binder, $target: any, $args: System.Array$1<any>) : any
  186. public static GetTypeHandle ($o: any) : System.RuntimeTypeHandle
  187. public GetArrayRank () : number
  188. public GetConstructor ($bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags, $binder: System.Reflection.Binder, $callConvention: System.Reflection.CallingConventions, $types: System.Array$1<System.Type>, $modifiers: System.Array$1<System.Reflection.ParameterModifier>) : System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo
  189. public GetConstructor ($bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags, $binder: System.Reflection.Binder, $types: System.Array$1<System.Type>, $modifiers: System.Array$1<System.Reflection.ParameterModifier>) : System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo
  190. public GetConstructor ($types: System.Array$1<System.Type>) : System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo
  191. public GetConstructors () : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo>
  192. public GetConstructors ($bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo>
  193. public GetMethod ($name: string, $bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags, $binder: System.Reflection.Binder, $callConvention: System.Reflection.CallingConventions, $types: System.Array$1<System.Type>, $modifiers: System.Array$1<System.Reflection.ParameterModifier>) : System.Reflection.MethodInfo
  194. public GetMethod ($name: string, $bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags, $binder: System.Reflection.Binder, $types: System.Array$1<System.Type>, $modifiers: System.Array$1<System.Reflection.ParameterModifier>) : System.Reflection.MethodInfo
  195. public GetMethod ($name: string, $types: System.Array$1<System.Type>, $modifiers: System.Array$1<System.Reflection.ParameterModifier>) : System.Reflection.MethodInfo
  196. public GetMethod ($name: string, $types: System.Array$1<System.Type>) : System.Reflection.MethodInfo
  197. public GetMethod ($name: string, $bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Reflection.MethodInfo
  198. public GetMethod ($name: string) : System.Reflection.MethodInfo
  199. public GetMethods () : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.MethodInfo>
  200. public GetMethods ($bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.MethodInfo>
  201. public GetField ($name: string, $bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Reflection.FieldInfo
  202. public GetField ($name: string) : System.Reflection.FieldInfo
  203. public GetFields () : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.FieldInfo>
  204. public GetFields ($bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.FieldInfo>
  205. public GetInterface ($name: string) : System.Type
  206. public GetInterface ($name: string, $ignoreCase: boolean) : System.Type
  207. public GetInterfaces () : System.Array$1<System.Type>
  208. public FindInterfaces ($filter: System.Reflection.TypeFilter, $filterCriteria: any) : System.Array$1<System.Type>
  209. public GetEvent ($name: string) : System.Reflection.EventInfo
  210. public GetEvent ($name: string, $bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Reflection.EventInfo
  211. public GetEvents () : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.EventInfo>
  212. public GetEvents ($bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.EventInfo>
  213. public GetProperty ($name: string, $bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags, $binder: System.Reflection.Binder, $returnType: System.Type, $types: System.Array$1<System.Type>, $modifiers: System.Array$1<System.Reflection.ParameterModifier>) : System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
  214. public GetProperty ($name: string, $returnType: System.Type, $types: System.Array$1<System.Type>, $modifiers: System.Array$1<System.Reflection.ParameterModifier>) : System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
  215. public GetProperty ($name: string, $bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
  216. public GetProperty ($name: string, $returnType: System.Type, $types: System.Array$1<System.Type>) : System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
  217. public GetProperty ($name: string, $types: System.Array$1<System.Type>) : System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
  218. public GetProperty ($name: string, $returnType: System.Type) : System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
  219. public GetProperty ($name: string) : System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
  220. public GetProperties ($bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.PropertyInfo>
  221. public GetProperties () : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.PropertyInfo>
  222. public GetNestedTypes () : System.Array$1<System.Type>
  223. public GetNestedTypes ($bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Array$1<System.Type>
  224. public GetNestedType ($name: string) : System.Type
  225. public GetNestedType ($name: string, $bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Type
  226. public GetMember ($name: string) : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.MemberInfo>
  227. public GetMember ($name: string, $bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.MemberInfo>
  228. public GetMember ($name: string, $type: System.Reflection.MemberTypes, $bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.MemberInfo>
  229. public GetMembers () : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.MemberInfo>
  230. public GetMembers ($bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags) : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.MemberInfo>
  231. public GetDefaultMembers () : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.MemberInfo>
  232. public FindMembers ($memberType: System.Reflection.MemberTypes, $bindingAttr: System.Reflection.BindingFlags, $filter: System.Reflection.MemberFilter, $filterCriteria: any) : System.Array$1<System.Reflection.MemberInfo>
  233. public GetGenericParameterConstraints () : System.Array$1<System.Type>
  234. public MakeGenericType (...typeArguments: System.Type[]) : System.Type
  235. public GetElementType () : System.Type
  236. public GetGenericArguments () : System.Array$1<System.Type>
  237. public GetGenericTypeDefinition () : System.Type
  238. public GetEnumNames () : System.Array$1<string>
  239. public GetEnumValues () : System.Array
  240. public GetEnumUnderlyingType () : System.Type
  241. public IsEnumDefined ($value: any) : boolean
  242. public GetEnumName ($value: any) : string
  243. public IsSubclassOf ($c: System.Type) : boolean
  244. public IsInstanceOfType ($o: any) : boolean
  245. public IsAssignableFrom ($c: System.Type) : boolean
  246. public IsEquivalentTo ($other: System.Type) : boolean
  247. public static GetTypeArray ($args: System.Array$1<any>) : System.Array$1<System.Type>
  248. public Equals ($o: any) : boolean
  249. public Equals ($o: System.Type) : boolean
  250. public static op_Equality ($left: System.Type, $right: System.Type) : boolean
  251. public static op_Inequality ($left: System.Type, $right: System.Type) : boolean
  252. public GetInterfaceMap ($interfaceType: System.Type) : System.Reflection.InterfaceMapping
  253. public GetType () : System.Type
  254. public static GetType ($typeName: string) : System.Type
  255. public static GetType ($typeName: string, $throwOnError: boolean) : System.Type
  256. public static GetType ($typeName: string, $throwOnError: boolean, $ignoreCase: boolean) : System.Type
  257. public static ReflectionOnlyGetType ($typeName: string, $throwIfNotFound: boolean, $ignoreCase: boolean) : System.Type
  258. public static GetTypeFromHandle ($handle: System.RuntimeTypeHandle) : System.Type
  259. public Equals ($obj: any) : boolean
  260. public static Equals ($objA: any, $objB: any) : boolean
  261. }
  262. class String extends System.Object implements System.ICloneable, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<string>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<string>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<number>
  263. {
  264. }
  265. class Char extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<number>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<number>
  266. {
  267. }
  268. class Array extends System.Object implements System.ICloneable, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.IStructuralComparable, System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable, System.Collections.ICollection
  269. {
  270. public get LongLength(): bigint;
  271. public get IsFixedSize(): boolean;
  272. public get IsReadOnly(): boolean;
  273. public get IsSynchronized(): boolean;
  274. public get SyncRoot(): any;
  275. public get Length(): number;
  276. public get Rank(): number;
  277. public static CreateInstance ($elementType: System.Type, ...lengths: bigint[]) : System.Array
  278. public CopyTo ($array: System.Array, $index: number) : void
  279. public Clone () : any
  280. public static BinarySearch ($array: System.Array, $value: any) : number
  281. public static Copy ($sourceArray: System.Array, $destinationArray: System.Array, $length: bigint) : void
  282. public static Copy ($sourceArray: System.Array, $sourceIndex: bigint, $destinationArray: System.Array, $destinationIndex: bigint, $length: bigint) : void
  283. public CopyTo ($array: System.Array, $index: bigint) : void
  284. public GetLongLength ($dimension: number) : bigint
  285. public GetValue ($index: bigint) : any
  286. public GetValue ($index1: bigint, $index2: bigint) : any
  287. public GetValue ($index1: bigint, $index2: bigint, $index3: bigint) : any
  288. public GetValue (...indices: bigint[]) : any
  289. public static BinarySearch ($array: System.Array, $index: number, $length: number, $value: any) : number
  290. public static BinarySearch ($array: System.Array, $value: any, $comparer: System.Collections.IComparer) : number
  291. public static BinarySearch ($array: System.Array, $index: number, $length: number, $value: any, $comparer: System.Collections.IComparer) : number
  292. public static IndexOf ($array: System.Array, $value: any) : number
  293. public static IndexOf ($array: System.Array, $value: any, $startIndex: number) : number
  294. public static IndexOf ($array: System.Array, $value: any, $startIndex: number, $count: number) : number
  295. public static LastIndexOf ($array: System.Array, $value: any) : number
  296. public static LastIndexOf ($array: System.Array, $value: any, $startIndex: number) : number
  297. public static LastIndexOf ($array: System.Array, $value: any, $startIndex: number, $count: number) : number
  298. public static Reverse ($array: System.Array) : void
  299. public static Reverse ($array: System.Array, $index: number, $length: number) : void
  300. public SetValue ($value: any, $index: bigint) : void
  301. public SetValue ($value: any, $index1: bigint, $index2: bigint) : void
  302. public SetValue ($value: any, $index1: bigint, $index2: bigint, $index3: bigint) : void
  303. public SetValue ($value: any, ...indices: bigint[]) : void
  304. public static Sort ($array: System.Array) : void
  305. public static Sort ($array: System.Array, $index: number, $length: number) : void
  306. public static Sort ($array: System.Array, $comparer: System.Collections.IComparer) : void
  307. public static Sort ($array: System.Array, $index: number, $length: number, $comparer: System.Collections.IComparer) : void
  308. public static Sort ($keys: System.Array, $items: System.Array) : void
  309. public static Sort ($keys: System.Array, $items: System.Array, $comparer: System.Collections.IComparer) : void
  310. public static Sort ($keys: System.Array, $items: System.Array, $index: number, $length: number) : void
  311. public static Sort ($keys: System.Array, $items: System.Array, $index: number, $length: number, $comparer: System.Collections.IComparer) : void
  312. public GetEnumerator () : System.Collections.IEnumerator
  313. public GetLength ($dimension: number) : number
  314. public GetLowerBound ($dimension: number) : number
  315. public GetValue (...indices: number[]) : any
  316. public SetValue ($value: any, ...indices: number[]) : void
  317. public GetUpperBound ($dimension: number) : number
  318. public GetValue ($index: number) : any
  319. public GetValue ($index1: number, $index2: number) : any
  320. public GetValue ($index1: number, $index2: number, $index3: number) : any
  321. public SetValue ($value: any, $index: number) : void
  322. public SetValue ($value: any, $index1: number, $index2: number) : void
  323. public SetValue ($value: any, $index1: number, $index2: number, $index3: number) : void
  324. public static CreateInstance ($elementType: System.Type, $length: number) : System.Array
  325. public static CreateInstance ($elementType: System.Type, $length1: number, $length2: number) : System.Array
  326. public static CreateInstance ($elementType: System.Type, $length1: number, $length2: number, $length3: number) : System.Array
  327. public static CreateInstance ($elementType: System.Type, ...lengths: number[]) : System.Array
  328. public static CreateInstance ($elementType: System.Type, $lengths: System.Array$1<number>, $lowerBounds: System.Array$1<number>) : System.Array
  329. public static Clear ($array: System.Array, $index: number, $length: number) : void
  330. public static Copy ($sourceArray: System.Array, $destinationArray: System.Array, $length: number) : void
  331. public static Copy ($sourceArray: System.Array, $sourceIndex: number, $destinationArray: System.Array, $destinationIndex: number, $length: number) : void
  332. public static ConstrainedCopy ($sourceArray: System.Array, $sourceIndex: number, $destinationArray: System.Array, $destinationIndex: number, $length: number) : void
  333. public Initialize () : void
  334. }
  335. class Int64 extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<bigint>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<bigint>, System.IFormattable
  336. {
  337. }
  338. class Enum extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
  339. {
  340. }
  341. interface Func$2<T, TResult>
  342. { (arg: T) : TResult; }
  343. interface Func$4<T1, T2, T3, TResult>
  344. { (arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3) : TResult; }
  345. class Attribute extends System.Object implements System.Runtime.InteropServices._Attribute
  346. {
  347. }
  348. class Guid extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<System.Guid>, System.IEquatable$1<System.Guid>, System.IFormattable
  349. {
  350. }
  351. enum TypeCode
  352. { Empty = 0, Object = 1, DBNull = 2, Boolean = 3, Char = 4, SByte = 5, Byte = 6, Int16 = 7, UInt16 = 8, Int32 = 9, UInt32 = 10, Int64 = 11, UInt64 = 12, Single = 13, Double = 14, Decimal = 15, DateTime = 16, String = 18 }
  353. interface IFormatProvider
  354. {
  355. }
  356. class RuntimeTypeHandle extends System.ValueType implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  357. {
  358. }
  359. class MarshalByRefObject extends System.Object
  360. {
  361. }
  362. class DateTime extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<Date>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<Date>, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable, System.IFormattable
  363. {
  364. }
  365. class Byte extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<number>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<number>, System.IFormattable
  366. {
  367. }
  368. class Single extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<number>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<number>, System.IFormattable
  369. {
  370. }
  371. interface Single {
  372. FormattedString ($fractionDigits?: number) : string;
  373. }
  374. class UInt32 extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<number>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<number>, System.IFormattable
  375. {
  376. }
  377. class UInt64 extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<bigint>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<bigint>, System.IFormattable
  378. {
  379. }
  380. class Double extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<number>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<number>, System.IFormattable
  381. {
  382. }
  383. class IntPtr extends System.ValueType implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  384. {
  385. }
  386. interface Func$1<TResult>
  387. { () : TResult; }
  388. interface Action
  389. { () : void; }
  390. var Action: { new (func: () => void): Action; }
  391. class Exception extends System.Object implements System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  392. {
  393. }
  394. class UInt16 extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<number>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<number>, System.IFormattable
  395. {
  396. }
  397. interface IAsyncResult
  398. {
  399. }
  400. interface Action$2<T1, T2>
  401. { (arg1: T1, arg2: T2) : void; }
  402. interface Action$3<T1, T2, T3>
  403. { (arg1: T1, arg2: T2, arg3: T3) : void; }
  404. class Nullable$1<T> extends System.ValueType
  405. {
  406. }
  407. class Int16 extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<number>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable$1<number>, System.IFormattable
  408. {
  409. }
  410. }
  411. namespace System.Collections.Generic {
  412. interface IList$1<T> extends System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<T>
  413. {
  414. get_Item ($index: number) : T
  415. set_Item ($index: number, $value: T) : void
  416. IndexOf ($item: T) : number
  417. Insert ($index: number, $item: T) : void
  418. RemoveAt ($index: number) : void
  419. }
  420. interface ICollection$1<T> extends System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<T>
  421. {
  422. }
  423. interface IEnumerable$1<T> extends System.Collections.IEnumerable
  424. {
  425. }
  426. class List$1<T> extends System.Object implements System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList$1<T>, System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1<T>, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<T>
  427. {
  428. public get Capacity(): number;
  429. public set Capacity(value: number);
  430. public get Count(): number;
  431. public get_Item ($index: number) : T
  432. public set_Item ($index: number, $value: T) : void
  433. public Add ($item: T) : void
  434. public AddRange ($collection: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<T>) : void
  435. public AsReadOnly () : System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection$1<T>
  436. public BinarySearch ($index: number, $count: number, $item: T, $comparer: System.Collections.Generic.IComparer$1<T>) : number
  437. public BinarySearch ($item: T) : number
  438. public BinarySearch ($item: T, $comparer: System.Collections.Generic.IComparer$1<T>) : number
  439. public Clear () : void
  440. public Contains ($item: T) : boolean
  441. public CopyTo ($array: System.Array$1<T>) : void
  442. public CopyTo ($index: number, $array: System.Array$1<T>, $arrayIndex: number, $count: number) : void
  443. public CopyTo ($array: System.Array$1<T>, $arrayIndex: number) : void
  444. public Exists ($match: System.Predicate$1<T>) : boolean
  445. public Find ($match: System.Predicate$1<T>) : T
  446. public FindAll ($match: System.Predicate$1<T>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<T>
  447. public FindIndex ($match: System.Predicate$1<T>) : number
  448. public FindIndex ($startIndex: number, $match: System.Predicate$1<T>) : number
  449. public FindIndex ($startIndex: number, $count: number, $match: System.Predicate$1<T>) : number
  450. public FindLast ($match: System.Predicate$1<T>) : T
  451. public FindLastIndex ($match: System.Predicate$1<T>) : number
  452. public FindLastIndex ($startIndex: number, $match: System.Predicate$1<T>) : number
  453. public FindLastIndex ($startIndex: number, $count: number, $match: System.Predicate$1<T>) : number
  454. public ForEach ($action: System.Action$1<T>) : void
  455. public GetEnumerator () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1.Enumerator<T>
  456. public GetRange ($index: number, $count: number) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<T>
  457. public IndexOf ($item: T) : number
  458. public IndexOf ($item: T, $index: number) : number
  459. public IndexOf ($item: T, $index: number, $count: number) : number
  460. public Insert ($index: number, $item: T) : void
  461. public InsertRange ($index: number, $collection: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<T>) : void
  462. public LastIndexOf ($item: T) : number
  463. public LastIndexOf ($item: T, $index: number) : number
  464. public LastIndexOf ($item: T, $index: number, $count: number) : number
  465. public Remove ($item: T) : boolean
  466. public RemoveAll ($match: System.Predicate$1<T>) : number
  467. public RemoveAt ($index: number) : void
  468. public RemoveRange ($index: number, $count: number) : void
  469. public Reverse () : void
  470. public Reverse ($index: number, $count: number) : void
  471. public Sort () : void
  472. public Sort ($comparer: System.Collections.Generic.IComparer$1<T>) : void
  473. public Sort ($index: number, $count: number, $comparer: System.Collections.Generic.IComparer$1<T>) : void
  474. public Sort ($comparison: System.Comparison$1<T>) : void
  475. public ToArray () : System.Array$1<T>
  476. public TrimExcess () : void
  477. public TrueForAll ($match: System.Predicate$1<T>) : boolean
  478. public constructor ()
  479. public constructor ($capacity: number)
  480. public constructor ($collection: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<T>)
  481. }
  482. interface IReadOnlyCollection$1<T> extends System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<T>
  483. {
  484. }
  485. interface IReadOnlyList$1<T> extends System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<T>
  486. {
  487. }
  488. interface IComparer$1<T>
  489. {
  490. }
  491. interface IEnumerator$1<T> extends System.Collections.IEnumerator, System.IDisposable
  492. {
  493. }
  494. class Dictionary$2<TKey, TValue> extends System.Object implements System.Collections.IDictionary, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2<TKey, TValue>>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary$2<TKey, TValue>, System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2<TKey, TValue>>, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary$2<TKey, TValue>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2<TKey, TValue>>
  495. {
  496. public get Comparer(): System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer$1<TKey>;
  497. public get Count(): number;
  498. public get Keys(): System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2.KeyCollection<TKey, TValue>;
  499. public get Values(): System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2.ValueCollection<TKey, TValue>;
  500. public get_Item ($key: TKey) : TValue
  501. public set_Item ($key: TKey, $value: TValue) : void
  502. public Add ($key: TKey, $value: TValue) : void
  503. public Clear () : void
  504. public ContainsKey ($key: TKey) : boolean
  505. public ContainsValue ($value: TValue) : boolean
  506. public GetEnumerator () : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2.Enumerator<TKey, TValue>
  507. public GetObjectData ($info: System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, $context: System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) : void
  508. public OnDeserialization ($sender: any) : void
  509. public Remove ($key: TKey) : boolean
  510. public Remove ($key: TKey, $value: $Ref<TValue>) : boolean
  511. public TryGetValue ($key: TKey, $value: $Ref<TValue>) : boolean
  512. public TryAdd ($key: TKey, $value: TValue) : boolean
  513. public constructor ()
  514. public constructor ($capacity: number)
  515. public constructor ($comparer: System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer$1<TKey>)
  516. public constructor ($capacity: number, $comparer: System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer$1<TKey>)
  517. public constructor ($dictionary: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary$2<TKey, TValue>)
  518. public constructor ($dictionary: System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary$2<TKey, TValue>, $comparer: System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer$1<TKey>)
  519. public constructor ($collection: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2<TKey, TValue>>)
  520. public constructor ($collection: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2<TKey, TValue>>, $comparer: System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer$1<TKey>)
  521. }
  522. class KeyValuePair$2<TKey, TValue> extends System.ValueType
  523. {
  524. }
  525. interface IReadOnlyDictionary$2<TKey, TValue> extends System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2<TKey, TValue>>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2<TKey, TValue>>
  526. {
  527. }
  528. interface IDictionary$2<TKey, TValue> extends System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2<TKey, TValue>>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2<TKey, TValue>>
  529. {
  530. Keys : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1<TKey>
  531. Values : System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1<TValue>
  532. get_Item ($key: TKey) : TValue
  533. set_Item ($key: TKey, $value: TValue) : void
  534. ContainsKey ($key: TKey) : boolean
  535. Add ($key: TKey, $value: TValue) : void
  536. Remove ($key: TKey) : boolean
  537. TryGetValue ($key: TKey, $value: $Ref<TValue>) : boolean
  538. }
  539. interface IEqualityComparer$1<T>
  540. {
  541. }
  542. }
  543. namespace System.Collections {
  544. interface IEnumerable
  545. {
  546. }
  547. interface IList extends System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.ICollection
  548. {
  549. }
  550. interface ICollection extends System.Collections.IEnumerable
  551. {
  552. }
  553. interface IEnumerator
  554. {
  555. }
  556. interface IDictionary extends System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.ICollection
  557. {
  558. }
  559. interface IDictionaryEnumerator extends System.Collections.IEnumerator
  560. {
  561. }
  562. interface IStructuralComparable
  563. {
  564. }
  565. interface IStructuralEquatable
  566. {
  567. }
  568. interface IComparer
  569. {
  570. }
  571. class Hashtable extends System.Object implements System.Collections.IDictionary, System.ICloneable, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable, System.Collections.ICollection
  572. {
  573. }
  574. }
  575. namespace System.Collections.ObjectModel {
  576. class ReadOnlyCollection$1<T> extends System.Object implements System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1<T>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList$1<T>, System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1<T>, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<T>
  577. {
  578. public get_Item ($index: number) : T
  579. public set_Item ($index: number, $value: T) : void
  580. public IndexOf ($item: T) : number
  581. public Insert ($index: number, $item: T) : void
  582. public RemoveAt ($index: number) : void
  583. }
  584. }
  585. namespace System.Runtime.Serialization {
  586. interface ISerializable
  587. {
  588. }
  589. interface IDeserializationCallback
  590. {
  591. }
  592. class SerializationInfo extends System.Object
  593. {
  594. }
  595. class StreamingContext extends System.ValueType
  596. {
  597. }
  598. }
  599. namespace System.Collections.Generic.List$1 {
  600. class Enumerator<T> extends System.ValueType implements System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator$1<T>, System.Collections.IEnumerator, System.IDisposable
  601. {
  602. }
  603. }
  604. namespace System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2 {
  605. class KeyCollection<TKey, TValue> extends System.Object implements System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1<TKey>, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1<TKey>, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<TKey>
  606. {
  607. }
  608. class ValueCollection<TKey, TValue> extends System.Object implements System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection$1<TValue>, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection$1<TValue>, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<TValue>
  609. {
  610. }
  611. class Enumerator<TKey, TValue> extends System.ValueType implements System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator$1<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair$2<TKey, TValue>>, System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator, System.Collections.IEnumerator, System.IDisposable
  612. {
  613. }
  614. }
  615. namespace System.Reflection {
  616. class MethodInfo extends System.Reflection.MethodBase implements System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase, System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo, System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider, System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo
  617. {
  618. }
  619. class MethodBase extends System.Reflection.MemberInfo implements System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase, System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider, System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo
  620. {
  621. }
  622. class MemberInfo extends System.Object implements System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider, System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo
  623. {
  624. }
  625. interface ICustomAttributeProvider
  626. {
  627. }
  628. interface IReflect
  629. {
  630. }
  631. interface MemberFilter
  632. { (m: System.Reflection.MemberInfo, filterCriteria: any) : boolean; }
  633. var MemberFilter: { new (func: (m: System.Reflection.MemberInfo, filterCriteria: any) => boolean): MemberFilter; }
  634. enum MemberTypes
  635. { Constructor = 1, Event = 2, Field = 4, Method = 8, Property = 16, TypeInfo = 32, Custom = 64, NestedType = 128, All = 191 }
  636. class AssemblyName extends System.Object implements System.ICloneable, System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback, System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyName, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  637. {
  638. }
  639. class Assembly extends System.Object implements System.Security.IEvidenceFactory, System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly, System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  640. {
  641. }
  642. class Binder extends System.Object
  643. {
  644. }
  645. enum BindingFlags
  646. { Default = 0, IgnoreCase = 1, DeclaredOnly = 2, Instance = 4, Static = 8, Public = 16, NonPublic = 32, FlattenHierarchy = 64, InvokeMethod = 256, CreateInstance = 512, GetField = 1024, SetField = 2048, GetProperty = 4096, SetProperty = 8192, PutDispProperty = 16384, PutRefDispProperty = 32768, ExactBinding = 65536, SuppressChangeType = 131072, OptionalParamBinding = 262144, IgnoreReturn = 16777216 }
  647. class ParameterModifier extends System.ValueType
  648. {
  649. }
  650. class Module extends System.Object implements System.Runtime.InteropServices._Module, System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  651. {
  652. }
  653. class ConstructorInfo extends System.Reflection.MethodBase implements System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase, System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo, System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider, System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo
  654. {
  655. }
  656. enum CallingConventions
  657. { Standard = 1, VarArgs = 2, Any = 3, HasThis = 32, ExplicitThis = 64 }
  658. class FieldInfo extends System.Reflection.MemberInfo implements System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo, System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider, System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo
  659. {
  660. }
  661. interface TypeFilter
  662. { (m: System.Type, filterCriteria: any) : boolean; }
  663. var TypeFilter: { new (func: (m: System.Type, filterCriteria: any) => boolean): TypeFilter; }
  664. class EventInfo extends System.Reflection.MemberInfo implements System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo, System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider, System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo
  665. {
  666. }
  667. class PropertyInfo extends System.Reflection.MemberInfo implements System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider, System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo, System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo
  668. {
  669. }
  670. enum TypeAttributes
  671. { VisibilityMask = 7, NotPublic = 0, Public = 1, NestedPublic = 2, NestedPrivate = 3, NestedFamily = 4, NestedAssembly = 5, NestedFamANDAssem = 6, NestedFamORAssem = 7, LayoutMask = 24, AutoLayout = 0, SequentialLayout = 8, ExplicitLayout = 16, ClassSemanticsMask = 32, Class = 0, Interface = 32, Abstract = 128, Sealed = 256, SpecialName = 1024, Import = 4096, Serializable = 8192, WindowsRuntime = 16384, StringFormatMask = 196608, AnsiClass = 0, UnicodeClass = 65536, AutoClass = 131072, CustomFormatClass = 196608, CustomFormatMask = 12582912, BeforeFieldInit = 1048576, ReservedMask = 264192, RTSpecialName = 2048, HasSecurity = 262144 }
  672. enum GenericParameterAttributes
  673. { None = 0, VarianceMask = 3, Covariant = 1, Contravariant = 2, SpecialConstraintMask = 28, ReferenceTypeConstraint = 4, NotNullableValueTypeConstraint = 8, DefaultConstructorConstraint = 16 }
  674. class InterfaceMapping extends System.ValueType
  675. {
  676. }
  677. }
  678. namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices {
  679. interface _MemberInfo
  680. {
  681. }
  682. interface _MethodBase
  683. {
  684. }
  685. interface _MethodInfo
  686. {
  687. }
  688. interface _Type
  689. {
  690. }
  691. interface _AssemblyName
  692. {
  693. }
  694. interface _Assembly
  695. {
  696. }
  697. class StructLayoutAttribute extends System.Attribute implements System.Runtime.InteropServices._Attribute
  698. {
  699. }
  700. interface _Attribute
  701. {
  702. }
  703. interface _Module
  704. {
  705. }
  706. interface _ConstructorInfo
  707. {
  708. }
  709. interface _FieldInfo
  710. {
  711. }
  712. interface _EventInfo
  713. {
  714. }
  715. interface _PropertyInfo
  716. {
  717. }
  718. interface _Exception
  719. {
  720. }
  721. }
  722. namespace System.Security {
  723. interface IEvidenceFactory
  724. {
  725. }
  726. }
  727. namespace System.Globalization {
  728. class CultureInfo extends System.Object implements System.ICloneable, System.IFormatProvider
  729. {
  730. }
  731. }
  732. namespace System.IO {
  733. class File extends System.Object
  734. {
  735. public static AppendAllText ($path: string, $contents: string) : void
  736. public static AppendAllText ($path: string, $contents: string, $encoding: System.Text.Encoding) : void
  737. public static AppendText ($path: string) : System.IO.StreamWriter
  738. public static Copy ($sourceFileName: string, $destFileName: string) : void
  739. public static Copy ($sourceFileName: string, $destFileName: string, $overwrite: boolean) : void
  740. public static Create ($path: string) : System.IO.FileStream
  741. public static Create ($path: string, $bufferSize: number) : System.IO.FileStream
  742. public static Create ($path: string, $bufferSize: number, $options: System.IO.FileOptions) : System.IO.FileStream
  743. public static Create ($path: string, $bufferSize: number, $options: System.IO.FileOptions, $fileSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity) : System.IO.FileStream
  744. public static CreateText ($path: string) : System.IO.StreamWriter
  745. public static Delete ($path: string) : void
  746. public static Exists ($path: string) : boolean
  747. public static GetAccessControl ($path: string) : System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity
  748. public static GetAccessControl ($path: string, $includeSections: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections) : System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity
  749. public static GetAttributes ($path: string) : System.IO.FileAttributes
  750. public static GetCreationTime ($path: string) : Date
  751. public static GetCreationTimeUtc ($path: string) : Date
  752. public static GetLastAccessTime ($path: string) : Date
  753. public static GetLastAccessTimeUtc ($path: string) : Date
  754. public static GetLastWriteTime ($path: string) : Date
  755. public static GetLastWriteTimeUtc ($path: string) : Date
  756. public static Move ($sourceFileName: string, $destFileName: string) : void
  757. public static Open ($path: string, $mode: System.IO.FileMode) : System.IO.FileStream
  758. public static Open ($path: string, $mode: System.IO.FileMode, $access: System.IO.FileAccess) : System.IO.FileStream
  759. public static Open ($path: string, $mode: System.IO.FileMode, $access: System.IO.FileAccess, $share: System.IO.FileShare) : System.IO.FileStream
  760. public static OpenRead ($path: string) : System.IO.FileStream
  761. public static OpenText ($path: string) : System.IO.StreamReader
  762. public static OpenWrite ($path: string) : System.IO.FileStream
  763. public static Replace ($sourceFileName: string, $destinationFileName: string, $destinationBackupFileName: string) : void
  764. public static Replace ($sourceFileName: string, $destinationFileName: string, $destinationBackupFileName: string, $ignoreMetadataErrors: boolean) : void
  765. public static SetAccessControl ($path: string, $fileSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity) : void
  766. public static SetAttributes ($path: string, $fileAttributes: System.IO.FileAttributes) : void
  767. public static SetCreationTime ($path: string, $creationTime: Date) : void
  768. public static SetCreationTimeUtc ($path: string, $creationTimeUtc: Date) : void
  769. public static SetLastAccessTime ($path: string, $lastAccessTime: Date) : void
  770. public static SetLastAccessTimeUtc ($path: string, $lastAccessTimeUtc: Date) : void
  771. public static SetLastWriteTime ($path: string, $lastWriteTime: Date) : void
  772. public static SetLastWriteTimeUtc ($path: string, $lastWriteTimeUtc: Date) : void
  773. public static ReadAllBytes ($path: string) : System.Array$1<number>
  774. public static ReadAllLines ($path: string) : System.Array$1<string>
  775. public static ReadAllLines ($path: string, $encoding: System.Text.Encoding) : System.Array$1<string>
  776. public static ReadAllText ($path: string) : string
  777. public static ReadAllText ($path: string, $encoding: System.Text.Encoding) : string
  778. public static WriteAllBytes ($path: string, $bytes: System.Array$1<number>) : void
  779. public static WriteAllLines ($path: string, $contents: System.Array$1<string>) : void
  780. public static WriteAllLines ($path: string, $contents: System.Array$1<string>, $encoding: System.Text.Encoding) : void
  781. public static WriteAllText ($path: string, $contents: string) : void
  782. public static WriteAllText ($path: string, $contents: string, $encoding: System.Text.Encoding) : void
  783. public static Encrypt ($path: string) : void
  784. public static Decrypt ($path: string) : void
  785. public static ReadLines ($path: string) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>
  786. public static ReadLines ($path: string, $encoding: System.Text.Encoding) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>
  787. public static AppendAllLines ($path: string, $contents: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>) : void
  788. public static AppendAllLines ($path: string, $contents: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>, $encoding: System.Text.Encoding) : void
  789. public static WriteAllLines ($path: string, $contents: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>) : void
  790. public static WriteAllLines ($path: string, $contents: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>, $encoding: System.Text.Encoding) : void
  791. }
  792. class StreamWriter extends System.IO.TextWriter implements System.IDisposable
  793. {
  794. }
  795. class TextWriter extends System.MarshalByRefObject implements System.IDisposable
  796. {
  797. }
  798. class FileStream extends System.IO.Stream implements System.IDisposable
  799. {
  800. }
  801. class Stream extends System.MarshalByRefObject implements System.IDisposable
  802. {
  803. }
  804. enum FileOptions
  805. { None = 0, Encrypted = 16384, DeleteOnClose = 67108864, SequentialScan = 134217728, RandomAccess = 268435456, Asynchronous = 1073741824, WriteThrough = -2147483648 }
  806. enum FileAttributes
  807. { Archive = 32, Compressed = 2048, Device = 64, Directory = 16, Encrypted = 16384, Hidden = 2, Normal = 128, NotContentIndexed = 8192, Offline = 4096, ReadOnly = 1, ReparsePoint = 1024, SparseFile = 512, System = 4, Temporary = 256, IntegrityStream = 32768, NoScrubData = 131072 }
  808. enum FileMode
  809. { CreateNew = 1, Create = 2, Open = 3, OpenOrCreate = 4, Truncate = 5, Append = 6 }
  810. enum FileAccess
  811. { Read = 1, Write = 2, ReadWrite = 3 }
  812. enum FileShare
  813. { None = 0, Read = 1, Write = 2, ReadWrite = 3, Delete = 4, Inheritable = 16 }
  814. class StreamReader extends System.IO.TextReader implements System.IDisposable
  815. {
  816. }
  817. class TextReader extends System.MarshalByRefObject implements System.IDisposable
  818. {
  819. }
  820. class Directory extends System.Object
  821. {
  822. public static GetFiles ($path: string) : System.Array$1<string>
  823. public static GetFiles ($path: string, $searchPattern: string) : System.Array$1<string>
  824. public static GetFiles ($path: string, $searchPattern: string, $searchOption: System.IO.SearchOption) : System.Array$1<string>
  825. public static GetDirectories ($path: string) : System.Array$1<string>
  826. public static GetDirectories ($path: string, $searchPattern: string) : System.Array$1<string>
  827. public static GetDirectories ($path: string, $searchPattern: string, $searchOption: System.IO.SearchOption) : System.Array$1<string>
  828. public static GetFileSystemEntries ($path: string) : System.Array$1<string>
  829. public static GetFileSystemEntries ($path: string, $searchPattern: string) : System.Array$1<string>
  830. public static GetFileSystemEntries ($path: string, $searchPattern: string, $searchOption: System.IO.SearchOption) : System.Array$1<string>
  831. public static EnumerateDirectories ($path: string) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>
  832. public static EnumerateDirectories ($path: string, $searchPattern: string) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>
  833. public static EnumerateDirectories ($path: string, $searchPattern: string, $searchOption: System.IO.SearchOption) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>
  834. public static EnumerateFiles ($path: string) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>
  835. public static EnumerateFiles ($path: string, $searchPattern: string) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>
  836. public static EnumerateFiles ($path: string, $searchPattern: string, $searchOption: System.IO.SearchOption) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>
  837. public static EnumerateFileSystemEntries ($path: string) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>
  838. public static EnumerateFileSystemEntries ($path: string, $searchPattern: string) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>
  839. public static EnumerateFileSystemEntries ($path: string, $searchPattern: string, $searchOption: System.IO.SearchOption) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<string>
  840. public static GetDirectoryRoot ($path: string) : string
  841. public static CreateDirectory ($path: string) : System.IO.DirectoryInfo
  842. public static CreateDirectory ($path: string, $directorySecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity) : System.IO.DirectoryInfo
  843. public static Delete ($path: string) : void
  844. public static Delete ($path: string, $recursive: boolean) : void
  845. public static Exists ($path: string) : boolean
  846. public static GetLastAccessTime ($path: string) : Date
  847. public static GetLastAccessTimeUtc ($path: string) : Date
  848. public static GetLastWriteTime ($path: string) : Date
  849. public static GetLastWriteTimeUtc ($path: string) : Date
  850. public static GetCreationTime ($path: string) : Date
  851. public static GetCreationTimeUtc ($path: string) : Date
  852. public static GetCurrentDirectory () : string
  853. public static GetLogicalDrives () : System.Array$1<string>
  854. public static GetParent ($path: string) : System.IO.DirectoryInfo
  855. public static Move ($sourceDirName: string, $destDirName: string) : void
  856. public static SetAccessControl ($path: string, $directorySecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity) : void
  857. public static SetCreationTime ($path: string, $creationTime: Date) : void
  858. public static SetCreationTimeUtc ($path: string, $creationTimeUtc: Date) : void
  859. public static SetCurrentDirectory ($path: string) : void
  860. public static SetLastAccessTime ($path: string, $lastAccessTime: Date) : void
  861. public static SetLastAccessTimeUtc ($path: string, $lastAccessTimeUtc: Date) : void
  862. public static SetLastWriteTime ($path: string, $lastWriteTime: Date) : void
  863. public static SetLastWriteTimeUtc ($path: string, $lastWriteTimeUtc: Date) : void
  864. public static GetAccessControl ($path: string, $includeSections: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections) : System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
  865. public static GetAccessControl ($path: string) : System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
  866. }
  867. enum SearchOption
  868. { TopDirectoryOnly = 0, AllDirectories = 1 }
  869. class DirectoryInfo extends System.IO.FileSystemInfo implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  870. {
  871. public get Exists(): boolean;
  872. public get Name(): string;
  873. public get Parent(): System.IO.DirectoryInfo;
  874. public get Root(): System.IO.DirectoryInfo;
  875. public Create () : void
  876. public CreateSubdirectory ($path: string) : System.IO.DirectoryInfo
  877. public GetFiles () : System.Array$1<System.IO.FileInfo>
  878. public GetFiles ($searchPattern: string) : System.Array$1<System.IO.FileInfo>
  879. public GetDirectories () : System.Array$1<System.IO.DirectoryInfo>
  880. public GetDirectories ($searchPattern: string) : System.Array$1<System.IO.DirectoryInfo>
  881. public GetFileSystemInfos () : System.Array$1<System.IO.FileSystemInfo>
  882. public GetFileSystemInfos ($searchPattern: string) : System.Array$1<System.IO.FileSystemInfo>
  883. public GetFileSystemInfos ($searchPattern: string, $searchOption: System.IO.SearchOption) : System.Array$1<System.IO.FileSystemInfo>
  884. public Delete () : void
  885. public Delete ($recursive: boolean) : void
  886. public MoveTo ($destDirName: string) : void
  887. public GetDirectories ($searchPattern: string, $searchOption: System.IO.SearchOption) : System.Array$1<System.IO.DirectoryInfo>
  888. public GetFiles ($searchPattern: string, $searchOption: System.IO.SearchOption) : System.Array$1<System.IO.FileInfo>
  889. public Create ($directorySecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity) : void
  890. public CreateSubdirectory ($path: string, $directorySecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity) : System.IO.DirectoryInfo
  891. public GetAccessControl () : System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
  892. public GetAccessControl ($includeSections: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections) : System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
  893. public SetAccessControl ($directorySecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity) : void
  894. public EnumerateDirectories () : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.IO.DirectoryInfo>
  895. public EnumerateDirectories ($searchPattern: string) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.IO.DirectoryInfo>
  896. public EnumerateDirectories ($searchPattern: string, $searchOption: System.IO.SearchOption) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.IO.DirectoryInfo>
  897. public EnumerateFiles () : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.IO.FileInfo>
  898. public EnumerateFiles ($searchPattern: string) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.IO.FileInfo>
  899. public EnumerateFiles ($searchPattern: string, $searchOption: System.IO.SearchOption) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.IO.FileInfo>
  900. public EnumerateFileSystemInfos () : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.IO.FileSystemInfo>
  901. public EnumerateFileSystemInfos ($searchPattern: string) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.IO.FileSystemInfo>
  902. public EnumerateFileSystemInfos ($searchPattern: string, $searchOption: System.IO.SearchOption) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<System.IO.FileSystemInfo>
  903. public constructor ($path: string)
  904. public constructor ()
  905. }
  906. class FileSystemInfo extends System.MarshalByRefObject implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  907. {
  908. }
  909. class FileInfo extends System.IO.FileSystemInfo implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  910. {
  911. public get Name(): string;
  912. public get Length(): bigint;
  913. public get DirectoryName(): string;
  914. public get Directory(): System.IO.DirectoryInfo;
  915. public get IsReadOnly(): boolean;
  916. public set IsReadOnly(value: boolean);
  917. public get Exists(): boolean;
  918. public GetAccessControl () : System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity
  919. public GetAccessControl ($includeSections: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections) : System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity
  920. public SetAccessControl ($fileSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity) : void
  921. public OpenText () : System.IO.StreamReader
  922. public CreateText () : System.IO.StreamWriter
  923. public AppendText () : System.IO.StreamWriter
  924. public CopyTo ($destFileName: string) : System.IO.FileInfo
  925. public CopyTo ($destFileName: string, $overwrite: boolean) : System.IO.FileInfo
  926. public Create () : System.IO.FileStream
  927. public Decrypt () : void
  928. public Encrypt () : void
  929. public Open ($mode: System.IO.FileMode) : System.IO.FileStream
  930. public Open ($mode: System.IO.FileMode, $access: System.IO.FileAccess) : System.IO.FileStream
  931. public Open ($mode: System.IO.FileMode, $access: System.IO.FileAccess, $share: System.IO.FileShare) : System.IO.FileStream
  932. public OpenRead () : System.IO.FileStream
  933. public OpenWrite () : System.IO.FileStream
  934. public MoveTo ($destFileName: string) : void
  935. public Replace ($destinationFileName: string, $destinationBackupFileName: string) : System.IO.FileInfo
  936. public Replace ($destinationFileName: string, $destinationBackupFileName: string, $ignoreMetadataErrors: boolean) : System.IO.FileInfo
  937. public constructor ($fileName: string)
  938. public constructor ()
  939. }
  940. class Path extends System.Object
  941. {
  942. public static AltDirectorySeparatorChar : number
  943. public static DirectorySeparatorChar : number
  944. public static PathSeparator : number
  945. public static VolumeSeparatorChar : number
  946. public static ChangeExtension ($path: string, $extension: string) : string
  947. public static Combine ($path1: string, $path2: string) : string
  948. public static GetDirectoryName ($path: string) : string
  949. public static GetExtension ($path: string) : string
  950. public static GetFileName ($path: string) : string
  951. public static GetFileNameWithoutExtension ($path: string) : string
  952. public static GetFullPath ($path: string) : string
  953. public static GetPathRoot ($path: string) : string
  954. public static GetTempFileName () : string
  955. public static GetTempPath () : string
  956. public static HasExtension ($path: string) : boolean
  957. public static IsPathRooted ($path: string) : boolean
  958. public static GetInvalidFileNameChars () : System.Array$1<number>
  959. public static GetInvalidPathChars () : System.Array$1<number>
  960. public static GetRandomFileName () : string
  961. public static Combine (...paths: string[]) : string
  962. public static Combine ($path1: string, $path2: string, $path3: string) : string
  963. public static Combine ($path1: string, $path2: string, $path3: string, $path4: string) : string
  964. }
  965. }
  966. namespace System.Text {
  967. class Encoding extends System.Object implements System.ICloneable
  968. {
  969. }
  970. class StringBuilder extends System.Object implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  971. {
  972. }
  973. }
  974. namespace System.Security.AccessControl {
  975. class FileSecurity extends System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity
  976. {
  977. }
  978. class FileSystemSecurity extends System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity
  979. {
  980. }
  981. class NativeObjectSecurity extends System.Security.AccessControl.CommonObjectSecurity
  982. {
  983. }
  984. class CommonObjectSecurity extends System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity
  985. {
  986. }
  987. class ObjectSecurity extends System.Object
  988. {
  989. }
  990. enum AccessControlSections
  991. { None = 0, Audit = 1, Access = 2, Owner = 4, Group = 8, All = 15 }
  992. class DirectorySecurity extends System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity
  993. {
  994. }
  995. }
  996. namespace UnityEngine {
  997. /** Base class for all objects Unity can reference. */
  998. class Object extends System.Object
  999. {
  1000. /** The name of the object. */
  1001. public get name(): string;
  1002. public set name(value: string);
  1003. /** Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? */
  1004. public get hideFlags(): UnityEngine.HideFlags;
  1005. public set hideFlags(value: UnityEngine.HideFlags);
  1006. public GetInstanceID () : number
  1007. public static op_Implicit ($exists: UnityEngine.Object) : boolean
  1008. /** Clones the object original and returns the clone.
  1009. * @param original An existing object that you want to make a copy of.
  1010. * @param position Position for the new object.
  1011. * @param rotation Orientation of the new object.
  1012. * @param parent Parent that will be assigned to the new object.
  1013. * @param instantiateInWorldSpace Pass true when assigning a parent Object to maintain the world position of the Object, instead of setting its position relative to the new parent. Pass false to set the Object's position relative to its new parent.
  1014. * @returns The instantiated clone.
  1015. */
  1016. public static Instantiate ($original: UnityEngine.Object, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : UnityEngine.Object
  1017. /** Clones the object original and returns the clone.
  1018. * @param original An existing object that you want to make a copy of.
  1019. * @param position Position for the new object.
  1020. * @param rotation Orientation of the new object.
  1021. * @param parent Parent that will be assigned to the new object.
  1022. * @param instantiateInWorldSpace Pass true when assigning a parent Object to maintain the world position of the Object, instead of setting its position relative to the new parent. Pass false to set the Object's position relative to its new parent.
  1023. * @returns The instantiated clone.
  1024. */
  1025. public static Instantiate ($original: UnityEngine.Object, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $parent: UnityEngine.Transform) : UnityEngine.Object
  1026. /** Clones the object original and returns the clone.
  1027. * @param original An existing object that you want to make a copy of.
  1028. * @param position Position for the new object.
  1029. * @param rotation Orientation of the new object.
  1030. * @param parent Parent that will be assigned to the new object.
  1031. * @param instantiateInWorldSpace Pass true when assigning a parent Object to maintain the world position of the Object, instead of setting its position relative to the new parent. Pass false to set the Object's position relative to its new parent.
  1032. * @returns The instantiated clone.
  1033. */
  1034. public static Instantiate ($original: UnityEngine.Object) : UnityEngine.Object
  1035. /** Clones the object original and returns the clone.
  1036. * @param original An existing object that you want to make a copy of.
  1037. * @param position Position for the new object.
  1038. * @param rotation Orientation of the new object.
  1039. * @param parent Parent that will be assigned to the new object.
  1040. * @param instantiateInWorldSpace Pass true when assigning a parent Object to maintain the world position of the Object, instead of setting its position relative to the new parent. Pass false to set the Object's position relative to its new parent.
  1041. * @returns The instantiated clone.
  1042. */
  1043. public static Instantiate ($original: UnityEngine.Object, $parent: UnityEngine.Transform) : UnityEngine.Object
  1044. /** Clones the object original and returns the clone.
  1045. * @param original An existing object that you want to make a copy of.
  1046. * @param position Position for the new object.
  1047. * @param rotation Orientation of the new object.
  1048. * @param parent Parent that will be assigned to the new object.
  1049. * @param instantiateInWorldSpace Pass true when assigning a parent Object to maintain the world position of the Object, instead of setting its position relative to the new parent. Pass false to set the Object's position relative to its new parent.
  1050. * @returns The instantiated clone.
  1051. */
  1052. public static Instantiate ($original: UnityEngine.Object, $parent: UnityEngine.Transform, $instantiateInWorldSpace: boolean) : UnityEngine.Object
  1053. public static Instantiate ($original: UnityEngine.Object, $parent: UnityEngine.Transform, $worldPositionStays: boolean) : UnityEngine.Object
  1054. /** Removes a gameobject, component or asset. * @param obj The object to destroy.
  1055. * @param t The optional amount of time to delay before destroying the object.
  1056. */
  1057. public static Destroy ($obj: UnityEngine.Object, $t: number) : void
  1058. /** Removes a gameobject, component or asset. * @param obj The object to destroy.
  1059. * @param t The optional amount of time to delay before destroying the object.
  1060. */
  1061. public static Destroy ($obj: UnityEngine.Object) : void
  1062. /** Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. * @param obj Object to be destroyed.
  1063. * @param allowDestroyingAssets Set to true to allow assets to be destroyed.
  1064. */
  1065. public static DestroyImmediate ($obj: UnityEngine.Object, $allowDestroyingAssets: boolean) : void
  1066. /** Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. * @param obj Object to be destroyed.
  1067. * @param allowDestroyingAssets Set to true to allow assets to be destroyed.
  1068. */
  1069. public static DestroyImmediate ($obj: UnityEngine.Object) : void
  1070. /** Returns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type.
  1071. * @param type The type of object to find.
  1072. * @returns The array of objects found matching the type specified.
  1073. */
  1074. public static FindObjectsOfType ($type: System.Type) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Object>
  1075. /** Do not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene. * @param target An Object not destroyed on Scene change.
  1076. */
  1077. public static DontDestroyOnLoad ($target: UnityEngine.Object) : void
  1078. /** Returns the first active loaded object of Type type.
  1079. * @param type The type of object to find.
  1080. * @returns This returns the Object that matches the specified type. It returns null if no Object matches the type.
  1081. */
  1082. public static FindObjectOfType ($type: System.Type) : UnityEngine.Object
  1083. public static op_Equality ($x: UnityEngine.Object, $y: UnityEngine.Object) : boolean
  1084. public static op_Inequality ($x: UnityEngine.Object, $y: UnityEngine.Object) : boolean
  1085. public constructor ()
  1086. }
  1087. /** Representation of 3D vectors and points. */
  1088. class Vector3 extends System.ValueType implements System.IEquatable$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>
  1089. {
  1090. public static kEpsilon : number
  1091. public static kEpsilonNormalSqrt : number/** X component of the vector. */
  1092. public x : number/** Y component of the vector. */
  1093. public y : number/** Z component of the vector. */
  1094. public z : number/** Returns this vector with a magnitude of 1 (Read Only). */
  1095. public get normalized(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1096. /** Returns the length of this vector (Read Only). */
  1097. public get magnitude(): number;
  1098. /** Returns the squared length of this vector (Read Only). */
  1099. public get sqrMagnitude(): number;
  1100. /** Shorthand for writing Vector3(0, 0, 0). */
  1101. public static get zero(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1102. /** Shorthand for writing Vector3(1, 1, 1). */
  1103. public static get one(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1104. /** Shorthand for writing Vector3(0, 0, 1). */
  1105. public static get forward(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1106. /** Shorthand for writing Vector3(0, 0, -1). */
  1107. public static get back(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1108. /** Shorthand for writing Vector3(0, 1, 0). */
  1109. public static get up(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1110. /** Shorthand for writing Vector3(0, -1, 0). */
  1111. public static get down(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1112. /** Shorthand for writing Vector3(-1, 0, 0). */
  1113. public static get left(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1114. /** Shorthand for writing Vector3(1, 0, 0). */
  1115. public static get right(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1116. /** Shorthand for writing Vector3(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity). */
  1117. public static get positiveInfinity(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1118. /** Shorthand for writing Vector3(float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity). */
  1119. public static get negativeInfinity(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1120. /** Spherically interpolates between two vectors. */
  1121. public static Slerp ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3, $b: UnityEngine.Vector3, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1122. /** Spherically interpolates between two vectors. */
  1123. public static SlerpUnclamped ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3, $b: UnityEngine.Vector3, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1124. /** Makes vectors normalized and orthogonal to each other. */
  1125. public static OrthoNormalize ($normal: $Ref<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $tangent: $Ref<UnityEngine.Vector3>) : void
  1126. /** Makes vectors normalized and orthogonal to each other. */
  1127. public static OrthoNormalize ($normal: $Ref<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $tangent: $Ref<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $binormal: $Ref<UnityEngine.Vector3>) : void
  1128. /** Rotates a vector current towards target.
  1129. * @param current The vector being managed.
  1130. * @param target The vector.
  1131. * @param maxRadiansDelta The distance between the two vectors in radians.
  1132. * @param maxMagnitudeDelta The length of the radian.
  1133. * @returns The location that RotateTowards generates.
  1134. */
  1135. public static RotateTowards ($current: UnityEngine.Vector3, $target: UnityEngine.Vector3, $maxRadiansDelta: number, $maxMagnitudeDelta: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1136. /** Linearly interpolates between two vectors. */
  1137. public static Lerp ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3, $b: UnityEngine.Vector3, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1138. /** Linearly interpolates between two vectors. */
  1139. public static LerpUnclamped ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3, $b: UnityEngine.Vector3, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1140. /** Calculate a position between the points specified by current and target, moving no farther than the distance specified by maxDistanceDelta.
  1141. * @param current The position to move from.
  1142. * @param target The position to move towards.
  1143. * @param maxDistanceDelta Distance to move current per call.
  1144. * @returns The new position.
  1145. */
  1146. public static MoveTowards ($current: UnityEngine.Vector3, $target: UnityEngine.Vector3, $maxDistanceDelta: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1147. /** Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time. * @param current The current position.
  1148. * @param target The position we are trying to reach.
  1149. * @param currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
  1150. * @param smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
  1151. * @param maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
  1152. * @param deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
  1153. */
  1154. public static SmoothDamp ($current: UnityEngine.Vector3, $target: UnityEngine.Vector3, $currentVelocity: $Ref<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $smoothTime: number, $maxSpeed: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1155. /** Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time. * @param current The current position.
  1156. * @param target The position we are trying to reach.
  1157. * @param currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
  1158. * @param smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
  1159. * @param maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
  1160. * @param deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
  1161. */
  1162. public static SmoothDamp ($current: UnityEngine.Vector3, $target: UnityEngine.Vector3, $currentVelocity: $Ref<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $smoothTime: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1163. /** Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time. * @param current The current position.
  1164. * @param target The position we are trying to reach.
  1165. * @param currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
  1166. * @param smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
  1167. * @param maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
  1168. * @param deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
  1169. */
  1170. public static SmoothDamp ($current: UnityEngine.Vector3, $target: UnityEngine.Vector3, $currentVelocity: $Ref<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $smoothTime: number, $maxSpeed: number, $deltaTime: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1171. public get_Item ($index: number) : number
  1172. public set_Item ($index: number, $value: number) : void
  1173. /** Set x, y and z components of an existing Vector3. */
  1174. public Set ($newX: number, $newY: number, $newZ: number) : void
  1175. /** Multiplies two vectors component-wise. */
  1176. public static Scale ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3, $b: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1177. /** Multiplies every component of this vector by the same component of scale. */
  1178. public Scale ($scale: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  1179. /** Cross Product of two vectors. */
  1180. public static Cross ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1181. /** Returns true if the given vector is exactly equal to this vector. */
  1182. public Equals ($other: any) : boolean
  1183. public Equals ($other: UnityEngine.Vector3) : boolean
  1184. /** Reflects a vector off the plane defined by a normal. */
  1185. public static Reflect ($inDirection: UnityEngine.Vector3, $inNormal: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1186. /** Makes this vector have a magnitude of 1. */
  1187. public static Normalize ($value: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1188. public Normalize () : void
  1189. /** Dot Product of two vectors. */
  1190. public static Dot ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector3) : number
  1191. /** Projects a vector onto another vector. */
  1192. public static Project ($vector: UnityEngine.Vector3, $onNormal: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1193. /** Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.
  1194. * @param planeNormal The direction from the vector towards the plane.
  1195. * @param vector The location of the vector above the plane.
  1196. * @returns The location of the vector on the plane.
  1197. */
  1198. public static ProjectOnPlane ($vector: UnityEngine.Vector3, $planeNormal: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1199. /** Returns the angle in degrees between from and to.
  1200. * @param from The vector from which the angular difference is measured.
  1201. * @param to The vector to which the angular difference is measured.
  1202. * @returns The angle in degrees between the two vectors.
  1203. */
  1204. public static Angle ($from: UnityEngine.Vector3, $to: UnityEngine.Vector3) : number
  1205. /** Returns the signed angle in degrees between from and to. * @param from The vector from which the angular difference is measured.
  1206. * @param to The vector to which the angular difference is measured.
  1207. * @param axis A vector around which the other vectors are rotated.
  1208. */
  1209. public static SignedAngle ($from: UnityEngine.Vector3, $to: UnityEngine.Vector3, $axis: UnityEngine.Vector3) : number
  1210. /** Returns the distance between a and b. */
  1211. public static Distance ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3, $b: UnityEngine.Vector3) : number
  1212. /** Returns a copy of vector with its magnitude clamped to maxLength. */
  1213. public static ClampMagnitude ($vector: UnityEngine.Vector3, $maxLength: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1214. public static Magnitude ($vector: UnityEngine.Vector3) : number
  1215. public static SqrMagnitude ($vector: UnityEngine.Vector3) : number
  1216. /** Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors. */
  1217. public static Min ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1218. /** Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors. */
  1219. public static Max ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1220. public static op_Addition ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3, $b: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1221. public static op_Subtraction ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3, $b: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1222. public static op_UnaryNegation ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1223. public static op_Multiply ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3, $d: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1224. public static op_Multiply ($d: number, $a: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1225. public static op_Division ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3, $d: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1226. public static op_Equality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector3) : boolean
  1227. public static op_Inequality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector3) : boolean
  1228. public ToString () : string
  1229. /** Returns a nicely formatted string for this vector. */
  1230. public ToString ($format: string) : string
  1231. public constructor ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number)
  1232. public constructor ($x: number, $y: number)
  1233. public Equals ($obj: any) : boolean
  1234. public static Equals ($objA: any, $objB: any) : boolean
  1235. public constructor ()
  1236. }
  1237. /** Quaternions are used to represent rotations. */
  1238. class Quaternion extends System.ValueType implements System.IEquatable$1<UnityEngine.Quaternion>
  1239. {
  1240. /** X component of the Quaternion. Don't modify this directly unless you know quaternions inside out. */
  1241. public x : number/** Y component of the Quaternion. Don't modify this directly unless you know quaternions inside out. */
  1242. public y : number/** Z component of the Quaternion. Don't modify this directly unless you know quaternions inside out. */
  1243. public z : number/** W component of the Quaternion. Do not directly modify quaternions. */
  1244. public w : number
  1245. public static kEpsilon : number/** The identity rotation (Read Only). */
  1246. public static get identity(): UnityEngine.Quaternion;
  1247. /** Returns or sets the euler angle representation of the rotation. */
  1248. public get eulerAngles(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1249. public set eulerAngles(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  1250. /** Returns this quaternion with a magnitude of 1 (Read Only). */
  1251. public get normalized(): UnityEngine.Quaternion;
  1252. /** Creates a rotation which rotates from fromDirection to toDirection. */
  1253. public static FromToRotation ($fromDirection: UnityEngine.Vector3, $toDirection: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1254. /** Returns the Inverse of rotation. */
  1255. public static Inverse ($rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1256. /** Spherically interpolates between a and b by t. The parameter t is clamped to the range [0, 1]. */
  1257. public static Slerp ($a: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $b: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1258. /** Spherically interpolates between a and b by t. The parameter t is not clamped. */
  1259. public static SlerpUnclamped ($a: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $b: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1260. /** Interpolates between a and b by t and normalizes the result afterwards. The parameter t is clamped to the range [0, 1]. */
  1261. public static Lerp ($a: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $b: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1262. /** Interpolates between a and b by t and normalizes the result afterwards. The parameter t is not clamped. */
  1263. public static LerpUnclamped ($a: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $b: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1264. /** Creates a rotation which rotates angle degrees around axis. */
  1265. public static AngleAxis ($angle: number, $axis: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1266. /** Creates a rotation with the specified forward and upwards directions. * @param forward The direction to look in.
  1267. * @param upwards The vector that defines in which direction up is.
  1268. */
  1269. public static LookRotation ($forward: UnityEngine.Vector3, $upwards: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1270. /** Creates a rotation with the specified forward and upwards directions. * @param forward The direction to look in.
  1271. * @param upwards The vector that defines in which direction up is.
  1272. */
  1273. public static LookRotation ($forward: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1274. public get_Item ($index: number) : number
  1275. public set_Item ($index: number, $value: number) : void
  1276. /** Set x, y, z and w components of an existing Quaternion. */
  1277. public Set ($newX: number, $newY: number, $newZ: number, $newW: number) : void
  1278. public static op_Multiply ($lhs: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $rhs: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1279. public static op_Multiply ($rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $point: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1280. public static op_Equality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $rhs: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : boolean
  1281. public static op_Inequality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $rhs: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : boolean
  1282. /** The dot product between two rotations. */
  1283. public static Dot ($a: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $b: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : number
  1284. /** Creates a rotation with the specified forward and upwards directions. * @param view The direction to look in.
  1285. * @param up The vector that defines in which direction up is.
  1286. */
  1287. public SetLookRotation ($view: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  1288. /** Creates a rotation with the specified forward and upwards directions. * @param view The direction to look in.
  1289. * @param up The vector that defines in which direction up is.
  1290. */
  1291. public SetLookRotation ($view: UnityEngine.Vector3, $up: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  1292. /** Returns the angle in degrees between two rotations a and b. */
  1293. public static Angle ($a: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $b: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : number
  1294. /** Returns a rotation that rotates z degrees around the z axis, x degrees around the x axis, and y degrees around the y axis. */
  1295. public static Euler ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1296. /** Returns a rotation that rotates z degrees around the z axis, x degrees around the x axis, and y degrees around the y axis. */
  1297. public static Euler ($euler: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1298. /** Converts a rotation to angle-axis representation (angles in degrees). */
  1299. public ToAngleAxis ($angle: $Ref<number>, $axis: $Ref<UnityEngine.Vector3>) : void
  1300. /** Creates a rotation which rotates from fromDirection to toDirection. */
  1301. public SetFromToRotation ($fromDirection: UnityEngine.Vector3, $toDirection: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  1302. /** Rotates a rotation from towards to. */
  1303. public static RotateTowards ($from: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $to: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $maxDegreesDelta: number) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1304. /** Converts this quaternion to one with the same orientation but with a magnitude of 1. */
  1305. public static Normalize ($q: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  1306. public Normalize () : void
  1307. public Equals ($other: any) : boolean
  1308. public Equals ($other: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : boolean
  1309. public ToString () : string
  1310. /** Returns a nicely formatted string of the Quaternion. */
  1311. public ToString ($format: string) : string
  1312. public constructor ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number, $w: number)
  1313. public Equals ($obj: any) : boolean
  1314. public static Equals ($objA: any, $objB: any) : boolean
  1315. public constructor ()
  1316. }
  1317. /** Position, rotation and scale of an object. */
  1318. class Transform extends UnityEngine.Component implements System.Collections.IEnumerable
  1319. {
  1320. /** The world space position of the Transform. */
  1321. public get position(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1322. public set position(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  1323. /** Position of the transform relative to the parent transform. */
  1324. public get localPosition(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1325. public set localPosition(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  1326. /** The rotation as Euler angles in degrees. */
  1327. public get eulerAngles(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1328. public set eulerAngles(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  1329. /** The rotation as Euler angles in degrees relative to the parent transform's rotation. */
  1330. public get localEulerAngles(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1331. public set localEulerAngles(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  1332. /** The red axis of the transform in world space. */
  1333. public get right(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1334. public set right(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  1335. /** The green axis of the transform in world space. */
  1336. public get up(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1337. public set up(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  1338. /** The blue axis of the transform in world space. */
  1339. public get forward(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1340. public set forward(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  1341. /** A quaternion that stores the rotation of the Transform in world space. */
  1342. public get rotation(): UnityEngine.Quaternion;
  1343. public set rotation(value: UnityEngine.Quaternion);
  1344. /** The rotation of the transform relative to the transform rotation of the parent. */
  1345. public get localRotation(): UnityEngine.Quaternion;
  1346. public set localRotation(value: UnityEngine.Quaternion);
  1347. /** The scale of the transform relative to the parent. */
  1348. public get localScale(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1349. public set localScale(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  1350. /** The parent of the transform. */
  1351. public get parent(): UnityEngine.Transform;
  1352. public set parent(value: UnityEngine.Transform);
  1353. /** Matrix that transforms a point from world space into local space (Read Only). */
  1354. public get worldToLocalMatrix(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  1355. /** Matrix that transforms a point from local space into world space (Read Only). */
  1356. public get localToWorldMatrix(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  1357. /** Returns the topmost transform in the hierarchy. */
  1358. public get root(): UnityEngine.Transform;
  1359. /** The number of children the parent Transform has. */
  1360. public get childCount(): number;
  1361. /** The global scale of the object (Read Only). */
  1362. public get lossyScale(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1363. /** Has the transform changed since the last time the flag was set to 'false'? */
  1364. public get hasChanged(): boolean;
  1365. public set hasChanged(value: boolean);
  1366. /** The transform capacity of the transform's hierarchy data structure. */
  1367. public get hierarchyCapacity(): number;
  1368. public set hierarchyCapacity(value: number);
  1369. /** The number of transforms in the transform's hierarchy data structure. */
  1370. public get hierarchyCount(): number;
  1371. /** Set the parent of the transform. * @param parent The parent Transform to use.
  1372. * @param worldPositionStays If true, the parent-relative position, scale and
  1373. rotation are modified such that the object keeps the same world space position,
  1374. rotation and scale as before.
  1375. */
  1376. public SetParent ($p: UnityEngine.Transform) : void
  1377. /** Set the parent of the transform. * @param parent The parent Transform to use.
  1378. * @param worldPositionStays If true, the parent-relative position, scale and
  1379. rotation are modified such that the object keeps the same world space position,
  1380. rotation and scale as before.
  1381. */
  1382. public SetParent ($parent: UnityEngine.Transform, $worldPositionStays: boolean) : void
  1383. /** Sets the world space position and rotation of the Transform component. */
  1384. public SetPositionAndRotation ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : void
  1385. /** Moves the transform in the direction and distance of translation. */
  1386. public Translate ($translation: UnityEngine.Vector3, $relativeTo: UnityEngine.Space) : void
  1387. /** Moves the transform in the direction and distance of translation. */
  1388. public Translate ($translation: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  1389. /** Moves the transform by x along the x axis, y along the y axis, and z along the z axis. */
  1390. public Translate ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number, $relativeTo: UnityEngine.Space) : void
  1391. /** Moves the transform by x along the x axis, y along the y axis, and z along the z axis. */
  1392. public Translate ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number) : void
  1393. /** Moves the transform in the direction and distance of translation. */
  1394. public Translate ($translation: UnityEngine.Vector3, $relativeTo: UnityEngine.Transform) : void
  1395. /** Moves the transform by x along the x axis, y along the y axis, and z along the z axis. */
  1396. public Translate ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number, $relativeTo: UnityEngine.Transform) : void
  1397. /** Applies a rotation of eulerAngles.z degrees around the z-axis, eulerAngles.x degrees around the x-axis, and eulerAngles.y degrees around the y-axis (in that order). * @param eulers The rotation to apply.
  1398. * @param relativeTo Determines whether to rotate the GameObject either locally to the GameObject or relative to the Scene in world space.
  1399. */
  1400. public Rotate ($eulers: UnityEngine.Vector3, $relativeTo: UnityEngine.Space) : void
  1401. public Rotate ($eulers: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  1402. /** Applies a rotation of zAngle degrees around the z axis, xAngle degrees around the x axis, and yAngle degrees around the y axis (in that order). * @param relativeTo Determines whether to rotate the GameObject either locally to the GameObject or relative to the Scene in world space.
  1403. * @param xAngle Degrees to rotate the GameObject around the X axis.
  1404. * @param yAngle Degrees to rotate the GameObject around the Y axis.
  1405. * @param zAngle Degrees to rotate the GameObject around the Z axis.
  1406. */
  1407. public Rotate ($xAngle: number, $yAngle: number, $zAngle: number, $relativeTo: UnityEngine.Space) : void
  1408. public Rotate ($xAngle: number, $yAngle: number, $zAngle: number) : void
  1409. /** Rotates the object around the given axis by the number of degrees defined by the given angle. * @param angle The degrees of rotation to apply.
  1410. * @param axis The axis to apply rotation to.
  1411. * @param relativeTo Determines whether to rotate the GameObject either locally to the GameObject or relative to the Scene in world space.
  1412. */
  1413. public Rotate ($axis: UnityEngine.Vector3, $angle: number, $relativeTo: UnityEngine.Space) : void
  1414. public Rotate ($axis: UnityEngine.Vector3, $angle: number) : void
  1415. /** Rotates the transform about axis passing through point in world coordinates by angle degrees. */
  1416. public RotateAround ($point: UnityEngine.Vector3, $axis: UnityEngine.Vector3, $angle: number) : void
  1417. /** Rotates the transform so the forward vector points at target's current position. * @param target Object to point towards.
  1418. * @param worldUp Vector specifying the upward direction.
  1419. */
  1420. public LookAt ($target: UnityEngine.Transform, $worldUp: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  1421. /** Rotates the transform so the forward vector points at target's current position. * @param target Object to point towards.
  1422. * @param worldUp Vector specifying the upward direction.
  1423. */
  1424. public LookAt ($target: UnityEngine.Transform) : void
  1425. /** Rotates the transform so the forward vector points at worldPosition. * @param worldPosition Point to look at.
  1426. * @param worldUp Vector specifying the upward direction.
  1427. */
  1428. public LookAt ($worldPosition: UnityEngine.Vector3, $worldUp: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  1429. /** Rotates the transform so the forward vector points at worldPosition. * @param worldPosition Point to look at.
  1430. * @param worldUp Vector specifying the upward direction.
  1431. */
  1432. public LookAt ($worldPosition: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  1433. /** Transforms direction from local space to world space. */
  1434. public TransformDirection ($direction: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1435. /** Transforms direction x, y, z from local space to world space. */
  1436. public TransformDirection ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1437. /** Transforms a direction from world space to local space. The opposite of Transform.TransformDirection. */
  1438. public InverseTransformDirection ($direction: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1439. /** Transforms the direction x, y, z from world space to local space. The opposite of Transform.TransformDirection. */
  1440. public InverseTransformDirection ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1441. /** Transforms vector from local space to world space. */
  1442. public TransformVector ($vector: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1443. /** Transforms vector x, y, z from local space to world space. */
  1444. public TransformVector ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1445. /** Transforms a vector from world space to local space. The opposite of Transform.TransformVector. */
  1446. public InverseTransformVector ($vector: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1447. /** Transforms the vector x, y, z from world space to local space. The opposite of Transform.TransformVector. */
  1448. public InverseTransformVector ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1449. /** Transforms position from local space to world space. */
  1450. public TransformPoint ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1451. /** Transforms the position x, y, z from local space to world space. */
  1452. public TransformPoint ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1453. /** Transforms position from world space to local space. */
  1454. public InverseTransformPoint ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1455. /** Transforms the position x, y, z from world space to local space. The opposite of Transform.TransformPoint. */
  1456. public InverseTransformPoint ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1457. public DetachChildren () : void
  1458. public SetAsFirstSibling () : void
  1459. public SetAsLastSibling () : void
  1460. /** Sets the sibling index. * @param index Index to set.
  1461. */
  1462. public SetSiblingIndex ($index: number) : void
  1463. public GetSiblingIndex () : number
  1464. /** Finds a child by n and returns it.
  1465. * @param n Name of child to be found.
  1466. * @returns The returned child transform or null if no child is found.
  1467. */
  1468. public Find ($n: string) : UnityEngine.Transform
  1469. /** Is this transform a child of parent? */
  1470. public IsChildOf ($parent: UnityEngine.Transform) : boolean
  1471. public GetEnumerator () : System.Collections.IEnumerator
  1472. /** Returns a transform child by index.
  1473. * @param index Index of the child transform to return. Must be smaller than Transform.childCount.
  1474. * @returns Transform child by index.
  1475. */
  1476. public GetChild ($index: number) : UnityEngine.Transform
  1477. }
  1478. /** Base class for everything attached to GameObjects. */
  1479. class Component extends UnityEngine.Object
  1480. {
  1481. /** The Transform attached to this GameObject. */
  1482. public get transform(): UnityEngine.Transform;
  1483. /** The game object this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a game object. */
  1484. public get gameObject(): UnityEngine.GameObject;
  1485. /** The tag of this game object. */
  1486. public get tag(): string;
  1487. public set tag(value: string);
  1488. /** Returns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, null if it doesn't. * @param type The type of Component to retrieve.
  1489. */
  1490. public GetComponent ($type: System.Type) : UnityEngine.Component
  1491. /** Returns the component with name type if the game object has one attached, null if it doesn't. */
  1492. public GetComponent ($type: string) : UnityEngine.Component
  1493. public GetComponentInChildren ($t: System.Type, $includeInactive: boolean) : UnityEngine.Component
  1494. /** Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search.
  1495. * @param t The type of Component to retrieve.
  1496. * @returns A component of the matching type, if found.
  1497. */
  1498. public GetComponentInChildren ($t: System.Type) : UnityEngine.Component
  1499. /** Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children. * @param t The type of Component to retrieve.
  1500. * @param includeInactive Should Components on inactive GameObjects be included in the found set? includeInactive decides which children of the GameObject will be searched. The GameObject that you call GetComponentsInChildren on is always searched regardless.
  1501. */
  1502. public GetComponentsInChildren ($t: System.Type, $includeInactive: boolean) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Component>
  1503. public GetComponentsInChildren ($t: System.Type) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Component>
  1504. /** Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents.
  1505. * @param t The type of Component to retrieve.
  1506. * @returns A component of the matching type, if found.
  1507. */
  1508. public GetComponentInParent ($t: System.Type) : UnityEngine.Component
  1509. /** Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents. * @param t The type of Component to retrieve.
  1510. * @param includeInactive Should inactive Components be included in the found set?
  1511. */
  1512. public GetComponentsInParent ($t: System.Type, $includeInactive: boolean) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Component>
  1513. public GetComponentsInParent ($t: System.Type) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Component>
  1514. /** Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject. * @param type The type of Component to retrieve.
  1515. */
  1516. public GetComponents ($type: System.Type) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Component>
  1517. public GetComponents ($type: System.Type, $results: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Component>) : void
  1518. /** Is this game object tagged with tag ? * @param tag The tag to compare.
  1519. */
  1520. public CompareTag ($tag: string) : boolean
  1521. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour. * @param methodName Name of method to call.
  1522. * @param value Optional parameter value for the method.
  1523. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method does not exist on the target object?
  1524. */
  1525. public SendMessageUpwards ($methodName: string, $value: any, $options: UnityEngine.SendMessageOptions) : void
  1526. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour. * @param methodName Name of method to call.
  1527. * @param value Optional parameter value for the method.
  1528. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method does not exist on the target object?
  1529. */
  1530. public SendMessageUpwards ($methodName: string, $value: any) : void
  1531. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour. * @param methodName Name of method to call.
  1532. * @param value Optional parameter value for the method.
  1533. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method does not exist on the target object?
  1534. */
  1535. public SendMessageUpwards ($methodName: string) : void
  1536. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour. * @param methodName Name of method to call.
  1537. * @param value Optional parameter value for the method.
  1538. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method does not exist on the target object?
  1539. */
  1540. public SendMessageUpwards ($methodName: string, $options: UnityEngine.SendMessageOptions) : void
  1541. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object. * @param methodName Name of the method to call.
  1542. * @param value Optional parameter for the method.
  1543. * @param options Should an error be raised if the target object doesn't implement the method for the message?
  1544. */
  1545. public SendMessage ($methodName: string, $value: any) : void
  1546. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object. * @param methodName Name of the method to call.
  1547. * @param value Optional parameter for the method.
  1548. * @param options Should an error be raised if the target object doesn't implement the method for the message?
  1549. */
  1550. public SendMessage ($methodName: string) : void
  1551. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object. * @param methodName Name of the method to call.
  1552. * @param value Optional parameter for the method.
  1553. * @param options Should an error be raised if the target object doesn't implement the method for the message?
  1554. */
  1555. public SendMessage ($methodName: string, $value: any, $options: UnityEngine.SendMessageOptions) : void
  1556. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object. * @param methodName Name of the method to call.
  1557. * @param value Optional parameter for the method.
  1558. * @param options Should an error be raised if the target object doesn't implement the method for the message?
  1559. */
  1560. public SendMessage ($methodName: string, $options: UnityEngine.SendMessageOptions) : void
  1561. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children. * @param methodName Name of the method to call.
  1562. * @param parameter Optional parameter to pass to the method (can be any value).
  1563. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method does not exist for a given target object?
  1564. */
  1565. public BroadcastMessage ($methodName: string, $parameter: any, $options: UnityEngine.SendMessageOptions) : void
  1566. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children. * @param methodName Name of the method to call.
  1567. * @param parameter Optional parameter to pass to the method (can be any value).
  1568. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method does not exist for a given target object?
  1569. */
  1570. public BroadcastMessage ($methodName: string, $parameter: any) : void
  1571. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children. * @param methodName Name of the method to call.
  1572. * @param parameter Optional parameter to pass to the method (can be any value).
  1573. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method does not exist for a given target object?
  1574. */
  1575. public BroadcastMessage ($methodName: string) : void
  1576. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children. * @param methodName Name of the method to call.
  1577. * @param parameter Optional parameter to pass to the method (can be any value).
  1578. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method does not exist for a given target object?
  1579. */
  1580. public BroadcastMessage ($methodName: string, $options: UnityEngine.SendMessageOptions) : void
  1581. public constructor ()
  1582. }
  1583. /** Bit mask that controls object destruction, saving and visibility in inspectors. */
  1584. enum HideFlags
  1585. { None = 0, HideInHierarchy = 1, HideInInspector = 2, DontSaveInEditor = 4, NotEditable = 8, DontSaveInBuild = 16, DontUnloadUnusedAsset = 32, DontSave = 52, HideAndDontSave = 61 }
  1586. /** Base class for all entities in Unity Scenes. */
  1587. class GameObject extends UnityEngine.Object
  1588. {
  1589. /** The Transform attached to this GameObject. */
  1590. public get transform(): UnityEngine.Transform;
  1591. /** The layer the game object is in. */
  1592. public get layer(): number;
  1593. public set layer(value: number);
  1594. /** The local active state of this GameObject. (Read Only) */
  1595. public get activeSelf(): boolean;
  1596. /** Defines whether the GameObject is active in the Scene. */
  1597. public get activeInHierarchy(): boolean;
  1598. /** Editor only API that specifies if a game object is static. */
  1599. public get isStatic(): boolean;
  1600. public set isStatic(value: boolean);
  1601. /** The tag of this game object. */
  1602. public get tag(): string;
  1603. public set tag(value: string);
  1604. /** Scene that the GameObject is part of. */
  1605. public get scene(): UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene;
  1606. public get gameObject(): UnityEngine.GameObject;
  1607. /** Creates a game object with a primitive mesh renderer and appropriate collider. * @param type The type of primitive object to create.
  1608. */
  1609. public static CreatePrimitive ($type: UnityEngine.PrimitiveType) : UnityEngine.GameObject
  1610. /** Returns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, null if it doesn't. * @param type The type of Component to retrieve.
  1611. */
  1612. public GetComponent ($type: System.Type) : UnityEngine.Component
  1613. /** Returns the component with name type if the game object has one attached, null if it doesn't. * @param type The type of Component to retrieve.
  1614. */
  1615. public GetComponent ($type: string) : UnityEngine.Component
  1616. /** Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search.
  1617. * @param type The type of Component to retrieve.
  1618. * @returns A component of the matching type, if found.
  1619. */
  1620. public GetComponentInChildren ($type: System.Type, $includeInactive: boolean) : UnityEngine.Component
  1621. /** Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search.
  1622. * @param type The type of Component to retrieve.
  1623. * @returns A component of the matching type, if found.
  1624. */
  1625. public GetComponentInChildren ($type: System.Type) : UnityEngine.Component
  1626. /** Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents. * @param type Type of component to find.
  1627. */
  1628. public GetComponentInParent ($type: System.Type) : UnityEngine.Component
  1629. /** Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject. * @param type The type of Component to retrieve.
  1630. */
  1631. public GetComponents ($type: System.Type) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Component>
  1632. public GetComponents ($type: System.Type, $results: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Component>) : void
  1633. /** Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children. * @param type The type of Component to retrieve.
  1634. * @param includeInactive Should Components on inactive GameObjects be included in the found set?
  1635. */
  1636. public GetComponentsInChildren ($type: System.Type) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Component>
  1637. /** Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children. * @param type The type of Component to retrieve.
  1638. * @param includeInactive Should Components on inactive GameObjects be included in the found set?
  1639. */
  1640. public GetComponentsInChildren ($type: System.Type, $includeInactive: boolean) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Component>
  1641. public GetComponentsInParent ($type: System.Type) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Component>
  1642. /** Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents. * @param type The type of Component to retrieve.
  1643. * @param includeInactive Should inactive Components be included in the found set?
  1644. */
  1645. public GetComponentsInParent ($type: System.Type, $includeInactive: boolean) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Component>
  1646. /** Returns one active GameObject tagged tag. Returns null if no GameObject was found. * @param tag The tag to search for.
  1647. */
  1648. public static FindWithTag ($tag: string) : UnityEngine.GameObject
  1649. public SendMessageUpwards ($methodName: string, $options: UnityEngine.SendMessageOptions) : void
  1650. public SendMessage ($methodName: string, $options: UnityEngine.SendMessageOptions) : void
  1651. public BroadcastMessage ($methodName: string, $options: UnityEngine.SendMessageOptions) : void
  1652. /** Adds a component class of type componentType to the game object. C# Users can use a generic version. */
  1653. public AddComponent ($componentType: System.Type) : UnityEngine.Component
  1654. /** ActivatesDeactivates the GameObject, depending on the given true or false/ value. * @param value Activate or deactivate the object, where true activates the GameObject and false deactivates the GameObject.
  1655. */
  1656. public SetActive ($value: boolean) : void
  1657. /** Is this game object tagged with tag ? * @param tag The tag to compare.
  1658. */
  1659. public CompareTag ($tag: string) : boolean
  1660. public static FindGameObjectWithTag ($tag: string) : UnityEngine.GameObject
  1661. /** Returns a list of active GameObjects tagged tag. Returns empty array if no GameObject was found. * @param tag The name of the tag to search GameObjects for.
  1662. */
  1663. public static FindGameObjectsWithTag ($tag: string) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.GameObject>
  1664. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour. * @param methodName The name of the method to call.
  1665. * @param value An optional parameter value to pass to the called method.
  1666. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method doesn't exist on the target object?
  1667. */
  1668. public SendMessageUpwards ($methodName: string, $value: any, $options: UnityEngine.SendMessageOptions) : void
  1669. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour. * @param methodName The name of the method to call.
  1670. * @param value An optional parameter value to pass to the called method.
  1671. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method doesn't exist on the target object?
  1672. */
  1673. public SendMessageUpwards ($methodName: string, $value: any) : void
  1674. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour. * @param methodName The name of the method to call.
  1675. * @param value An optional parameter value to pass to the called method.
  1676. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method doesn't exist on the target object?
  1677. */
  1678. public SendMessageUpwards ($methodName: string) : void
  1679. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object. * @param methodName The name of the method to call.
  1680. * @param value An optional parameter value to pass to the called method.
  1681. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method doesn't exist on the target object?
  1682. */
  1683. public SendMessage ($methodName: string, $value: any, $options: UnityEngine.SendMessageOptions) : void
  1684. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object. * @param methodName The name of the method to call.
  1685. * @param value An optional parameter value to pass to the called method.
  1686. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method doesn't exist on the target object?
  1687. */
  1688. public SendMessage ($methodName: string, $value: any) : void
  1689. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object. * @param methodName The name of the method to call.
  1690. * @param value An optional parameter value to pass to the called method.
  1691. * @param options Should an error be raised if the method doesn't exist on the target object?
  1692. */
  1693. public SendMessage ($methodName: string) : void
  1694. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children. */
  1695. public BroadcastMessage ($methodName: string, $parameter: any, $options: UnityEngine.SendMessageOptions) : void
  1696. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children. */
  1697. public BroadcastMessage ($methodName: string, $parameter: any) : void
  1698. /** Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children. */
  1699. public BroadcastMessage ($methodName: string) : void
  1700. /** Finds a GameObject by name and returns it. */
  1701. public static Find ($name: string) : UnityEngine.GameObject
  1702. public constructor ($name: string)
  1703. public constructor ()
  1704. public constructor ($name: string, ...components: System.Type[])
  1705. }
  1706. /** The various primitives that can be created using the GameObject.CreatePrimitive function. */
  1707. enum PrimitiveType
  1708. { Sphere = 0, Capsule = 1, Cylinder = 2, Cube = 3, Plane = 4, Quad = 5 }
  1709. /** Options for how to send a message. */
  1710. enum SendMessageOptions
  1711. { RequireReceiver = 0, DontRequireReceiver = 1 }
  1712. /** Behaviours are Components that can be enabled or disabled. */
  1713. class Behaviour extends UnityEngine.Component
  1714. {
  1715. /** Enabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not. */
  1716. public get enabled(): boolean;
  1717. public set enabled(value: boolean);
  1718. /** Has the Behaviour had active and enabled called? */
  1719. public get isActiveAndEnabled(): boolean;
  1720. public constructor ()
  1721. }
  1722. /** A standard 4x4 transformation matrix. */
  1723. class Matrix4x4 extends System.ValueType implements System.IEquatable$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>
  1724. {
  1725. public m00 : number
  1726. public m10 : number
  1727. public m20 : number
  1728. public m30 : number
  1729. public m01 : number
  1730. public m11 : number
  1731. public m21 : number
  1732. public m31 : number
  1733. public m02 : number
  1734. public m12 : number
  1735. public m22 : number
  1736. public m32 : number
  1737. public m03 : number
  1738. public m13 : number
  1739. public m23 : number
  1740. public m33 : number/** Attempts to get a rotation quaternion from this matrix. */
  1741. public get rotation(): UnityEngine.Quaternion;
  1742. /** Attempts to get a scale value from the matrix. */
  1743. public get lossyScale(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1744. /** Is this the identity matrix? */
  1745. public get isIdentity(): boolean;
  1746. /** The determinant of the matrix. */
  1747. public get determinant(): number;
  1748. /** This property takes a projection matrix and returns the six plane coordinates that define a projection frustum. */
  1749. public get decomposeProjection(): UnityEngine.FrustumPlanes;
  1750. /** The inverse of this matrix (Read Only). */
  1751. public get inverse(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  1752. /** Returns the transpose of this matrix (Read Only). */
  1753. public get transpose(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  1754. /** Returns a matrix with all elements set to zero (Read Only). */
  1755. public static get zero(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  1756. /** Returns the identity matrix (Read Only). */
  1757. public static get identity(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  1758. public ValidTRS () : boolean
  1759. public static Determinant ($m: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : number
  1760. /** Creates a translation, rotation and scaling matrix. */
  1761. public static TRS ($pos: UnityEngine.Vector3, $q: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $s: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  1762. /** Sets this matrix to a translation, rotation and scaling matrix. */
  1763. public SetTRS ($pos: UnityEngine.Vector3, $q: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $s: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  1764. public static Inverse ($m: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  1765. public static Transpose ($m: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  1766. /** Creates an orthogonal projection matrix. */
  1767. public static Ortho ($left: number, $right: number, $bottom: number, $top: number, $zNear: number, $zFar: number) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  1768. /** Creates a perspective projection matrix. */
  1769. public static Perspective ($fov: number, $aspect: number, $zNear: number, $zFar: number) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  1770. /** Given a source point, a target point, and an up vector, computes a transformation matrix that corresponds to a camera viewing the target from the source, such that the right-hand vector is perpendicular to the up vector.
  1771. * @param from The source point.
  1772. * @param to The target point.
  1773. * @param up The vector describing the up direction (typically Vector3.up).
  1774. * @returns The resulting transformation matrix.
  1775. */
  1776. public static LookAt ($from: UnityEngine.Vector3, $to: UnityEngine.Vector3, $up: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  1777. /** This function returns a projection matrix with viewing frustum that has a near plane defined by the coordinates that were passed in.
  1778. * @param left The X coordinate of the left side of the near projection plane in view space.
  1779. * @param right The X coordinate of the right side of the near projection plane in view space.
  1780. * @param bottom The Y coordinate of the bottom side of the near projection plane in view space.
  1781. * @param top The Y coordinate of the top side of the near projection plane in view space.
  1782. * @param zNear Z distance to the near plane from the origin in view space.
  1783. * @param zFar Z distance to the far plane from the origin in view space.
  1784. * @param frustumPlanes Frustum planes struct that contains the view space coordinates of that define a viewing frustum.
  1785. * @returns A projection matrix with a viewing frustum defined by the plane coordinates passed in.
  1786. */
  1787. public static Frustum ($left: number, $right: number, $bottom: number, $top: number, $zNear: number, $zFar: number) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  1788. /** This function returns a projection matrix with viewing frustum that has a near plane defined by the coordinates that were passed in.
  1789. * @param left The X coordinate of the left side of the near projection plane in view space.
  1790. * @param right The X coordinate of the right side of the near projection plane in view space.
  1791. * @param bottom The Y coordinate of the bottom side of the near projection plane in view space.
  1792. * @param top The Y coordinate of the top side of the near projection plane in view space.
  1793. * @param zNear Z distance to the near plane from the origin in view space.
  1794. * @param zFar Z distance to the far plane from the origin in view space.
  1795. * @param frustumPlanes Frustum planes struct that contains the view space coordinates of that define a viewing frustum.
  1796. * @returns A projection matrix with a viewing frustum defined by the plane coordinates passed in.
  1797. */
  1798. public static Frustum ($fp: UnityEngine.FrustumPlanes) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  1799. public get_Item ($index: number) : number
  1800. public set_Item ($index: number, $value: number) : void
  1801. public Equals ($other: any) : boolean
  1802. public Equals ($other: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : boolean
  1803. public static op_Multiply ($lhs: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $rhs: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  1804. public static op_Multiply ($lhs: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $vector: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  1805. public static op_Equality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $rhs: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : boolean
  1806. public static op_Inequality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $rhs: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : boolean
  1807. /** Get a column of the matrix. */
  1808. public GetColumn ($index: number) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  1809. /** Returns a row of the matrix. */
  1810. public GetRow ($index: number) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  1811. /** Sets a column of the matrix. */
  1812. public SetColumn ($index: number, $column: UnityEngine.Vector4) : void
  1813. /** Sets a row of the matrix. */
  1814. public SetRow ($index: number, $row: UnityEngine.Vector4) : void
  1815. /** Transforms a position by this matrix (generic). */
  1816. public MultiplyPoint ($point: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1817. /** Transforms a position by this matrix (fast). */
  1818. public MultiplyPoint3x4 ($point: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1819. /** Transforms a direction by this matrix. */
  1820. public MultiplyVector ($vector: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  1821. /** Returns a plane that is transformed in space. */
  1822. public TransformPlane ($plane: UnityEngine.Plane) : UnityEngine.Plane
  1823. /** Creates a scaling matrix. */
  1824. public static Scale ($vector: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  1825. /** Creates a translation matrix. */
  1826. public static Translate ($vector: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  1827. /** Creates a rotation matrix. */
  1828. public static Rotate ($q: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  1829. public ToString () : string
  1830. /** Returns a nicely formatted string for this matrix. */
  1831. public ToString ($format: string) : string
  1832. public constructor ($column0: UnityEngine.Vector4, $column1: UnityEngine.Vector4, $column2: UnityEngine.Vector4, $column3: UnityEngine.Vector4)
  1833. public Equals ($obj: any) : boolean
  1834. public static Equals ($objA: any, $objB: any) : boolean
  1835. public constructor ()
  1836. }
  1837. /** The coordinate space in which to operate. */
  1838. enum Space
  1839. { World = 0, Self = 1 }
  1840. /** Interface to control the Mecanim animation system. */
  1841. class Animator extends UnityEngine.Behaviour
  1842. {
  1843. /** Returns true if the current rig is optimizable with AnimatorUtility.OptimizeTransformHierarchy. */
  1844. public get isOptimizable(): boolean;
  1845. /** Returns true if the current rig is humanoid, false if it is generic. */
  1846. public get isHuman(): boolean;
  1847. /** Returns true if the current rig has root motion. */
  1848. public get hasRootMotion(): boolean;
  1849. /** Returns the scale of the current Avatar for a humanoid rig, (1 by default if the rig is generic). */
  1850. public get humanScale(): number;
  1851. /** Returns whether the animator is initialized successfully. */
  1852. public get isInitialized(): boolean;
  1853. /** Gets the avatar delta position for the last evaluated frame. */
  1854. public get deltaPosition(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1855. /** Gets the avatar delta rotation for the last evaluated frame. */
  1856. public get deltaRotation(): UnityEngine.Quaternion;
  1857. /** Gets the avatar velocity for the last evaluated frame. */
  1858. public get velocity(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1859. /** Gets the avatar angular velocity for the last evaluated frame. */
  1860. public get angularVelocity(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1861. /** The root position, the position of the game object. */
  1862. public get rootPosition(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1863. public set rootPosition(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  1864. /** The root rotation, the rotation of the game object. */
  1865. public get rootRotation(): UnityEngine.Quaternion;
  1866. public set rootRotation(value: UnityEngine.Quaternion);
  1867. /** Should root motion be applied? */
  1868. public get applyRootMotion(): boolean;
  1869. public set applyRootMotion(value: boolean);
  1870. /** Specifies the update mode of the Animator. */
  1871. public get updateMode(): UnityEngine.AnimatorUpdateMode;
  1872. public set updateMode(value: UnityEngine.AnimatorUpdateMode);
  1873. /** Returns true if the object has a transform hierarchy. */
  1874. public get hasTransformHierarchy(): boolean;
  1875. /** The current gravity weight based on current animations that are played. */
  1876. public get gravityWeight(): number;
  1877. /** The position of the body center of mass. */
  1878. public get bodyPosition(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1879. public set bodyPosition(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  1880. /** The rotation of the body center of mass. */
  1881. public get bodyRotation(): UnityEngine.Quaternion;
  1882. public set bodyRotation(value: UnityEngine.Quaternion);
  1883. /** Automatic stabilization of feet during transition and blending. */
  1884. public get stabilizeFeet(): boolean;
  1885. public set stabilizeFeet(value: boolean);
  1886. /** Returns the number of layers in the controller. */
  1887. public get layerCount(): number;
  1888. /** The AnimatorControllerParameter list used by the animator. (Read Only) */
  1889. public get parameters(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.AnimatorControllerParameter>;
  1890. /** Returns the number of parameters in the controller. */
  1891. public get parameterCount(): number;
  1892. /** Blends pivot point between body center of mass and feet pivot. */
  1893. public get feetPivotActive(): number;
  1894. public set feetPivotActive(value: number);
  1895. /** Gets the pivot weight. */
  1896. public get pivotWeight(): number;
  1897. /** Get the current position of the pivot. */
  1898. public get pivotPosition(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1899. /** If automatic matching is active. */
  1900. public get isMatchingTarget(): boolean;
  1901. /** The playback speed of the Animator. 1 is normal playback speed. */
  1902. public get speed(): number;
  1903. public set speed(value: number);
  1904. /** Returns the position of the target specified by SetTarget. */
  1905. public get targetPosition(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  1906. /** Returns the rotation of the target specified by SetTarget. */
  1907. public get targetRotation(): UnityEngine.Quaternion;
  1908. /** Controls culling of this Animator component. */
  1909. public get cullingMode(): UnityEngine.AnimatorCullingMode;
  1910. public set cullingMode(value: UnityEngine.AnimatorCullingMode);
  1911. /** Sets the playback position in the recording buffer. */
  1912. public get playbackTime(): number;
  1913. public set playbackTime(value: number);
  1914. /** Start time of the first frame of the buffer relative to the frame at which StartRecording was called. */
  1915. public get recorderStartTime(): number;
  1916. public set recorderStartTime(value: number);
  1917. /** End time of the recorded clip relative to when StartRecording was called. */
  1918. public get recorderStopTime(): number;
  1919. public set recorderStopTime(value: number);
  1920. /** Gets the mode of the Animator recorder. */
  1921. public get recorderMode(): UnityEngine.AnimatorRecorderMode;
  1922. /** The runtime representation of AnimatorController that controls the Animator. */
  1923. public get runtimeAnimatorController(): UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController;
  1924. public set runtimeAnimatorController(value: UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController);
  1925. /** Returns true if Animator has any playables assigned to it. */
  1926. public get hasBoundPlayables(): boolean;
  1927. /** Gets/Sets the current Avatar. */
  1928. public get avatar(): UnityEngine.Avatar;
  1929. public set avatar(value: UnityEngine.Avatar);
  1930. /** The PlayableGraph created by the Animator. */
  1931. public get playableGraph(): UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph;
  1932. /** Additional layers affects the center of mass. */
  1933. public get layersAffectMassCenter(): boolean;
  1934. public set layersAffectMassCenter(value: boolean);
  1935. /** Get left foot bottom height. */
  1936. public get leftFeetBottomHeight(): number;
  1937. /** Get right foot bottom height. */
  1938. public get rightFeetBottomHeight(): number;
  1939. public get logWarnings(): boolean;
  1940. public set logWarnings(value: boolean);
  1941. /** Sets whether the Animator sends events of type AnimationEvent. */
  1942. public get fireEvents(): boolean;
  1943. public set fireEvents(value: boolean);
  1944. /** Controls the behaviour of the Animator component when a GameObject is disabled. */
  1945. public get keepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable(): boolean;
  1946. public set keepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable(value: boolean);
  1947. /** Returns the value of the given float parameter.
  1948. * @param name The parameter name.
  1949. * @param id The parameter ID.
  1950. * @returns The value of the parameter.
  1951. */
  1952. public GetFloat ($name: string) : number
  1953. /** Returns the value of the given float parameter.
  1954. * @param name The parameter name.
  1955. * @param id The parameter ID.
  1956. * @returns The value of the parameter.
  1957. */
  1958. public GetFloat ($id: number) : number
  1959. /** Send float values to the Animator to affect transitions. * @param name The parameter name.
  1960. * @param id The parameter ID.
  1961. * @param value The new parameter value.
  1962. * @param dampTime The damper total time.
  1963. * @param deltaTime The delta time to give to the damper.
  1964. */
  1965. public SetFloat ($name: string, $value: number) : void
  1966. /** Send float values to the Animator to affect transitions. * @param name The parameter name.
  1967. * @param id The parameter ID.
  1968. * @param value The new parameter value.
  1969. * @param dampTime The damper total time.
  1970. * @param deltaTime The delta time to give to the damper.
  1971. */
  1972. public SetFloat ($name: string, $value: number, $dampTime: number, $deltaTime: number) : void
  1973. /** Send float values to the Animator to affect transitions. * @param name The parameter name.
  1974. * @param id The parameter ID.
  1975. * @param value The new parameter value.
  1976. * @param dampTime The damper total time.
  1977. * @param deltaTime The delta time to give to the damper.
  1978. */
  1979. public SetFloat ($id: number, $value: number) : void
  1980. /** Send float values to the Animator to affect transitions. * @param name The parameter name.
  1981. * @param id The parameter ID.
  1982. * @param value The new parameter value.
  1983. * @param dampTime The damper total time.
  1984. * @param deltaTime The delta time to give to the damper.
  1985. */
  1986. public SetFloat ($id: number, $value: number, $dampTime: number, $deltaTime: number) : void
  1987. /** Returns the value of the given boolean parameter.
  1988. * @param name The parameter name.
  1989. * @param id The parameter ID.
  1990. * @returns The value of the parameter.
  1991. */
  1992. public GetBool ($name: string) : boolean
  1993. /** Returns the value of the given boolean parameter.
  1994. * @param name The parameter name.
  1995. * @param id The parameter ID.
  1996. * @returns The value of the parameter.
  1997. */
  1998. public GetBool ($id: number) : boolean
  1999. /** Sets the value of the given boolean parameter. * @param name The parameter name.
  2000. * @param id The parameter ID.
  2001. * @param value The new parameter value.
  2002. */
  2003. public SetBool ($name: string, $value: boolean) : void
  2004. /** Sets the value of the given boolean parameter. * @param name The parameter name.
  2005. * @param id The parameter ID.
  2006. * @param value The new parameter value.
  2007. */
  2008. public SetBool ($id: number, $value: boolean) : void
  2009. /** Returns the value of the given integer parameter.
  2010. * @param name The parameter name.
  2011. * @param id The parameter ID.
  2012. * @returns The value of the parameter.
  2013. */
  2014. public GetInteger ($name: string) : number
  2015. /** Returns the value of the given integer parameter.
  2016. * @param name The parameter name.
  2017. * @param id The parameter ID.
  2018. * @returns The value of the parameter.
  2019. */
  2020. public GetInteger ($id: number) : number
  2021. /** Sets the value of the given integer parameter. * @param name The parameter name.
  2022. * @param id The parameter ID.
  2023. * @param value The new parameter value.
  2024. */
  2025. public SetInteger ($name: string, $value: number) : void
  2026. /** Sets the value of the given integer parameter. * @param name The parameter name.
  2027. * @param id The parameter ID.
  2028. * @param value The new parameter value.
  2029. */
  2030. public SetInteger ($id: number, $value: number) : void
  2031. /** Sets the value of the given trigger parameter. * @param name The parameter name.
  2032. * @param id The parameter ID.
  2033. */
  2034. public SetTrigger ($name: string) : void
  2035. /** Sets the value of the given trigger parameter. * @param name The parameter name.
  2036. * @param id The parameter ID.
  2037. */
  2038. public SetTrigger ($id: number) : void
  2039. /** Resets the value of the given trigger parameter. * @param name The parameter name.
  2040. * @param id The parameter ID.
  2041. */
  2042. public ResetTrigger ($name: string) : void
  2043. /** Resets the value of the given trigger parameter. * @param name The parameter name.
  2044. * @param id The parameter ID.
  2045. */
  2046. public ResetTrigger ($id: number) : void
  2047. /** Returns true if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise.
  2048. * @param name The parameter name.
  2049. * @param id The parameter ID.
  2050. * @returns True if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise.
  2051. */
  2052. public IsParameterControlledByCurve ($name: string) : boolean
  2053. /** Returns true if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise.
  2054. * @param name The parameter name.
  2055. * @param id The parameter ID.
  2056. * @returns True if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise.
  2057. */
  2058. public IsParameterControlledByCurve ($id: number) : boolean
  2059. /** Gets the position of an IK goal.
  2060. * @param goal The AvatarIKGoal that is queried.
  2061. * @returns Return the current position of this IK goal in world space.
  2062. */
  2063. public GetIKPosition ($goal: UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  2064. /** Sets the position of an IK goal. * @param goal The AvatarIKGoal that is set.
  2065. * @param goalPosition The position in world space.
  2066. */
  2067. public SetIKPosition ($goal: UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal, $goalPosition: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  2068. /** Gets the rotation of an IK goal. * @param goal The AvatarIKGoal that is is queried.
  2069. */
  2070. public GetIKRotation ($goal: UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal) : UnityEngine.Quaternion
  2071. /** Sets the rotation of an IK goal. * @param goal The AvatarIKGoal that is set.
  2072. * @param goalRotation The rotation in world space.
  2073. */
  2074. public SetIKRotation ($goal: UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal, $goalRotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : void
  2075. /** Gets the translative weight of an IK goal (0 = at the original animation before IK, 1 = at the goal). * @param goal The AvatarIKGoal that is queried.
  2076. */
  2077. public GetIKPositionWeight ($goal: UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal) : number
  2078. /** Sets the translative weight of an IK goal (0 = at the original animation before IK, 1 = at the goal). * @param goal The AvatarIKGoal that is set.
  2079. * @param value The translative weight.
  2080. */
  2081. public SetIKPositionWeight ($goal: UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal, $value: number) : void
  2082. /** Gets the rotational weight of an IK goal (0 = rotation before IK, 1 = rotation at the IK goal). * @param goal The AvatarIKGoal that is queried.
  2083. */
  2084. public GetIKRotationWeight ($goal: UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal) : number
  2085. /** Sets the rotational weight of an IK goal (0 = rotation before IK, 1 = rotation at the IK goal). * @param goal The AvatarIKGoal that is set.
  2086. * @param value The rotational weight.
  2087. */
  2088. public SetIKRotationWeight ($goal: UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal, $value: number) : void
  2089. /** Gets the position of an IK hint.
  2090. * @param hint The AvatarIKHint that is queried.
  2091. * @returns Return the current position of this IK hint in world space.
  2092. */
  2093. public GetIKHintPosition ($hint: UnityEngine.AvatarIKHint) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  2094. /** Sets the position of an IK hint. * @param hint The AvatarIKHint that is set.
  2095. * @param hintPosition The position in world space.
  2096. */
  2097. public SetIKHintPosition ($hint: UnityEngine.AvatarIKHint, $hintPosition: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  2098. /** Gets the translative weight of an IK Hint (0 = at the original animation before IK, 1 = at the hint).
  2099. * @param hint The AvatarIKHint that is queried.
  2100. * @returns Return translative weight.
  2101. */
  2102. public GetIKHintPositionWeight ($hint: UnityEngine.AvatarIKHint) : number
  2103. /** Sets the translative weight of an IK hint (0 = at the original animation before IK, 1 = at the hint). * @param hint The AvatarIKHint that is set.
  2104. * @param value The translative weight.
  2105. */
  2106. public SetIKHintPositionWeight ($hint: UnityEngine.AvatarIKHint, $value: number) : void
  2107. /** Sets the look at position. * @param lookAtPosition The position to lookAt.
  2108. */
  2109. public SetLookAtPosition ($lookAtPosition: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  2110. /** Set look at weights. * @param weight (0-1) the global weight of the LookAt, multiplier for other parameters.
  2111. * @param bodyWeight (0-1) determines how much the body is involved in the LookAt.
  2112. * @param headWeight (0-1) determines how much the head is involved in the LookAt.
  2113. * @param eyesWeight (0-1) determines how much the eyes are involved in the LookAt.
  2114. * @param clampWeight (0-1) 0.0 means the character is completely unrestrained in motion, 1.0 means he's completely clamped (look at becomes impossible), and 0.5 means he'll be able to move on half of the possible range (180 degrees).
  2115. */
  2116. public SetLookAtWeight ($weight: number) : void
  2117. /** Set look at weights. * @param weight (0-1) the global weight of the LookAt, multiplier for other parameters.
  2118. * @param bodyWeight (0-1) determines how much the body is involved in the LookAt.
  2119. * @param headWeight (0-1) determines how much the head is involved in the LookAt.
  2120. * @param eyesWeight (0-1) determines how much the eyes are involved in the LookAt.
  2121. * @param clampWeight (0-1) 0.0 means the character is completely unrestrained in motion, 1.0 means he's completely clamped (look at becomes impossible), and 0.5 means he'll be able to move on half of the possible range (180 degrees).
  2122. */
  2123. public SetLookAtWeight ($weight: number, $bodyWeight: number) : void
  2124. /** Set look at weights. * @param weight (0-1) the global weight of the LookAt, multiplier for other parameters.
  2125. * @param bodyWeight (0-1) determines how much the body is involved in the LookAt.
  2126. * @param headWeight (0-1) determines how much the head is involved in the LookAt.
  2127. * @param eyesWeight (0-1) determines how much the eyes are involved in the LookAt.
  2128. * @param clampWeight (0-1) 0.0 means the character is completely unrestrained in motion, 1.0 means he's completely clamped (look at becomes impossible), and 0.5 means he'll be able to move on half of the possible range (180 degrees).
  2129. */
  2130. public SetLookAtWeight ($weight: number, $bodyWeight: number, $headWeight: number) : void
  2131. /** Set look at weights. * @param weight (0-1) the global weight of the LookAt, multiplier for other parameters.
  2132. * @param bodyWeight (0-1) determines how much the body is involved in the LookAt.
  2133. * @param headWeight (0-1) determines how much the head is involved in the LookAt.
  2134. * @param eyesWeight (0-1) determines how much the eyes are involved in the LookAt.
  2135. * @param clampWeight (0-1) 0.0 means the character is completely unrestrained in motion, 1.0 means he's completely clamped (look at becomes impossible), and 0.5 means he'll be able to move on half of the possible range (180 degrees).
  2136. */
  2137. public SetLookAtWeight ($weight: number, $bodyWeight: number, $headWeight: number, $eyesWeight: number) : void
  2138. /** Set look at weights. * @param weight (0-1) the global weight of the LookAt, multiplier for other parameters.
  2139. * @param bodyWeight (0-1) determines how much the body is involved in the LookAt.
  2140. * @param headWeight (0-1) determines how much the head is involved in the LookAt.
  2141. * @param eyesWeight (0-1) determines how much the eyes are involved in the LookAt.
  2142. * @param clampWeight (0-1) 0.0 means the character is completely unrestrained in motion, 1.0 means he's completely clamped (look at becomes impossible), and 0.5 means he'll be able to move on half of the possible range (180 degrees).
  2143. */
  2144. public SetLookAtWeight ($weight: number, $bodyWeight: number, $headWeight: number, $eyesWeight: number, $clampWeight: number) : void
  2145. /** Sets local rotation of a human bone during a IK pass. * @param humanBoneId The human bone Id.
  2146. * @param rotation The local rotation.
  2147. */
  2148. public SetBoneLocalRotation ($humanBoneId: UnityEngine.HumanBodyBones, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : void
  2149. public GetBehaviours ($fullPathHash: number, $layerIndex: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.StateMachineBehaviour>
  2150. /** Returns the layer name.
  2151. * @param layerIndex The layer index.
  2152. * @returns The layer name.
  2153. */
  2154. public GetLayerName ($layerIndex: number) : string
  2155. /** Returns the index of the layer with the given name.
  2156. * @param layerName The layer name.
  2157. * @returns The layer index.
  2158. */
  2159. public GetLayerIndex ($layerName: string) : number
  2160. /** Returns the weight of the layer at the specified index.
  2161. * @param layerIndex The layer index.
  2162. * @returns The layer weight.
  2163. */
  2164. public GetLayerWeight ($layerIndex: number) : number
  2165. /** Sets the weight of the layer at the given index. * @param layerIndex The layer index.
  2166. * @param weight The new layer weight.
  2167. */
  2168. public SetLayerWeight ($layerIndex: number, $weight: number) : void
  2169. /** Returns an AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the current state.
  2170. * @param layerIndex The layer index.
  2171. * @returns An AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the current state.
  2172. */
  2173. public GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo ($layerIndex: number) : UnityEngine.AnimatorStateInfo
  2174. /** Returns an AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the next state.
  2175. * @param layerIndex The layer index.
  2176. * @returns An AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the next state.
  2177. */
  2178. public GetNextAnimatorStateInfo ($layerIndex: number) : UnityEngine.AnimatorStateInfo
  2179. /** Returns an AnimatorTransitionInfo with the informations on the current transition.
  2180. * @param layerIndex The layer's index.
  2181. * @returns An AnimatorTransitionInfo with the informations on the current transition.
  2182. */
  2183. public GetAnimatorTransitionInfo ($layerIndex: number) : UnityEngine.AnimatorTransitionInfo
  2184. /** Returns the number of AnimatorClipInfo in the current state.
  2185. * @param layerIndex The layer index.
  2186. * @returns The number of AnimatorClipInfo in the current state.
  2187. */
  2188. public GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoCount ($layerIndex: number) : number
  2189. /** Returns the number of AnimatorClipInfo in the next state.
  2190. * @param layerIndex The layer index.
  2191. * @returns The number of AnimatorClipInfo in the next state.
  2192. */
  2193. public GetNextAnimatorClipInfoCount ($layerIndex: number) : number
  2194. /** Returns an array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the current state of the given layer.
  2195. * @param layerIndex The layer index.
  2196. * @returns An array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the current state.
  2197. */
  2198. public GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo ($layerIndex: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.AnimatorClipInfo>
  2199. /** Returns an array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the next state of the given layer.
  2200. * @param layerIndex The layer index.
  2201. * @returns An array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the next state.
  2202. */
  2203. public GetNextAnimatorClipInfo ($layerIndex: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.AnimatorClipInfo>
  2204. public GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo ($layerIndex: number, $clips: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.AnimatorClipInfo>) : void
  2205. public GetNextAnimatorClipInfo ($layerIndex: number, $clips: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.AnimatorClipInfo>) : void
  2206. /** Returns true if there is a transition on the given layer, false otherwise.
  2207. * @param layerIndex The layer index.
  2208. * @returns True if there is a transition on the given layer, false otherwise.
  2209. */
  2210. public IsInTransition ($layerIndex: number) : boolean
  2211. /** See AnimatorController.parameters. */
  2212. public GetParameter ($index: number) : UnityEngine.AnimatorControllerParameter
  2213. public MatchTarget ($matchPosition: UnityEngine.Vector3, $matchRotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $targetBodyPart: UnityEngine.AvatarTarget, $weightMask: UnityEngine.MatchTargetWeightMask, $startNormalizedTime: number) : void
  2214. /** Automatically adjust the GameObject position and rotation. * @param matchPosition The position we want the body part to reach.
  2215. * @param matchRotation The rotation in which we want the body part to be.
  2216. * @param targetBodyPart The body part that is involved in the match.
  2217. * @param weightMask Structure that contains weights for matching position and rotation.
  2218. * @param startNormalizedTime Start time within the animation clip (0 - beginning of clip, 1 - end of clip).
  2219. * @param targetNormalizedTime End time within the animation clip (0 - beginning of clip, 1 - end of clip), values greater than 1 can be set to trigger a match after a certain number of loops. Ex: 2.3 means at 30% of 2nd loop.
  2220. */
  2221. public MatchTarget ($matchPosition: UnityEngine.Vector3, $matchRotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $targetBodyPart: UnityEngine.AvatarTarget, $weightMask: UnityEngine.MatchTargetWeightMask, $startNormalizedTime: number, $targetNormalizedTime: number) : void
  2222. public InterruptMatchTarget () : void
  2223. /** Interrupts the automatic target matching. */
  2224. public InterruptMatchTarget ($completeMatch: boolean) : void
  2225. public CrossFadeInFixedTime ($stateName: string, $fixedTransitionDuration: number) : void
  2226. public CrossFadeInFixedTime ($stateName: string, $fixedTransitionDuration: number, $layer: number) : void
  2227. public CrossFadeInFixedTime ($stateName: string, $fixedTransitionDuration: number, $layer: number, $fixedTimeOffset: number) : void
  2228. /** Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using times in seconds. * @param stateName The name of the state.
  2229. * @param stateHashName The hash name of the state.
  2230. * @param fixedTransitionDuration The duration of the transition (in seconds).
  2231. * @param layer The layer where the crossfade occurs.
  2232. * @param fixedTimeOffset The time of the state (in seconds).
  2233. * @param normalizedTransitionTime The time of the transition (normalized).
  2234. */
  2235. public CrossFadeInFixedTime ($stateName: string, $fixedTransitionDuration: number, $layer: number, $fixedTimeOffset: number, $normalizedTransitionTime: number) : void
  2236. public CrossFadeInFixedTime ($stateHashName: number, $fixedTransitionDuration: number, $layer: number, $fixedTimeOffset: number) : void
  2237. public CrossFadeInFixedTime ($stateHashName: number, $fixedTransitionDuration: number, $layer: number) : void
  2238. public CrossFadeInFixedTime ($stateHashName: number, $fixedTransitionDuration: number) : void
  2239. /** Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using times in seconds. * @param stateName The name of the state.
  2240. * @param stateHashName The hash name of the state.
  2241. * @param fixedTransitionDuration The duration of the transition (in seconds).
  2242. * @param layer The layer where the crossfade occurs.
  2243. * @param fixedTimeOffset The time of the state (in seconds).
  2244. * @param normalizedTransitionTime The time of the transition (normalized).
  2245. */
  2246. public CrossFadeInFixedTime ($stateHashName: number, $fixedTransitionDuration: number, $layer: number, $fixedTimeOffset: number, $normalizedTransitionTime: number) : void
  2247. public WriteDefaultValues () : void
  2248. public CrossFade ($stateName: string, $normalizedTransitionDuration: number, $layer: number, $normalizedTimeOffset: number) : void
  2249. public CrossFade ($stateName: string, $normalizedTransitionDuration: number, $layer: number) : void
  2250. public CrossFade ($stateName: string, $normalizedTransitionDuration: number) : void
  2251. /** Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using normalized times. * @param stateName The name of the state.
  2252. * @param stateHashName The hash name of the state.
  2253. * @param normalizedTransitionDuration The duration of the transition (normalized).
  2254. * @param layer The layer where the crossfade occurs.
  2255. * @param normalizedTimeOffset The time of the state (normalized).
  2256. * @param normalizedTransitionTime The time of the transition (normalized).
  2257. */
  2258. public CrossFade ($stateName: string, $normalizedTransitionDuration: number, $layer: number, $normalizedTimeOffset: number, $normalizedTransitionTime: number) : void
  2259. /** Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using normalized times. * @param stateName The name of the state.
  2260. * @param stateHashName The hash name of the state.
  2261. * @param normalizedTransitionDuration The duration of the transition (normalized).
  2262. * @param layer The layer where the crossfade occurs.
  2263. * @param normalizedTimeOffset The time of the state (normalized).
  2264. * @param normalizedTransitionTime The time of the transition (normalized).
  2265. */
  2266. public CrossFade ($stateHashName: number, $normalizedTransitionDuration: number, $layer: number, $normalizedTimeOffset: number, $normalizedTransitionTime: number) : void
  2267. public CrossFade ($stateHashName: number, $normalizedTransitionDuration: number, $layer: number, $normalizedTimeOffset: number) : void
  2268. public CrossFade ($stateHashName: number, $normalizedTransitionDuration: number, $layer: number) : void
  2269. public CrossFade ($stateHashName: number, $normalizedTransitionDuration: number) : void
  2270. public PlayInFixedTime ($stateName: string, $layer: number) : void
  2271. public PlayInFixedTime ($stateName: string) : void
  2272. /** Plays a state. * @param stateName The state name.
  2273. * @param stateNameHash The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time.
  2274. * @param layer The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash.
  2275. * @param fixedTime The time offset (in seconds).
  2276. */
  2277. public PlayInFixedTime ($stateName: string, $layer: number, $fixedTime: number) : void
  2278. /** Plays a state. * @param stateName The state name.
  2279. * @param stateNameHash The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time.
  2280. * @param layer The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash.
  2281. * @param fixedTime The time offset (in seconds).
  2282. */
  2283. public PlayInFixedTime ($stateNameHash: number, $layer: number, $fixedTime: number) : void
  2284. public PlayInFixedTime ($stateNameHash: number, $layer: number) : void
  2285. public PlayInFixedTime ($stateNameHash: number) : void
  2286. public Play ($stateName: string, $layer: number) : void
  2287. public Play ($stateName: string) : void
  2288. /** Plays a state. * @param stateName The state name.
  2289. * @param stateNameHash The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time.
  2290. * @param layer The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash.
  2291. * @param normalizedTime The time offset between zero and one.
  2292. */
  2293. public Play ($stateName: string, $layer: number, $normalizedTime: number) : void
  2294. /** Plays a state. * @param stateName The state name.
  2295. * @param stateNameHash The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time.
  2296. * @param layer The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash.
  2297. * @param normalizedTime The time offset between zero and one.
  2298. */
  2299. public Play ($stateNameHash: number, $layer: number, $normalizedTime: number) : void
  2300. public Play ($stateNameHash: number, $layer: number) : void
  2301. public Play ($stateNameHash: number) : void
  2302. /** Sets an AvatarTarget and a targetNormalizedTime for the current state. * @param targetIndex The avatar body part that is queried.
  2303. * @param targetNormalizedTime The current state Time that is queried.
  2304. */
  2305. public SetTarget ($targetIndex: UnityEngine.AvatarTarget, $targetNormalizedTime: number) : void
  2306. /** Returns Transform mapped to this human bone id. * @param humanBoneId The human bone that is queried, see enum HumanBodyBones for a list of possible values.
  2307. */
  2308. public GetBoneTransform ($humanBoneId: UnityEngine.HumanBodyBones) : UnityEngine.Transform
  2309. public StartPlayback () : void
  2310. public StopPlayback () : void
  2311. /** Sets the animator in recording mode, and allocates a circular buffer of size frameCount. * @param frameCount The number of frames (updates) that will be recorded. If frameCount is 0, the recording will continue until the user calls StopRecording. The maximum value for frameCount is 10000.
  2312. */
  2313. public StartRecording ($frameCount: number) : void
  2314. public StopRecording () : void
  2315. /** Returns true if the state exists in this layer, false otherwise.
  2316. * @param layerIndex The layer index.
  2317. * @param stateID The state ID.
  2318. * @returns True if the state exists in this layer, false otherwise.
  2319. */
  2320. public HasState ($layerIndex: number, $stateID: number) : boolean
  2321. /** Generates an parameter id from a string. * @param name The string to convert to Id.
  2322. */
  2323. public static StringToHash ($name: string) : number
  2324. /** Evaluates the animator based on deltaTime. * @param deltaTime The time delta.
  2325. */
  2326. public Update ($deltaTime: number) : void
  2327. public Rebind () : void
  2328. public ApplyBuiltinRootMotion () : void
  2329. public constructor ()
  2330. }
  2331. /** Information about what animation clips is played and its weight. */
  2332. class AnimationInfo extends System.ValueType
  2333. {
  2334. }
  2335. /** The update mode of the Animator. */
  2336. enum AnimatorUpdateMode
  2337. { Normal = 0, AnimatePhysics = 1, UnscaledTime = 2 }
  2338. /** IK Goal. */
  2339. enum AvatarIKGoal
  2340. { LeftFoot = 0, RightFoot = 1, LeftHand = 2, RightHand = 3 }
  2341. /** IK Hint. */
  2342. enum AvatarIKHint
  2343. { LeftKnee = 0, RightKnee = 1, LeftElbow = 2, RightElbow = 3 }
  2344. /** Human Body Bones. */
  2345. enum HumanBodyBones
  2346. { Hips = 0, LeftUpperLeg = 1, RightUpperLeg = 2, LeftLowerLeg = 3, RightLowerLeg = 4, LeftFoot = 5, RightFoot = 6, Spine = 7, Chest = 8, UpperChest = 54, Neck = 9, Head = 10, LeftShoulder = 11, RightShoulder = 12, LeftUpperArm = 13, RightUpperArm = 14, LeftLowerArm = 15, RightLowerArm = 16, LeftHand = 17, RightHand = 18, LeftToes = 19, RightToes = 20, LeftEye = 21, RightEye = 22, Jaw = 23, LeftThumbProximal = 24, LeftThumbIntermediate = 25, LeftThumbDistal = 26, LeftIndexProximal = 27, LeftIndexIntermediate = 28, LeftIndexDistal = 29, LeftMiddleProximal = 30, LeftMiddleIntermediate = 31, LeftMiddleDistal = 32, LeftRingProximal = 33, LeftRingIntermediate = 34, LeftRingDistal = 35, LeftLittleProximal = 36, LeftLittleIntermediate = 37, LeftLittleDistal = 38, RightThumbProximal = 39, RightThumbIntermediate = 40, RightThumbDistal = 41, RightIndexProximal = 42, RightIndexIntermediate = 43, RightIndexDistal = 44, RightMiddleProximal = 45, RightMiddleIntermediate = 46, RightMiddleDistal = 47, RightRingProximal = 48, RightRingIntermediate = 49, RightRingDistal = 50, RightLittleProximal = 51, RightLittleIntermediate = 52, RightLittleDistal = 53, LastBone = 55 }
  2347. /** StateMachineBehaviour is a component that can be added to a state machine state. It's the base class every script on a state derives from. */
  2348. class StateMachineBehaviour extends UnityEngine.ScriptableObject
  2349. {
  2350. }
  2351. /** A class you can derive from if you want to create objects that don't need to be attached to game objects. */
  2352. class ScriptableObject extends UnityEngine.Object
  2353. {
  2354. /** Creates an instance of a scriptable object.
  2355. * @param className The type of the ScriptableObject to create, as the name of the type.
  2356. * @param type The type of the ScriptableObject to create, as a System.Type instance.
  2357. * @returns The created ScriptableObject.
  2358. */
  2359. public static CreateInstance ($className: string) : UnityEngine.ScriptableObject
  2360. /** Creates an instance of a scriptable object.
  2361. * @param className The type of the ScriptableObject to create, as the name of the type.
  2362. * @param type The type of the ScriptableObject to create, as a System.Type instance.
  2363. * @returns The created ScriptableObject.
  2364. */
  2365. public static CreateInstance ($type: System.Type) : UnityEngine.ScriptableObject
  2366. public constructor ()
  2367. }
  2368. /** Information about the current or next state. */
  2369. class AnimatorStateInfo extends System.ValueType
  2370. {
  2371. }
  2372. /** Information about the current transition. */
  2373. class AnimatorTransitionInfo extends System.ValueType
  2374. {
  2375. }
  2376. /** Information about clip being played and blended by the Animator. */
  2377. class AnimatorClipInfo extends System.ValueType
  2378. {
  2379. }
  2380. /** Used to communicate between scripting and the controller. Some parameters can be set in scripting and used by the controller, while other parameters are based on Custom Curves in Animation Clips and can be sampled using the scripting API. */
  2381. class AnimatorControllerParameter extends System.Object
  2382. {
  2383. }
  2384. /** Target. */
  2385. enum AvatarTarget
  2386. { Root = 0, Body = 1, LeftFoot = 2, RightFoot = 3, LeftHand = 4, RightHand = 5 }
  2387. /** Use this struct to specify the position and rotation weight mask for Animator.MatchTarget. */
  2388. class MatchTargetWeightMask extends System.ValueType
  2389. {
  2390. }
  2391. /** Culling mode for the Animator. */
  2392. enum AnimatorCullingMode
  2393. { AlwaysAnimate = 0, CullUpdateTransforms = 1, CullCompletely = 2, BasedOnRenderers = 1 }
  2394. /** The mode of the Animator's recorder. */
  2395. enum AnimatorRecorderMode
  2396. { Offline = 0, Playback = 1, Record = 2 }
  2397. /** The runtime representation of the AnimatorController. Use this representation to change the Animator Controller during runtime. */
  2398. class RuntimeAnimatorController extends UnityEngine.Object
  2399. {
  2400. }
  2401. /** Avatar definition. */
  2402. class Avatar extends UnityEngine.Object
  2403. {
  2404. }
  2405. /** AssetBundles let you stream additional assets via the UnityWebRequest class and instantiate them at runtime. AssetBundles are created via BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle. */
  2406. class AssetBundle extends UnityEngine.Object
  2407. {
  2408. /** Return true if the AssetBundle is a streamed Scene AssetBundle. */
  2409. public get isStreamedSceneAssetBundle(): boolean;
  2410. /** Unloads all currently loaded Asset Bundles. * @param unloadAllObjects Determines whether the current instances of objects loaded from Asset Bundles will also be unloaded.
  2411. */
  2412. public static UnloadAllAssetBundles ($unloadAllObjects: boolean) : void
  2413. public static GetAllLoadedAssetBundles () : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<UnityEngine.AssetBundle>
  2414. public static LoadFromFileAsync ($path: string) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest
  2415. public static LoadFromFileAsync ($path: string, $crc: number) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest
  2416. /** Asynchronously loads an AssetBundle from a file on disk.
  2417. * @param path Path of the file on disk.
  2418. * @param crc An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content. If this is non-zero, then the content will be compared against the checksum before loading it, and give an error if it does not match.
  2419. * @param offset An optional byte offset. This value specifies where to start reading the AssetBundle from.
  2420. * @returns Asynchronous create request for an AssetBundle. Use AssetBundleCreateRequest.assetBundle property to get an AssetBundle once it is loaded.
  2421. */
  2422. public static LoadFromFileAsync ($path: string, $crc: number, $offset: bigint) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest
  2423. public static LoadFromFile ($path: string) : UnityEngine.AssetBundle
  2424. public static LoadFromFile ($path: string, $crc: number) : UnityEngine.AssetBundle
  2425. /** Synchronously loads an AssetBundle from a file on disk.
  2426. * @param path Path of the file on disk.
  2427. * @param crc An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content. If this is non-zero, then the content will be compared against the checksum before loading it, and give an error if it does not match.
  2428. * @param offset An optional byte offset. This value specifies where to start reading the AssetBundle from.
  2429. * @returns Loaded AssetBundle object or null if failed.
  2430. */
  2431. public static LoadFromFile ($path: string, $crc: number, $offset: bigint) : UnityEngine.AssetBundle
  2432. public static LoadFromMemoryAsync ($binary: System.Array$1<number>) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest
  2433. /** Asynchronously create an AssetBundle from a memory region.
  2434. * @param binary Array of bytes with the AssetBundle data.
  2435. * @param crc An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content. If this is non-zero, then the content will be compared against the checksum before loading it, and give an error if it does not match.
  2436. * @returns Asynchronous create request for an AssetBundle. Use AssetBundleCreateRequest.assetBundle property to get an AssetBundle once it is loaded.
  2437. */
  2438. public static LoadFromMemoryAsync ($binary: System.Array$1<number>, $crc: number) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest
  2439. public static LoadFromMemory ($binary: System.Array$1<number>) : UnityEngine.AssetBundle
  2440. /** Synchronously create an AssetBundle from a memory region.
  2441. * @param binary Array of bytes with the AssetBundle data.
  2442. * @param crc An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content. If this is non-zero, then the content will be compared against the checksum before loading it, and give an error if it does not match.
  2443. * @returns Loaded AssetBundle object or null if failed.
  2444. */
  2445. public static LoadFromMemory ($binary: System.Array$1<number>, $crc: number) : UnityEngine.AssetBundle
  2446. /** Asynchronously loads an AssetBundle from a managed Stream.
  2447. * @param stream The managed Stream object. Unity calls Read(), Seek() and the Length property on this object to load the AssetBundle data.
  2448. * @param crc An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content.
  2449. * @param managedReadBufferSize You can use this to override the size of the read buffer Unity uses while loading data. The default size is 32KB.
  2450. * @returns Asynchronous create request for an AssetBundle. Use AssetBundleCreateRequest.assetBundle property to get an AssetBundle once it is loaded.
  2451. */
  2452. public static LoadFromStreamAsync ($stream: System.IO.Stream, $crc: number, $managedReadBufferSize: number) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest
  2453. public static LoadFromStreamAsync ($stream: System.IO.Stream, $crc: number) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest
  2454. public static LoadFromStreamAsync ($stream: System.IO.Stream) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest
  2455. /** Synchronously loads an AssetBundle from a managed Stream.
  2456. * @param stream The managed Stream object. Unity calls Read(), Seek() and the Length property on this object to load the AssetBundle data.
  2457. * @param crc An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content.
  2458. * @param managedReadBufferSize You can use this to override the size of the read buffer Unity uses while loading data. The default size is 32KB.
  2459. * @returns The loaded AssetBundle object or null when the object fails to load.
  2460. */
  2461. public static LoadFromStream ($stream: System.IO.Stream, $crc: number, $managedReadBufferSize: number) : UnityEngine.AssetBundle
  2462. public static LoadFromStream ($stream: System.IO.Stream, $crc: number) : UnityEngine.AssetBundle
  2463. public static LoadFromStream ($stream: System.IO.Stream) : UnityEngine.AssetBundle
  2464. /** Provide decrypt key for protected assetbundle. */
  2465. public static SetAssetBundleDecryptKey ($password: string) : void
  2466. /** Check if an AssetBundle contains a specific object. */
  2467. public Contains ($name: string) : boolean
  2468. /** Loads asset with name of type T from the bundle. */
  2469. public LoadAsset ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Object
  2470. /** Loads asset with name of a given type from the bundle. */
  2471. public LoadAsset ($name: string, $type: System.Type) : UnityEngine.Object
  2472. /** Asynchronously loads asset with name of a given T from the bundle. */
  2473. public LoadAssetAsync ($name: string) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleRequest
  2474. /** Asynchronously loads asset with name of a given type from the bundle. */
  2475. public LoadAssetAsync ($name: string, $type: System.Type) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleRequest
  2476. /** Loads asset and sub assets with name of type T from the bundle. */
  2477. public LoadAssetWithSubAssets ($name: string) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Object>
  2478. /** Loads asset and sub assets with name of a given type from the bundle. */
  2479. public LoadAssetWithSubAssets ($name: string, $type: System.Type) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Object>
  2480. /** Loads asset with sub assets with name of type T from the bundle asynchronously. */
  2481. public LoadAssetWithSubAssetsAsync ($name: string) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleRequest
  2482. /** Loads asset with sub assets with name of a given type from the bundle asynchronously. */
  2483. public LoadAssetWithSubAssetsAsync ($name: string, $type: System.Type) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleRequest
  2484. public LoadAllAssets () : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Object>
  2485. /** Loads all assets contained in the asset bundle that inherit from type. */
  2486. public LoadAllAssets ($type: System.Type) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Object>
  2487. public LoadAllAssetsAsync () : UnityEngine.AssetBundleRequest
  2488. /** Loads all assets contained in the asset bundle that inherit from type asynchronously. */
  2489. public LoadAllAssetsAsync ($type: System.Type) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleRequest
  2490. /** Unloads assets in the bundle. */
  2491. public Unload ($unloadAllLoadedObjects: boolean) : void
  2492. public GetAllAssetNames () : System.Array$1<string>
  2493. public GetAllScenePaths () : System.Array$1<string>
  2494. /** Asynchronously recompress a downloaded/stored AssetBundle from one BuildCompression to another. * @param inputPath Path to the AssetBundle to recompress.
  2495. * @param outputPath Path to the recompressed AssetBundle to be generated. Can be the same as inputPath.
  2496. * @param method The compression method, level and blocksize to use during recompression. Only some BuildCompression types are supported (see note).
  2497. * @param expectedCRC CRC of the AssetBundle to test against. Testing this requires additional file reading and computation. Pass in 0 to skip this check. Unity does not compute a CRC when the source and destination BuildCompression are the same, so no CRC verification takes place (see note).
  2498. * @param priority The priority at which the recompression operation should run. This sets thread priority during the operation and does not effect the order in which operations are performed. Recompression operations run on a background worker thread.
  2499. */
  2500. public static RecompressAssetBundleAsync ($inputPath: string, $outputPath: string, $method: UnityEngine.BuildCompression, $expectedCRC?: number, $priority?: UnityEngine.ThreadPriority) : UnityEngine.AssetBundleRecompressOperation
  2501. }
  2502. /** Asynchronous create request for an AssetBundle. */
  2503. class AssetBundleCreateRequest extends UnityEngine.AsyncOperation
  2504. {
  2505. /** Asset object being loaded (Read Only). */
  2506. public get assetBundle(): UnityEngine.AssetBundle;
  2507. public constructor ()
  2508. }
  2509. /** Asynchronous operation coroutine. */
  2510. class AsyncOperation extends UnityEngine.YieldInstruction
  2511. {
  2512. /** Has the operation finished? (Read Only) */
  2513. public get isDone(): boolean;
  2514. /** What's the operation's progress. (Read Only) */
  2515. public get progress(): number;
  2516. /** Priority lets you tweak in which order async operation calls will be performed. */
  2517. public get priority(): number;
  2518. public set priority(value: number);
  2519. /** Allow Scenes to be activated as soon as it is ready. */
  2520. public get allowSceneActivation(): boolean;
  2521. public set allowSceneActivation(value: boolean);
  2522. public add_completed ($value: System.Action$1<UnityEngine.AsyncOperation>) : void
  2523. public remove_completed ($value: System.Action$1<UnityEngine.AsyncOperation>) : void
  2524. public constructor ()
  2525. }
  2526. /** Base class for all yield instructions. */
  2527. class YieldInstruction extends System.Object
  2528. {
  2529. }
  2530. /** Asynchronous load request from an AssetBundle. */
  2531. class AssetBundleRequest extends UnityEngine.AsyncOperation
  2532. {
  2533. /** Asset object being loaded (Read Only). */
  2534. public get asset(): UnityEngine.Object;
  2535. /** Asset objects with sub assets being loaded. (Read Only) */
  2536. public get allAssets(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Object>;
  2537. public constructor ()
  2538. }
  2539. /** Asynchronous AssetBundle recompression from one compression method and level to another. */
  2540. class AssetBundleRecompressOperation extends UnityEngine.AsyncOperation
  2541. {
  2542. }
  2543. /** Contains information about compression methods, compression levels and block sizes that are supported by Asset Bundle compression at build time and recompression at runtime. */
  2544. class BuildCompression extends System.ValueType
  2545. {
  2546. }
  2547. /** Priority of a thread. */
  2548. enum ThreadPriority
  2549. { Low = 0, BelowNormal = 1, Normal = 2, High = 4 }
  2550. /** A container for audio data. */
  2551. class AudioClip extends UnityEngine.Object
  2552. {
  2553. /** The length of the audio clip in seconds. (Read Only) */
  2554. public get length(): number;
  2555. /** The length of the audio clip in samples. (Read Only) */
  2556. public get samples(): number;
  2557. /** The number of channels in the audio clip. (Read Only) */
  2558. public get channels(): number;
  2559. /** The sample frequency of the clip in Hertz. (Read Only) */
  2560. public get frequency(): number;
  2561. /** The load type of the clip (read-only). */
  2562. public get loadType(): UnityEngine.AudioClipLoadType;
  2563. /** Preloads audio data of the clip when the clip asset is loaded. When this flag is off, scripts have to call AudioClip.LoadAudioData() to load the data before the clip can be played. Properties like length, channels and format are available before the audio data has been loaded. */
  2564. public get preloadAudioData(): boolean;
  2565. /** Returns true if this audio clip is ambisonic (read-only). */
  2566. public get ambisonic(): boolean;
  2567. /** Returns the current load state of the audio data associated with an AudioClip. */
  2568. public get loadState(): UnityEngine.AudioDataLoadState;
  2569. /** Corresponding to the "Load In Background" flag in the inspector, when this flag is set, the loading will happen delayed without blocking the main thread. */
  2570. public get loadInBackground(): boolean;
  2571. public LoadAudioData () : boolean
  2572. public UnloadAudioData () : boolean
  2573. /** Fills an array with sample data from the clip. */
  2574. public GetData ($data: System.Array$1<number>, $offsetSamples: number) : boolean
  2575. /** Set sample data in a clip. */
  2576. public SetData ($data: System.Array$1<number>, $offsetSamples: number) : boolean
  2577. /** Creates a user AudioClip with a name and with the given length in samples, channels and frequency.
  2578. * @param name Name of clip.
  2579. * @param lengthSamples Number of sample frames.
  2580. * @param channels Number of channels per frame.
  2581. * @param frequency Sample frequency of clip.
  2582. * @param _3D Audio clip is played back in 3D.
  2583. * @param stream True if clip is streamed, that is if the pcmreadercallback generates data on the fly.
  2584. * @param pcmreadercallback This callback is invoked to generate a block of sample data. Non-streamed clips call this only once at creation time while streamed clips call this continuously.
  2585. * @param pcmsetpositioncallback This callback is invoked whenever the clip loops or changes playback position.
  2586. * @returns A reference to the created AudioClip.
  2587. */
  2588. public static Create ($name: string, $lengthSamples: number, $channels: number, $frequency: number, $stream: boolean) : UnityEngine.AudioClip
  2589. public static Create ($name: string, $lengthSamples: number, $channels: number, $frequency: number, $stream: boolean, $pcmreadercallback: UnityEngine.AudioClip.PCMReaderCallback) : UnityEngine.AudioClip
  2590. public static Create ($name: string, $lengthSamples: number, $channels: number, $frequency: number, $stream: boolean, $pcmreadercallback: UnityEngine.AudioClip.PCMReaderCallback, $pcmsetpositioncallback: UnityEngine.AudioClip.PCMSetPositionCallback) : UnityEngine.AudioClip
  2591. }
  2592. /** Determines how the audio clip is loaded in. */
  2593. enum AudioClipLoadType
  2594. { DecompressOnLoad = 0, CompressedInMemory = 1, Streaming = 2 }
  2595. /** Value describing the current load state of the audio data associated with an AudioClip. */
  2596. enum AudioDataLoadState
  2597. { Unloaded = 0, Loading = 1, Loaded = 2, Failed = 3 }
  2598. /** Representation of a listener in 3D space. */
  2599. class AudioListener extends UnityEngine.AudioBehaviour
  2600. {
  2601. /** Controls the game sound volume (0.0 to 1.0). */
  2602. public static get volume(): number;
  2603. public static set volume(value: number);
  2604. /** The paused state of the audio system. */
  2605. public static get pause(): boolean;
  2606. public static set pause(value: boolean);
  2607. /** This lets you set whether the Audio Listener should be updated in the fixed or dynamic update. */
  2608. public get velocityUpdateMode(): UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode;
  2609. public set velocityUpdateMode(value: UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode);
  2610. /** Provides a block of the listener (master)'s output data. * @param samples The array to populate with audio samples. Its length must be a power of 2.
  2611. * @param channel The channel to sample from.
  2612. */
  2613. public static GetOutputData ($samples: System.Array$1<number>, $channel: number) : void
  2614. /** Provides a block of the listener (master)'s spectrum data. * @param samples The array to populate with audio samples. Its length must be a power of 2.
  2615. * @param channel The channel to sample from.
  2616. * @param window The FFTWindow type to use when sampling.
  2617. */
  2618. public static GetSpectrumData ($samples: System.Array$1<number>, $channel: number, $window: UnityEngine.FFTWindow) : void
  2619. public constructor ()
  2620. }
  2621. class AudioBehaviour extends UnityEngine.Behaviour
  2622. {
  2623. }
  2624. /** Describes when an AudioSource or AudioListener is updated. */
  2625. enum AudioVelocityUpdateMode
  2626. { Auto = 0, Fixed = 1, Dynamic = 2 }
  2627. /** Spectrum analysis windowing types. */
  2628. enum FFTWindow
  2629. { Rectangular = 0, Triangle = 1, Hamming = 2, Hanning = 3, Blackman = 4, BlackmanHarris = 5 }
  2630. /** A representation of audio sources in 3D. */
  2631. class AudioSource extends UnityEngine.AudioBehaviour
  2632. {
  2633. /** The volume of the audio source (0.0 to 1.0). */
  2634. public get volume(): number;
  2635. public set volume(value: number);
  2636. /** The pitch of the audio source. */
  2637. public get pitch(): number;
  2638. public set pitch(value: number);
  2639. /** Playback position in seconds. */
  2640. public get time(): number;
  2641. public set time(value: number);
  2642. /** Playback position in PCM samples. */
  2643. public get timeSamples(): number;
  2644. public set timeSamples(value: number);
  2645. /** The default AudioClip to play. */
  2646. public get clip(): UnityEngine.AudioClip;
  2647. public set clip(value: UnityEngine.AudioClip);
  2648. /** The target group to which the AudioSource should route its signal. */
  2649. public get outputAudioMixerGroup(): UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerGroup;
  2650. public set outputAudioMixerGroup(value: UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerGroup);
  2651. /** Is the clip playing right now (Read Only)? */
  2652. public get isPlaying(): boolean;
  2653. /** True if all sounds played by the AudioSource (main sound started by Play() or playOnAwake as well as one-shots) are culled by the audio system. */
  2654. public get isVirtual(): boolean;
  2655. /** Is the audio clip looping? */
  2656. public get loop(): boolean;
  2657. public set loop(value: boolean);
  2658. /** This makes the audio source not take into account the volume of the audio listener. */
  2659. public get ignoreListenerVolume(): boolean;
  2660. public set ignoreListenerVolume(value: boolean);
  2661. /** If set to true, the audio source will automatically start playing on awake. */
  2662. public get playOnAwake(): boolean;
  2663. public set playOnAwake(value: boolean);
  2664. /** Allows AudioSource to play even though AudioListener.pause is set to true. This is useful for the menu element sounds or background music in pause menus. */
  2665. public get ignoreListenerPause(): boolean;
  2666. public set ignoreListenerPause(value: boolean);
  2667. /** Whether the Audio Source should be updated in the fixed or dynamic update. */
  2668. public get velocityUpdateMode(): UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode;
  2669. public set velocityUpdateMode(value: UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode);
  2670. /** Pans a playing sound in a stereo way (left or right). This only applies to sounds that are Mono or Stereo. */
  2671. public get panStereo(): number;
  2672. public set panStereo(value: number);
  2673. /** Sets how much this AudioSource is affected by 3D spatialisation calculations (attenuation, doppler etc). 0.0 makes the sound full 2D, 1.0 makes it full 3D. */
  2674. public get spatialBlend(): number;
  2675. public set spatialBlend(value: number);
  2676. /** Enables or disables spatialization. */
  2677. public get spatialize(): boolean;
  2678. public set spatialize(value: boolean);
  2679. /** Determines if the spatializer effect is inserted before or after the effect filters. */
  2680. public get spatializePostEffects(): boolean;
  2681. public set spatializePostEffects(value: boolean);
  2682. /** The amount by which the signal from the AudioSource will be mixed into the global reverb associated with the Reverb Zones. */
  2683. public get reverbZoneMix(): number;
  2684. public set reverbZoneMix(value: number);
  2685. /** Bypass effects (Applied from filter components or global listener filters). */
  2686. public get bypassEffects(): boolean;
  2687. public set bypassEffects(value: boolean);
  2688. /** When set global effects on the AudioListener will not be applied to the audio signal generated by the AudioSource. Does not apply if the AudioSource is playing into a mixer group. */
  2689. public get bypassListenerEffects(): boolean;
  2690. public set bypassListenerEffects(value: boolean);
  2691. /** When set doesn't route the signal from an AudioSource into the global reverb associated with reverb zones. */
  2692. public get bypassReverbZones(): boolean;
  2693. public set bypassReverbZones(value: boolean);
  2694. /** Sets the Doppler scale for this AudioSource. */
  2695. public get dopplerLevel(): number;
  2696. public set dopplerLevel(value: number);
  2697. /** Sets the spread angle (in degrees) of a 3d stereo or multichannel sound in speaker space. */
  2698. public get spread(): number;
  2699. public set spread(value: number);
  2700. /** Sets the priority of the AudioSource. */
  2701. public get priority(): number;
  2702. public set priority(value: number);
  2703. /** Un- / Mutes the AudioSource. Mute sets the volume=0, Un-Mute restore the original volume. */
  2704. public get mute(): boolean;
  2705. public set mute(value: boolean);
  2706. /** Within the Min distance the AudioSource will cease to grow louder in volume. */
  2707. public get minDistance(): number;
  2708. public set minDistance(value: number);
  2709. /** (Logarithmic rolloff) MaxDistance is the distance a sound stops attenuating at. */
  2710. public get maxDistance(): number;
  2711. public set maxDistance(value: number);
  2712. /** Sets/Gets how the AudioSource attenuates over distance. */
  2713. public get rolloffMode(): UnityEngine.AudioRolloffMode;
  2714. public set rolloffMode(value: UnityEngine.AudioRolloffMode);
  2715. /** Plays the clip. * @param delay Deprecated. Delay in number of samples, assuming a 44100Hz sample rate (meaning that Play(44100) will delay the playing by exactly 1 sec).
  2716. */
  2717. public Play ($delay: bigint) : void
  2718. /** Plays the clip. * @param delay Deprecated. Delay in number of samples, assuming a 44100Hz sample rate (meaning that Play(44100) will delay the playing by exactly 1 sec).
  2719. */
  2720. public Play () : void
  2721. /** Plays the clip with a delay specified in seconds. Users are advised to use this function instead of the old Play(delay) function that took a delay specified in samples relative to a reference rate of 44.1 kHz as an argument. * @param delay Delay time specified in seconds.
  2722. */
  2723. public PlayDelayed ($delay: number) : void
  2724. /** Plays the clip at a specific time on the absolute time-line that AudioSettings.dspTime reads from. * @param time Time in seconds on the absolute time-line that AudioSettings.dspTime refers to for when the sound should start playing.
  2725. */
  2726. public PlayScheduled ($time: number) : void
  2727. /** Changes the time at which a sound that has already been scheduled to play will start. * @param time Time in seconds.
  2728. */
  2729. public SetScheduledStartTime ($time: number) : void
  2730. /** Changes the time at which a sound that has already been scheduled to play will end. Notice that depending on the timing not all rescheduling requests can be fulfilled. * @param time Time in seconds.
  2731. */
  2732. public SetScheduledEndTime ($time: number) : void
  2733. public Stop () : void
  2734. public Pause () : void
  2735. public UnPause () : void
  2736. /** Plays an AudioClip, and scales the AudioSource volume by volumeScale. * @param clip The clip being played.
  2737. * @param volumeScale The scale of the volume (0-1).
  2738. */
  2739. public PlayOneShot ($clip: UnityEngine.AudioClip) : void
  2740. /** Plays an AudioClip, and scales the AudioSource volume by volumeScale. * @param clip The clip being played.
  2741. * @param volumeScale The scale of the volume (0-1).
  2742. */
  2743. public PlayOneShot ($clip: UnityEngine.AudioClip, $volumeScale: number) : void
  2744. /** Plays an AudioClip at a given position in world space. * @param clip Audio data to play.
  2745. * @param position Position in world space from which sound originates.
  2746. * @param volume Playback volume.
  2747. */
  2748. public static PlayClipAtPoint ($clip: UnityEngine.AudioClip, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  2749. /** Plays an AudioClip at a given position in world space. * @param clip Audio data to play.
  2750. * @param position Position in world space from which sound originates.
  2751. * @param volume Playback volume.
  2752. */
  2753. public static PlayClipAtPoint ($clip: UnityEngine.AudioClip, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $volume: number) : void
  2754. /** Set the custom curve for the given AudioSourceCurveType. * @param type The curve type that should be set.
  2755. * @param curve The curve that should be applied to the given curve type.
  2756. */
  2757. public SetCustomCurve ($type: UnityEngine.AudioSourceCurveType, $curve: UnityEngine.AnimationCurve) : void
  2758. /** Get the current custom curve for the given AudioSourceCurveType.
  2759. * @param type The curve type to get.
  2760. * @returns The custom AnimationCurve corresponding to the given curve type.
  2761. */
  2762. public GetCustomCurve ($type: UnityEngine.AudioSourceCurveType) : UnityEngine.AnimationCurve
  2763. /** Provides a block of the currently playing source's output data. * @param samples The array to populate with audio samples. Its length must be a power of 2.
  2764. * @param channel The channel to sample from.
  2765. */
  2766. public GetOutputData ($samples: System.Array$1<number>, $channel: number) : void
  2767. /** Provides a block of the currently playing audio source's spectrum data. * @param samples The array to populate with audio samples. Its length must be a power of 2.
  2768. * @param channel The channel to sample from.
  2769. * @param window The FFTWindow type to use when sampling.
  2770. */
  2771. public GetSpectrumData ($samples: System.Array$1<number>, $channel: number, $window: UnityEngine.FFTWindow) : void
  2772. /** Sets a user-defined parameter of a custom spatializer effect that is attached to an AudioSource.
  2773. * @param index Zero-based index of user-defined parameter to be set.
  2774. * @param value New value of the user-defined parameter.
  2775. * @returns True, if the parameter could be set.
  2776. */
  2777. public SetSpatializerFloat ($index: number, $value: number) : boolean
  2778. /** Reads a user-defined parameter of a custom spatializer effect that is attached to an AudioSource.
  2779. * @param index Zero-based index of user-defined parameter to be read.
  2780. * @param value Return value of the user-defined parameter that is read.
  2781. * @returns True, if the parameter could be read.
  2782. */
  2783. public GetSpatializerFloat ($index: number, $value: $Ref<number>) : boolean
  2784. /** Sets a user-defined parameter of a custom ambisonic decoder effect that is attached to an AudioSource.
  2785. * @param index Zero-based index of user-defined parameter to be set.
  2786. * @param value New value of the user-defined parameter.
  2787. * @returns True, if the parameter could be set.
  2788. */
  2789. public SetAmbisonicDecoderFloat ($index: number, $value: number) : boolean
  2790. /** Reads a user-defined parameter of a custom ambisonic decoder effect that is attached to an AudioSource.
  2791. * @param index Zero-based index of user-defined parameter to be read.
  2792. * @param value Return value of the user-defined parameter that is read.
  2793. * @returns True, if the parameter could be read.
  2794. */
  2795. public GetAmbisonicDecoderFloat ($index: number, $value: $Ref<number>) : boolean
  2796. public constructor ()
  2797. }
  2798. /** This defines the curve type of the different custom curves that can be queried and set within the AudioSource. */
  2799. enum AudioSourceCurveType
  2800. { CustomRolloff = 0, SpatialBlend = 1, ReverbZoneMix = 2, Spread = 3 }
  2801. /** Store a collection of Keyframes that can be evaluated over time. */
  2802. class AnimationCurve extends System.Object implements System.IEquatable$1<UnityEngine.AnimationCurve>
  2803. {
  2804. }
  2805. /** Rolloff modes that a 3D sound can have in an audio source. */
  2806. enum AudioRolloffMode
  2807. { Logarithmic = 0, Linear = 1, Custom = 2 }
  2808. /** Base class for texture handling. Contains functionality that is common to both Texture2D and RenderTexture classes. */
  2809. class Texture extends UnityEngine.Object
  2810. {
  2811. public static get masterTextureLimit(): number;
  2812. public static set masterTextureLimit(value: number);
  2813. public static get anisotropicFiltering(): UnityEngine.AnisotropicFiltering;
  2814. public static set anisotropicFiltering(value: UnityEngine.AnisotropicFiltering);
  2815. /** Width of the texture in pixels. (Read Only) */
  2816. public get width(): number;
  2817. public set width(value: number);
  2818. /** Height of the texture in pixels. (Read Only) */
  2819. public get height(): number;
  2820. public set height(value: number);
  2821. /** Dimensionality (type) of the texture (Read Only). */
  2822. public get dimension(): UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension;
  2823. public set dimension(value: UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension);
  2824. /** Returns true if the Read/Write Enabled checkbox was checked when the texture was imported; otherwise returns false. For a dynamic Texture created from script, always returns true. For additional information, see TextureImporter.isReadable. */
  2825. public get isReadable(): boolean;
  2826. /** Texture coordinate wrapping mode. */
  2827. public get wrapMode(): UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode;
  2828. public set wrapMode(value: UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode);
  2829. /** Texture U coordinate wrapping mode. */
  2830. public get wrapModeU(): UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode;
  2831. public set wrapModeU(value: UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode);
  2832. /** Texture V coordinate wrapping mode. */
  2833. public get wrapModeV(): UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode;
  2834. public set wrapModeV(value: UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode);
  2835. /** Texture W coordinate wrapping mode for Texture3D. */
  2836. public get wrapModeW(): UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode;
  2837. public set wrapModeW(value: UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode);
  2838. /** Filtering mode of the texture. */
  2839. public get filterMode(): UnityEngine.FilterMode;
  2840. public set filterMode(value: UnityEngine.FilterMode);
  2841. /** Anisotropic filtering level of the texture. */
  2842. public get anisoLevel(): number;
  2843. public set anisoLevel(value: number);
  2844. /** Mip map bias of the texture. */
  2845. public get mipMapBias(): number;
  2846. public set mipMapBias(value: number);
  2847. public get texelSize(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  2848. /** This counter is incremented when the texture is updated. */
  2849. public get updateCount(): number;
  2850. /** The hash value of the Texture. */
  2851. public get imageContentsHash(): UnityEngine.Hash128;
  2852. public set imageContentsHash(value: UnityEngine.Hash128);
  2853. /** The total amount of memory that would be used by all textures at mipmap level 0. */
  2854. public static get totalTextureMemory(): bigint;
  2855. /** This amount of texture memory would be used before the texture streaming budget is applied. */
  2856. public static get desiredTextureMemory(): bigint;
  2857. /** The amount of memory used by textures after the mipmap streaming and budget are applied and loading is complete. */
  2858. public static get targetTextureMemory(): bigint;
  2859. /** The amount of memory currently being used by textures. */
  2860. public static get currentTextureMemory(): bigint;
  2861. /** Total amount of memory being used by non-streaming textures. */
  2862. public static get nonStreamingTextureMemory(): bigint;
  2863. /** How many times has a texture been uploaded due to texture mipmap streaming. */
  2864. public static get streamingMipmapUploadCount(): bigint;
  2865. /** Number of renderers registered with the texture streaming system. */
  2866. public static get streamingRendererCount(): bigint;
  2867. /** Number of streaming textures. */
  2868. public static get streamingTextureCount(): bigint;
  2869. /** Number of non-streaming textures. */
  2870. public static get nonStreamingTextureCount(): bigint;
  2871. /** Number of streaming textures with outstanding mipmaps to be loaded. */
  2872. public static get streamingTexturePendingLoadCount(): bigint;
  2873. /** Number of streaming textures with mipmaps currently loading. */
  2874. public static get streamingTextureLoadingCount(): bigint;
  2875. /** Force streaming textures to load all mipmap levels. */
  2876. public static get streamingTextureForceLoadAll(): boolean;
  2877. public static set streamingTextureForceLoadAll(value: boolean);
  2878. /** Force the streaming texture system to discard all unused mipmaps immediately, rather than caching them until the texture memory budget is exceeded. */
  2879. public static get streamingTextureDiscardUnusedMips(): boolean;
  2880. public static set streamingTextureDiscardUnusedMips(value: boolean);
  2881. /** Sets Anisotropic limits. */
  2882. public static SetGlobalAnisotropicFilteringLimits ($forcedMin: number, $globalMax: number) : void
  2883. public GetNativeTexturePtr () : System.IntPtr
  2884. public IncrementUpdateCount () : void
  2885. public static SetStreamingTextureMaterialDebugProperties () : void
  2886. }
  2887. /** Anisotropic filtering mode. */
  2888. enum AnisotropicFiltering
  2889. { Disable = 0, Enable = 1, ForceEnable = 2 }
  2890. /** Wrap mode for textures. */
  2891. enum TextureWrapMode
  2892. { Repeat = 0, Clamp = 1, Mirror = 2, MirrorOnce = 3 }
  2893. /** Filtering mode for textures. Corresponds to the settings in a. */
  2894. enum FilterMode
  2895. { Point = 0, Bilinear = 1, Trilinear = 2 }
  2896. /** Representation of 2D vectors and points. */
  2897. class Vector2 extends System.ValueType implements System.IEquatable$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>
  2898. {
  2899. /** X component of the vector. */
  2900. public x : number/** Y component of the vector. */
  2901. public y : number
  2902. public static kEpsilon : number
  2903. public static kEpsilonNormalSqrt : number/** Returns this vector with a magnitude of 1 (Read Only). */
  2904. public get normalized(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  2905. /** Returns the length of this vector (Read Only). */
  2906. public get magnitude(): number;
  2907. /** Returns the squared length of this vector (Read Only). */
  2908. public get sqrMagnitude(): number;
  2909. /** Shorthand for writing Vector2(0, 0). */
  2910. public static get zero(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  2911. /** Shorthand for writing Vector2(1, 1). */
  2912. public static get one(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  2913. /** Shorthand for writing Vector2(0, 1). */
  2914. public static get up(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  2915. /** Shorthand for writing Vector2(0, -1). */
  2916. public static get down(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  2917. /** Shorthand for writing Vector2(-1, 0). */
  2918. public static get left(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  2919. /** Shorthand for writing Vector2(1, 0). */
  2920. public static get right(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  2921. /** Shorthand for writing Vector2(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity). */
  2922. public static get positiveInfinity(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  2923. /** Shorthand for writing Vector2(float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity). */
  2924. public static get negativeInfinity(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  2925. public get_Item ($index: number) : number
  2926. public set_Item ($index: number, $value: number) : void
  2927. /** Set x and y components of an existing Vector2. */
  2928. public Set ($newX: number, $newY: number) : void
  2929. /** Linearly interpolates between vectors a and b by t. */
  2930. public static Lerp ($a: UnityEngine.Vector2, $b: UnityEngine.Vector2, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2931. /** Linearly interpolates between vectors a and b by t. */
  2932. public static LerpUnclamped ($a: UnityEngine.Vector2, $b: UnityEngine.Vector2, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2933. /** Moves a point current towards target. */
  2934. public static MoveTowards ($current: UnityEngine.Vector2, $target: UnityEngine.Vector2, $maxDistanceDelta: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2935. /** Multiplies two vectors component-wise. */
  2936. public static Scale ($a: UnityEngine.Vector2, $b: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2937. /** Multiplies every component of this vector by the same component of scale. */
  2938. public Scale ($scale: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  2939. public Normalize () : void
  2940. public ToString () : string
  2941. /** Returns a nicely formatted string for this vector. */
  2942. public ToString ($format: string) : string
  2943. /** Returns true if the given vector is exactly equal to this vector. */
  2944. public Equals ($other: any) : boolean
  2945. public Equals ($other: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  2946. /** Reflects a vector off the vector defined by a normal. */
  2947. public static Reflect ($inDirection: UnityEngine.Vector2, $inNormal: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2948. /** Returns the 2D vector perpendicular to this 2D vector. The result is always rotated 90-degrees in a counter-clockwise direction for a 2D coordinate system where the positive Y axis goes up.
  2949. * @param inDirection The input direction.
  2950. * @returns The perpendicular direction.
  2951. */
  2952. public static Perpendicular ($inDirection: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2953. /** Dot Product of two vectors. */
  2954. public static Dot ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector2, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector2) : number
  2955. /** Returns the unsigned angle in degrees between from and to. * @param from The vector from which the angular difference is measured.
  2956. * @param to The vector to which the angular difference is measured.
  2957. */
  2958. public static Angle ($from: UnityEngine.Vector2, $to: UnityEngine.Vector2) : number
  2959. /** Returns the signed angle in degrees between from and to. * @param from The vector from which the angular difference is measured.
  2960. * @param to The vector to which the angular difference is measured.
  2961. */
  2962. public static SignedAngle ($from: UnityEngine.Vector2, $to: UnityEngine.Vector2) : number
  2963. /** Returns the distance between a and b. */
  2964. public static Distance ($a: UnityEngine.Vector2, $b: UnityEngine.Vector2) : number
  2965. /** Returns a copy of vector with its magnitude clamped to maxLength. */
  2966. public static ClampMagnitude ($vector: UnityEngine.Vector2, $maxLength: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2967. public static SqrMagnitude ($a: UnityEngine.Vector2) : number
  2968. public SqrMagnitude () : number
  2969. /** Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors. */
  2970. public static Min ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector2, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2971. /** Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors. */
  2972. public static Max ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector2, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2973. /** Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time. * @param current The current position.
  2974. * @param target The position we are trying to reach.
  2975. * @param currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
  2976. * @param smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
  2977. * @param maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
  2978. * @param deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
  2979. */
  2980. public static SmoothDamp ($current: UnityEngine.Vector2, $target: UnityEngine.Vector2, $currentVelocity: $Ref<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $smoothTime: number, $maxSpeed: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2981. /** Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time. * @param current The current position.
  2982. * @param target The position we are trying to reach.
  2983. * @param currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
  2984. * @param smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
  2985. * @param maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
  2986. * @param deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
  2987. */
  2988. public static SmoothDamp ($current: UnityEngine.Vector2, $target: UnityEngine.Vector2, $currentVelocity: $Ref<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $smoothTime: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2989. /** Gradually changes a vector towards a desired goal over time. * @param current The current position.
  2990. * @param target The position we are trying to reach.
  2991. * @param currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
  2992. * @param smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
  2993. * @param maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
  2994. * @param deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
  2995. */
  2996. public static SmoothDamp ($current: UnityEngine.Vector2, $target: UnityEngine.Vector2, $currentVelocity: $Ref<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $smoothTime: number, $maxSpeed: number, $deltaTime: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2997. public static op_Addition ($a: UnityEngine.Vector2, $b: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2998. public static op_Subtraction ($a: UnityEngine.Vector2, $b: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  2999. public static op_Multiply ($a: UnityEngine.Vector2, $b: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  3000. public static op_Division ($a: UnityEngine.Vector2, $b: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  3001. public static op_UnaryNegation ($a: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  3002. public static op_Multiply ($a: UnityEngine.Vector2, $d: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  3003. public static op_Multiply ($d: number, $a: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  3004. public static op_Division ($a: UnityEngine.Vector2, $d: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  3005. public static op_Equality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector2, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  3006. public static op_Inequality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector2, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  3007. public static op_Implicit ($v: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  3008. public static op_Implicit ($v: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  3009. public constructor ($x: number, $y: number)
  3010. public Equals ($obj: any) : boolean
  3011. public static Equals ($objA: any, $objB: any) : boolean
  3012. public constructor ()
  3013. }
  3014. /** Represent the hash value. */
  3015. class Hash128 extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, System.IComparable$1<UnityEngine.Hash128>, System.IEquatable$1<UnityEngine.Hash128>
  3016. {
  3017. }
  3018. /** Representation of RGBA colors. */
  3019. class Color extends System.ValueType implements System.IEquatable$1<UnityEngine.Color>
  3020. {
  3021. /** Red component of the color. */
  3022. public r : number/** Green component of the color. */
  3023. public g : number/** Blue component of the color. */
  3024. public b : number/** Alpha component of the color (0 is transparent, 1 is opaque). */
  3025. public a : number/** Solid red. RGBA is (1, 0, 0, 1). */
  3026. public static get red(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3027. /** Solid green. RGBA is (0, 1, 0, 1). */
  3028. public static get green(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3029. /** Solid blue. RGBA is (0, 0, 1, 1). */
  3030. public static get blue(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3031. /** Solid white. RGBA is (1, 1, 1, 1). */
  3032. public static get white(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3033. /** Solid black. RGBA is (0, 0, 0, 1). */
  3034. public static get black(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3035. /** Yellow. RGBA is (1, 0.92, 0.016, 1), but the color is nice to look at! */
  3036. public static get yellow(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3037. /** Cyan. RGBA is (0, 1, 1, 1). */
  3038. public static get cyan(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3039. /** Magenta. RGBA is (1, 0, 1, 1). */
  3040. public static get magenta(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3041. /** Gray. RGBA is (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1). */
  3042. public static get gray(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3043. /** English spelling for gray. RGBA is the same (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1). */
  3044. public static get grey(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3045. /** Completely transparent. RGBA is (0, 0, 0, 0). */
  3046. public static get clear(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3047. /** The grayscale value of the color. (Read Only) */
  3048. public get grayscale(): number;
  3049. /** A linear value of an sRGB color. */
  3050. public get linear(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3051. /** A version of the color that has had the gamma curve applied. */
  3052. public get gamma(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3053. /** Returns the maximum color component value: Max(r,g,b). */
  3054. public get maxColorComponent(): number;
  3055. public ToString () : string
  3056. /** Returns a nicely formatted string of this color. */
  3057. public ToString ($format: string) : string
  3058. public Equals ($other: any) : boolean
  3059. public Equals ($other: UnityEngine.Color) : boolean
  3060. public static op_Addition ($a: UnityEngine.Color, $b: UnityEngine.Color) : UnityEngine.Color
  3061. public static op_Subtraction ($a: UnityEngine.Color, $b: UnityEngine.Color) : UnityEngine.Color
  3062. public static op_Multiply ($a: UnityEngine.Color, $b: UnityEngine.Color) : UnityEngine.Color
  3063. public static op_Multiply ($a: UnityEngine.Color, $b: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  3064. public static op_Multiply ($b: number, $a: UnityEngine.Color) : UnityEngine.Color
  3065. public static op_Division ($a: UnityEngine.Color, $b: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  3066. public static op_Equality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Color, $rhs: UnityEngine.Color) : boolean
  3067. public static op_Inequality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Color, $rhs: UnityEngine.Color) : boolean
  3068. /** Linearly interpolates between colors a and b by t. * @param a Color a.
  3069. * @param b Color b.
  3070. * @param t Float for combining a and b.
  3071. */
  3072. public static Lerp ($a: UnityEngine.Color, $b: UnityEngine.Color, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  3073. /** Linearly interpolates between colors a and b by t. */
  3074. public static LerpUnclamped ($a: UnityEngine.Color, $b: UnityEngine.Color, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  3075. public static op_Implicit ($c: UnityEngine.Color) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3076. public static op_Implicit ($v: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Color
  3077. public get_Item ($index: number) : number
  3078. public set_Item ($index: number, $value: number) : void
  3079. /** Calculates the hue, saturation and value of an RGB input color. * @param rgbColor An input color.
  3080. * @param H Output variable for hue.
  3081. * @param S Output variable for saturation.
  3082. * @param V Output variable for value.
  3083. */
  3084. public static RGBToHSV ($rgbColor: UnityEngine.Color, $H: $Ref<number>, $S: $Ref<number>, $V: $Ref<number>) : void
  3085. /** Creates an RGB colour from HSV input.
  3086. * @param H Hue [0..1].
  3087. * @param S Saturation [0..1].
  3088. * @param V Brightness value [0..1].
  3089. * @param hdr Output HDR colours. If true, the returned colour will not be clamped to [0..1].
  3090. * @returns An opaque colour with HSV matching the input.
  3091. */
  3092. public static HSVToRGB ($H: number, $S: number, $V: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  3093. /** Creates an RGB colour from HSV input.
  3094. * @param H Hue [0..1].
  3095. * @param S Saturation [0..1].
  3096. * @param V Brightness value [0..1].
  3097. * @param hdr Output HDR colours. If true, the returned colour will not be clamped to [0..1].
  3098. * @returns An opaque colour with HSV matching the input.
  3099. */
  3100. public static HSVToRGB ($H: number, $S: number, $V: number, $hdr: boolean) : UnityEngine.Color
  3101. public constructor ($r: number, $g: number, $b: number, $a: number)
  3102. public constructor ($r: number, $g: number, $b: number)
  3103. public Equals ($obj: any) : boolean
  3104. public static Equals ($objA: any, $objB: any) : boolean
  3105. public constructor ()
  3106. }
  3107. /** Representation of four-dimensional vectors. */
  3108. class Vector4 extends System.ValueType implements System.IEquatable$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>
  3109. {
  3110. public static kEpsilon : number/** X component of the vector. */
  3111. public x : number/** Y component of the vector. */
  3112. public y : number/** Z component of the vector. */
  3113. public z : number/** W component of the vector. */
  3114. public w : number/** Returns this vector with a magnitude of 1 (Read Only). */
  3115. public get normalized(): UnityEngine.Vector4;
  3116. /** Returns the length of this vector (Read Only). */
  3117. public get magnitude(): number;
  3118. /** Returns the squared length of this vector (Read Only). */
  3119. public get sqrMagnitude(): number;
  3120. /** Shorthand for writing Vector4(0,0,0,0). */
  3121. public static get zero(): UnityEngine.Vector4;
  3122. /** Shorthand for writing Vector4(1,1,1,1). */
  3123. public static get one(): UnityEngine.Vector4;
  3124. /** Shorthand for writing Vector4(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity). */
  3125. public static get positiveInfinity(): UnityEngine.Vector4;
  3126. /** Shorthand for writing Vector4(float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity). */
  3127. public static get negativeInfinity(): UnityEngine.Vector4;
  3128. public get_Item ($index: number) : number
  3129. public set_Item ($index: number, $value: number) : void
  3130. /** Set x, y, z and w components of an existing Vector4. */
  3131. public Set ($newX: number, $newY: number, $newZ: number, $newW: number) : void
  3132. /** Linearly interpolates between two vectors. */
  3133. public static Lerp ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4, $b: UnityEngine.Vector4, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3134. /** Linearly interpolates between two vectors. */
  3135. public static LerpUnclamped ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4, $b: UnityEngine.Vector4, $t: number) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3136. /** Moves a point current towards target. */
  3137. public static MoveTowards ($current: UnityEngine.Vector4, $target: UnityEngine.Vector4, $maxDistanceDelta: number) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3138. /** Multiplies two vectors component-wise. */
  3139. public static Scale ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4, $b: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3140. /** Multiplies every component of this vector by the same component of scale. */
  3141. public Scale ($scale: UnityEngine.Vector4) : void
  3142. /** Returns true if the given vector is exactly equal to this vector. */
  3143. public Equals ($other: any) : boolean
  3144. public Equals ($other: UnityEngine.Vector4) : boolean
  3145. public static Normalize ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3146. public Normalize () : void
  3147. /** Dot Product of two vectors. */
  3148. public static Dot ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4, $b: UnityEngine.Vector4) : number
  3149. /** Projects a vector onto another vector. */
  3150. public static Project ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4, $b: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3151. /** Returns the distance between a and b. */
  3152. public static Distance ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4, $b: UnityEngine.Vector4) : number
  3153. public static Magnitude ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4) : number
  3154. /** Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors. */
  3155. public static Min ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector4, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3156. /** Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors. */
  3157. public static Max ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector4, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3158. public static op_Addition ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4, $b: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3159. public static op_Subtraction ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4, $b: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3160. public static op_UnaryNegation ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3161. public static op_Multiply ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4, $d: number) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3162. public static op_Multiply ($d: number, $a: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3163. public static op_Division ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4, $d: number) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3164. public static op_Equality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector4, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector4) : boolean
  3165. public static op_Inequality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Vector4, $rhs: UnityEngine.Vector4) : boolean
  3166. public static op_Implicit ($v: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3167. public static op_Implicit ($v: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  3168. public static op_Implicit ($v: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3169. public static op_Implicit ($v: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  3170. public ToString () : string
  3171. /** Return the Vector4 formatted as a string. */
  3172. public ToString ($format: string) : string
  3173. public static SqrMagnitude ($a: UnityEngine.Vector4) : number
  3174. public SqrMagnitude () : number
  3175. public constructor ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number, $w: number)
  3176. public constructor ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number)
  3177. public constructor ($x: number, $y: number)
  3178. public Equals ($obj: any) : boolean
  3179. public static Equals ($objA: any, $objB: any) : boolean
  3180. public constructor ()
  3181. }
  3182. /** Structure describing the status of a finger touching the screen. */
  3183. class Touch extends System.ValueType
  3184. {
  3185. /** The unique index for the touch. */
  3186. public get fingerId(): number;
  3187. public set fingerId(value: number);
  3188. /** The position of the touch in pixel coordinates. */
  3189. public get position(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  3190. public set position(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  3191. /** The raw position used for the touch. */
  3192. public get rawPosition(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  3193. public set rawPosition(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  3194. /** The position delta since last change. */
  3195. public get deltaPosition(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  3196. public set deltaPosition(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  3197. /** Amount of time that has passed since the last recorded change in Touch values. */
  3198. public get deltaTime(): number;
  3199. public set deltaTime(value: number);
  3200. /** Number of taps. */
  3201. public get tapCount(): number;
  3202. public set tapCount(value: number);
  3203. /** Describes the phase of the touch. */
  3204. public get phase(): UnityEngine.TouchPhase;
  3205. public set phase(value: UnityEngine.TouchPhase);
  3206. /** The current amount of pressure being applied to a touch. 1.0f is considered to be the pressure of an average touch. If Input.touchPressureSupported returns false, the value of this property will always be 1.0f. */
  3207. public get pressure(): number;
  3208. public set pressure(value: number);
  3209. /** The maximum possible pressure value for a platform. If Input.touchPressureSupported returns false, the value of this property will always be 1.0f. */
  3210. public get maximumPossiblePressure(): number;
  3211. public set maximumPossiblePressure(value: number);
  3212. /** A value that indicates whether a touch was of Direct, Indirect (or remote), or Stylus type. */
  3213. public get type(): UnityEngine.TouchType;
  3214. public set type(value: UnityEngine.TouchType);
  3215. /** Value of 0 radians indicates that the stylus is parallel to the surface, pi/2 indicates that it is perpendicular. */
  3216. public get altitudeAngle(): number;
  3217. public set altitudeAngle(value: number);
  3218. /** Value of 0 radians indicates that the stylus is pointed along the x-axis of the device. */
  3219. public get azimuthAngle(): number;
  3220. public set azimuthAngle(value: number);
  3221. /** An estimated value of the radius of a touch. Add radiusVariance to get the maximum touch size, subtract it to get the minimum touch size. */
  3222. public get radius(): number;
  3223. public set radius(value: number);
  3224. /** This value determines the accuracy of the touch radius. Add this value to the radius to get the maximum touch size, subtract it to get the minimum touch size. */
  3225. public get radiusVariance(): number;
  3226. public set radiusVariance(value: number);
  3227. }
  3228. /** Describes phase of a finger touch. */
  3229. enum TouchPhase
  3230. { Began = 0, Moved = 1, Stationary = 2, Ended = 3, Canceled = 4 }
  3231. /** Describes whether a touch is direct, indirect (or remote), or from a stylus. */
  3232. enum TouchType
  3233. { Direct = 0, Indirect = 1, Stylus = 2 }
  3234. /** Access to application run-time data. */
  3235. class Application extends System.Object
  3236. {
  3237. /** Returns true when called in any kind of built Player, or when called in the Editor in Play Mode (Read Only). */
  3238. public static get isPlaying(): boolean;
  3239. /** Whether the player currently has focus. Read-only. */
  3240. public static get isFocused(): boolean;
  3241. /** Returns the platform the game is running on (Read Only). */
  3242. public static get platform(): UnityEngine.RuntimePlatform;
  3243. /** Returns a GUID for this build (Read Only). */
  3244. public static get buildGUID(): string;
  3245. /** Is the current Runtime platform a known mobile platform. */
  3246. public static get isMobilePlatform(): boolean;
  3247. /** Is the current Runtime platform a known console platform. */
  3248. public static get isConsolePlatform(): boolean;
  3249. /** Should the player be running when the application is in the background? */
  3250. public static get runInBackground(): boolean;
  3251. public static set runInBackground(value: boolean);
  3252. /** Returns true when Unity is launched with the -batchmode flag from the command line (Read Only). */
  3253. public static get isBatchMode(): boolean;
  3254. /** Contains the path to the game data folder (Read Only). */
  3255. public static get dataPath(): string;
  3256. /** The path to the StreamingAssets folder (Read Only). */
  3257. public static get streamingAssetsPath(): string;
  3258. /** Contains the path to a persistent data directory (Read Only). */
  3259. public static get persistentDataPath(): string;
  3260. /** Contains the path to a temporary data / cache directory (Read Only). */
  3261. public static get temporaryCachePath(): string;
  3262. /** The URL of the document (what is shown in a browser's address bar) for WebGL (Read Only). */
  3263. public static get absoluteURL(): string;
  3264. /** The version of the Unity runtime used to play the content. */
  3265. public static get unityVersion(): string;
  3266. /** Returns application version number (Read Only). */
  3267. public static get version(): string;
  3268. /** Returns the name of the store or package that installed the application (Read Only). */
  3269. public static get installerName(): string;
  3270. /** Returns application identifier at runtime. On Apple platforms this is the 'bundleIdentifier' saved in the info.plist file, on Android it's the 'package' from the AndroidManifest.xml. */
  3271. public static get identifier(): string;
  3272. /** Returns application install mode (Read Only). */
  3273. public static get installMode(): UnityEngine.ApplicationInstallMode;
  3274. /** Returns application running in sandbox (Read Only). */
  3275. public static get sandboxType(): UnityEngine.ApplicationSandboxType;
  3276. /** Returns application product name (Read Only). */
  3277. public static get productName(): string;
  3278. /** Return application company name (Read Only). */
  3279. public static get companyName(): string;
  3280. /** A unique cloud project identifier. It is unique for every project (Read Only). */
  3281. public static get cloudProjectId(): string;
  3282. /** Instructs the game to try to render at a specified frame rate. */
  3283. public static get targetFrameRate(): number;
  3284. public static set targetFrameRate(value: number);
  3285. /** The language the user's operating system is running in. */
  3286. public static get systemLanguage(): UnityEngine.SystemLanguage;
  3287. /** Returns the path to the console log file, or an empty string if the current platform does not support log files. */
  3288. public static get consoleLogPath(): string;
  3289. /** Priority of background loading thread. */
  3290. public static get backgroundLoadingPriority(): UnityEngine.ThreadPriority;
  3291. public static set backgroundLoadingPriority(value: UnityEngine.ThreadPriority);
  3292. /** Returns the type of Internet reachability currently possible on the device. */
  3293. public static get internetReachability(): UnityEngine.NetworkReachability;
  3294. /** Returns false if application is altered in any way after it was built. */
  3295. public static get genuine(): boolean;
  3296. /** Returns true if application integrity can be confirmed. */
  3297. public static get genuineCheckAvailable(): boolean;
  3298. /** Are we running inside the Unity editor? (Read Only) */
  3299. public static get isEditor(): boolean;
  3300. public static Quit ($exitCode: number) : void
  3301. public static Quit () : void
  3302. public static Unload () : void
  3303. /** Can the streamed level be loaded? */
  3304. public static CanStreamedLevelBeLoaded ($levelIndex: number) : boolean
  3305. /** Can the streamed level be loaded? */
  3306. public static CanStreamedLevelBeLoaded ($levelName: string) : boolean
  3307. /** Returns true if the given object is part of the playing world either in any kind of built Player or in Play Mode.
  3308. * @param obj The object to test.
  3309. * @returns True if the object is part of the playing world.
  3310. */
  3311. public static IsPlaying ($obj: UnityEngine.Object) : boolean
  3312. public static GetBuildTags () : System.Array$1<string>
  3313. /** Set an array of feature tags for this build. */
  3314. public static SetBuildTags ($buildTags: System.Array$1<string>) : void
  3315. public static HasProLicense () : boolean
  3316. public static RequestAdvertisingIdentifierAsync ($delegateMethod: UnityEngine.Application.AdvertisingIdentifierCallback) : boolean
  3317. /** Opens the url in a browser. */
  3318. public static OpenURL ($url: string) : void
  3319. /** Get stack trace logging options. The default value is StackTraceLogType.ScriptOnly. */
  3320. public static GetStackTraceLogType ($logType: UnityEngine.LogType) : UnityEngine.StackTraceLogType
  3321. /** Set stack trace logging options. The default value is StackTraceLogType.ScriptOnly. */
  3322. public static SetStackTraceLogType ($logType: UnityEngine.LogType, $stackTraceType: UnityEngine.StackTraceLogType) : void
  3323. /** Request authorization to use the webcam or microphone on iOS. */
  3324. public static RequestUserAuthorization ($mode: UnityEngine.UserAuthorization) : UnityEngine.AsyncOperation
  3325. /** Check if the user has authorized use of the webcam or microphone in the Web Player. */
  3326. public static HasUserAuthorization ($mode: UnityEngine.UserAuthorization) : boolean
  3327. public static add_lowMemory ($value: UnityEngine.Application.LowMemoryCallback) : void
  3328. public static remove_lowMemory ($value: UnityEngine.Application.LowMemoryCallback) : void
  3329. public static add_logMessageReceived ($value: UnityEngine.Application.LogCallback) : void
  3330. public static remove_logMessageReceived ($value: UnityEngine.Application.LogCallback) : void
  3331. public static add_logMessageReceivedThreaded ($value: UnityEngine.Application.LogCallback) : void
  3332. public static remove_logMessageReceivedThreaded ($value: UnityEngine.Application.LogCallback) : void
  3333. public static add_onBeforeRender ($value: UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction) : void
  3334. public static remove_onBeforeRender ($value: UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction) : void
  3335. public static add_focusChanged ($value: System.Action$1<boolean>) : void
  3336. public static remove_focusChanged ($value: System.Action$1<boolean>) : void
  3337. public static add_wantsToQuit ($value: System.Func$1<boolean>) : void
  3338. public static remove_wantsToQuit ($value: System.Func$1<boolean>) : void
  3339. public static add_quitting ($value: System.Action) : void
  3340. public static remove_quitting ($value: System.Action) : void
  3341. public constructor ()
  3342. }
  3343. /** The platform application is running. Returned by Application.platform. */
  3344. enum RuntimePlatform
  3345. { OSXEditor = 0, OSXPlayer = 1, WindowsPlayer = 2, OSXWebPlayer = 3, OSXDashboardPlayer = 4, WindowsWebPlayer = 5, WindowsEditor = 7, IPhonePlayer = 8, XBOX360 = 10, PS3 = 9, Android = 11, NaCl = 12, FlashPlayer = 15, LinuxPlayer = 13, LinuxEditor = 16, WebGLPlayer = 17, MetroPlayerX86 = 18, WSAPlayerX86 = 18, MetroPlayerX64 = 19, WSAPlayerX64 = 19, MetroPlayerARM = 20, WSAPlayerARM = 20, WP8Player = 21, BB10Player = 22, BlackBerryPlayer = 22, TizenPlayer = 23, PSP2 = 24, PS4 = 25, PSM = 26, XboxOne = 27, SamsungTVPlayer = 28, WiiU = 30, tvOS = 31, Switch = 32, Lumin = 33 }
  3346. /** Application installation mode (Read Only). */
  3347. enum ApplicationInstallMode
  3348. { Unknown = 0, Store = 1, DeveloperBuild = 2, Adhoc = 3, Enterprise = 4, Editor = 5 }
  3349. /** Application sandbox type. */
  3350. enum ApplicationSandboxType
  3351. { Unknown = 0, NotSandboxed = 1, Sandboxed = 2, SandboxBroken = 3 }
  3352. /** The language the user's operating system is running in. Returned by Application.systemLanguage. */
  3353. enum SystemLanguage
  3354. { Afrikaans = 0, Arabic = 1, Basque = 2, Belarusian = 3, Bulgarian = 4, Catalan = 5, Chinese = 6, Czech = 7, Danish = 8, Dutch = 9, English = 10, Estonian = 11, Faroese = 12, Finnish = 13, French = 14, German = 15, Greek = 16, Hebrew = 17, Hugarian = 18, Icelandic = 19, Indonesian = 20, Italian = 21, Japanese = 22, Korean = 23, Latvian = 24, Lithuanian = 25, Norwegian = 26, Polish = 27, Portuguese = 28, Romanian = 29, Russian = 30, SerboCroatian = 31, Slovak = 32, Slovenian = 33, Spanish = 34, Swedish = 35, Thai = 36, Turkish = 37, Ukrainian = 38, Vietnamese = 39, ChineseSimplified = 40, ChineseTraditional = 41, Unknown = 42, Hungarian = 18 }
  3355. /** Stack trace logging options. */
  3356. enum StackTraceLogType
  3357. { None = 0, ScriptOnly = 1, Full = 2 }
  3358. /** The type of the log message in Debug.unityLogger.Log or delegate registered with Application.RegisterLogCallback. */
  3359. enum LogType
  3360. { Error = 0, Assert = 1, Warning = 2, Log = 3, Exception = 4 }
  3361. /** Describes network reachability options. */
  3362. enum NetworkReachability
  3363. { NotReachable = 0, ReachableViaCarrierDataNetwork = 1, ReachableViaLocalAreaNetwork = 2 }
  3364. /** Constants to pass to Application.RequestUserAuthorization. */
  3365. enum UserAuthorization
  3366. { WebCam = 1, Microphone = 2 }
  3367. /** The material class. */
  3368. class Material extends UnityEngine.Object
  3369. {
  3370. /** The shader used by the material. */
  3371. public get shader(): UnityEngine.Shader;
  3372. public set shader(value: UnityEngine.Shader);
  3373. /** The main material's color. */
  3374. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3375. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  3376. /** The material's texture. */
  3377. public get mainTexture(): UnityEngine.Texture;
  3378. public set mainTexture(value: UnityEngine.Texture);
  3379. /** The texture offset of the main texture. */
  3380. public get mainTextureOffset(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  3381. public set mainTextureOffset(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  3382. /** The texture scale of the main texture. */
  3383. public get mainTextureScale(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  3384. public set mainTextureScale(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  3385. /** Render queue of this material. */
  3386. public get renderQueue(): number;
  3387. public set renderQueue(value: number);
  3388. /** Defines how the material should interact with lightmaps and lightprobes. */
  3389. public get globalIlluminationFlags(): UnityEngine.MaterialGlobalIlluminationFlags;
  3390. public set globalIlluminationFlags(value: UnityEngine.MaterialGlobalIlluminationFlags);
  3391. /** Gets and sets whether the Double Sided Global Illumination setting is enabled for this material. */
  3392. public get doubleSidedGI(): boolean;
  3393. public set doubleSidedGI(value: boolean);
  3394. /** Gets and sets whether GPU instancing is enabled for this material. */
  3395. public get enableInstancing(): boolean;
  3396. public set enableInstancing(value: boolean);
  3397. /** How many passes are in this material (Read Only). */
  3398. public get passCount(): number;
  3399. /** Additional shader keywords set by this material. */
  3400. public get shaderKeywords(): System.Array$1<string>;
  3401. public set shaderKeywords(value: System.Array$1<string>);
  3402. /** Checks if material's shader has a property of a given name. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3403. * @param name The name of the property.
  3404. */
  3405. public HasProperty ($nameID: number) : boolean
  3406. /** Checks if material's shader has a property of a given name. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3407. * @param name The name of the property.
  3408. */
  3409. public HasProperty ($name: string) : boolean
  3410. /** Sets a shader keyword that is enabled by this material. */
  3411. public EnableKeyword ($keyword: string) : void
  3412. /** Unset a shader keyword. */
  3413. public DisableKeyword ($keyword: string) : void
  3414. /** Is the shader keyword enabled on this material? */
  3415. public IsKeywordEnabled ($keyword: string) : boolean
  3416. /** Enables or disables a Shader pass on a per-Material level. * @param passName Shader pass name (case insensitive).
  3417. * @param enabled Flag indicating whether this Shader pass should be enabled.
  3418. */
  3419. public SetShaderPassEnabled ($passName: string, $enabled: boolean) : void
  3420. /** Checks whether a given Shader pass is enabled on this Material.
  3421. * @param passName Shader pass name (case insensitive).
  3422. * @returns True if the Shader pass is enabled.
  3423. */
  3424. public GetShaderPassEnabled ($passName: string) : boolean
  3425. /** Returns the name of the shader pass at index pass. */
  3426. public GetPassName ($pass: number) : string
  3427. /** Returns the index of the pass passName. */
  3428. public FindPass ($passName: string) : number
  3429. /** Sets an override tag/value on the material. * @param tag Name of the tag to set.
  3430. * @param val Name of the value to set. Empty string to clear the override flag.
  3431. */
  3432. public SetOverrideTag ($tag: string, $val: string) : void
  3433. /** Get the value of material's shader tag. */
  3434. public GetTag ($tag: string, $searchFallbacks: boolean, $defaultValue: string) : string
  3435. /** Get the value of material's shader tag. */
  3436. public GetTag ($tag: string, $searchFallbacks: boolean) : string
  3437. /** Interpolate properties between two materials. */
  3438. public Lerp ($start: UnityEngine.Material, $end: UnityEngine.Material, $t: number) : void
  3439. /** Activate the given pass for rendering.
  3440. * @param pass Shader pass number to setup.
  3441. * @returns If false is returned, no rendering should be done.
  3442. */
  3443. public SetPass ($pass: number) : boolean
  3444. /** Copy properties from other material into this material. */
  3445. public CopyPropertiesFromMaterial ($mat: UnityEngine.Material) : void
  3446. public GetTexturePropertyNames () : System.Array$1<string>
  3447. public GetTexturePropertyNameIDs () : System.Array$1<number>
  3448. public GetTexturePropertyNames ($outNames: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>) : void
  3449. public GetTexturePropertyNameIDs ($outNames: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>) : void
  3450. /** Sets a named float value. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3451. * @param value Float value to set.
  3452. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_Glossiness".
  3453. */
  3454. public SetFloat ($name: string, $value: number) : void
  3455. /** Sets a named float value. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3456. * @param value Float value to set.
  3457. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_Glossiness".
  3458. */
  3459. public SetFloat ($nameID: number, $value: number) : void
  3460. /** Sets a named integer value. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3461. * @param value Integer value to set.
  3462. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_SrcBlend".
  3463. */
  3464. public SetInt ($name: string, $value: number) : void
  3465. /** Sets a named integer value. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3466. * @param value Integer value to set.
  3467. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_SrcBlend".
  3468. */
  3469. public SetInt ($nameID: number, $value: number) : void
  3470. /** Sets a named color value. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3471. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_Color".
  3472. * @param value Color value to set.
  3473. */
  3474. public SetColor ($name: string, $value: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  3475. /** Sets a named color value. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3476. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_Color".
  3477. * @param value Color value to set.
  3478. */
  3479. public SetColor ($nameID: number, $value: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  3480. /** Sets a named vector value. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3481. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_WaveAndDistance".
  3482. * @param value Vector value to set.
  3483. */
  3484. public SetVector ($name: string, $value: UnityEngine.Vector4) : void
  3485. /** Sets a named vector value. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3486. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_WaveAndDistance".
  3487. * @param value Vector value to set.
  3488. */
  3489. public SetVector ($nameID: number, $value: UnityEngine.Vector4) : void
  3490. /** Sets a named matrix for the shader. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3491. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_CubemapRotation".
  3492. * @param value Matrix value to set.
  3493. */
  3494. public SetMatrix ($name: string, $value: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : void
  3495. /** Sets a named matrix for the shader. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3496. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_CubemapRotation".
  3497. * @param value Matrix value to set.
  3498. */
  3499. public SetMatrix ($nameID: number, $value: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : void
  3500. /** Sets a named texture. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3501. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_MainTex".
  3502. * @param value Texture to set.
  3503. */
  3504. public SetTexture ($name: string, $value: UnityEngine.Texture) : void
  3505. /** Sets a named texture. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3506. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_MainTex".
  3507. * @param value Texture to set.
  3508. */
  3509. public SetTexture ($nameID: number, $value: UnityEngine.Texture) : void
  3510. /** Sets a named ComputeBuffer value. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3511. * @param name Property name.
  3512. * @param value The ComputeBuffer value to set.
  3513. */
  3514. public SetBuffer ($name: string, $value: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer) : void
  3515. /** Sets a named ComputeBuffer value. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3516. * @param name Property name.
  3517. * @param value The ComputeBuffer value to set.
  3518. */
  3519. public SetBuffer ($nameID: number, $value: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer) : void
  3520. public SetFloatArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>) : void
  3521. public SetFloatArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>) : void
  3522. /** Sets a float array property. * @param name Property name.
  3523. * @param nameID Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID.
  3524. * @param values Array of values to set.
  3525. */
  3526. public SetFloatArray ($name: string, $values: System.Array$1<number>) : void
  3527. /** Sets a float array property. * @param name Property name.
  3528. * @param nameID Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID.
  3529. * @param values Array of values to set.
  3530. */
  3531. public SetFloatArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Array$1<number>) : void
  3532. public SetColorArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Color>) : void
  3533. public SetColorArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Color>) : void
  3534. /** Sets a color array property. * @param name Property name.
  3535. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3536. * @param values Array of values to set.
  3537. */
  3538. public SetColorArray ($name: string, $values: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>) : void
  3539. /** Sets a color array property. * @param name Property name.
  3540. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3541. * @param values Array of values to set.
  3542. */
  3543. public SetColorArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>) : void
  3544. public SetVectorArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  3545. public SetVectorArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  3546. /** Sets a vector array property. * @param name Property name.
  3547. * @param values Array of values to set.
  3548. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3549. */
  3550. public SetVectorArray ($name: string, $values: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  3551. /** Sets a vector array property. * @param name Property name.
  3552. * @param values Array of values to set.
  3553. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3554. */
  3555. public SetVectorArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  3556. public SetMatrixArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  3557. public SetMatrixArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  3558. /** Sets a matrix array property. * @param name Property name.
  3559. * @param values Array of values to set.
  3560. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3561. */
  3562. public SetMatrixArray ($name: string, $values: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  3563. /** Sets a matrix array property. * @param name Property name.
  3564. * @param values Array of values to set.
  3565. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3566. */
  3567. public SetMatrixArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  3568. /** Get a named float value. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3569. * @param name The name of the property.
  3570. */
  3571. public GetFloat ($name: string) : number
  3572. /** Get a named float value. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3573. * @param name The name of the property.
  3574. */
  3575. public GetFloat ($nameID: number) : number
  3576. /** Get a named integer value. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3577. * @param name The name of the property.
  3578. */
  3579. public GetInt ($name: string) : number
  3580. /** Get a named integer value. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3581. * @param name The name of the property.
  3582. */
  3583. public GetInt ($nameID: number) : number
  3584. /** Get a named color value. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3585. * @param name The name of the property.
  3586. */
  3587. public GetColor ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Color
  3588. /** Get a named color value. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3589. * @param name The name of the property.
  3590. */
  3591. public GetColor ($nameID: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  3592. /** Get a named vector value. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3593. * @param name The name of the property.
  3594. */
  3595. public GetVector ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3596. /** Get a named vector value. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3597. * @param name The name of the property.
  3598. */
  3599. public GetVector ($nameID: number) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3600. /** Get a named matrix value from the shader. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3601. * @param name The name of the property.
  3602. */
  3603. public GetMatrix ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  3604. /** Get a named matrix value from the shader. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3605. * @param name The name of the property.
  3606. */
  3607. public GetMatrix ($nameID: number) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  3608. /** Get a named texture. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3609. * @param name The name of the property.
  3610. */
  3611. public GetTexture ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Texture
  3612. /** Get a named texture. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3613. * @param name The name of the property.
  3614. */
  3615. public GetTexture ($nameID: number) : UnityEngine.Texture
  3616. /** Get a named float array. * @param name The name of the property.
  3617. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3618. */
  3619. public GetFloatArray ($name: string) : System.Array$1<number>
  3620. /** Get a named float array. * @param name The name of the property.
  3621. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3622. */
  3623. public GetFloatArray ($nameID: number) : System.Array$1<number>
  3624. /** Get a named color array. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3625. * @param name The name of the property.
  3626. */
  3627. public GetColorArray ($name: string) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>
  3628. /** Get a named color array. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3629. * @param name The name of the property.
  3630. */
  3631. public GetColorArray ($nameID: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>
  3632. /** Get a named vector array. * @param name The name of the property.
  3633. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3634. */
  3635. public GetVectorArray ($name: string) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>
  3636. /** Get a named vector array. * @param name The name of the property.
  3637. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3638. */
  3639. public GetVectorArray ($nameID: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>
  3640. /** Get a named matrix array. * @param name The name of the property.
  3641. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3642. */
  3643. public GetMatrixArray ($name: string) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>
  3644. /** Get a named matrix array. * @param name The name of the property.
  3645. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3646. */
  3647. public GetMatrixArray ($nameID: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>
  3648. public GetFloatArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>) : void
  3649. public GetFloatArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>) : void
  3650. public GetColorArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Color>) : void
  3651. public GetColorArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Color>) : void
  3652. public GetVectorArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  3653. public GetVectorArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  3654. public GetMatrixArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  3655. public GetMatrixArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  3656. /** Sets the placement offset of texture propertyName. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3657. * @param name Property name, for example: "_MainTex".
  3658. * @param value Texture placement offset.
  3659. */
  3660. public SetTextureOffset ($name: string, $value: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  3661. /** Sets the placement offset of texture propertyName. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3662. * @param name Property name, for example: "_MainTex".
  3663. * @param value Texture placement offset.
  3664. */
  3665. public SetTextureOffset ($nameID: number, $value: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  3666. /** Sets the placement scale of texture propertyName. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3667. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_MainTex".
  3668. * @param value Texture placement scale.
  3669. */
  3670. public SetTextureScale ($name: string, $value: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  3671. /** Sets the placement scale of texture propertyName. * @param nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
  3672. * @param name Property name, e.g. "_MainTex".
  3673. * @param value Texture placement scale.
  3674. */
  3675. public SetTextureScale ($nameID: number, $value: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  3676. /** Gets the placement offset of texture propertyName. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3677. * @param name The name of the property.
  3678. */
  3679. public GetTextureOffset ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  3680. /** Gets the placement offset of texture propertyName. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3681. * @param name The name of the property.
  3682. */
  3683. public GetTextureOffset ($nameID: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  3684. /** Gets the placement scale of texture propertyName. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3685. * @param name The name of the property.
  3686. */
  3687. public GetTextureScale ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  3688. /** Gets the placement scale of texture propertyName. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3689. * @param name The name of the property.
  3690. */
  3691. public GetTextureScale ($nameID: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  3692. public constructor ($shader: UnityEngine.Shader)
  3693. public constructor ($source: UnityEngine.Material)
  3694. public constructor ()
  3695. }
  3696. /** Shader scripts used for all rendering. */
  3697. class Shader extends UnityEngine.Object
  3698. {
  3699. /** Shader LOD level for this shader. */
  3700. public get maximumLOD(): number;
  3701. public set maximumLOD(value: number);
  3702. /** Shader LOD level for all shaders. */
  3703. public static get globalMaximumLOD(): number;
  3704. public static set globalMaximumLOD(value: number);
  3705. /** Can this shader run on the end-users graphics card? (Read Only) */
  3706. public get isSupported(): boolean;
  3707. /** Render pipeline currently in use. */
  3708. public static get globalRenderPipeline(): string;
  3709. public static set globalRenderPipeline(value: string);
  3710. /** Render queue of this shader. (Read Only) */
  3711. public get renderQueue(): number;
  3712. /** Finds a shader with the given name. */
  3713. public static Find ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Shader
  3714. /** Set a global shader keyword. */
  3715. public static EnableKeyword ($keyword: string) : void
  3716. /** Unset a global shader keyword. */
  3717. public static DisableKeyword ($keyword: string) : void
  3718. /** Is global shader keyword enabled? */
  3719. public static IsKeywordEnabled ($keyword: string) : boolean
  3720. public static WarmupAllShaders () : void
  3721. /** Gets unique identifier for a shader property name.
  3722. * @param name Shader property name.
  3723. * @returns Unique integer for the name.
  3724. */
  3725. public static PropertyToID ($name: string) : number
  3726. /** Sets a global float property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3727. * @param name The name of the property.
  3728. */
  3729. public static SetGlobalFloat ($name: string, $value: number) : void
  3730. /** Sets a global float property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3731. * @param name The name of the property.
  3732. */
  3733. public static SetGlobalFloat ($nameID: number, $value: number) : void
  3734. /** Sets a global int property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3735. * @param name The name of the property.
  3736. */
  3737. public static SetGlobalInt ($name: string, $value: number) : void
  3738. /** Sets a global int property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3739. * @param name The name of the property.
  3740. */
  3741. public static SetGlobalInt ($nameID: number, $value: number) : void
  3742. /** Sets a global vector property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3743. * @param name The name of the property.
  3744. */
  3745. public static SetGlobalVector ($name: string, $value: UnityEngine.Vector4) : void
  3746. /** Sets a global vector property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3747. * @param name The name of the property.
  3748. */
  3749. public static SetGlobalVector ($nameID: number, $value: UnityEngine.Vector4) : void
  3750. /** Sets a global color property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3751. * @param name The name of the property.
  3752. */
  3753. public static SetGlobalColor ($name: string, $value: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  3754. /** Sets a global color property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3755. * @param name The name of the property.
  3756. */
  3757. public static SetGlobalColor ($nameID: number, $value: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  3758. /** Sets a global matrix property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3759. * @param name The name of the property.
  3760. */
  3761. public static SetGlobalMatrix ($name: string, $value: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : void
  3762. /** Sets a global matrix property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3763. * @param name The name of the property.
  3764. */
  3765. public static SetGlobalMatrix ($nameID: number, $value: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : void
  3766. /** Sets a global texture property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3767. * @param name The name of the property.
  3768. */
  3769. public static SetGlobalTexture ($name: string, $value: UnityEngine.Texture) : void
  3770. /** Sets a global texture property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3771. * @param name The name of the property.
  3772. */
  3773. public static SetGlobalTexture ($nameID: number, $value: UnityEngine.Texture) : void
  3774. /** Sets a global compute buffer property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3775. * @param name The name of the property.
  3776. */
  3777. public static SetGlobalBuffer ($name: string, $value: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer) : void
  3778. /** Sets a global compute buffer property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3779. * @param name The name of the property.
  3780. */
  3781. public static SetGlobalBuffer ($nameID: number, $value: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer) : void
  3782. public static SetGlobalFloatArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>) : void
  3783. public static SetGlobalFloatArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>) : void
  3784. /** Sets a global float array property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3785. * @param name The name of the property.
  3786. */
  3787. public static SetGlobalFloatArray ($name: string, $values: System.Array$1<number>) : void
  3788. /** Sets a global float array property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3789. * @param name The name of the property.
  3790. */
  3791. public static SetGlobalFloatArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Array$1<number>) : void
  3792. public static SetGlobalVectorArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  3793. public static SetGlobalVectorArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  3794. /** Sets a global vector array property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3795. * @param name The name of the property.
  3796. */
  3797. public static SetGlobalVectorArray ($name: string, $values: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  3798. /** Sets a global vector array property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3799. * @param name The name of the property.
  3800. */
  3801. public static SetGlobalVectorArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  3802. public static SetGlobalMatrixArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  3803. public static SetGlobalMatrixArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  3804. /** Sets a global matrix array property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3805. * @param name The name of the property.
  3806. */
  3807. public static SetGlobalMatrixArray ($name: string, $values: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  3808. /** Sets a global matrix array property for all shaders. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3809. * @param name The name of the property.
  3810. */
  3811. public static SetGlobalMatrixArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  3812. /** Gets a global float property for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalFloat. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3813. * @param name The name of the property.
  3814. */
  3815. public static GetGlobalFloat ($name: string) : number
  3816. /** Gets a global float property for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalFloat. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3817. * @param name The name of the property.
  3818. */
  3819. public static GetGlobalFloat ($nameID: number) : number
  3820. /** Gets a global int property for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalInt. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3821. * @param name The name of the property.
  3822. */
  3823. public static GetGlobalInt ($name: string) : number
  3824. /** Gets a global int property for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalInt. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3825. * @param name The name of the property.
  3826. */
  3827. public static GetGlobalInt ($nameID: number) : number
  3828. /** Gets a global vector property for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalVector. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3829. * @param name The name of the property.
  3830. */
  3831. public static GetGlobalVector ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3832. /** Gets a global vector property for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalVector. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3833. * @param name The name of the property.
  3834. */
  3835. public static GetGlobalVector ($nameID: number) : UnityEngine.Vector4
  3836. /** Gets a global color property for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalColor. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3837. * @param name The name of the property.
  3838. */
  3839. public static GetGlobalColor ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Color
  3840. /** Gets a global color property for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalColor. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3841. * @param name The name of the property.
  3842. */
  3843. public static GetGlobalColor ($nameID: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  3844. /** Gets a global matrix property for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalMatrix. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3845. * @param name The name of the property.
  3846. */
  3847. public static GetGlobalMatrix ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  3848. /** Gets a global matrix property for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalMatrix. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3849. * @param name The name of the property.
  3850. */
  3851. public static GetGlobalMatrix ($nameID: number) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  3852. /** Gets a global texture property for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalTexture. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3853. * @param name The name of the property.
  3854. */
  3855. public static GetGlobalTexture ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Texture
  3856. /** Gets a global texture property for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalTexture. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3857. * @param name The name of the property.
  3858. */
  3859. public static GetGlobalTexture ($nameID: number) : UnityEngine.Texture
  3860. /** Gets a global float array for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalFloatArray. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3861. * @param name The name of the property.
  3862. */
  3863. public static GetGlobalFloatArray ($name: string) : System.Array$1<number>
  3864. /** Gets a global float array for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalFloatArray. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3865. * @param name The name of the property.
  3866. */
  3867. public static GetGlobalFloatArray ($nameID: number) : System.Array$1<number>
  3868. /** Gets a global vector array for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalVectorArray. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3869. * @param name The name of the property.
  3870. */
  3871. public static GetGlobalVectorArray ($name: string) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>
  3872. /** Gets a global vector array for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalVectorArray. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3873. * @param name The name of the property.
  3874. */
  3875. public static GetGlobalVectorArray ($nameID: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>
  3876. /** Gets a global matrix array for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalMatrixArray. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3877. * @param name The name of the property.
  3878. */
  3879. public static GetGlobalMatrixArray ($name: string) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>
  3880. /** Gets a global matrix array for all shaders previously set using SetGlobalMatrixArray. * @param nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
  3881. * @param name The name of the property.
  3882. */
  3883. public static GetGlobalMatrixArray ($nameID: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>
  3884. public static GetGlobalFloatArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>) : void
  3885. public static GetGlobalFloatArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>) : void
  3886. public static GetGlobalVectorArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  3887. public static GetGlobalVectorArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  3888. public static GetGlobalMatrixArray ($name: string, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  3889. public static GetGlobalMatrixArray ($nameID: number, $values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  3890. }
  3891. /** How the material interacts with lightmaps and lightprobes. */
  3892. enum MaterialGlobalIlluminationFlags
  3893. { None = 0, RealtimeEmissive = 1, BakedEmissive = 2, EmissiveIsBlack = 4, AnyEmissive = 3 }
  3894. /** GPU data buffer, mostly for use with compute shaders. */
  3895. class ComputeBuffer extends System.Object implements System.IDisposable
  3896. {
  3897. }
  3898. /** Representation of rays. */
  3899. class Ray extends System.ValueType
  3900. {
  3901. /** The origin point of the ray. */
  3902. public get origin(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  3903. public set origin(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  3904. /** The direction of the ray. */
  3905. public get direction(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  3906. public set direction(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  3907. /** Returns a point at distance units along the ray. */
  3908. public GetPoint ($distance: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  3909. public ToString () : string
  3910. /** Returns a nicely formatted string for this ray. */
  3911. public ToString ($format: string) : string
  3912. public constructor ($origin: UnityEngine.Vector3, $direction: UnityEngine.Vector3)
  3913. public constructor ()
  3914. }
  3915. /** A Camera is a device through which the player views the world. */
  3916. class Camera extends UnityEngine.Behaviour
  3917. {
  3918. /** Event that is fired before any camera starts culling. */
  3919. public static onPreCull : UnityEngine.Camera.CameraCallback/** Event that is fired before any camera starts rendering. */
  3920. public static onPreRender : UnityEngine.Camera.CameraCallback/** Event that is fired after any camera finishes rendering. */
  3921. public static onPostRender : UnityEngine.Camera.CameraCallback/** The near clipping plane distance. */
  3922. public get nearClipPlane(): number;
  3923. public set nearClipPlane(value: number);
  3924. /** The far clipping plane distance. */
  3925. public get farClipPlane(): number;
  3926. public set farClipPlane(value: number);
  3927. /** The field of view of the camera in degrees. */
  3928. public get fieldOfView(): number;
  3929. public set fieldOfView(value: number);
  3930. /** The rendering path that should be used, if possible. */
  3931. public get renderingPath(): UnityEngine.RenderingPath;
  3932. public set renderingPath(value: UnityEngine.RenderingPath);
  3933. /** The rendering path that is currently being used (Read Only). */
  3934. public get actualRenderingPath(): UnityEngine.RenderingPath;
  3935. /** High dynamic range rendering. */
  3936. public get allowHDR(): boolean;
  3937. public set allowHDR(value: boolean);
  3938. /** MSAA rendering. */
  3939. public get allowMSAA(): boolean;
  3940. public set allowMSAA(value: boolean);
  3941. /** Dynamic Resolution Scaling. */
  3942. public get allowDynamicResolution(): boolean;
  3943. public set allowDynamicResolution(value: boolean);
  3944. /** Should camera rendering be forced into a RenderTexture. */
  3945. public get forceIntoRenderTexture(): boolean;
  3946. public set forceIntoRenderTexture(value: boolean);
  3947. /** Camera's half-size when in orthographic mode. */
  3948. public get orthographicSize(): number;
  3949. public set orthographicSize(value: number);
  3950. /** Is the camera orthographic (true) or perspective (false)? */
  3951. public get orthographic(): boolean;
  3952. public set orthographic(value: boolean);
  3953. /** Opaque object sorting mode. */
  3954. public get opaqueSortMode(): UnityEngine.Rendering.OpaqueSortMode;
  3955. public set opaqueSortMode(value: UnityEngine.Rendering.OpaqueSortMode);
  3956. /** Transparent object sorting mode. */
  3957. public get transparencySortMode(): UnityEngine.TransparencySortMode;
  3958. public set transparencySortMode(value: UnityEngine.TransparencySortMode);
  3959. /** An axis that describes the direction along which the distances of objects are measured for the purpose of sorting. */
  3960. public get transparencySortAxis(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  3961. public set transparencySortAxis(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  3962. /** Camera's depth in the camera rendering order. */
  3963. public get depth(): number;
  3964. public set depth(value: number);
  3965. /** The aspect ratio (width divided by height). */
  3966. public get aspect(): number;
  3967. public set aspect(value: number);
  3968. /** Get the world-space speed of the camera (Read Only). */
  3969. public get velocity(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  3970. /** This is used to render parts of the Scene selectively. */
  3971. public get cullingMask(): number;
  3972. public set cullingMask(value: number);
  3973. /** Mask to select which layers can trigger events on the camera. */
  3974. public get eventMask(): number;
  3975. public set eventMask(value: number);
  3976. /** How to perform per-layer culling for a Camera. */
  3977. public get layerCullSpherical(): boolean;
  3978. public set layerCullSpherical(value: boolean);
  3979. /** Identifies what kind of camera this is. */
  3980. public get cameraType(): UnityEngine.CameraType;
  3981. public set cameraType(value: UnityEngine.CameraType);
  3982. /** Per-layer culling distances. */
  3983. public get layerCullDistances(): System.Array$1<number>;
  3984. public set layerCullDistances(value: System.Array$1<number>);
  3985. /** Whether or not the Camera will use occlusion culling during rendering. */
  3986. public get useOcclusionCulling(): boolean;
  3987. public set useOcclusionCulling(value: boolean);
  3988. /** Sets a custom matrix for the camera to use for all culling queries. */
  3989. public get cullingMatrix(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  3990. public set cullingMatrix(value: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4);
  3991. /** The color with which the screen will be cleared. */
  3992. public get backgroundColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  3993. public set backgroundColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  3994. /** How the camera clears the background. */
  3995. public get clearFlags(): UnityEngine.CameraClearFlags;
  3996. public set clearFlags(value: UnityEngine.CameraClearFlags);
  3997. /** How and if camera generates a depth texture. */
  3998. public get depthTextureMode(): UnityEngine.DepthTextureMode;
  3999. public set depthTextureMode(value: UnityEngine.DepthTextureMode);
  4000. /** Should the camera clear the stencil buffer after the deferred light pass? */
  4001. public get clearStencilAfterLightingPass(): boolean;
  4002. public set clearStencilAfterLightingPass(value: boolean);
  4003. /** Enable [UsePhysicalProperties] to use physical camera properties to compute the field of view and the frustum. */
  4004. public get usePhysicalProperties(): boolean;
  4005. public set usePhysicalProperties(value: boolean);
  4006. /** The size of the camera sensor, expressed in millimeters. */
  4007. public get sensorSize(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  4008. public set sensorSize(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  4009. /** The lens offset of the camera. The lens shift is relative to the sensor size. For example, a lens shift of 0.5 offsets the sensor by half its horizontal size. */
  4010. public get lensShift(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  4011. public set lensShift(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  4012. /** The camera focal length, expressed in millimeters. To use this property, enable UsePhysicalProperties. */
  4013. public get focalLength(): number;
  4014. public set focalLength(value: number);
  4015. /** There are two gates for a camera, the sensor gate and the resolution gate. The physical camera sensor gate is defined by the sensorSize property, the resolution gate is defined by the render target area. */
  4016. public get gateFit(): UnityEngine.Camera.GateFitMode;
  4017. public set gateFit(value: UnityEngine.Camera.GateFitMode);
  4018. /** Where on the screen is the camera rendered in normalized coordinates. */
  4019. public get rect(): UnityEngine.Rect;
  4020. public set rect(value: UnityEngine.Rect);
  4021. /** Where on the screen is the camera rendered in pixel coordinates. */
  4022. public get pixelRect(): UnityEngine.Rect;
  4023. public set pixelRect(value: UnityEngine.Rect);
  4024. /** How wide is the camera in pixels (not accounting for dynamic resolution scaling) (Read Only). */
  4025. public get pixelWidth(): number;
  4026. /** How tall is the camera in pixels (not accounting for dynamic resolution scaling) (Read Only). */
  4027. public get pixelHeight(): number;
  4028. /** How wide is the camera in pixels (accounting for dynamic resolution scaling) (Read Only). */
  4029. public get scaledPixelWidth(): number;
  4030. /** How tall is the camera in pixels (accounting for dynamic resolution scaling) (Read Only). */
  4031. public get scaledPixelHeight(): number;
  4032. /** Destination render texture. */
  4033. public get targetTexture(): UnityEngine.RenderTexture;
  4034. public set targetTexture(value: UnityEngine.RenderTexture);
  4035. /** Gets the temporary RenderTexture target for this Camera. */
  4036. public get activeTexture(): UnityEngine.RenderTexture;
  4037. /** Set the target display for this Camera. */
  4038. public get targetDisplay(): number;
  4039. public set targetDisplay(value: number);
  4040. /** Matrix that transforms from camera space to world space (Read Only). */
  4041. public get cameraToWorldMatrix(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  4042. /** Matrix that transforms from world to camera space. */
  4043. public get worldToCameraMatrix(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  4044. public set worldToCameraMatrix(value: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4);
  4045. /** Set a custom projection matrix. */
  4046. public get projectionMatrix(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  4047. public set projectionMatrix(value: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4);
  4048. /** Get or set the raw projection matrix with no camera offset (no jittering). */
  4049. public get nonJitteredProjectionMatrix(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  4050. public set nonJitteredProjectionMatrix(value: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4);
  4051. /** Should the jittered matrix be used for transparency rendering? */
  4052. public get useJitteredProjectionMatrixForTransparentRendering(): boolean;
  4053. public set useJitteredProjectionMatrixForTransparentRendering(value: boolean);
  4054. /** Get the view projection matrix used on the last frame. */
  4055. public get previousViewProjectionMatrix(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  4056. /** The first enabled camera tagged "MainCamera" (Read Only). */
  4057. public static get main(): UnityEngine.Camera;
  4058. /** The camera we are currently rendering with, for low-level render control only (Read Only). */
  4059. public static get current(): UnityEngine.Camera;
  4060. /** If not null, the camera will only render the contents of the specified Scene. */
  4061. public get scene(): UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene;
  4062. public set scene(value: UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene);
  4063. /** Stereoscopic rendering. */
  4064. public get stereoEnabled(): boolean;
  4065. /** The distance between the virtual eyes. Use this to query or set the current eye separation. Note that most VR devices provide this value, in which case setting the value will have no effect. */
  4066. public get stereoSeparation(): number;
  4067. public set stereoSeparation(value: number);
  4068. /** Distance to a point where virtual eyes converge. */
  4069. public get stereoConvergence(): number;
  4070. public set stereoConvergence(value: number);
  4071. /** Determines whether the stereo view matrices are suitable to allow for a single pass cull. */
  4072. public get areVRStereoViewMatricesWithinSingleCullTolerance(): boolean;
  4073. /** Defines which eye of a VR display the Camera renders into. */
  4074. public get stereoTargetEye(): UnityEngine.StereoTargetEyeMask;
  4075. public set stereoTargetEye(value: UnityEngine.StereoTargetEyeMask);
  4076. /** Returns the eye that is currently rendering.
  4077. If called when stereo is not enabled it will return Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye.Mono.
  4078. If called during a camera rendering callback such as OnRenderImage it will return the currently rendering eye.
  4079. If called outside of a rendering callback and stereo is enabled, it will return the default eye which is Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye.Left. */
  4080. public get stereoActiveEye(): UnityEngine.Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye;
  4081. /** The number of cameras in the current Scene. */
  4082. public static get allCamerasCount(): number;
  4083. /** Returns all enabled cameras in the Scene. */
  4084. public static get allCameras(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Camera>;
  4085. /** Number of command buffers set up on this camera (Read Only). */
  4086. public get commandBufferCount(): number;
  4087. public Reset () : void
  4088. public ResetTransparencySortSettings () : void
  4089. public ResetAspect () : void
  4090. public ResetCullingMatrix () : void
  4091. /** Make the camera render with shader replacement. */
  4092. public SetReplacementShader ($shader: UnityEngine.Shader, $replacementTag: string) : void
  4093. public ResetReplacementShader () : void
  4094. /** Sets the Camera to render to the chosen buffers of one or more RenderTextures. * @param colorBuffer The RenderBuffer(s) to which color information will be rendered.
  4095. * @param depthBuffer The RenderBuffer to which depth information will be rendered.
  4096. */
  4097. public SetTargetBuffers ($colorBuffer: UnityEngine.RenderBuffer, $depthBuffer: UnityEngine.RenderBuffer) : void
  4098. /** Sets the Camera to render to the chosen buffers of one or more RenderTextures. * @param colorBuffer The RenderBuffer(s) to which color information will be rendered.
  4099. * @param depthBuffer The RenderBuffer to which depth information will be rendered.
  4100. */
  4101. public SetTargetBuffers ($colorBuffer: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.RenderBuffer>, $depthBuffer: UnityEngine.RenderBuffer) : void
  4102. public ResetWorldToCameraMatrix () : void
  4103. public ResetProjectionMatrix () : void
  4104. /** Calculates and returns oblique near-plane projection matrix.
  4105. * @param clipPlane Vector4 that describes a clip plane.
  4106. * @returns Oblique near-plane projection matrix.
  4107. */
  4108. public CalculateObliqueMatrix ($clipPlane: UnityEngine.Vector4) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  4109. public WorldToScreenPoint ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $eye: UnityEngine.Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  4110. public WorldToViewportPoint ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $eye: UnityEngine.Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  4111. public ViewportToWorldPoint ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $eye: UnityEngine.Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  4112. public ScreenToWorldPoint ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $eye: UnityEngine.Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  4113. /** Transforms position from world space into screen space. * @param eye Optional argument that can be used to specify which eye transform to use. Default is Mono.
  4114. */
  4115. public WorldToScreenPoint ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  4116. /** Transforms position from world space into viewport space. * @param eye Optional argument that can be used to specify which eye transform to use. Default is Mono.
  4117. */
  4118. public WorldToViewportPoint ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  4119. /** Transforms position from viewport space into world space.
  4120. * @param position The 3d vector in Viewport space.
  4121. * @returns The 3d vector in World space.
  4122. */
  4123. public ViewportToWorldPoint ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  4124. /** Transforms position from screen space into world space. */
  4125. public ScreenToWorldPoint ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  4126. /** Transforms position from screen space into viewport space. */
  4127. public ScreenToViewportPoint ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  4128. /** Transforms position from viewport space into screen space. */
  4129. public ViewportToScreenPoint ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  4130. public ViewportPointToRay ($pos: UnityEngine.Vector3, $eye: UnityEngine.Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye) : UnityEngine.Ray
  4131. /** Returns a ray going from camera through a viewport point. * @param eye Optional argument that can be used to specify which eye transform to use. Default is Mono.
  4132. */
  4133. public ViewportPointToRay ($pos: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Ray
  4134. public ScreenPointToRay ($pos: UnityEngine.Vector3, $eye: UnityEngine.Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye) : UnityEngine.Ray
  4135. /** Returns a ray going from camera through a screen point. * @param eye Optional argument that can be used to specify which eye transform to use. Default is Mono.
  4136. */
  4137. public ScreenPointToRay ($pos: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Ray
  4138. public CalculateFrustumCorners ($viewport: UnityEngine.Rect, $z: number, $eye: UnityEngine.Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye, $outCorners: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>) : void
  4139. public static CalculateProjectionMatrixFromPhysicalProperties ($output: $Ref<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $focalLength: number, $sensorSize: UnityEngine.Vector2, $lensShift: UnityEngine.Vector2, $nearClip: number, $farClip: number, $gateFitParameters?: UnityEngine.Camera.GateFitParameters) : void
  4140. /** Converts focal length to field of view.
  4141. * @param focalLength Focal length in millimeters.
  4142. * @param sensorSize Sensor size in millimeters. Use the sensor height to get the vertical field of view. Use the sensor width to get the horizontal field of view.
  4143. * @returns field of view in degrees.
  4144. */
  4145. public static FocalLengthToFOV ($focalLength: number, $sensorSize: number) : number
  4146. /** Converts field of view to focal length. Use either sensor height and vertical field of view or sensor width and horizontal field of view.
  4147. * @param fov field of view in degrees.
  4148. * @param sensorSize Sensor size in millimeters.
  4149. * @returns Focal length in millimeters.
  4150. */
  4151. public static FOVToFocalLength ($fov: number, $sensorSize: number) : number
  4152. public GetStereoNonJitteredProjectionMatrix ($eye: UnityEngine.Camera.StereoscopicEye) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  4153. public GetStereoViewMatrix ($eye: UnityEngine.Camera.StereoscopicEye) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  4154. public CopyStereoDeviceProjectionMatrixToNonJittered ($eye: UnityEngine.Camera.StereoscopicEye) : void
  4155. public GetStereoProjectionMatrix ($eye: UnityEngine.Camera.StereoscopicEye) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  4156. public SetStereoProjectionMatrix ($eye: UnityEngine.Camera.StereoscopicEye, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : void
  4157. public ResetStereoProjectionMatrices () : void
  4158. public SetStereoViewMatrix ($eye: UnityEngine.Camera.StereoscopicEye, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : void
  4159. public ResetStereoViewMatrices () : void
  4160. /** Fills an array of Camera with the current cameras in the Scene, without allocating a new array. * @param cameras An array to be filled up with cameras currently in the Scene.
  4161. */
  4162. public static GetAllCameras ($cameras: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Camera>) : number
  4163. /** Render into a static cubemap from this camera.
  4164. * @param cubemap The cube map to render to.
  4165. * @param faceMask A bitmask which determines which of the six faces are rendered to.
  4166. * @returns False if rendering fails, else true.
  4167. */
  4168. public RenderToCubemap ($cubemap: UnityEngine.Cubemap, $faceMask: number) : boolean
  4169. public RenderToCubemap ($cubemap: UnityEngine.Cubemap) : boolean
  4170. /** Render into a cubemap from this camera.
  4171. * @param faceMask A bitfield indicating which cubemap faces should be rendered into.
  4172. * @param cubemap The texture to render to.
  4173. * @returns False if rendering fails, else true.
  4174. */
  4175. public RenderToCubemap ($cubemap: UnityEngine.RenderTexture, $faceMask: number) : boolean
  4176. public RenderToCubemap ($cubemap: UnityEngine.RenderTexture) : boolean
  4177. public RenderToCubemap ($cubemap: UnityEngine.RenderTexture, $faceMask: number, $stereoEye: UnityEngine.Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye) : boolean
  4178. public Render () : void
  4179. /** Render the camera with shader replacement. */
  4180. public RenderWithShader ($shader: UnityEngine.Shader, $replacementTag: string) : void
  4181. public RenderDontRestore () : void
  4182. public static SetupCurrent ($cur: UnityEngine.Camera) : void
  4183. /** Makes this camera's settings match other camera. * @param other Copy camera settings to the other camera.
  4184. */
  4185. public CopyFrom ($other: UnityEngine.Camera) : void
  4186. /** Remove command buffers from execution at a specified place. * @param evt When to execute the command buffer during rendering.
  4187. */
  4188. public RemoveCommandBuffers ($evt: UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent) : void
  4189. public RemoveAllCommandBuffers () : void
  4190. /** Add a command buffer to be executed at a specified place. * @param evt When to execute the command buffer during rendering.
  4191. * @param buffer The buffer to execute.
  4192. */
  4193. public AddCommandBuffer ($evt: UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent, $buffer: UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer) : void
  4194. /** Adds a command buffer to the GPU's async compute queues and executes that command buffer when graphics processing reaches a given point. * @param evt The point during the graphics processing at which this command buffer should commence on the GPU.
  4195. * @param buffer The buffer to execute.
  4196. * @param queueType The desired async compute queue type to execute the buffer on.
  4197. */
  4198. public AddCommandBufferAsync ($evt: UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent, $buffer: UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer, $queueType: UnityEngine.Rendering.ComputeQueueType) : void
  4199. /** Remove command buffer from execution at a specified place. * @param evt When to execute the command buffer during rendering.
  4200. * @param buffer The buffer to execute.
  4201. */
  4202. public RemoveCommandBuffer ($evt: UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent, $buffer: UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer) : void
  4203. /** Get command buffers to be executed at a specified place.
  4204. * @param evt When to execute the command buffer during rendering.
  4205. * @returns Array of command buffers.
  4206. */
  4207. public GetCommandBuffers ($evt: UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer>
  4208. public constructor ()
  4209. }
  4210. /** Rendering path of a Camera. */
  4211. enum RenderingPath
  4212. { UsePlayerSettings = -1, VertexLit = 0, Forward = 1, DeferredLighting = 2, DeferredShading = 3 }
  4213. /** Transparent object sorting mode of a Camera. */
  4214. enum TransparencySortMode
  4215. { Default = 0, Perspective = 1, Orthographic = 2, CustomAxis = 3 }
  4216. /** Describes different types of camera. */
  4217. enum CameraType
  4218. { Game = 1, SceneView = 2, Preview = 4, VR = 8, Reflection = 16 }
  4219. /** Values for Camera.clearFlags, determining what to clear when rendering a Camera. */
  4220. enum CameraClearFlags
  4221. { Skybox = 1, Color = 2, SolidColor = 2, Depth = 3, Nothing = 4 }
  4222. /** Depth texture generation mode for Camera. */
  4223. enum DepthTextureMode
  4224. { None = 0, Depth = 1, DepthNormals = 2, MotionVectors = 4 }
  4225. /** A 2D Rectangle defined by X and Y position, width and height. */
  4226. class Rect extends System.ValueType implements System.IEquatable$1<UnityEngine.Rect>
  4227. {
  4228. /** Shorthand for writing new Rect(0,0,0,0). */
  4229. public static get zero(): UnityEngine.Rect;
  4230. /** The X coordinate of the rectangle. */
  4231. public get x(): number;
  4232. public set x(value: number);
  4233. /** The Y coordinate of the rectangle. */
  4234. public get y(): number;
  4235. public set y(value: number);
  4236. /** The X and Y position of the rectangle. */
  4237. public get position(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  4238. public set position(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  4239. /** The position of the center of the rectangle. */
  4240. public get center(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  4241. public set center(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  4242. /** The position of the minimum corner of the rectangle. */
  4243. public get min(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  4244. public set min(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  4245. /** The position of the maximum corner of the rectangle. */
  4246. public get max(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  4247. public set max(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  4248. /** The width of the rectangle, measured from the X position. */
  4249. public get width(): number;
  4250. public set width(value: number);
  4251. /** The height of the rectangle, measured from the Y position. */
  4252. public get height(): number;
  4253. public set height(value: number);
  4254. /** The width and height of the rectangle. */
  4255. public get size(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  4256. public set size(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  4257. /** The minimum X coordinate of the rectangle. */
  4258. public get xMin(): number;
  4259. public set xMin(value: number);
  4260. /** The minimum Y coordinate of the rectangle. */
  4261. public get yMin(): number;
  4262. public set yMin(value: number);
  4263. /** The maximum X coordinate of the rectangle. */
  4264. public get xMax(): number;
  4265. public set xMax(value: number);
  4266. /** The maximum Y coordinate of the rectangle. */
  4267. public get yMax(): number;
  4268. public set yMax(value: number);
  4269. /** Creates a rectangle from min/max coordinate values.
  4270. * @param xmin The minimum X coordinate.
  4271. * @param ymin The minimum Y coordinate.
  4272. * @param xmax The maximum X coordinate.
  4273. * @param ymax The maximum Y coordinate.
  4274. * @returns A rectangle matching the specified coordinates.
  4275. */
  4276. public static MinMaxRect ($xmin: number, $ymin: number, $xmax: number, $ymax: number) : UnityEngine.Rect
  4277. /** Set components of an existing Rect. */
  4278. public Set ($x: number, $y: number, $width: number, $height: number) : void
  4279. /** Returns true if the x and y components of point is a point inside this rectangle. If allowInverse is present and true, the width and height of the Rect are allowed to take negative values (ie, the min value is greater than the max), and the test will still work.
  4280. * @param point Point to test.
  4281. * @param allowInverse Does the test allow the Rect's width and height to be negative?
  4282. * @returns True if the point lies within the specified rectangle.
  4283. */
  4284. public Contains ($point: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  4285. /** Returns true if the x and y components of point is a point inside this rectangle. If allowInverse is present and true, the width and height of the Rect are allowed to take negative values (ie, the min value is greater than the max), and the test will still work.
  4286. * @param point Point to test.
  4287. * @param allowInverse Does the test allow the Rect's width and height to be negative?
  4288. * @returns True if the point lies within the specified rectangle.
  4289. */
  4290. public Contains ($point: UnityEngine.Vector3) : boolean
  4291. /** Returns true if the x and y components of point is a point inside this rectangle. If allowInverse is present and true, the width and height of the Rect are allowed to take negative values (ie, the min value is greater than the max), and the test will still work.
  4292. * @param point Point to test.
  4293. * @param allowInverse Does the test allow the Rect's width and height to be negative?
  4294. * @returns True if the point lies within the specified rectangle.
  4295. */
  4296. public Contains ($point: UnityEngine.Vector3, $allowInverse: boolean) : boolean
  4297. /** Returns true if the other rectangle overlaps this one. If allowInverse is present and true, the widths and heights of the Rects are allowed to take negative values (ie, the min value is greater than the max), and the test will still work. * @param other Other rectangle to test overlapping with.
  4298. * @param allowInverse Does the test allow the widths and heights of the Rects to be negative?
  4299. */
  4300. public Overlaps ($other: UnityEngine.Rect) : boolean
  4301. /** Returns true if the other rectangle overlaps this one. If allowInverse is present and true, the widths and heights of the Rects are allowed to take negative values (ie, the min value is greater than the max), and the test will still work. * @param other Other rectangle to test overlapping with.
  4302. * @param allowInverse Does the test allow the widths and heights of the Rects to be negative?
  4303. */
  4304. public Overlaps ($other: UnityEngine.Rect, $allowInverse: boolean) : boolean
  4305. /** Returns a point inside a rectangle, given normalized coordinates. * @param rectangle Rectangle to get a point inside.
  4306. * @param normalizedRectCoordinates Normalized coordinates to get a point for.
  4307. */
  4308. public static NormalizedToPoint ($rectangle: UnityEngine.Rect, $normalizedRectCoordinates: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  4309. /** Returns the normalized coordinates cooresponding the the point. * @param rectangle Rectangle to get normalized coordinates inside.
  4310. * @param point A point inside the rectangle to get normalized coordinates for.
  4311. */
  4312. public static PointToNormalized ($rectangle: UnityEngine.Rect, $point: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  4313. public static op_Inequality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Rect, $rhs: UnityEngine.Rect) : boolean
  4314. public static op_Equality ($lhs: UnityEngine.Rect, $rhs: UnityEngine.Rect) : boolean
  4315. public Equals ($other: any) : boolean
  4316. public Equals ($other: UnityEngine.Rect) : boolean
  4317. public ToString () : string
  4318. /** Returns a nicely formatted string for this Rect. */
  4319. public ToString ($format: string) : string
  4320. public constructor ($x: number, $y: number, $width: number, $height: number)
  4321. public constructor ($position: UnityEngine.Vector2, $size: UnityEngine.Vector2)
  4322. public constructor ($source: UnityEngine.Rect)
  4323. public Equals ($obj: any) : boolean
  4324. public static Equals ($objA: any, $objB: any) : boolean
  4325. public constructor ()
  4326. }
  4327. /** Render textures are textures that can be rendered to. */
  4328. class RenderTexture extends UnityEngine.Texture
  4329. {
  4330. /** The width of the render texture in pixels. */
  4331. public get width(): number;
  4332. public set width(value: number);
  4333. /** The height of the render texture in pixels. */
  4334. public get height(): number;
  4335. public set height(value: number);
  4336. /** Dimensionality (type) of the render texture. */
  4337. public get dimension(): UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension;
  4338. public set dimension(value: UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension);
  4339. /** Render texture has mipmaps when this flag is set. */
  4340. public get useMipMap(): boolean;
  4341. public set useMipMap(value: boolean);
  4342. /** Does this render texture use sRGB read/write conversions? (Read Only). */
  4343. public get sRGB(): boolean;
  4344. /** The color format of the render texture. */
  4345. public get format(): UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat;
  4346. public set format(value: UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat);
  4347. /** If this RenderTexture is a VR eye texture used in stereoscopic rendering, this property decides what special rendering occurs, if any. */
  4348. public get vrUsage(): UnityEngine.VRTextureUsage;
  4349. public set vrUsage(value: UnityEngine.VRTextureUsage);
  4350. /** The render texture memoryless mode property. */
  4351. public get memorylessMode(): UnityEngine.RenderTextureMemoryless;
  4352. public set memorylessMode(value: UnityEngine.RenderTextureMemoryless);
  4353. /** Mipmap levels are generated automatically when this flag is set. */
  4354. public get autoGenerateMips(): boolean;
  4355. public set autoGenerateMips(value: boolean);
  4356. /** Volume extent of a 3D render texture or number of slices of array texture. */
  4357. public get volumeDepth(): number;
  4358. public set volumeDepth(value: number);
  4359. /** The antialiasing level for the RenderTexture. */
  4360. public get antiAliasing(): number;
  4361. public set antiAliasing(value: number);
  4362. /** If true and antiAliasing is greater than 1, the render texture will not be resolved by default. Use this if the render texture needs to be bound as a multisampled texture in a shader. */
  4363. public get bindTextureMS(): boolean;
  4364. public set bindTextureMS(value: boolean);
  4365. /** Enable random access write into this render texture on Shader Model 5.0 level shaders. */
  4366. public get enableRandomWrite(): boolean;
  4367. public set enableRandomWrite(value: boolean);
  4368. /** Is the render texture marked to be scaled by the Dynamic Resolution system. */
  4369. public get useDynamicScale(): boolean;
  4370. public set useDynamicScale(value: boolean);
  4371. public get isPowerOfTwo(): boolean;
  4372. public set isPowerOfTwo(value: boolean);
  4373. /** Currently active render texture. */
  4374. public static get active(): UnityEngine.RenderTexture;
  4375. public static set active(value: UnityEngine.RenderTexture);
  4376. /** Color buffer of the render texture (Read Only). */
  4377. public get colorBuffer(): UnityEngine.RenderBuffer;
  4378. /** Depth/stencil buffer of the render texture (Read Only). */
  4379. public get depthBuffer(): UnityEngine.RenderBuffer;
  4380. /** The precision of the render texture's depth buffer in bits (0, 16, 24/32 are supported). */
  4381. public get depth(): number;
  4382. public set depth(value: number);
  4383. /** This struct contains all the information required to create a RenderTexture. It can be copied, cached, and reused to easily create RenderTextures that all share the same properties. */
  4384. public get descriptor(): UnityEngine.RenderTextureDescriptor;
  4385. public set descriptor(value: UnityEngine.RenderTextureDescriptor);
  4386. public GetNativeDepthBufferPtr () : System.IntPtr
  4387. /** Hint the GPU driver that the contents of the RenderTexture will not be used. * @param discardColor Should the colour buffer be discarded?
  4388. * @param discardDepth Should the depth buffer be discarded?
  4389. */
  4390. public DiscardContents ($discardColor: boolean, $discardDepth: boolean) : void
  4391. public MarkRestoreExpected () : void
  4392. public DiscardContents () : void
  4393. public ResolveAntiAliasedSurface () : void
  4394. /** Force an antialiased render texture to be resolved. * @param target The render texture to resolve into. If set, the target render texture must have the same dimensions and format as the source.
  4395. */
  4396. public ResolveAntiAliasedSurface ($target: UnityEngine.RenderTexture) : void
  4397. /** Assigns this RenderTexture as a global shader property named propertyName. */
  4398. public SetGlobalShaderProperty ($propertyName: string) : void
  4399. public Create () : boolean
  4400. public Release () : void
  4401. public IsCreated () : boolean
  4402. public GenerateMips () : void
  4403. public ConvertToEquirect ($equirect: UnityEngine.RenderTexture, $eye?: UnityEngine.Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye) : void
  4404. /** Does a RenderTexture have stencil buffer? * @param rt Render texture, or null for main screen.
  4405. */
  4406. public static SupportsStencil ($rt: UnityEngine.RenderTexture) : boolean
  4407. /** Release a temporary texture allocated with GetTemporary. */
  4408. public static ReleaseTemporary ($temp: UnityEngine.RenderTexture) : void
  4409. /** Allocate a temporary render texture. * @param width Width in pixels.
  4410. * @param height Height in pixels.
  4411. * @param depthBuffer Depth buffer bits (0, 16 or 24). Note that only 24 bit depth has stencil buffer.
  4412. * @param format Render texture format.
  4413. * @param readWrite Color space conversion mode.
  4414. * @param antiAliasing Number of antialiasing samples to store in the texture. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8. Throws an exception if any other value is passed.
  4415. * @param memorylessMode Render texture memoryless mode.
  4416. * @param desc Use this RenderTextureDesc for the settings when creating the temporary RenderTexture.
  4417. */
  4418. public static GetTemporary ($desc: UnityEngine.RenderTextureDescriptor) : UnityEngine.RenderTexture
  4419. /** Allocate a temporary render texture. * @param width Width in pixels.
  4420. * @param height Height in pixels.
  4421. * @param depthBuffer Depth buffer bits (0, 16 or 24). Note that only 24 bit depth has stencil buffer.
  4422. * @param format Render texture format.
  4423. * @param readWrite Color space conversion mode.
  4424. * @param antiAliasing Number of antialiasing samples to store in the texture. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8. Throws an exception if any other value is passed.
  4425. * @param memorylessMode Render texture memoryless mode.
  4426. * @param desc Use this RenderTextureDesc for the settings when creating the temporary RenderTexture.
  4427. */
  4428. public static GetTemporary ($width: number, $height: number, $depthBuffer: number, $format: UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat, $readWrite: UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite, $antiAliasing: number, $memorylessMode: UnityEngine.RenderTextureMemoryless, $vrUsage: UnityEngine.VRTextureUsage, $useDynamicScale: boolean) : UnityEngine.RenderTexture
  4429. public static GetTemporary ($width: number, $height: number, $depthBuffer: number, $format: UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat, $readWrite: UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite, $antiAliasing: number, $memorylessMode: UnityEngine.RenderTextureMemoryless, $vrUsage: UnityEngine.VRTextureUsage) : UnityEngine.RenderTexture
  4430. public static GetTemporary ($width: number, $height: number, $depthBuffer: number, $format: UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat, $readWrite: UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite, $antiAliasing: number, $memorylessMode: UnityEngine.RenderTextureMemoryless) : UnityEngine.RenderTexture
  4431. public static GetTemporary ($width: number, $height: number, $depthBuffer: number, $format: UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat, $readWrite: UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite, $antiAliasing: number) : UnityEngine.RenderTexture
  4432. public static GetTemporary ($width: number, $height: number, $depthBuffer: number, $format: UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat, $readWrite: UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite) : UnityEngine.RenderTexture
  4433. public static GetTemporary ($width: number, $height: number, $depthBuffer: number, $format: UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat) : UnityEngine.RenderTexture
  4434. public static GetTemporary ($width: number, $height: number, $depthBuffer: number) : UnityEngine.RenderTexture
  4435. public static GetTemporary ($width: number, $height: number) : UnityEngine.RenderTexture
  4436. public constructor ($desc: UnityEngine.RenderTextureDescriptor)
  4437. public constructor ($textureToCopy: UnityEngine.RenderTexture)
  4438. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number, $depth: number, $format: UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat)
  4439. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number, $depth: number, $format: UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat, $readWrite: UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite)
  4440. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number, $depth: number, $format: UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat)
  4441. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number, $depth: number)
  4442. public constructor ()
  4443. }
  4444. /** Color or depth buffer part of a RenderTexture. */
  4445. class RenderBuffer extends System.ValueType
  4446. {
  4447. }
  4448. /** Enum values for the Camera's targetEye property. */
  4449. enum StereoTargetEyeMask
  4450. { None = 0, Left = 1, Right = 2, Both = 3 }
  4451. /** Class for handling cube maps, Use this to create or modify existing. */
  4452. class Cubemap extends UnityEngine.Texture
  4453. {
  4454. }
  4455. /** This struct contains the view space coordinates of the near projection plane. */
  4456. class FrustumPlanes extends System.ValueType
  4457. {
  4458. }
  4459. /** Representation of a plane in 3D space. */
  4460. class Plane extends System.ValueType
  4461. {
  4462. /** Normal vector of the plane. */
  4463. public get normal(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  4464. public set normal(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  4465. /** Distance from the origin to the plane. */
  4466. public get distance(): number;
  4467. public set distance(value: number);
  4468. /** Returns a copy of the plane that faces in the opposite direction. */
  4469. public get flipped(): UnityEngine.Plane;
  4470. /** Sets a plane using a point that lies within it along with a normal to orient it. * @param inNormal The plane's normal vector.
  4471. * @param inPoint A point that lies on the plane.
  4472. */
  4473. public SetNormalAndPosition ($inNormal: UnityEngine.Vector3, $inPoint: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  4474. /** Sets a plane using three points that lie within it. The points go around clockwise as you look down on the top surface of the plane. * @param a First point in clockwise order.
  4475. * @param b Second point in clockwise order.
  4476. * @param c Third point in clockwise order.
  4477. */
  4478. public Set3Points ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3, $b: UnityEngine.Vector3, $c: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  4479. public Flip () : void
  4480. /** Moves the plane in space by the translation vector. * @param translation The offset in space to move the plane with.
  4481. */
  4482. public Translate ($translation: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  4483. /** Returns a copy of the given plane that is moved in space by the given translation.
  4484. * @param plane The plane to move in space.
  4485. * @param translation The offset in space to move the plane with.
  4486. * @returns The translated plane.
  4487. */
  4488. public static Translate ($plane: UnityEngine.Plane, $translation: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Plane
  4489. /** For a given point returns the closest point on the plane.
  4490. * @param point The point to project onto the plane.
  4491. * @returns A point on the plane that is closest to point.
  4492. */
  4493. public ClosestPointOnPlane ($point: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  4494. /** Returns a signed distance from plane to point. */
  4495. public GetDistanceToPoint ($point: UnityEngine.Vector3) : number
  4496. /** Is a point on the positive side of the plane? */
  4497. public GetSide ($point: UnityEngine.Vector3) : boolean
  4498. /** Are two points on the same side of the plane? */
  4499. public SameSide ($inPt0: UnityEngine.Vector3, $inPt1: UnityEngine.Vector3) : boolean
  4500. /** Intersects a ray with the plane. */
  4501. public Raycast ($ray: UnityEngine.Ray, $enter: $Ref<number>) : boolean
  4502. public ToString () : string
  4503. public ToString ($format: string) : string
  4504. public constructor ($inNormal: UnityEngine.Vector3, $inPoint: UnityEngine.Vector3)
  4505. public constructor ($inNormal: UnityEngine.Vector3, $d: number)
  4506. public constructor ($a: UnityEngine.Vector3, $b: UnityEngine.Vector3, $c: UnityEngine.Vector3)
  4507. public constructor ()
  4508. }
  4509. enum TexGenMode
  4510. { None = 0, SphereMap = 1, Object = 2, EyeLinear = 3, CubeReflect = 4, CubeNormal = 5 }
  4511. /** Format of a RenderTexture. */
  4512. enum RenderTextureFormat
  4513. { ARGB32 = 0, Depth = 1, ARGBHalf = 2, Shadowmap = 3, RGB565 = 4, ARGB4444 = 5, ARGB1555 = 6, Default = 7, ARGB2101010 = 8, DefaultHDR = 9, ARGB64 = 10, ARGBFloat = 11, RGFloat = 12, RGHalf = 13, RFloat = 14, RHalf = 15, R8 = 16, ARGBInt = 17, RGInt = 18, RInt = 19, BGRA32 = 20, RGB111110Float = 22, RG32 = 23, RGBAUShort = 24, RG16 = 25, BGRA10101010_XR = 26, BGR101010_XR = 27, R16 = 28 }
  4514. /** This enum describes how the RenderTexture is used as a VR eye texture. Instead of using the values of this enum manually, use the value returned by XR.XRSettings.eyeTextureDesc|eyeTextureDesc or other VR functions returning a RenderTextureDescriptor. */
  4515. enum VRTextureUsage
  4516. { None = 0, OneEye = 1, TwoEyes = 2 }
  4517. /** Flags enumeration of the render texture memoryless modes. */
  4518. enum RenderTextureMemoryless
  4519. { None = 0, Color = 1, Depth = 2, MSAA = 4 }
  4520. /** This struct contains all the information required to create a RenderTexture. It can be copied, cached, and reused to easily create RenderTextures that all share the same properties. */
  4521. class RenderTextureDescriptor extends System.ValueType
  4522. {
  4523. }
  4524. /** Color space conversion mode of a RenderTexture. */
  4525. enum RenderTextureReadWrite
  4526. { Default = 0, Linear = 1, sRGB = 2 }
  4527. /** Class containing methods to ease debugging while developing a game. */
  4528. class Debug extends System.Object
  4529. {
  4530. /** Get default debug logger. */
  4531. public static get unityLogger(): UnityEngine.ILogger;
  4532. /** Reports whether the development console is visible. The development console cannot be made to appear using: */
  4533. public static get developerConsoleVisible(): boolean;
  4534. public static set developerConsoleVisible(value: boolean);
  4535. /** In the Build Settings dialog there is a check box called "Development Build". */
  4536. public static get isDebugBuild(): boolean;
  4537. /** Draws a line between specified start and end points. * @param start Point in world space where the line should start.
  4538. * @param end Point in world space where the line should end.
  4539. * @param color Color of the line.
  4540. * @param duration How long the line should be visible for.
  4541. * @param depthTest Should the line be obscured by objects closer to the camera?
  4542. */
  4543. public static DrawLine ($start: UnityEngine.Vector3, $end: UnityEngine.Vector3, $color: UnityEngine.Color, $duration: number) : void
  4544. /** Draws a line between specified start and end points. * @param start Point in world space where the line should start.
  4545. * @param end Point in world space where the line should end.
  4546. * @param color Color of the line.
  4547. * @param duration How long the line should be visible for.
  4548. * @param depthTest Should the line be obscured by objects closer to the camera?
  4549. */
  4550. public static DrawLine ($start: UnityEngine.Vector3, $end: UnityEngine.Vector3, $color: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  4551. /** Draws a line between specified start and end points. * @param start Point in world space where the line should start.
  4552. * @param end Point in world space where the line should end.
  4553. * @param color Color of the line.
  4554. * @param duration How long the line should be visible for.
  4555. * @param depthTest Should the line be obscured by objects closer to the camera?
  4556. */
  4557. public static DrawLine ($start: UnityEngine.Vector3, $end: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  4558. /** Draws a line between specified start and end points. * @param start Point in world space where the line should start.
  4559. * @param end Point in world space where the line should end.
  4560. * @param color Color of the line.
  4561. * @param duration How long the line should be visible for.
  4562. * @param depthTest Should the line be obscured by objects closer to the camera?
  4563. */
  4564. public static DrawLine ($start: UnityEngine.Vector3, $end: UnityEngine.Vector3, $color: UnityEngine.Color, $duration: number, $depthTest: boolean) : void
  4565. /** Draws a line from start to start + dir in world coordinates. * @param start Point in world space where the ray should start.
  4566. * @param dir Direction and length of the ray.
  4567. * @param color Color of the drawn line.
  4568. * @param duration How long the line will be visible for (in seconds).
  4569. * @param depthTest Should the line be obscured by other objects closer to the camera?
  4570. */
  4571. public static DrawRay ($start: UnityEngine.Vector3, $dir: UnityEngine.Vector3, $color: UnityEngine.Color, $duration: number) : void
  4572. /** Draws a line from start to start + dir in world coordinates. * @param start Point in world space where the ray should start.
  4573. * @param dir Direction and length of the ray.
  4574. * @param color Color of the drawn line.
  4575. * @param duration How long the line will be visible for (in seconds).
  4576. * @param depthTest Should the line be obscured by other objects closer to the camera?
  4577. */
  4578. public static DrawRay ($start: UnityEngine.Vector3, $dir: UnityEngine.Vector3, $color: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  4579. /** Draws a line from start to start + dir in world coordinates. * @param start Point in world space where the ray should start.
  4580. * @param dir Direction and length of the ray.
  4581. * @param color Color of the drawn line.
  4582. * @param duration How long the line will be visible for (in seconds).
  4583. * @param depthTest Should the line be obscured by other objects closer to the camera?
  4584. */
  4585. public static DrawRay ($start: UnityEngine.Vector3, $dir: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  4586. /** Draws a line from start to start + dir in world coordinates. * @param start Point in world space where the ray should start.
  4587. * @param dir Direction and length of the ray.
  4588. * @param color Color of the drawn line.
  4589. * @param duration How long the line will be visible for (in seconds).
  4590. * @param depthTest Should the line be obscured by other objects closer to the camera?
  4591. */
  4592. public static DrawRay ($start: UnityEngine.Vector3, $dir: UnityEngine.Vector3, $color: UnityEngine.Color, $duration: number, $depthTest: boolean) : void
  4593. public static Break () : void
  4594. public static DebugBreak () : void
  4595. /** Log a message to the Unity Console. * @param message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
  4596. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4597. */
  4598. public static Log ($message: any) : void
  4599. /** Log a message to the Unity Console. * @param message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
  4600. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4601. */
  4602. public static Log ($message: any, $context: UnityEngine.Object) : void
  4603. /** Logs a formatted message to the Unity Console. * @param format A composite format string.
  4604. * @param args Format arguments.
  4605. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4606. */
  4607. public static LogFormat ($format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
  4608. /** Logs a formatted message to the Unity Console. * @param format A composite format string.
  4609. * @param args Format arguments.
  4610. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4611. */
  4612. public static LogFormat ($context: UnityEngine.Object, $format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
  4613. /** A variant of Debug.Log that logs an error message to the console. * @param message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
  4614. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4615. */
  4616. public static LogError ($message: any) : void
  4617. /** A variant of Debug.Log that logs an error message to the console. * @param message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
  4618. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4619. */
  4620. public static LogError ($message: any, $context: UnityEngine.Object) : void
  4621. /** Logs a formatted error message to the Unity console. * @param format A composite format string.
  4622. * @param args Format arguments.
  4623. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4624. */
  4625. public static LogErrorFormat ($format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
  4626. /** Logs a formatted error message to the Unity console. * @param format A composite format string.
  4627. * @param args Format arguments.
  4628. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4629. */
  4630. public static LogErrorFormat ($context: UnityEngine.Object, $format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
  4631. public static ClearDeveloperConsole () : void
  4632. /** A variant of Debug.Log that logs an error message to the console. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4633. * @param exception Runtime Exception.
  4634. */
  4635. public static LogException ($exception: System.Exception) : void
  4636. /** A variant of Debug.Log that logs an error message to the console. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4637. * @param exception Runtime Exception.
  4638. */
  4639. public static LogException ($exception: System.Exception, $context: UnityEngine.Object) : void
  4640. /** A variant of Debug.Log that logs a warning message to the console. * @param message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
  4641. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4642. */
  4643. public static LogWarning ($message: any) : void
  4644. /** A variant of Debug.Log that logs a warning message to the console. * @param message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
  4645. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4646. */
  4647. public static LogWarning ($message: any, $context: UnityEngine.Object) : void
  4648. /** Logs a formatted warning message to the Unity Console. * @param format A composite format string.
  4649. * @param args Format arguments.
  4650. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4651. */
  4652. public static LogWarningFormat ($format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
  4653. /** Logs a formatted warning message to the Unity Console. * @param format A composite format string.
  4654. * @param args Format arguments.
  4655. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4656. */
  4657. public static LogWarningFormat ($context: UnityEngine.Object, $format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
  4658. /** Assert a condition and logs an error message to the Unity console on failure. * @param condition Condition you expect to be true.
  4659. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4660. * @param message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
  4661. */
  4662. public static Assert ($condition: boolean) : void
  4663. /** Assert a condition and logs an error message to the Unity console on failure. * @param condition Condition you expect to be true.
  4664. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4665. * @param message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
  4666. */
  4667. public static Assert ($condition: boolean, $context: UnityEngine.Object) : void
  4668. /** Assert a condition and logs an error message to the Unity console on failure. * @param condition Condition you expect to be true.
  4669. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4670. * @param message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
  4671. */
  4672. public static Assert ($condition: boolean, $message: any) : void
  4673. public static Assert ($condition: boolean, $message: string) : void
  4674. /** Assert a condition and logs an error message to the Unity console on failure. * @param condition Condition you expect to be true.
  4675. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4676. * @param message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
  4677. */
  4678. public static Assert ($condition: boolean, $message: any, $context: UnityEngine.Object) : void
  4679. public static Assert ($condition: boolean, $message: string, $context: UnityEngine.Object) : void
  4680. /** Assert a condition and logs a formatted error message to the Unity console on failure. * @param condition Condition you expect to be true.
  4681. * @param format A composite format string.
  4682. * @param args Format arguments.
  4683. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4684. */
  4685. public static AssertFormat ($condition: boolean, $format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
  4686. /** Assert a condition and logs a formatted error message to the Unity console on failure. * @param condition Condition you expect to be true.
  4687. * @param format A composite format string.
  4688. * @param args Format arguments.
  4689. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4690. */
  4691. public static AssertFormat ($condition: boolean, $context: UnityEngine.Object, $format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
  4692. /** A variant of Debug.Log that logs an assertion message to the console. * @param message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
  4693. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4694. */
  4695. public static LogAssertion ($message: any) : void
  4696. /** A variant of Debug.Log that logs an assertion message to the console. * @param message String or object to be converted to string representation for display.
  4697. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4698. */
  4699. public static LogAssertion ($message: any, $context: UnityEngine.Object) : void
  4700. /** Logs a formatted assertion message to the Unity console. * @param format A composite format string.
  4701. * @param args Format arguments.
  4702. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4703. */
  4704. public static LogAssertionFormat ($format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
  4705. /** Logs a formatted assertion message to the Unity console. * @param format A composite format string.
  4706. * @param args Format arguments.
  4707. * @param context Object to which the message applies.
  4708. */
  4709. public static LogAssertionFormat ($context: UnityEngine.Object, $format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
  4710. public constructor ()
  4711. }
  4712. interface ILogger extends UnityEngine.ILogHandler
  4713. {
  4714. }
  4715. interface ILogHandler
  4716. {
  4717. }
  4718. /** Provides access to a display / screen for rendering operations. */
  4719. class Display extends System.Object
  4720. {
  4721. /** The list of currently connected Displays. Contains at least one (main) display. */
  4722. public static displays : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Display>/** Horizontal resolution that the display is rendering at. */
  4723. public get renderingWidth(): number;
  4724. /** Vertical resolution that the display is rendering at. */
  4725. public get renderingHeight(): number;
  4726. /** Horizontal native display resolution. */
  4727. public get systemWidth(): number;
  4728. /** Vertical native display resolution. */
  4729. public get systemHeight(): number;
  4730. /** Color RenderBuffer. */
  4731. public get colorBuffer(): UnityEngine.RenderBuffer;
  4732. /** Depth RenderBuffer. */
  4733. public get depthBuffer(): UnityEngine.RenderBuffer;
  4734. /** Gets the state of the display and returns true if the display is active and false if otherwise. */
  4735. public get active(): boolean;
  4736. /** Main Display. */
  4737. public static get main(): UnityEngine.Display;
  4738. public Activate () : void
  4739. /** This overloaded function available for Windows allows specifying desired Window Width, Height and Refresh Rate. * @param width Desired Width of the Window (for Windows only. On Linux and Mac uses Screen Width).
  4740. * @param height Desired Height of the Window (for Windows only. On Linux and Mac uses Screen Height).
  4741. * @param refreshRate Desired Refresh Rate.
  4742. */
  4743. public Activate ($width: number, $height: number, $refreshRate: number) : void
  4744. /** Set rendering size and position on screen (Windows only). * @param width Change Window Width (Windows Only).
  4745. * @param height Change Window Height (Windows Only).
  4746. * @param x Change Window Position X (Windows Only).
  4747. * @param y Change Window Position Y (Windows Only).
  4748. */
  4749. public SetParams ($width: number, $height: number, $x: number, $y: number) : void
  4750. /** Sets rendering resolution for the display. * @param w Rendering width in pixels.
  4751. * @param h Rendering height in pixels.
  4752. */
  4753. public SetRenderingResolution ($w: number, $h: number) : void
  4754. /** Query relative mouse coordinates. * @param inputMouseCoordinates Mouse Input Position as Coordinates.
  4755. */
  4756. public static RelativeMouseAt ($inputMouseCoordinates: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  4757. public static add_onDisplaysUpdated ($value: UnityEngine.Display.DisplaysUpdatedDelegate) : void
  4758. public static remove_onDisplaysUpdated ($value: UnityEngine.Display.DisplaysUpdatedDelegate) : void
  4759. }
  4760. /** Gradient used for animating colors. */
  4761. class Gradient extends System.Object implements System.IEquatable$1<UnityEngine.Gradient>
  4762. {
  4763. /** All color keys defined in the gradient. */
  4764. public get colorKeys(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.GradientColorKey>;
  4765. public set colorKeys(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.GradientColorKey>);
  4766. /** All alpha keys defined in the gradient. */
  4767. public get alphaKeys(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.GradientAlphaKey>;
  4768. public set alphaKeys(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.GradientAlphaKey>);
  4769. /** Control how the gradient is evaluated. */
  4770. public get mode(): UnityEngine.GradientMode;
  4771. public set mode(value: UnityEngine.GradientMode);
  4772. /** Calculate color at a given time. * @param time Time of the key (0 - 1).
  4773. */
  4774. public Evaluate ($time: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  4775. /** Setup Gradient with an array of color keys and alpha keys. * @param colorKeys Color keys of the gradient (maximum 8 color keys).
  4776. * @param alphaKeys Alpha keys of the gradient (maximum 8 alpha keys).
  4777. */
  4778. public SetKeys ($colorKeys: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.GradientColorKey>, $alphaKeys: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.GradientAlphaKey>) : void
  4779. public Equals ($o: any) : boolean
  4780. public Equals ($other: UnityEngine.Gradient) : boolean
  4781. public constructor ()
  4782. public Equals ($obj: any) : boolean
  4783. public static Equals ($objA: any, $objB: any) : boolean
  4784. }
  4785. /** Color key used by Gradient. */
  4786. class GradientColorKey extends System.ValueType
  4787. {
  4788. }
  4789. /** Alpha key used by Gradient. */
  4790. class GradientAlphaKey extends System.ValueType
  4791. {
  4792. }
  4793. /** Select how gradients will be evaluated. */
  4794. enum GradientMode
  4795. { Blend = 0, Fixed = 1 }
  4796. /** Access to display information. */
  4797. class Screen extends System.Object
  4798. {
  4799. /** The current width of the screen window in pixels (Read Only). */
  4800. public static get width(): number;
  4801. /** The current height of the screen window in pixels (Read Only). */
  4802. public static get height(): number;
  4803. /** The current DPI of the screen / device (Read Only). */
  4804. public static get dpi(): number;
  4805. /** Specifies logical orientation of the screen. */
  4806. public static get orientation(): UnityEngine.ScreenOrientation;
  4807. public static set orientation(value: UnityEngine.ScreenOrientation);
  4808. /** A power saving setting, allowing the screen to dim some time after the last active user interaction. */
  4809. public static get sleepTimeout(): number;
  4810. public static set sleepTimeout(value: number);
  4811. /** Allow auto-rotation to portrait? */
  4812. public static get autorotateToPortrait(): boolean;
  4813. public static set autorotateToPortrait(value: boolean);
  4814. /** Allow auto-rotation to portrait, upside down? */
  4815. public static get autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown(): boolean;
  4816. public static set autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown(value: boolean);
  4817. /** Allow auto-rotation to landscape left? */
  4818. public static get autorotateToLandscapeLeft(): boolean;
  4819. public static set autorotateToLandscapeLeft(value: boolean);
  4820. /** Allow auto-rotation to landscape right? */
  4821. public static get autorotateToLandscapeRight(): boolean;
  4822. public static set autorotateToLandscapeRight(value: boolean);
  4823. /** The current screen resolution (Read Only). */
  4824. public static get currentResolution(): UnityEngine.Resolution;
  4825. /** Is the game running full-screen? */
  4826. public static get fullScreen(): boolean;
  4827. public static set fullScreen(value: boolean);
  4828. /** Set this property to one of the values in FullScreenMode to change the display mode of your application. */
  4829. public static get fullScreenMode(): UnityEngine.FullScreenMode;
  4830. public static set fullScreenMode(value: UnityEngine.FullScreenMode);
  4831. /** Returns the safe area of the screen in pixels (Read Only). */
  4832. public static get safeArea(): UnityEngine.Rect;
  4833. /** All full-screen resolutions supported by the monitor (Read Only). */
  4834. public static get resolutions(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Resolution>;
  4835. /** Switches the screen resolution. */
  4836. public static SetResolution ($width: number, $height: number, $fullscreenMode: UnityEngine.FullScreenMode, $preferredRefreshRate: number) : void
  4837. public static SetResolution ($width: number, $height: number, $fullscreenMode: UnityEngine.FullScreenMode) : void
  4838. /** Switches the screen resolution. */
  4839. public static SetResolution ($width: number, $height: number, $fullscreen: boolean, $preferredRefreshRate: number) : void
  4840. /** Switches the screen resolution. */
  4841. public static SetResolution ($width: number, $height: number, $fullscreen: boolean) : void
  4842. public constructor ()
  4843. }
  4844. /** Describes screen orientation. */
  4845. enum ScreenOrientation
  4846. { Unknown = 0, Portrait = 1, PortraitUpsideDown = 2, LandscapeLeft = 3, LandscapeRight = 4, AutoRotation = 5, Landscape = 3 }
  4847. /** Represents a display resolution. */
  4848. class Resolution extends System.ValueType
  4849. {
  4850. }
  4851. /** Platform agnostic fullscreen mode. Not all platforms support all modes. */
  4852. enum FullScreenMode
  4853. { ExclusiveFullScreen = 0, FullScreenWindow = 1, MaximizedWindow = 2, Windowed = 3 }
  4854. /** Raw interface to Unity's drawing functions. */
  4855. class Graphics extends System.Object
  4856. {
  4857. /** Returns the currently active color gamut. */
  4858. public static get activeColorGamut(): UnityEngine.ColorGamut;
  4859. /** Graphics Tier classification for current device.
  4860. Changing this value affects any subsequently loaded shaders. Initially this value is auto-detected from the hardware in use. */
  4861. public static get activeTier(): UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsTier;
  4862. public static set activeTier(value: UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsTier);
  4863. /** Currently active color buffer (Read Only). */
  4864. public static get activeColorBuffer(): UnityEngine.RenderBuffer;
  4865. /** Currently active depth/stencil buffer (Read Only). */
  4866. public static get activeDepthBuffer(): UnityEngine.RenderBuffer;
  4867. public static ClearRandomWriteTargets () : void
  4868. /** Execute a command buffer. * @param buffer The buffer to execute.
  4869. */
  4870. public static ExecuteCommandBuffer ($buffer: UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer) : void
  4871. /** Executes a command buffer on an async compute queue with the queue selected based on the ComputeQueueType parameter passed.
  4872. It is required that all of the commands within the command buffer be of a type suitable for execution on the async compute queues. If the buffer contains any commands that are not appropriate then an error will be logged and displayed in the editor window. Specifically the following commands are permitted in a CommandBuffer intended for async execution:
  4873. CommandBuffer.BeginSample
  4874. CommandBuffer.CopyCounterValue
  4875. CommandBuffer.CopyTexture
  4876. CommandBuffer.CreateGPUFence
  4877. CommandBuffer.DispatchCompute
  4878. CommandBuffer.EndSample
  4879. CommandBuffer.IssuePluginEvent
  4880. CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferParam
  4881. CommandBuffer.SetComputeFloatParam
  4882. CommandBuffer.SetComputeFloatParams
  4883. CommandBuffer.SetComputeTextureParam
  4884. CommandBuffer.SetComputeVectorParam
  4885. CommandBuffer.WaitOnGPUFence
  4886. All of the commands within the buffer are guaranteed to be executed on the same queue. If the target platform does not support async compute queues then the work is dispatched on the graphics queue. * @param buffer The CommandBuffer to be executed.
  4887. * @param queueType Describes the desired async compute queue the suuplied CommandBuffer should be executed on.
  4888. */
  4889. public static ExecuteCommandBufferAsync ($buffer: UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer, $queueType: UnityEngine.Rendering.ComputeQueueType) : void
  4890. /** Sets current render target. * @param rt RenderTexture to set as active render target.
  4891. * @param mipLevel Mipmap level to render into (use 0 if not mipmapped).
  4892. * @param face Cubemap face to render into (use Unknown if not a cubemap).
  4893. * @param depthSlice Depth slice to render into (use 0 if not a 3D or 2DArray render target).
  4894. * @param colorBuffer Color buffer to render into.
  4895. * @param depthBuffer Depth buffer to render into.
  4896. * @param colorBuffers Color buffers to render into (for multiple render target effects).
  4897. * @param setup Full render target setup information.
  4898. */
  4899. public static SetRenderTarget ($rt: UnityEngine.RenderTexture, $mipLevel: number, $face: UnityEngine.CubemapFace, $depthSlice: number) : void
  4900. /** Sets current render target. * @param rt RenderTexture to set as active render target.
  4901. * @param mipLevel Mipmap level to render into (use 0 if not mipmapped).
  4902. * @param face Cubemap face to render into (use Unknown if not a cubemap).
  4903. * @param depthSlice Depth slice to render into (use 0 if not a 3D or 2DArray render target).
  4904. * @param colorBuffer Color buffer to render into.
  4905. * @param depthBuffer Depth buffer to render into.
  4906. * @param colorBuffers Color buffers to render into (for multiple render target effects).
  4907. * @param setup Full render target setup information.
  4908. */
  4909. public static SetRenderTarget ($colorBuffer: UnityEngine.RenderBuffer, $depthBuffer: UnityEngine.RenderBuffer, $mipLevel: number, $face: UnityEngine.CubemapFace, $depthSlice: number) : void
  4910. /** Sets current render target. * @param rt RenderTexture to set as active render target.
  4911. * @param mipLevel Mipmap level to render into (use 0 if not mipmapped).
  4912. * @param face Cubemap face to render into (use Unknown if not a cubemap).
  4913. * @param depthSlice Depth slice to render into (use 0 if not a 3D or 2DArray render target).
  4914. * @param colorBuffer Color buffer to render into.
  4915. * @param depthBuffer Depth buffer to render into.
  4916. * @param colorBuffers Color buffers to render into (for multiple render target effects).
  4917. * @param setup Full render target setup information.
  4918. */
  4919. public static SetRenderTarget ($colorBuffers: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.RenderBuffer>, $depthBuffer: UnityEngine.RenderBuffer) : void
  4920. /** Sets current render target. * @param rt RenderTexture to set as active render target.
  4921. * @param mipLevel Mipmap level to render into (use 0 if not mipmapped).
  4922. * @param face Cubemap face to render into (use Unknown if not a cubemap).
  4923. * @param depthSlice Depth slice to render into (use 0 if not a 3D or 2DArray render target).
  4924. * @param colorBuffer Color buffer to render into.
  4925. * @param depthBuffer Depth buffer to render into.
  4926. * @param colorBuffers Color buffers to render into (for multiple render target effects).
  4927. * @param setup Full render target setup information.
  4928. */
  4929. public static SetRenderTarget ($setup: UnityEngine.RenderTargetSetup) : void
  4930. /** Set random write target for level pixel shaders. * @param index Index of the random write target in the shader.
  4931. * @param uav RenderTexture to set as write target.
  4932. * @param preserveCounterValue Whether to leave the append/consume counter value unchanged.
  4933. */
  4934. public static SetRandomWriteTarget ($index: number, $uav: UnityEngine.RenderTexture) : void
  4935. /** Set random write target for level pixel shaders. * @param index Index of the random write target in the shader.
  4936. * @param uav RenderTexture to set as write target.
  4937. * @param preserveCounterValue Whether to leave the append/consume counter value unchanged.
  4938. */
  4939. public static SetRandomWriteTarget ($index: number, $uav: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer, $preserveCounterValue: boolean) : void
  4940. /** Copy texture contents. * @param src Source texture.
  4941. * @param dst Destination texture.
  4942. * @param srcElement Source texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice).
  4943. * @param srcMip Source texture mipmap level.
  4944. * @param dstElement Destination texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice).
  4945. * @param dstMip Destination texture mipmap level.
  4946. * @param srcX X coordinate of source texture region to copy (left side is zero).
  4947. * @param srcY Y coordinate of source texture region to copy (bottom is zero).
  4948. * @param srcWidth Width of source texture region to copy.
  4949. * @param srcHeight Height of source texture region to copy.
  4950. * @param dstX X coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (left side is zero).
  4951. * @param dstY Y coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (bottom is zero).
  4952. */
  4953. public static CopyTexture ($src: UnityEngine.Texture, $dst: UnityEngine.Texture) : void
  4954. public static CopyTexture ($src: UnityEngine.Texture, $srcElement: number, $dst: UnityEngine.Texture, $dstElement: number) : void
  4955. /** Copy texture contents. * @param src Source texture.
  4956. * @param dst Destination texture.
  4957. * @param srcElement Source texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice).
  4958. * @param srcMip Source texture mipmap level.
  4959. * @param dstElement Destination texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice).
  4960. * @param dstMip Destination texture mipmap level.
  4961. * @param srcX X coordinate of source texture region to copy (left side is zero).
  4962. * @param srcY Y coordinate of source texture region to copy (bottom is zero).
  4963. * @param srcWidth Width of source texture region to copy.
  4964. * @param srcHeight Height of source texture region to copy.
  4965. * @param dstX X coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (left side is zero).
  4966. * @param dstY Y coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (bottom is zero).
  4967. */
  4968. public static CopyTexture ($src: UnityEngine.Texture, $srcElement: number, $srcMip: number, $dst: UnityEngine.Texture, $dstElement: number, $dstMip: number) : void
  4969. /** Copy texture contents. * @param src Source texture.
  4970. * @param dst Destination texture.
  4971. * @param srcElement Source texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice).
  4972. * @param srcMip Source texture mipmap level.
  4973. * @param dstElement Destination texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice).
  4974. * @param dstMip Destination texture mipmap level.
  4975. * @param srcX X coordinate of source texture region to copy (left side is zero).
  4976. * @param srcY Y coordinate of source texture region to copy (bottom is zero).
  4977. * @param srcWidth Width of source texture region to copy.
  4978. * @param srcHeight Height of source texture region to copy.
  4979. * @param dstX X coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (left side is zero).
  4980. * @param dstY Y coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (bottom is zero).
  4981. */
  4982. public static CopyTexture ($src: UnityEngine.Texture, $srcElement: number, $srcMip: number, $srcX: number, $srcY: number, $srcWidth: number, $srcHeight: number, $dst: UnityEngine.Texture, $dstElement: number, $dstMip: number, $dstX: number, $dstY: number) : void
  4983. /** This function provides an efficient way to convert between textures of different formats and dimensions.
  4984. The destination texture format should be uncompressed and correspond to a supported RenderTextureFormat.
  4985. * @param src Source texture.
  4986. * @param dst Destination texture.
  4987. * @param srcElement Source element (e.g. cubemap face). Set this to 0 for 2d source textures.
  4988. * @param dstElement Destination element (e.g. cubemap face or texture array element).
  4989. * @returns True if the call succeeded.
  4990. */
  4991. public static ConvertTexture ($src: UnityEngine.Texture, $dst: UnityEngine.Texture) : boolean
  4992. /** This function provides an efficient way to convert between textures of different formats and dimensions.
  4993. The destination texture format should be uncompressed and correspond to a supported RenderTextureFormat.
  4994. * @param src Source texture.
  4995. * @param dst Destination texture.
  4996. * @param srcElement Source element (e.g. cubemap face). Set this to 0 for 2d source textures.
  4997. * @param dstElement Destination element (e.g. cubemap face or texture array element).
  4998. * @returns True if the call succeeded.
  4999. */
  5000. public static ConvertTexture ($src: UnityEngine.Texture, $srcElement: number, $dst: UnityEngine.Texture, $dstElement: number) : boolean
  5001. /** Creates a GPUFence which will be passed after the last Blit, Clear, Draw, Dispatch or Texture Copy command prior to this call has been completed on the GPU.
  5002. * @param stage On some platforms there is a significant gap between the vertex processing completing and the pixel processing begining for a given draw call. This parameter allows for the fence to be passed after either the vertex or pixel processing for the proceeding draw has completed. If a compute shader dispatch was the last task submitted then this parameter is ignored.
  5003. * @returns Returns a new GPUFence.
  5004. */
  5005. public static CreateGPUFence ($stage: UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStage) : UnityEngine.Rendering.GPUFence
  5006. /** Instructs the GPU's processing of the graphics queue to wait until the given GPUFence is passed. * @param fence The GPUFence that the GPU will be instructed to wait upon before proceeding with its processing of the graphics queue.
  5007. * @param stage On some platforms there is a significant gap between the vertex processing completing and the pixel processing begining for a given draw call. This parameter allows for requested wait to be before the next items vertex or pixel processing begins. If a compute shader dispatch is the next item to be submitted then this parameter is ignored.
  5008. */
  5009. public static WaitOnGPUFence ($fence: UnityEngine.Rendering.GPUFence, $stage: UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStage) : void
  5010. public static CreateGPUFence () : UnityEngine.Rendering.GPUFence
  5011. public static WaitOnGPUFence ($fence: UnityEngine.Rendering.GPUFence) : void
  5012. /** Draw a texture in screen coordinates. * @param screenRect Rectangle on the screen to use for the texture. In pixel coordinates with (0,0) in the upper-left corner.
  5013. * @param texture Texture to draw.
  5014. * @param sourceRect Region of the texture to use. In normalized coordinates with (0,0) in the bottom-left corner.
  5015. * @param leftBorder Number of pixels from the left that are not affected by scale.
  5016. * @param rightBorder Number of pixels from the right that are not affected by scale.
  5017. * @param topBorder Number of pixels from the top that are not affected by scale.
  5018. * @param bottomBorder Number of pixels from the bottom that are not affected by scale.
  5019. * @param color Color that modulates the output. The neutral value is (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5). Set as vertex color for the shader.
  5020. * @param mat Custom Material that can be used to draw the texture. If null is passed, a default material with the Internal-GUITexture.shader is used.
  5021. * @param pass If -1 (default), draws all passes in the material. Otherwise, draws given pass only.
  5022. */
  5023. public static DrawTexture ($screenRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $sourceRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $leftBorder: number, $rightBorder: number, $topBorder: number, $bottomBorder: number, $color: UnityEngine.Color, $mat: UnityEngine.Material, $pass: number) : void
  5024. /** Draw a texture in screen coordinates. * @param screenRect Rectangle on the screen to use for the texture. In pixel coordinates with (0,0) in the upper-left corner.
  5025. * @param texture Texture to draw.
  5026. * @param sourceRect Region of the texture to use. In normalized coordinates with (0,0) in the bottom-left corner.
  5027. * @param leftBorder Number of pixels from the left that are not affected by scale.
  5028. * @param rightBorder Number of pixels from the right that are not affected by scale.
  5029. * @param topBorder Number of pixels from the top that are not affected by scale.
  5030. * @param bottomBorder Number of pixels from the bottom that are not affected by scale.
  5031. * @param color Color that modulates the output. The neutral value is (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5). Set as vertex color for the shader.
  5032. * @param mat Custom Material that can be used to draw the texture. If null is passed, a default material with the Internal-GUITexture.shader is used.
  5033. * @param pass If -1 (default), draws all passes in the material. Otherwise, draws given pass only.
  5034. */
  5035. public static DrawTexture ($screenRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $sourceRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $leftBorder: number, $rightBorder: number, $topBorder: number, $bottomBorder: number, $mat: UnityEngine.Material, $pass: number) : void
  5036. /** Draw a texture in screen coordinates. * @param screenRect Rectangle on the screen to use for the texture. In pixel coordinates with (0,0) in the upper-left corner.
  5037. * @param texture Texture to draw.
  5038. * @param sourceRect Region of the texture to use. In normalized coordinates with (0,0) in the bottom-left corner.
  5039. * @param leftBorder Number of pixels from the left that are not affected by scale.
  5040. * @param rightBorder Number of pixels from the right that are not affected by scale.
  5041. * @param topBorder Number of pixels from the top that are not affected by scale.
  5042. * @param bottomBorder Number of pixels from the bottom that are not affected by scale.
  5043. * @param color Color that modulates the output. The neutral value is (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5). Set as vertex color for the shader.
  5044. * @param mat Custom Material that can be used to draw the texture. If null is passed, a default material with the Internal-GUITexture.shader is used.
  5045. * @param pass If -1 (default), draws all passes in the material. Otherwise, draws given pass only.
  5046. */
  5047. public static DrawTexture ($screenRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $leftBorder: number, $rightBorder: number, $topBorder: number, $bottomBorder: number, $mat: UnityEngine.Material, $pass: number) : void
  5048. /** Draw a texture in screen coordinates. * @param screenRect Rectangle on the screen to use for the texture. In pixel coordinates with (0,0) in the upper-left corner.
  5049. * @param texture Texture to draw.
  5050. * @param sourceRect Region of the texture to use. In normalized coordinates with (0,0) in the bottom-left corner.
  5051. * @param leftBorder Number of pixels from the left that are not affected by scale.
  5052. * @param rightBorder Number of pixels from the right that are not affected by scale.
  5053. * @param topBorder Number of pixels from the top that are not affected by scale.
  5054. * @param bottomBorder Number of pixels from the bottom that are not affected by scale.
  5055. * @param color Color that modulates the output. The neutral value is (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5). Set as vertex color for the shader.
  5056. * @param mat Custom Material that can be used to draw the texture. If null is passed, a default material with the Internal-GUITexture.shader is used.
  5057. * @param pass If -1 (default), draws all passes in the material. Otherwise, draws given pass only.
  5058. */
  5059. public static DrawTexture ($screenRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $mat: UnityEngine.Material, $pass: number) : void
  5060. /** Draw a mesh immediately. * @param mesh The Mesh to draw.
  5061. * @param position Position of the mesh.
  5062. * @param rotation Rotation of the mesh.
  5063. * @param matrix Transformation matrix of the mesh (combines position, rotation and other transformations). Note that the mesh will not be displayed correctly if matrix has negative scale.
  5064. * @param materialIndex Subset of the mesh to draw.
  5065. */
  5066. public static DrawMeshNow ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $materialIndex: number) : void
  5067. /** Draw a mesh immediately. * @param mesh The Mesh to draw.
  5068. * @param position Position of the mesh.
  5069. * @param rotation Rotation of the mesh.
  5070. * @param matrix Transformation matrix of the mesh (combines position, rotation and other transformations). Note that the mesh will not be displayed correctly if matrix has negative scale.
  5071. * @param materialIndex Subset of the mesh to draw.
  5072. */
  5073. public static DrawMeshNow ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $materialIndex: number) : void
  5074. /** Draw a mesh immediately. * @param mesh The Mesh to draw.
  5075. * @param position Position of the mesh.
  5076. * @param rotation Rotation of the mesh.
  5077. * @param matrix Transformation matrix of the mesh (combines position, rotation and other transformations). Note that the mesh will not be displayed correctly if matrix has negative scale.
  5078. * @param materialIndex Subset of the mesh to draw.
  5079. */
  5080. public static DrawMeshNow ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion) : void
  5081. /** Draw a mesh immediately. * @param mesh The Mesh to draw.
  5082. * @param position Position of the mesh.
  5083. * @param rotation Rotation of the mesh.
  5084. * @param matrix Transformation matrix of the mesh (combines position, rotation and other transformations). Note that the mesh will not be displayed correctly if matrix has negative scale.
  5085. * @param materialIndex Subset of the mesh to draw.
  5086. */
  5087. public static DrawMeshNow ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : void
  5088. /** Draw a mesh. * @param mesh The Mesh to draw.
  5089. * @param position Position of the mesh.
  5090. * @param rotation Rotation of the mesh.
  5091. * @param matrix Transformation matrix of the mesh (combines position, rotation and other transformations).
  5092. * @param material Material to use.
  5093. * @param layer to use.
  5094. * @param camera If null (default), the mesh will be drawn in all cameras. Otherwise it will be rendered in the given camera only.
  5095. * @param submeshIndex Which subset of the mesh to draw. This applies only to meshes that are composed of several materials.
  5096. * @param properties Additional material properties to apply onto material just before this mesh will be drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock.
  5097. * @param castShadows Determines whether the mesh can cast shadows.
  5098. * @param receiveShadows Determines whether the mesh can receive shadows.
  5099. * @param useLightProbes Should the mesh use light probes?
  5100. * @param probeAnchor If used, the mesh will use this Transform's position to sample light probes and find the matching reflection probe.
  5101. * @param lightProbeUsage LightProbeUsage for the mesh.
  5102. */
  5103. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: boolean, $receiveShadows: boolean, $useLightProbes: boolean) : void
  5104. /** Draw a mesh. * @param mesh The Mesh to draw.
  5105. * @param position Position of the mesh.
  5106. * @param rotation Rotation of the mesh.
  5107. * @param matrix Transformation matrix of the mesh (combines position, rotation and other transformations).
  5108. * @param material Material to use.
  5109. * @param layer to use.
  5110. * @param camera If null (default), the mesh will be drawn in all cameras. Otherwise it will be rendered in the given camera only.
  5111. * @param submeshIndex Which subset of the mesh to draw. This applies only to meshes that are composed of several materials.
  5112. * @param properties Additional material properties to apply onto material just before this mesh will be drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock.
  5113. * @param castShadows Determines whether the mesh can cast shadows.
  5114. * @param receiveShadows Determines whether the mesh can receive shadows.
  5115. * @param useLightProbes Should the mesh use light probes?
  5116. * @param probeAnchor If used, the mesh will use this Transform's position to sample light probes and find the matching reflection probe.
  5117. * @param lightProbeUsage LightProbeUsage for the mesh.
  5118. */
  5119. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $probeAnchor: UnityEngine.Transform, $useLightProbes: boolean) : void
  5120. /** Draw a mesh. * @param mesh The Mesh to draw.
  5121. * @param position Position of the mesh.
  5122. * @param rotation Rotation of the mesh.
  5123. * @param matrix Transformation matrix of the mesh (combines position, rotation and other transformations).
  5124. * @param material Material to use.
  5125. * @param layer to use.
  5126. * @param camera If null (default), the mesh will be drawn in all cameras. Otherwise it will be rendered in the given camera only.
  5127. * @param submeshIndex Which subset of the mesh to draw. This applies only to meshes that are composed of several materials.
  5128. * @param properties Additional material properties to apply onto material just before this mesh will be drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock.
  5129. * @param castShadows Determines whether the mesh can cast shadows.
  5130. * @param receiveShadows Determines whether the mesh can receive shadows.
  5131. * @param useLightProbes Should the mesh use light probes?
  5132. * @param probeAnchor If used, the mesh will use this Transform's position to sample light probes and find the matching reflection probe.
  5133. * @param lightProbeUsage LightProbeUsage for the mesh.
  5134. */
  5135. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: boolean, $receiveShadows: boolean, $useLightProbes: boolean) : void
  5136. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $probeAnchor: UnityEngine.Transform, $lightProbeUsage: UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage, $lightProbeProxyVolume: UnityEngine.LightProbeProxyVolume) : void
  5137. /** Draw the same mesh multiple times using GPU instancing. * @param mesh The Mesh to draw.
  5138. * @param submeshIndex Which subset of the mesh to draw. This applies only to meshes that are composed of several materials.
  5139. * @param material Material to use.
  5140. * @param matrices The array of object transformation matrices.
  5141. * @param count The number of instances to be drawn.
  5142. * @param properties Additional material properties to apply. See MaterialPropertyBlock.
  5143. * @param castShadows Should the meshes cast shadows?
  5144. * @param receiveShadows Should the meshes receive shadows?
  5145. * @param layer to use.
  5146. * @param camera If null (default), the mesh will be drawn in all cameras. Otherwise it will be drawn in the given camera only.
  5147. * @param lightProbeUsage LightProbeUsage for the instances.
  5148. */
  5149. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $count: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $lightProbeUsage: UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage, $lightProbeProxyVolume: UnityEngine.LightProbeProxyVolume) : void
  5150. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $lightProbeUsage: UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage, $lightProbeProxyVolume: UnityEngine.LightProbeProxyVolume) : void
  5151. /** Draw the same mesh multiple times using GPU instancing. * @param mesh The Mesh to draw.
  5152. * @param submeshIndex Which subset of the mesh to draw. This applies only to meshes that are composed of several materials.
  5153. * @param material Material to use.
  5154. * @param bounds The bounding volume surrounding the instances you intend to draw.
  5155. * @param bufferWithArgs The GPU buffer containing the arguments for how many instances of this mesh to draw.
  5156. * @param argsOffset The byte offset into the buffer, where the draw arguments start.
  5157. * @param properties Additional material properties to apply. See MaterialPropertyBlock.
  5158. * @param castShadows Determines whether the mesh can cast shadows.
  5159. * @param receiveShadows Determines whether the mesh can receive shadows.
  5160. * @param layer to use.
  5161. * @param camera If null (default), the mesh will be drawn in all cameras. Otherwise it will be drawn in the given camera only.
  5162. * @param lightProbeUsage LightProbeUsage for the instances.
  5163. */
  5164. public static DrawMeshInstancedIndirect ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $bounds: UnityEngine.Bounds, $bufferWithArgs: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer, $argsOffset: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $lightProbeUsage: UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage, $lightProbeProxyVolume: UnityEngine.LightProbeProxyVolume) : void
  5165. /** Draws a fully procedural geometry on the GPU. */
  5166. public static DrawProcedural ($topology: UnityEngine.MeshTopology, $vertexCount: number, $instanceCount: number) : void
  5167. /** Draws a fully procedural geometry on the GPU. * @param topology Topology of the procedural geometry.
  5168. * @param bufferWithArgs Buffer with draw arguments.
  5169. * @param argsOffset Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are.
  5170. */
  5171. public static DrawProceduralIndirect ($topology: UnityEngine.MeshTopology, $bufferWithArgs: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer, $argsOffset: number) : void
  5172. /** Copies source texture into destination render texture with a shader. * @param source Source texture.
  5173. * @param dest The destination RenderTexture. Set this to null to blit directly to screen. See description for more information.
  5174. * @param mat Material to use. Material's shader could do some post-processing effect, for example.
  5175. * @param pass If -1 (default), draws all passes in the material. Otherwise, draws given pass only.
  5176. * @param offset Offset applied to the source texture coordinate.
  5177. * @param scale Scale applied to the source texture coordinate.
  5178. */
  5179. public static Blit ($source: UnityEngine.Texture, $dest: UnityEngine.RenderTexture) : void
  5180. /** Copies source texture into destination render texture with a shader. * @param source Source texture.
  5181. * @param dest The destination RenderTexture. Set this to null to blit directly to screen. See description for more information.
  5182. * @param mat Material to use. Material's shader could do some post-processing effect, for example.
  5183. * @param pass If -1 (default), draws all passes in the material. Otherwise, draws given pass only.
  5184. * @param offset Offset applied to the source texture coordinate.
  5185. * @param scale Scale applied to the source texture coordinate.
  5186. */
  5187. public static Blit ($source: UnityEngine.Texture, $dest: UnityEngine.RenderTexture, $scale: UnityEngine.Vector2, $offset: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  5188. /** Copies source texture into destination render texture with a shader. * @param source Source texture.
  5189. * @param dest The destination RenderTexture. Set this to null to blit directly to screen. See description for more information.
  5190. * @param mat Material to use. Material's shader could do some post-processing effect, for example.
  5191. * @param pass If -1 (default), draws all passes in the material. Otherwise, draws given pass only.
  5192. * @param offset Offset applied to the source texture coordinate.
  5193. * @param scale Scale applied to the source texture coordinate.
  5194. */
  5195. public static Blit ($source: UnityEngine.Texture, $dest: UnityEngine.RenderTexture, $mat: UnityEngine.Material, $pass: number) : void
  5196. public static Blit ($source: UnityEngine.Texture, $dest: UnityEngine.RenderTexture, $mat: UnityEngine.Material) : void
  5197. /** Copies source texture into destination render texture with a shader. * @param source Source texture.
  5198. * @param dest The destination RenderTexture. Set this to null to blit directly to screen. See description for more information.
  5199. * @param mat Material to use. Material's shader could do some post-processing effect, for example.
  5200. * @param pass If -1 (default), draws all passes in the material. Otherwise, draws given pass only.
  5201. * @param offset Offset applied to the source texture coordinate.
  5202. * @param scale Scale applied to the source texture coordinate.
  5203. */
  5204. public static Blit ($source: UnityEngine.Texture, $mat: UnityEngine.Material, $pass: number) : void
  5205. public static Blit ($source: UnityEngine.Texture, $mat: UnityEngine.Material) : void
  5206. /** Copies source texture into destination, for multi-tap shader. * @param source Source texture.
  5207. * @param dest Destination RenderTexture, or null to blit directly to screen.
  5208. * @param mat Material to use for copying. Material's shader should do some post-processing effect.
  5209. * @param offsets Variable number of filtering offsets. Offsets are given in pixels.
  5210. */
  5211. public static BlitMultiTap ($source: UnityEngine.Texture, $dest: UnityEngine.RenderTexture, $mat: UnityEngine.Material, ...offsets: UnityEngine.Vector2[]) : void
  5212. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number) : void
  5213. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera) : void
  5214. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number) : void
  5215. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock) : void
  5216. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: boolean) : void
  5217. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: boolean, $receiveShadows: boolean) : void
  5218. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode) : void
  5219. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean) : void
  5220. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $rotation: UnityEngine.Quaternion, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $probeAnchor: UnityEngine.Transform) : void
  5221. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number) : void
  5222. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera) : void
  5223. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number) : void
  5224. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock) : void
  5225. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: boolean) : void
  5226. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: boolean, $receiveShadows: boolean) : void
  5227. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode) : void
  5228. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean) : void
  5229. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $probeAnchor: UnityEngine.Transform) : void
  5230. /** Draw a mesh. * @param mesh The Mesh to draw.
  5231. * @param position Position of the mesh.
  5232. * @param rotation Rotation of the mesh.
  5233. * @param matrix Transformation matrix of the mesh (combines position, rotation and other transformations).
  5234. * @param material Material to use.
  5235. * @param layer to use.
  5236. * @param camera If null (default), the mesh will be drawn in all cameras. Otherwise it will be rendered in the given camera only.
  5237. * @param submeshIndex Which subset of the mesh to draw. This applies only to meshes that are composed of several materials.
  5238. * @param properties Additional material properties to apply onto material just before this mesh will be drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock.
  5239. * @param castShadows Determines whether the mesh can cast shadows.
  5240. * @param receiveShadows Determines whether the mesh can receive shadows.
  5241. * @param useLightProbes Should the mesh use light probes?
  5242. * @param probeAnchor If used, the mesh will use this Transform's position to sample light probes and find the matching reflection probe.
  5243. * @param lightProbeUsage LightProbeUsage for the mesh.
  5244. */
  5245. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $probeAnchor: UnityEngine.Transform, $useLightProbes: boolean) : void
  5246. /** Draw a mesh. * @param mesh The Mesh to draw.
  5247. * @param position Position of the mesh.
  5248. * @param rotation Rotation of the mesh.
  5249. * @param matrix Transformation matrix of the mesh (combines position, rotation and other transformations).
  5250. * @param material Material to use.
  5251. * @param layer to use.
  5252. * @param camera If null (default), the mesh will be drawn in all cameras. Otherwise it will be rendered in the given camera only.
  5253. * @param submeshIndex Which subset of the mesh to draw. This applies only to meshes that are composed of several materials.
  5254. * @param properties Additional material properties to apply onto material just before this mesh will be drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock.
  5255. * @param castShadows Determines whether the mesh can cast shadows.
  5256. * @param receiveShadows Determines whether the mesh can receive shadows.
  5257. * @param useLightProbes Should the mesh use light probes?
  5258. * @param probeAnchor If used, the mesh will use this Transform's position to sample light probes and find the matching reflection probe.
  5259. * @param lightProbeUsage LightProbeUsage for the mesh.
  5260. */
  5261. public static DrawMesh ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $matrix: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $submeshIndex: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $probeAnchor: UnityEngine.Transform, $lightProbeUsage: UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage) : void
  5262. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  5263. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $count: number) : void
  5264. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $count: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock) : void
  5265. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $count: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode) : void
  5266. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $count: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean) : void
  5267. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $count: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $layer: number) : void
  5268. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $count: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera) : void
  5269. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $count: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $lightProbeUsage: UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage) : void
  5270. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  5271. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock) : void
  5272. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode) : void
  5273. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean) : void
  5274. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $layer: number) : void
  5275. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera) : void
  5276. public static DrawMeshInstanced ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $matrices: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $lightProbeUsage: UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage) : void
  5277. public static DrawMeshInstancedIndirect ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $bounds: UnityEngine.Bounds, $bufferWithArgs: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer) : void
  5278. public static DrawMeshInstancedIndirect ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $bounds: UnityEngine.Bounds, $bufferWithArgs: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer, $argsOffset: number) : void
  5279. public static DrawMeshInstancedIndirect ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $bounds: UnityEngine.Bounds, $bufferWithArgs: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer, $argsOffset: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock) : void
  5280. public static DrawMeshInstancedIndirect ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $bounds: UnityEngine.Bounds, $bufferWithArgs: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer, $argsOffset: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode) : void
  5281. public static DrawMeshInstancedIndirect ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $bounds: UnityEngine.Bounds, $bufferWithArgs: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer, $argsOffset: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean) : void
  5282. public static DrawMeshInstancedIndirect ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $bounds: UnityEngine.Bounds, $bufferWithArgs: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer, $argsOffset: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $layer: number) : void
  5283. public static DrawMeshInstancedIndirect ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $bounds: UnityEngine.Bounds, $bufferWithArgs: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer, $argsOffset: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera) : void
  5284. public static DrawMeshInstancedIndirect ($mesh: UnityEngine.Mesh, $submeshIndex: number, $material: UnityEngine.Material, $bounds: UnityEngine.Bounds, $bufferWithArgs: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer, $argsOffset: number, $properties: UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock, $castShadows: UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode, $receiveShadows: boolean, $layer: number, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $lightProbeUsage: UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage) : void
  5285. /** Draw a texture in screen coordinates. * @param screenRect Rectangle on the screen to use for the texture. In pixel coordinates with (0,0) in the upper-left corner.
  5286. * @param texture Texture to draw.
  5287. * @param sourceRect Region of the texture to use. In normalized coordinates with (0,0) in the bottom-left corner.
  5288. * @param leftBorder Number of pixels from the left that are not affected by scale.
  5289. * @param rightBorder Number of pixels from the right that are not affected by scale.
  5290. * @param topBorder Number of pixels from the top that are not affected by scale.
  5291. * @param bottomBorder Number of pixels from the bottom that are not affected by scale.
  5292. * @param color Color that modulates the output. The neutral value is (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5). Set as vertex color for the shader.
  5293. * @param mat Custom Material that can be used to draw the texture. If null is passed, a default material with the Internal-GUITexture.shader is used.
  5294. * @param pass If -1 (default), draws all passes in the material. Otherwise, draws given pass only.
  5295. */
  5296. public static DrawTexture ($screenRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $sourceRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $leftBorder: number, $rightBorder: number, $topBorder: number, $bottomBorder: number, $color: UnityEngine.Color, $mat: UnityEngine.Material) : void
  5297. public static DrawTexture ($screenRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $sourceRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $leftBorder: number, $rightBorder: number, $topBorder: number, $bottomBorder: number, $color: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  5298. /** Draw a texture in screen coordinates. * @param screenRect Rectangle on the screen to use for the texture. In pixel coordinates with (0,0) in the upper-left corner.
  5299. * @param texture Texture to draw.
  5300. * @param sourceRect Region of the texture to use. In normalized coordinates with (0,0) in the bottom-left corner.
  5301. * @param leftBorder Number of pixels from the left that are not affected by scale.
  5302. * @param rightBorder Number of pixels from the right that are not affected by scale.
  5303. * @param topBorder Number of pixels from the top that are not affected by scale.
  5304. * @param bottomBorder Number of pixels from the bottom that are not affected by scale.
  5305. * @param color Color that modulates the output. The neutral value is (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5). Set as vertex color for the shader.
  5306. * @param mat Custom Material that can be used to draw the texture. If null is passed, a default material with the Internal-GUITexture.shader is used.
  5307. * @param pass If -1 (default), draws all passes in the material. Otherwise, draws given pass only.
  5308. */
  5309. public static DrawTexture ($screenRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $sourceRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $leftBorder: number, $rightBorder: number, $topBorder: number, $bottomBorder: number, $mat: UnityEngine.Material) : void
  5310. public static DrawTexture ($screenRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $sourceRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $leftBorder: number, $rightBorder: number, $topBorder: number, $bottomBorder: number) : void
  5311. /** Draw a texture in screen coordinates. * @param screenRect Rectangle on the screen to use for the texture. In pixel coordinates with (0,0) in the upper-left corner.
  5312. * @param texture Texture to draw.
  5313. * @param sourceRect Region of the texture to use. In normalized coordinates with (0,0) in the bottom-left corner.
  5314. * @param leftBorder Number of pixels from the left that are not affected by scale.
  5315. * @param rightBorder Number of pixels from the right that are not affected by scale.
  5316. * @param topBorder Number of pixels from the top that are not affected by scale.
  5317. * @param bottomBorder Number of pixels from the bottom that are not affected by scale.
  5318. * @param color Color that modulates the output. The neutral value is (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5). Set as vertex color for the shader.
  5319. * @param mat Custom Material that can be used to draw the texture. If null is passed, a default material with the Internal-GUITexture.shader is used.
  5320. * @param pass If -1 (default), draws all passes in the material. Otherwise, draws given pass only.
  5321. */
  5322. public static DrawTexture ($screenRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $leftBorder: number, $rightBorder: number, $topBorder: number, $bottomBorder: number, $mat: UnityEngine.Material) : void
  5323. public static DrawTexture ($screenRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $leftBorder: number, $rightBorder: number, $topBorder: number, $bottomBorder: number) : void
  5324. /** Draw a texture in screen coordinates. * @param screenRect Rectangle on the screen to use for the texture. In pixel coordinates with (0,0) in the upper-left corner.
  5325. * @param texture Texture to draw.
  5326. * @param sourceRect Region of the texture to use. In normalized coordinates with (0,0) in the bottom-left corner.
  5327. * @param leftBorder Number of pixels from the left that are not affected by scale.
  5328. * @param rightBorder Number of pixels from the right that are not affected by scale.
  5329. * @param topBorder Number of pixels from the top that are not affected by scale.
  5330. * @param bottomBorder Number of pixels from the bottom that are not affected by scale.
  5331. * @param color Color that modulates the output. The neutral value is (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5). Set as vertex color for the shader.
  5332. * @param mat Custom Material that can be used to draw the texture. If null is passed, a default material with the Internal-GUITexture.shader is used.
  5333. * @param pass If -1 (default), draws all passes in the material. Otherwise, draws given pass only.
  5334. */
  5335. public static DrawTexture ($screenRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $mat: UnityEngine.Material) : void
  5336. public static DrawTexture ($screenRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture) : void
  5337. public static DrawProcedural ($topology: UnityEngine.MeshTopology, $vertexCount: number) : void
  5338. public static DrawProceduralIndirect ($topology: UnityEngine.MeshTopology, $bufferWithArgs: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer) : void
  5339. public static SetRenderTarget ($rt: UnityEngine.RenderTexture) : void
  5340. public static SetRenderTarget ($rt: UnityEngine.RenderTexture, $mipLevel: number) : void
  5341. public static SetRenderTarget ($rt: UnityEngine.RenderTexture, $mipLevel: number, $face: UnityEngine.CubemapFace) : void
  5342. public static SetRenderTarget ($colorBuffer: UnityEngine.RenderBuffer, $depthBuffer: UnityEngine.RenderBuffer) : void
  5343. public static SetRenderTarget ($colorBuffer: UnityEngine.RenderBuffer, $depthBuffer: UnityEngine.RenderBuffer, $mipLevel: number) : void
  5344. public static SetRenderTarget ($colorBuffer: UnityEngine.RenderBuffer, $depthBuffer: UnityEngine.RenderBuffer, $mipLevel: number, $face: UnityEngine.CubemapFace) : void
  5345. public static SetRandomWriteTarget ($index: number, $uav: UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer) : void
  5346. public constructor ()
  5347. }
  5348. /** Represents a color gamut. */
  5349. enum ColorGamut
  5350. { sRGB = 0, Rec709 = 1, Rec2020 = 2, DisplayP3 = 3, HDR10 = 4, DolbyHDR = 5 }
  5351. /** Cubemap face. */
  5352. enum CubemapFace
  5353. { Unknown = -1, PositiveX = 0, NegativeX = 1, PositiveY = 2, NegativeY = 3, PositiveZ = 4, NegativeZ = 5 }
  5354. /** Fully describes setup of RenderTarget. */
  5355. class RenderTargetSetup extends System.ValueType
  5356. {
  5357. }
  5358. /** A class that allows creating or modifying meshes from scripts. */
  5359. class Mesh extends UnityEngine.Object
  5360. {
  5361. /** Format of the mesh index buffer data. */
  5362. public get indexFormat(): UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat;
  5363. public set indexFormat(value: UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat);
  5364. /** Gets the number of vertex buffers present in the Mesh. (Read Only) */
  5365. public get vertexBufferCount(): number;
  5366. /** Returns BlendShape count on this mesh. */
  5367. public get blendShapeCount(): number;
  5368. /** The bone weights of each vertex. */
  5369. public get boneWeights(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.BoneWeight>;
  5370. public set boneWeights(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.BoneWeight>);
  5371. /** The bind poses. The bind pose at each index refers to the bone with the same index. */
  5372. public get bindposes(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>;
  5373. public set bindposes(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>);
  5374. /** Returns true if the Mesh is read/write enabled, or false if it is not. */
  5375. public get isReadable(): boolean;
  5376. /** Returns the number of vertices in the Mesh (Read Only). */
  5377. public get vertexCount(): number;
  5378. /** The number of sub-meshes inside the Mesh object. */
  5379. public get subMeshCount(): number;
  5380. public set subMeshCount(value: number);
  5381. /** The bounding volume of the mesh. */
  5382. public get bounds(): UnityEngine.Bounds;
  5383. public set bounds(value: UnityEngine.Bounds);
  5384. /** Returns a copy of the vertex positions or assigns a new vertex positions array. */
  5385. public get vertices(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>;
  5386. public set vertices(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>);
  5387. /** The normals of the Mesh. */
  5388. public get normals(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>;
  5389. public set normals(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>);
  5390. /** The tangents of the Mesh. */
  5391. public get tangents(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>;
  5392. public set tangents(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>);
  5393. /** The base texture coordinates of the Mesh. */
  5394. public get uv(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>;
  5395. public set uv(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>);
  5396. /** The second texture coordinate set of the mesh, if present. */
  5397. public get uv2(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>;
  5398. public set uv2(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>);
  5399. /** The third texture coordinate set of the mesh, if present. */
  5400. public get uv3(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>;
  5401. public set uv3(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>);
  5402. /** The fourth texture coordinate set of the mesh, if present. */
  5403. public get uv4(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>;
  5404. public set uv4(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>);
  5405. /** The fifth texture coordinate set of the mesh, if present. */
  5406. public get uv5(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>;
  5407. public set uv5(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>);
  5408. /** The sixth texture coordinate set of the mesh, if present. */
  5409. public get uv6(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>;
  5410. public set uv6(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>);
  5411. /** The seventh texture coordinate set of the mesh, if present. */
  5412. public get uv7(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>;
  5413. public set uv7(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>);
  5414. /** The eighth texture coordinate set of the mesh, if present. */
  5415. public get uv8(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>;
  5416. public set uv8(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>);
  5417. /** Vertex colors of the Mesh. */
  5418. public get colors(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>;
  5419. public set colors(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>);
  5420. /** Vertex colors of the Mesh. */
  5421. public get colors32(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>;
  5422. public set colors32(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>);
  5423. /** An array containing all triangles in the Mesh. */
  5424. public get triangles(): System.Array$1<number>;
  5425. public set triangles(value: System.Array$1<number>);
  5426. /** Retrieves a native (underlying graphics API) pointer to the vertex buffer.
  5427. * @param bufferIndex Which vertex buffer to get (some Meshes might have more than one). See vertexBufferCount.
  5428. * @returns Pointer to the underlying graphics API vertex buffer.
  5429. */
  5430. public GetNativeVertexBufferPtr ($index: number) : System.IntPtr
  5431. public GetNativeIndexBufferPtr () : System.IntPtr
  5432. public ClearBlendShapes () : void
  5433. /** Returns name of BlendShape by given index. */
  5434. public GetBlendShapeName ($shapeIndex: number) : string
  5435. /** Returns index of BlendShape by given name. */
  5436. public GetBlendShapeIndex ($blendShapeName: string) : number
  5437. /** Returns the frame count for a blend shape. * @param shapeIndex The shape index to get frame count from.
  5438. */
  5439. public GetBlendShapeFrameCount ($shapeIndex: number) : number
  5440. /** Returns the weight of a blend shape frame. * @param shapeIndex The shape index of the frame.
  5441. * @param frameIndex The frame index to get the weight from.
  5442. */
  5443. public GetBlendShapeFrameWeight ($shapeIndex: number, $frameIndex: number) : number
  5444. /** Retreives deltaVertices, deltaNormals and deltaTangents of a blend shape frame. * @param shapeIndex The shape index of the frame.
  5445. * @param frameIndex The frame index to get the weight from.
  5446. * @param deltaVertices Delta vertices output array for the frame being retreived.
  5447. * @param deltaNormals Delta normals output array for the frame being retreived.
  5448. * @param deltaTangents Delta tangents output array for the frame being retreived.
  5449. */
  5450. public GetBlendShapeFrameVertices ($shapeIndex: number, $frameIndex: number, $deltaVertices: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $deltaNormals: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $deltaTangents: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>) : void
  5451. /** Adds a new blend shape frame. * @param shapeName Name of the blend shape to add a frame to.
  5452. * @param frameWeight Weight for the frame being added.
  5453. * @param deltaVertices Delta vertices for the frame being added.
  5454. * @param deltaNormals Delta normals for the frame being added.
  5455. * @param deltaTangents Delta tangents for the frame being added.
  5456. */
  5457. public AddBlendShapeFrame ($shapeName: string, $frameWeight: number, $deltaVertices: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $deltaNormals: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $deltaTangents: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>) : void
  5458. /** The UV distribution metric can be used to calculate the desired mipmap level based on the position of the camera.
  5459. * @param uvSetIndex UV set index to return the UV distibution metric for. 0 for first.
  5460. * @returns Average of triangle area / uv area.
  5461. */
  5462. public GetUVDistributionMetric ($uvSetIndex: number) : number
  5463. public GetVertices ($vertices: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>) : void
  5464. public SetVertices ($inVertices: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>) : void
  5465. public GetNormals ($normals: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>) : void
  5466. public SetNormals ($inNormals: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>) : void
  5467. public GetTangents ($tangents: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  5468. public SetTangents ($inTangents: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  5469. public GetColors ($colors: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Color>) : void
  5470. public SetColors ($inColors: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Color>) : void
  5471. public GetColors ($colors: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Color32>) : void
  5472. public SetColors ($inColors: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Color32>) : void
  5473. public SetUVs ($channel: number, $uvs: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>) : void
  5474. public SetUVs ($channel: number, $uvs: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>) : void
  5475. public SetUVs ($channel: number, $uvs: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  5476. public GetUVs ($channel: number, $uvs: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>) : void
  5477. public GetUVs ($channel: number, $uvs: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>) : void
  5478. public GetUVs ($channel: number, $uvs: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  5479. /** Fetches the triangle list for the specified sub-mesh on this object. * @param triangles A list of vertex indices to populate.
  5480. * @param submesh The sub-mesh index. See subMeshCount.
  5481. * @param applyBaseVertex True (default value) will apply base vertex offset to returned indices.
  5482. */
  5483. public GetTriangles ($submesh: number) : System.Array$1<number>
  5484. /** Fetches the triangle list for the specified sub-mesh on this object. * @param triangles A list of vertex indices to populate.
  5485. * @param submesh The sub-mesh index. See subMeshCount.
  5486. * @param applyBaseVertex True (default value) will apply base vertex offset to returned indices.
  5487. */
  5488. public GetTriangles ($submesh: number, $applyBaseVertex: boolean) : System.Array$1<number>
  5489. public GetTriangles ($triangles: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>, $submesh: number) : void
  5490. public GetTriangles ($triangles: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>, $submesh: number, $applyBaseVertex: boolean) : void
  5491. /** Fetches the index list for the specified sub-mesh. * @param indices A list of indices to populate.
  5492. * @param submesh The sub-mesh index. See subMeshCount.
  5493. * @param applyBaseVertex True (default value) will apply base vertex offset to returned indices.
  5494. */
  5495. public GetIndices ($submesh: number) : System.Array$1<number>
  5496. public GetIndices ($submesh: number, $applyBaseVertex: boolean) : System.Array$1<number>
  5497. public GetIndices ($indices: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>, $submesh: number) : void
  5498. public GetIndices ($indices: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>, $submesh: number, $applyBaseVertex: boolean) : void
  5499. /** Gets the starting index location within the Mesh's index buffer, for the given sub-mesh. */
  5500. public GetIndexStart ($submesh: number) : number
  5501. /** Gets the index count of the given sub-mesh. */
  5502. public GetIndexCount ($submesh: number) : number
  5503. /** Gets the base vertex index of the given sub-mesh.
  5504. * @param submesh The sub-mesh index. See subMeshCount.
  5505. * @returns The offset applied to all vertex indices of this sub-mesh.
  5506. */
  5507. public GetBaseVertex ($submesh: number) : number
  5508. /** Sets the triangle list for the sub-mesh. * @param triangles The list of indices that define the triangles.
  5509. * @param submesh The sub-mesh to modify.
  5510. * @param calculateBounds Calculate the bounding box of the Mesh after setting the triangles. This is done by default.
  5511. Use false when you want to use the existing bounding box and reduce the CPU cost of setting the triangles.
  5512. * @param baseVertex Optional vertex offset that is added to all triangle vertex indices.
  5513. */
  5514. public SetTriangles ($triangles: System.Array$1<number>, $submesh: number) : void
  5515. public SetTriangles ($triangles: System.Array$1<number>, $submesh: number, $calculateBounds: boolean) : void
  5516. /** Sets the triangle list for the sub-mesh. * @param triangles The list of indices that define the triangles.
  5517. * @param submesh The sub-mesh to modify.
  5518. * @param calculateBounds Calculate the bounding box of the Mesh after setting the triangles. This is done by default.
  5519. Use false when you want to use the existing bounding box and reduce the CPU cost of setting the triangles.
  5520. * @param baseVertex Optional vertex offset that is added to all triangle vertex indices.
  5521. */
  5522. public SetTriangles ($triangles: System.Array$1<number>, $submesh: number, $calculateBounds: boolean, $baseVertex: number) : void
  5523. public SetTriangles ($triangles: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>, $submesh: number) : void
  5524. public SetTriangles ($triangles: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>, $submesh: number, $calculateBounds: boolean) : void
  5525. public SetTriangles ($triangles: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>, $submesh: number, $calculateBounds: boolean, $baseVertex: number) : void
  5526. /** Sets the index buffer for the sub-mesh. * @param indices The array of indices that define the Mesh.
  5527. * @param topology The topology of the Mesh, e.g: Triangles, Lines, Quads, Points, etc. See MeshTopology.
  5528. * @param submesh The sub-mesh to modify.
  5529. * @param calculateBounds Calculate the bounding box of the Mesh after setting the indices. This is done by default.
  5530. Use false when you want to use the existing bounding box and reduce the CPU cost of setting the indices.
  5531. * @param baseVertex Optional vertex offset that is added to all triangle vertex indices.
  5532. */
  5533. public SetIndices ($indices: System.Array$1<number>, $topology: UnityEngine.MeshTopology, $submesh: number) : void
  5534. /** Sets the index buffer for the sub-mesh. * @param indices The array of indices that define the Mesh.
  5535. * @param topology The topology of the Mesh, e.g: Triangles, Lines, Quads, Points, etc. See MeshTopology.
  5536. * @param submesh The sub-mesh to modify.
  5537. * @param calculateBounds Calculate the bounding box of the Mesh after setting the indices. This is done by default.
  5538. Use false when you want to use the existing bounding box and reduce the CPU cost of setting the indices.
  5539. * @param baseVertex Optional vertex offset that is added to all triangle vertex indices.
  5540. */
  5541. public SetIndices ($indices: System.Array$1<number>, $topology: UnityEngine.MeshTopology, $submesh: number, $calculateBounds: boolean) : void
  5542. /** Sets the index buffer for the sub-mesh. * @param indices The array of indices that define the Mesh.
  5543. * @param topology The topology of the Mesh, e.g: Triangles, Lines, Quads, Points, etc. See MeshTopology.
  5544. * @param submesh The sub-mesh to modify.
  5545. * @param calculateBounds Calculate the bounding box of the Mesh after setting the indices. This is done by default.
  5546. Use false when you want to use the existing bounding box and reduce the CPU cost of setting the indices.
  5547. * @param baseVertex Optional vertex offset that is added to all triangle vertex indices.
  5548. */
  5549. public SetIndices ($indices: System.Array$1<number>, $topology: UnityEngine.MeshTopology, $submesh: number, $calculateBounds: boolean, $baseVertex: number) : void
  5550. public GetBindposes ($bindposes: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>) : void
  5551. public GetBoneWeights ($boneWeights: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.BoneWeight>) : void
  5552. /** Clears all vertex data and all triangle indices. */
  5553. public Clear ($keepVertexLayout: boolean) : void
  5554. public Clear () : void
  5555. public RecalculateBounds () : void
  5556. public RecalculateNormals () : void
  5557. public RecalculateTangents () : void
  5558. public MarkDynamic () : void
  5559. /** Upload previously done Mesh modifications to the graphics API. * @param markNoLongerReadable Frees up system memory copy of mesh data when set to true.
  5560. */
  5561. public UploadMeshData ($markNoLongerReadable: boolean) : void
  5562. /** Gets the topology of a sub-mesh. */
  5563. public GetTopology ($submesh: number) : UnityEngine.MeshTopology
  5564. /** Combines several Meshes into this Mesh. * @param combine Descriptions of the Meshes to combine.
  5565. * @param mergeSubMeshes Defines whether Meshes should be combined into a single sub-mesh.
  5566. * @param useMatrices Defines whether the transforms supplied in the CombineInstance array should be used or ignored.
  5567. */
  5568. public CombineMeshes ($combine: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.CombineInstance>, $mergeSubMeshes: boolean, $useMatrices: boolean, $hasLightmapData: boolean) : void
  5569. public CombineMeshes ($combine: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.CombineInstance>, $mergeSubMeshes: boolean, $useMatrices: boolean) : void
  5570. public CombineMeshes ($combine: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.CombineInstance>, $mergeSubMeshes: boolean) : void
  5571. public CombineMeshes ($combine: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.CombineInstance>) : void
  5572. public constructor ()
  5573. }
  5574. /** A block of material values to apply. */
  5575. class MaterialPropertyBlock extends System.Object
  5576. {
  5577. }
  5578. /** The Light Probe Proxy Volume component offers the possibility to use higher resolution lighting for large non-static GameObjects. */
  5579. class LightProbeProxyVolume extends UnityEngine.Behaviour
  5580. {
  5581. }
  5582. /** Represents an axis aligned bounding box. */
  5583. class Bounds extends System.ValueType implements System.IEquatable$1<UnityEngine.Bounds>
  5584. {
  5585. }
  5586. /** Topology of Mesh faces. */
  5587. enum MeshTopology
  5588. { Triangles = 0, Quads = 2, Lines = 3, LineStrip = 4, Points = 5 }
  5589. /** Skinning bone weights of a vertex in the mesh. */
  5590. class BoneWeight extends System.ValueType implements System.IEquatable$1<UnityEngine.BoneWeight>
  5591. {
  5592. }
  5593. /** Representation of RGBA colors in 32 bit format. */
  5594. class Color32 extends System.ValueType
  5595. {
  5596. }
  5597. /** Struct used to describe meshes to be combined using Mesh.CombineMeshes. */
  5598. class CombineInstance extends System.ValueType
  5599. {
  5600. }
  5601. /** Low-level graphics library. */
  5602. class GL extends System.Object
  5603. {
  5604. /** Mode for Begin: draw triangles. */
  5605. public static TRIANGLES : number/** Mode for Begin: draw triangle strip. */
  5606. public static TRIANGLE_STRIP : number/** Mode for Begin: draw quads. */
  5607. public static QUADS : number/** Mode for Begin: draw lines. */
  5608. public static LINES : number/** Mode for Begin: draw line strip. */
  5609. public static LINE_STRIP : number/** Should rendering be done in wireframe? */
  5610. public static get wireframe(): boolean;
  5611. public static set wireframe(value: boolean);
  5612. /** Controls whether Linear-to-sRGB color conversion is performed while rendering. */
  5613. public static get sRGBWrite(): boolean;
  5614. public static set sRGBWrite(value: boolean);
  5615. /** Select whether to invert the backface culling (true) or not (false). */
  5616. public static get invertCulling(): boolean;
  5617. public static set invertCulling(value: boolean);
  5618. /** The current modelview matrix. */
  5619. public static get modelview(): UnityEngine.Matrix4x4;
  5620. public static set modelview(value: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4);
  5621. /** Submit a vertex. */
  5622. public static Vertex3 ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number) : void
  5623. /** Submit a vertex. */
  5624. public static Vertex ($v: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  5625. /** Sets current texture coordinate (x,y,z) for all texture units. */
  5626. public static TexCoord3 ($x: number, $y: number, $z: number) : void
  5627. /** Sets current texture coordinate (v.x,v.y,v.z) for all texture units. */
  5628. public static TexCoord ($v: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  5629. /** Sets current texture coordinate (x,y) for all texture units. */
  5630. public static TexCoord2 ($x: number, $y: number) : void
  5631. /** Sets current texture coordinate (x,y,z) to the actual texture unit. */
  5632. public static MultiTexCoord3 ($unit: number, $x: number, $y: number, $z: number) : void
  5633. /** Sets current texture coordinate (v.x,v.y,v.z) to the actual texture unit. */
  5634. public static MultiTexCoord ($unit: number, $v: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  5635. /** Sets current texture coordinate (x,y) for the actual texture unit. */
  5636. public static MultiTexCoord2 ($unit: number, $x: number, $y: number) : void
  5637. /** Sets current vertex color. */
  5638. public static Color ($c: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  5639. public static Flush () : void
  5640. public static RenderTargetBarrier () : void
  5641. /** Sets the current modelview matrix to the one specified. */
  5642. public static MultMatrix ($m: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : void
  5643. public static PushMatrix () : void
  5644. public static PopMatrix () : void
  5645. public static LoadIdentity () : void
  5646. public static LoadOrtho () : void
  5647. public static LoadPixelMatrix () : void
  5648. /** Load an arbitrary matrix to the current projection matrix. */
  5649. public static LoadProjectionMatrix ($mat: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4) : void
  5650. public static InvalidateState () : void
  5651. /** Compute GPU projection matrix from camera's projection matrix.
  5652. * @param proj Source projection matrix.
  5653. * @param renderIntoTexture Will this projection be used for rendering into a RenderTexture?
  5654. * @returns Adjusted projection matrix for the current graphics API.
  5655. */
  5656. public static GetGPUProjectionMatrix ($proj: UnityEngine.Matrix4x4, $renderIntoTexture: boolean) : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  5657. /** Setup a matrix for pixel-correct rendering. */
  5658. public static LoadPixelMatrix ($left: number, $right: number, $bottom: number, $top: number) : void
  5659. /** Send a user-defined event to a native code plugin. * @param eventID User defined id to send to the callback.
  5660. * @param callback Native code callback to queue for Unity's renderer to invoke.
  5661. */
  5662. public static IssuePluginEvent ($callback: System.IntPtr, $eventID: number) : void
  5663. /** Begin drawing 3D primitives. * @param mode Primitives to draw: can be TRIANGLES, TRIANGLE_STRIP, QUADS or LINES.
  5664. */
  5665. public static Begin ($mode: number) : void
  5666. public static End () : void
  5667. /** Clear the current render buffer. * @param clearDepth Should the depth buffer be cleared?
  5668. * @param clearColor Should the color buffer be cleared?
  5669. * @param backgroundColor The color to clear with, used only if clearColor is true.
  5670. * @param depth The depth to clear Z buffer with, used only if clearDepth is true.
  5671. */
  5672. public static Clear ($clearDepth: boolean, $clearColor: boolean, $backgroundColor: UnityEngine.Color, $depth: number) : void
  5673. public static Clear ($clearDepth: boolean, $clearColor: boolean, $backgroundColor: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  5674. /** Set the rendering viewport. */
  5675. public static Viewport ($pixelRect: UnityEngine.Rect) : void
  5676. /** Clear the current render buffer with camera's skybox. * @param clearDepth Should the depth buffer be cleared?
  5677. * @param camera Camera to get projection parameters and skybox from.
  5678. */
  5679. public static ClearWithSkybox ($clearDepth: boolean, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera) : void
  5680. public constructor ()
  5681. }
  5682. /** Class for texture handling. */
  5683. class Texture2D extends UnityEngine.Texture
  5684. {
  5685. /** How many mipmap levels are in this texture (Read Only). */
  5686. public get mipmapCount(): number;
  5687. /** The format of the pixel data in the texture (Read Only). */
  5688. public get format(): UnityEngine.TextureFormat;
  5689. /** Get a small texture with all white pixels. */
  5690. public static get whiteTexture(): UnityEngine.Texture2D;
  5691. /** Get a small texture with all black pixels. */
  5692. public static get blackTexture(): UnityEngine.Texture2D;
  5693. /** Returns true if the Read/Write Enabled checkbox was checked when the texture was imported; otherwise returns false. For a dynamic Texture created from script, always returns true. For additional information, see TextureImporter.isReadable. */
  5694. public get isReadable(): boolean;
  5695. /** Has mipmap streaming been enabled for this texture. */
  5696. public get streamingMipmaps(): boolean;
  5697. /** Relative priority for this texture when reducing memory size in order to hit the memory budget. */
  5698. public get streamingMipmapsPriority(): number;
  5699. /** The mipmap level to load. */
  5700. public get requestedMipmapLevel(): number;
  5701. public set requestedMipmapLevel(value: number);
  5702. /** The mipmap level which would have been loaded by the streaming system before memory budgets are applied. */
  5703. public get desiredMipmapLevel(): number;
  5704. /** Which mipmap level is in the process of being loaded by the mipmap streaming system. */
  5705. public get loadingMipmapLevel(): number;
  5706. /** Which mipmap level is currently loaded by the streaming system. */
  5707. public get loadedMipmapLevel(): number;
  5708. /** Indicates whether this texture was imported with TextureImporter.alphaIsTransparency enabled. This setting is available only in the Editor scripts. Note that changing this setting will have no effect; it must be enabled in TextureImporter instead. */
  5709. public get alphaIsTransparency(): boolean;
  5710. public set alphaIsTransparency(value: boolean);
  5711. /** Compress texture into DXT format. */
  5712. public Compress ($highQuality: boolean) : void
  5713. public ClearRequestedMipmapLevel () : void
  5714. public IsRequestedMipmapLevelLoaded () : boolean
  5715. /** Updates Unity texture to use different native texture object. * @param nativeTex Native 2D texture object.
  5716. */
  5717. public UpdateExternalTexture ($nativeTex: System.IntPtr) : void
  5718. public GetRawTextureData () : System.Array$1<number>
  5719. /** Get a block of pixel colors.
  5720. * @param x The x position of the pixel array to fetch.
  5721. * @param y The y position of the pixel array to fetch.
  5722. * @param blockWidth The width length of the pixel array to fetch.
  5723. * @param blockHeight The height length of the pixel array to fetch.
  5724. * @param miplevel The mipmap level to fetch the pixels. Defaults to zero, and is
  5725. optional.
  5726. * @returns The array of pixels in the texture that have been selected.
  5727. */
  5728. public GetPixels ($x: number, $y: number, $blockWidth: number, $blockHeight: number, $miplevel: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>
  5729. public GetPixels ($x: number, $y: number, $blockWidth: number, $blockHeight: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>
  5730. /** Get a block of pixel colors in Color32 format. */
  5731. public GetPixels32 ($miplevel: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  5732. public GetPixels32 () : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  5733. /** Packs multiple Textures into a texture atlas.
  5734. * @param textures Array of textures to pack into the atlas.
  5735. * @param padding Padding in pixels between the packed textures.
  5736. * @param maximumAtlasSize Maximum size of the resulting texture.
  5737. * @param makeNoLongerReadable Should the texture be marked as no longer readable?
  5738. * @returns An array of rectangles containing the UV coordinates in the atlas for each input texture, or null if packing fails.
  5739. */
  5740. public PackTextures ($textures: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Texture2D>, $padding: number, $maximumAtlasSize: number, $makeNoLongerReadable: boolean) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Rect>
  5741. public PackTextures ($textures: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Texture2D>, $padding: number, $maximumAtlasSize: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Rect>
  5742. public PackTextures ($textures: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Texture2D>, $padding: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Rect>
  5743. /** Creates Unity Texture out of externally created native texture object. * @param nativeTex Native 2D texture object.
  5744. * @param width Width of texture in pixels.
  5745. * @param height Height of texture in pixels.
  5746. * @param format Format of underlying texture object.
  5747. * @param mipmap Does the texture have mipmaps?
  5748. * @param linear Is texture using linear color space?
  5749. */
  5750. public static CreateExternalTexture ($width: number, $height: number, $format: UnityEngine.TextureFormat, $mipChain: boolean, $linear: boolean, $nativeTex: System.IntPtr) : UnityEngine.Texture2D
  5751. /** Sets pixel color at coordinates (x,y). */
  5752. public SetPixel ($x: number, $y: number, $color: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  5753. /** Set a block of pixel colors. */
  5754. public SetPixels ($x: number, $y: number, $blockWidth: number, $blockHeight: number, $colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>, $miplevel: number) : void
  5755. public SetPixels ($x: number, $y: number, $blockWidth: number, $blockHeight: number, $colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>) : void
  5756. /** Set a block of pixel colors. * @param colors The array of pixel colours to assign (a 2D image flattened to a 1D array).
  5757. * @param miplevel The mip level of the texture to write to.
  5758. */
  5759. public SetPixels ($colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>, $miplevel: number) : void
  5760. public SetPixels ($colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>) : void
  5761. /** Returns pixel color at coordinates (x, y). */
  5762. public GetPixel ($x: number, $y: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  5763. /** Returns filtered pixel color at normalized coordinates (u, v). */
  5764. public GetPixelBilinear ($x: number, $y: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  5765. /** Fills texture pixels with raw preformatted data. * @param data Raw data array to initialize texture pixels with.
  5766. * @param size Size of data in bytes.
  5767. */
  5768. public LoadRawTextureData ($data: System.IntPtr, $size: number) : void
  5769. /** Fills texture pixels with raw preformatted data. * @param data Raw data array to initialize texture pixels with.
  5770. * @param size Size of data in bytes.
  5771. */
  5772. public LoadRawTextureData ($data: System.Array$1<number>) : void
  5773. /** Actually apply all previous SetPixel and SetPixels changes. * @param updateMipmaps When set to true, mipmap levels are recalculated.
  5774. * @param makeNoLongerReadable When set to true, system memory copy of a texture is released.
  5775. */
  5776. public Apply ($updateMipmaps: boolean, $makeNoLongerReadable: boolean) : void
  5777. public Apply ($updateMipmaps: boolean) : void
  5778. public Apply () : void
  5779. /** Resizes the texture. */
  5780. public Resize ($width: number, $height: number) : boolean
  5781. /** Resizes the texture. */
  5782. public Resize ($width: number, $height: number, $format: UnityEngine.TextureFormat, $hasMipMap: boolean) : boolean
  5783. /** Read pixels from screen into the saved texture data. * @param source Rectangular region of the view to read from. Pixels are read from current render target.
  5784. * @param destX Horizontal pixel position in the texture to place the pixels that are read.
  5785. * @param destY Vertical pixel position in the texture to place the pixels that are read.
  5786. * @param recalculateMipMaps Should the texture's mipmaps be recalculated after reading?
  5787. */
  5788. public ReadPixels ($source: UnityEngine.Rect, $destX: number, $destY: number, $recalculateMipMaps: boolean) : void
  5789. public ReadPixels ($source: UnityEngine.Rect, $destX: number, $destY: number) : void
  5790. public static GenerateAtlas ($sizes: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $padding: number, $atlasSize: number, $results: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Rect>) : boolean
  5791. /** Set a block of pixel colors. */
  5792. public SetPixels32 ($colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>, $miplevel: number) : void
  5793. public SetPixels32 ($colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>) : void
  5794. /** Set a block of pixel colors. */
  5795. public SetPixels32 ($x: number, $y: number, $blockWidth: number, $blockHeight: number, $colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>, $miplevel: number) : void
  5796. public SetPixels32 ($x: number, $y: number, $blockWidth: number, $blockHeight: number, $colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>) : void
  5797. /** Get the pixel colors from the texture.
  5798. * @param miplevel The mipmap level to fetch the pixels from. Defaults to zero.
  5799. * @returns The array of all pixels in the mipmap level of the texture.
  5800. */
  5801. public GetPixels ($miplevel: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>
  5802. public GetPixels () : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>
  5803. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number, $format: UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat, $flags: UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags)
  5804. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number, $textureFormat: UnityEngine.TextureFormat, $mipChain: boolean, $linear: boolean)
  5805. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number, $textureFormat: UnityEngine.TextureFormat, $mipChain: boolean)
  5806. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number)
  5807. public constructor ()
  5808. }
  5809. /** Format used when creating textures from scripts. */
  5810. enum TextureFormat
  5811. { Alpha8 = 1, ARGB4444 = 2, RGB24 = 3, RGBA32 = 4, ARGB32 = 5, RGB565 = 7, R16 = 9, DXT1 = 10, DXT5 = 12, RGBA4444 = 13, BGRA32 = 14, RHalf = 15, RGHalf = 16, RGBAHalf = 17, RFloat = 18, RGFloat = 19, RGBAFloat = 20, YUY2 = 21, RGB9e5Float = 22, BC4 = 26, BC5 = 27, BC6H = 24, BC7 = 25, DXT1Crunched = 28, DXT5Crunched = 29, PVRTC_RGB2 = 30, PVRTC_RGBA2 = 31, PVRTC_RGB4 = 32, PVRTC_RGBA4 = 33, ETC_RGB4 = 34, ATC_RGB4 = -127, ATC_RGBA8 = -127, EAC_R = 41, EAC_R_SIGNED = 42, EAC_RG = 43, EAC_RG_SIGNED = 44, ETC2_RGB = 45, ETC2_RGBA1 = 46, ETC2_RGBA8 = 47, ASTC_RGB_4x4 = 48, ASTC_RGB_5x5 = 49, ASTC_RGB_6x6 = 50, ASTC_RGB_8x8 = 51, ASTC_RGB_10x10 = 52, ASTC_RGB_12x12 = 53, ASTC_RGBA_4x4 = 54, ASTC_RGBA_5x5 = 55, ASTC_RGBA_6x6 = 56, ASTC_RGBA_8x8 = 57, ASTC_RGBA_10x10 = 58, ASTC_RGBA_12x12 = 59, ETC_RGB4_3DS = 60, ETC_RGBA8_3DS = 61, RG16 = 62, R8 = 63, ETC_RGB4Crunched = 64, ETC2_RGBA8Crunched = 65, PVRTC_2BPP_RGB = -127, PVRTC_2BPP_RGBA = -127, PVRTC_4BPP_RGB = -127, PVRTC_4BPP_RGBA = -127 }
  5812. /** Script interface for. */
  5813. class QualitySettings extends UnityEngine.Object
  5814. {
  5815. /** The maximum number of pixel lights that should affect any object. */
  5816. public static get pixelLightCount(): number;
  5817. public static set pixelLightCount(value: number);
  5818. /** Realtime Shadows type to be used. */
  5819. public static get shadows(): UnityEngine.ShadowQuality;
  5820. public static set shadows(value: UnityEngine.ShadowQuality);
  5821. /** Directional light shadow projection. */
  5822. public static get shadowProjection(): UnityEngine.ShadowProjection;
  5823. public static set shadowProjection(value: UnityEngine.ShadowProjection);
  5824. /** Number of cascades to use for directional light shadows. */
  5825. public static get shadowCascades(): number;
  5826. public static set shadowCascades(value: number);
  5827. /** Shadow drawing distance. */
  5828. public static get shadowDistance(): number;
  5829. public static set shadowDistance(value: number);
  5830. /** The default resolution of the shadow maps. */
  5831. public static get shadowResolution(): UnityEngine.ShadowResolution;
  5832. public static set shadowResolution(value: UnityEngine.ShadowResolution);
  5833. /** The rendering mode of Shadowmask. */
  5834. public static get shadowmaskMode(): UnityEngine.ShadowmaskMode;
  5835. public static set shadowmaskMode(value: UnityEngine.ShadowmaskMode);
  5836. /** Offset shadow frustum near plane. */
  5837. public static get shadowNearPlaneOffset(): number;
  5838. public static set shadowNearPlaneOffset(value: number);
  5839. /** The normalized cascade distribution for a 2 cascade setup. The value defines the position of the cascade with respect to Zero. */
  5840. public static get shadowCascade2Split(): number;
  5841. public static set shadowCascade2Split(value: number);
  5842. /** The normalized cascade start position for a 4 cascade setup. Each member of the vector defines the normalized position of the coresponding cascade with respect to Zero. */
  5843. public static get shadowCascade4Split(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  5844. public static set shadowCascade4Split(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  5845. /** Global multiplier for the LOD's switching distance. */
  5846. public static get lodBias(): number;
  5847. public static set lodBias(value: number);
  5848. /** Global anisotropic filtering mode. */
  5849. public static get anisotropicFiltering(): UnityEngine.AnisotropicFiltering;
  5850. public static set anisotropicFiltering(value: UnityEngine.AnisotropicFiltering);
  5851. /** A texture size limit applied to all textures. */
  5852. public static get masterTextureLimit(): number;
  5853. public static set masterTextureLimit(value: number);
  5854. /** A maximum LOD level. All LOD groups. */
  5855. public static get maximumLODLevel(): number;
  5856. public static set maximumLODLevel(value: number);
  5857. /** Budget for how many ray casts can be performed per frame for approximate collision testing. */
  5858. public static get particleRaycastBudget(): number;
  5859. public static set particleRaycastBudget(value: number);
  5860. /** Should soft blending be used for particles? */
  5861. public static get softParticles(): boolean;
  5862. public static set softParticles(value: boolean);
  5863. /** Use a two-pass shader for the vegetation in the terrain engine. */
  5864. public static get softVegetation(): boolean;
  5865. public static set softVegetation(value: boolean);
  5866. /** The VSync Count. */
  5867. public static get vSyncCount(): number;
  5868. public static set vSyncCount(value: number);
  5869. /** Set The AA Filtering option. */
  5870. public static get antiAliasing(): number;
  5871. public static set antiAliasing(value: number);
  5872. /** Async texture upload provides timesliced async texture upload on the render thread with tight control over memory and timeslicing. There are no allocations except for the ones which driver has to do. To read data and upload texture data a ringbuffer whose size can be controlled is re-used.
  5873. Use asyncUploadTimeSlice to set the time-slice in milliseconds for asynchronous texture uploads per
  5874. frame. Minimum value is 1 and maximum is 33. */
  5875. public static get asyncUploadTimeSlice(): number;
  5876. public static set asyncUploadTimeSlice(value: number);
  5877. /** Async texture upload provides timesliced async texture upload on the render thread with tight control over memory and timeslicing. There are no allocations except for the ones which driver has to do. To read data and upload texture data a ringbuffer whose size can be controlled is re-used.
  5878. Use asyncUploadBufferSize to set the buffer size for asynchronous texture uploads. The size is in megabytes. Minimum value is 2 and maximum is 512. Although the buffer will resize automatically to fit the largest texture currently loading, it is recommended to set the value approximately to the size of biggest texture used in the Scene to avoid re-sizing of the buffer which can incur performance cost. */
  5879. public static get asyncUploadBufferSize(): number;
  5880. public static set asyncUploadBufferSize(value: number);
  5881. /** This flag controls if the async upload pipeline's ring buffer remains allocated when there are no active loading operations.
  5882. To make the ring buffer allocation persist after all upload operations have completed, set this to true.
  5883. If you have issues with excessive memory usage, you can set this to false. This means you reduce the runtime memory footprint, but memory fragmentation can occur.
  5884. The default value is true. */
  5885. public static get asyncUploadPersistentBuffer(): boolean;
  5886. public static set asyncUploadPersistentBuffer(value: boolean);
  5887. /** Enables realtime reflection probes. */
  5888. public static get realtimeReflectionProbes(): boolean;
  5889. public static set realtimeReflectionProbes(value: boolean);
  5890. /** If enabled, billboards will face towards camera position rather than camera orientation. */
  5891. public static get billboardsFaceCameraPosition(): boolean;
  5892. public static set billboardsFaceCameraPosition(value: boolean);
  5893. /** In resolution scaling mode, this factor is used to multiply with the target Fixed DPI specified to get the actual Fixed DPI to use for this quality setting. */
  5894. public static get resolutionScalingFixedDPIFactor(): number;
  5895. public static set resolutionScalingFixedDPIFactor(value: number);
  5896. /** Blend weights. */
  5897. public static get blendWeights(): UnityEngine.BlendWeights;
  5898. public static set blendWeights(value: UnityEngine.BlendWeights);
  5899. /** Enable automatic streaming of texture mipmap levels based on their distance from all active cameras. */
  5900. public static get streamingMipmapsActive(): boolean;
  5901. public static set streamingMipmapsActive(value: boolean);
  5902. /** The total amount of memory to be used by streaming and non-streaming textures. */
  5903. public static get streamingMipmapsMemoryBudget(): number;
  5904. public static set streamingMipmapsMemoryBudget(value: number);
  5905. /** Number of renderers used to process each frame during the calculation of desired mipmap levels for the associated textures. */
  5906. public static get streamingMipmapsRenderersPerFrame(): number;
  5907. public static set streamingMipmapsRenderersPerFrame(value: number);
  5908. /** The maximum number of mipmap levels to discard for each texture. */
  5909. public static get streamingMipmapsMaxLevelReduction(): number;
  5910. public static set streamingMipmapsMaxLevelReduction(value: number);
  5911. /** Process all enabled Cameras for texture streaming (rather than just those with StreamingController components). */
  5912. public static get streamingMipmapsAddAllCameras(): boolean;
  5913. public static set streamingMipmapsAddAllCameras(value: boolean);
  5914. /** The maximum number of active texture file IO requests from the texture streaming system. */
  5915. public static get streamingMipmapsMaxFileIORequests(): number;
  5916. public static set streamingMipmapsMaxFileIORequests(value: number);
  5917. /** Maximum number of frames queued up by graphics driver. */
  5918. public static get maxQueuedFrames(): number;
  5919. public static set maxQueuedFrames(value: number);
  5920. /** The indexed list of available Quality Settings. */
  5921. public static get names(): System.Array$1<string>;
  5922. /** Desired color space (Read Only). */
  5923. public static get desiredColorSpace(): UnityEngine.ColorSpace;
  5924. /** Active color space (Read Only). */
  5925. public static get activeColorSpace(): UnityEngine.ColorSpace;
  5926. /** Increase the current quality level. * @param applyExpensiveChanges Should expensive changes be applied (Anti-aliasing etc).
  5927. */
  5928. public static IncreaseLevel ($applyExpensiveChanges: boolean) : void
  5929. /** Decrease the current quality level. * @param applyExpensiveChanges Should expensive changes be applied (Anti-aliasing etc).
  5930. */
  5931. public static DecreaseLevel ($applyExpensiveChanges: boolean) : void
  5932. public static SetQualityLevel ($index: number) : void
  5933. public static IncreaseLevel () : void
  5934. public static DecreaseLevel () : void
  5935. public static GetQualityLevel () : number
  5936. /** Sets a new graphics quality level. * @param index Quality index to set.
  5937. * @param applyExpensiveChanges Should expensive changes be applied (Anti-aliasing etc).
  5938. */
  5939. public static SetQualityLevel ($index: number, $applyExpensiveChanges: boolean) : void
  5940. }
  5941. enum QualityLevel
  5942. { Fastest = 0, Fast = 1, Simple = 2, Good = 3, Beautiful = 4, Fantastic = 5 }
  5943. /** Determines which type of shadows should be used. */
  5944. enum ShadowQuality
  5945. { Disable = 0, HardOnly = 1, All = 2 }
  5946. /** Shadow projection type for. */
  5947. enum ShadowProjection
  5948. { CloseFit = 0, StableFit = 1 }
  5949. /** Default shadow resolution. */
  5950. enum ShadowResolution
  5951. { Low = 0, Medium = 1, High = 2, VeryHigh = 3 }
  5952. /** The rendering mode of Shadowmask. */
  5953. enum ShadowmaskMode
  5954. { Shadowmask = 0, DistanceShadowmask = 1 }
  5955. /** Blend weights. */
  5956. enum BlendWeights
  5957. { OneBone = 1, TwoBones = 2, FourBones = 4 }
  5958. /** Color space for player settings. */
  5959. enum ColorSpace
  5960. { Uninitialized = -1, Gamma = 0, Linear = 1 }
  5961. /** A class to access the Mesh of the. */
  5962. class MeshFilter extends UnityEngine.Component
  5963. {
  5964. /** Returns the shared mesh of the mesh filter. */
  5965. public get sharedMesh(): UnityEngine.Mesh;
  5966. public set sharedMesh(value: UnityEngine.Mesh);
  5967. /** Returns the instantiated Mesh assigned to the mesh filter. */
  5968. public get mesh(): UnityEngine.Mesh;
  5969. public set mesh(value: UnityEngine.Mesh);
  5970. public constructor ()
  5971. }
  5972. /** Interface into the Input system. */
  5973. class Input extends System.Object
  5974. {
  5975. /** Enables/Disables mouse simulation with touches. By default this option is enabled. */
  5976. public static get simulateMouseWithTouches(): boolean;
  5977. public static set simulateMouseWithTouches(value: boolean);
  5978. /** Is any key or mouse button currently held down? (Read Only) */
  5979. public static get anyKey(): boolean;
  5980. /** Returns true the first frame the user hits any key or mouse button. (Read Only) */
  5981. public static get anyKeyDown(): boolean;
  5982. /** Returns the keyboard input entered this frame. (Read Only) */
  5983. public static get inputString(): string;
  5984. /** The current mouse position in pixel coordinates. (Read Only) */
  5985. public static get mousePosition(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  5986. /** The current mouse scroll delta. (Read Only) */
  5987. public static get mouseScrollDelta(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  5988. /** Controls enabling and disabling of IME input composition. */
  5989. public static get imeCompositionMode(): UnityEngine.IMECompositionMode;
  5990. public static set imeCompositionMode(value: UnityEngine.IMECompositionMode);
  5991. /** The current IME composition string being typed by the user. */
  5992. public static get compositionString(): string;
  5993. /** Does the user have an IME keyboard input source selected? */
  5994. public static get imeIsSelected(): boolean;
  5995. /** The current text input position used by IMEs to open windows. */
  5996. public static get compositionCursorPos(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  5997. public static set compositionCursorPos(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  5998. /** Indicates if a mouse device is detected. */
  5999. public static get mousePresent(): boolean;
  6000. /** Number of touches. Guaranteed not to change throughout the frame. (Read Only) */
  6001. public static get touchCount(): number;
  6002. /** Bool value which let's users check if touch pressure is supported. */
  6003. public static get touchPressureSupported(): boolean;
  6004. /** Returns true when Stylus Touch is supported by a device or platform. */
  6005. public static get stylusTouchSupported(): boolean;
  6006. /** Returns whether the device on which application is currently running supports touch input. */
  6007. public static get touchSupported(): boolean;
  6008. /** Property indicating whether the system handles multiple touches. */
  6009. public static get multiTouchEnabled(): boolean;
  6010. public static set multiTouchEnabled(value: boolean);
  6011. /** Device physical orientation as reported by OS. (Read Only) */
  6012. public static get deviceOrientation(): UnityEngine.DeviceOrientation;
  6013. /** Last measured linear acceleration of a device in three-dimensional space. (Read Only) */
  6014. public static get acceleration(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  6015. /** This property controls if input sensors should be compensated for screen orientation. */
  6016. public static get compensateSensors(): boolean;
  6017. public static set compensateSensors(value: boolean);
  6018. /** Number of acceleration measurements which occurred during last frame. */
  6019. public static get accelerationEventCount(): number;
  6020. /** Should Back button quit the application?
  6021. Only usable on Android, Windows Phone or Windows Tablets. */
  6022. public static get backButtonLeavesApp(): boolean;
  6023. public static set backButtonLeavesApp(value: boolean);
  6024. /** Property for accessing device location (handheld devices only). (Read Only) */
  6025. public static get location(): UnityEngine.LocationService;
  6026. /** Property for accessing compass (handheld devices only). (Read Only) */
  6027. public static get compass(): UnityEngine.Compass;
  6028. /** Returns default gyroscope. */
  6029. public static get gyro(): UnityEngine.Gyroscope;
  6030. /** Returns list of objects representing status of all touches during last frame. (Read Only) (Allocates temporary variables). */
  6031. public static get touches(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Touch>;
  6032. /** Returns list of acceleration measurements which occurred during the last frame. (Read Only) (Allocates temporary variables). */
  6033. public static get accelerationEvents(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.AccelerationEvent>;
  6034. /** Returns the value of the virtual axis identified by axisName. */
  6035. public static GetAxis ($axisName: string) : number
  6036. /** Returns the value of the virtual axis identified by axisName with no smoothing filtering applied. */
  6037. public static GetAxisRaw ($axisName: string) : number
  6038. /** Returns true while the virtual button identified by buttonName is held down.
  6039. * @param buttonName The name of the button such as Jump.
  6040. * @returns True when an axis has been pressed and not released.
  6041. */
  6042. public static GetButton ($buttonName: string) : boolean
  6043. /** Returns true during the frame the user pressed down the virtual button identified by buttonName. */
  6044. public static GetButtonDown ($buttonName: string) : boolean
  6045. /** Returns true the first frame the user releases the virtual button identified by buttonName. */
  6046. public static GetButtonUp ($buttonName: string) : boolean
  6047. /** Returns whether the given mouse button is held down. */
  6048. public static GetMouseButton ($button: number) : boolean
  6049. /** Returns true during the frame the user pressed the given mouse button. */
  6050. public static GetMouseButtonDown ($button: number) : boolean
  6051. /** Returns true during the frame the user releases the given mouse button. */
  6052. public static GetMouseButtonUp ($button: number) : boolean
  6053. public static ResetInputAxes () : void
  6054. /** Determine whether a particular joystick model has been preconfigured by Unity. (Linux-only).
  6055. * @param joystickName The name of the joystick to check (returned by Input.GetJoystickNames).
  6056. * @returns True if the joystick layout has been preconfigured; false otherwise.
  6057. */
  6058. public static IsJoystickPreconfigured ($joystickName: string) : boolean
  6059. public static GetJoystickNames () : System.Array$1<string>
  6060. /** Call Input.GetTouch to obtain a Touch struct.
  6061. * @param index The touch input on the device screen.
  6062. * @returns Touch details in the struct.
  6063. */
  6064. public static GetTouch ($index: number) : UnityEngine.Touch
  6065. /** Returns specific acceleration measurement which occurred during last frame. (Does not allocate temporary variables). */
  6066. public static GetAccelerationEvent ($index: number) : UnityEngine.AccelerationEvent
  6067. /** Returns true while the user holds down the key identified by the key KeyCode enum parameter. */
  6068. public static GetKey ($key: UnityEngine.KeyCode) : boolean
  6069. /** Returns true while the user holds down the key identified by name. */
  6070. public static GetKey ($name: string) : boolean
  6071. /** Returns true during the frame the user releases the key identified by the key KeyCode enum parameter. */
  6072. public static GetKeyUp ($key: UnityEngine.KeyCode) : boolean
  6073. /** Returns true during the frame the user releases the key identified by name. */
  6074. public static GetKeyUp ($name: string) : boolean
  6075. /** Returns true during the frame the user starts pressing down the key identified by the key KeyCode enum parameter. */
  6076. public static GetKeyDown ($key: UnityEngine.KeyCode) : boolean
  6077. /** Returns true during the frame the user starts pressing down the key identified by name. */
  6078. public static GetKeyDown ($name: string) : boolean
  6079. public constructor ()
  6080. }
  6081. /** Structure describing acceleration status of the device. */
  6082. class AccelerationEvent extends System.ValueType
  6083. {
  6084. }
  6085. /** Key codes returned by Event.keyCode. These map directly to a physical key on the keyboard. */
  6086. enum KeyCode
  6087. { None = 0, Backspace = 8, Delete = 127, Tab = 9, Clear = 12, Return = 13, Pause = 19, Escape = 27, Space = 32, Keypad0 = 256, Keypad1 = 257, Keypad2 = 258, Keypad3 = 259, Keypad4 = 260, Keypad5 = 261, Keypad6 = 262, Keypad7 = 263, Keypad8 = 264, Keypad9 = 265, KeypadPeriod = 266, KeypadDivide = 267, KeypadMultiply = 268, KeypadMinus = 269, KeypadPlus = 270, KeypadEnter = 271, KeypadEquals = 272, UpArrow = 273, DownArrow = 274, RightArrow = 275, LeftArrow = 276, Insert = 277, Home = 278, End = 279, PageUp = 280, PageDown = 281, F1 = 282, F2 = 283, F3 = 284, F4 = 285, F5 = 286, F6 = 287, F7 = 288, F8 = 289, F9 = 290, F10 = 291, F11 = 292, F12 = 293, F13 = 294, F14 = 295, F15 = 296, Alpha0 = 48, Alpha1 = 49, Alpha2 = 50, Alpha3 = 51, Alpha4 = 52, Alpha5 = 53, Alpha6 = 54, Alpha7 = 55, Alpha8 = 56, Alpha9 = 57, Exclaim = 33, DoubleQuote = 34, Hash = 35, Dollar = 36, Percent = 37, Ampersand = 38, Quote = 39, LeftParen = 40, RightParen = 41, Asterisk = 42, Plus = 43, Comma = 44, Minus = 45, Period = 46, Slash = 47, Colon = 58, Semicolon = 59, Less = 60, Equals = 61, Greater = 62, Question = 63, At = 64, LeftBracket = 91, Backslash = 92, RightBracket = 93, Caret = 94, Underscore = 95, BackQuote = 96, A = 97, B = 98, C = 99, D = 100, E = 101, F = 102, G = 103, H = 104, I = 105, J = 106, K = 107, L = 108, M = 109, N = 110, O = 111, P = 112, Q = 113, R = 114, S = 115, T = 116, U = 117, V = 118, W = 119, X = 120, Y = 121, Z = 122, LeftCurlyBracket = 123, Pipe = 124, RightCurlyBracket = 125, Tilde = 126, Numlock = 300, CapsLock = 301, ScrollLock = 302, RightShift = 303, LeftShift = 304, RightControl = 305, LeftControl = 306, RightAlt = 307, LeftAlt = 308, LeftCommand = 310, LeftApple = 310, LeftWindows = 311, RightCommand = 309, RightApple = 309, RightWindows = 312, AltGr = 313, Help = 315, Print = 316, SysReq = 317, Break = 318, Menu = 319, Mouse0 = 323, Mouse1 = 324, Mouse2 = 325, Mouse3 = 326, Mouse4 = 327, Mouse5 = 328, Mouse6 = 329, JoystickButton0 = 330, JoystickButton1 = 331, JoystickButton2 = 332, JoystickButton3 = 333, JoystickButton4 = 334, JoystickButton5 = 335, JoystickButton6 = 336, JoystickButton7 = 337, JoystickButton8 = 338, JoystickButton9 = 339, JoystickButton10 = 340, JoystickButton11 = 341, JoystickButton12 = 342, JoystickButton13 = 343, JoystickButton14 = 344, JoystickButton15 = 345, JoystickButton16 = 346, JoystickButton17 = 347, JoystickButton18 = 348, JoystickButton19 = 349, Joystick1Button0 = 350, Joystick1Button1 = 351, Joystick1Button2 = 352, Joystick1Button3 = 353, Joystick1Button4 = 354, Joystick1Button5 = 355, Joystick1Button6 = 356, Joystick1Button7 = 357, Joystick1Button8 = 358, Joystick1Button9 = 359, Joystick1Button10 = 360, Joystick1Button11 = 361, Joystick1Button12 = 362, Joystick1Button13 = 363, Joystick1Button14 = 364, Joystick1Button15 = 365, Joystick1Button16 = 366, Joystick1Button17 = 367, Joystick1Button18 = 368, Joystick1Button19 = 369, Joystick2Button0 = 370, Joystick2Button1 = 371, Joystick2Button2 = 372, Joystick2Button3 = 373, Joystick2Button4 = 374, Joystick2Button5 = 375, Joystick2Button6 = 376, Joystick2Button7 = 377, Joystick2Button8 = 378, Joystick2Button9 = 379, Joystick2Button10 = 380, Joystick2Button11 = 381, Joystick2Button12 = 382, Joystick2Button13 = 383, Joystick2Button14 = 384, Joystick2Button15 = 385, Joystick2Button16 = 386, Joystick2Button17 = 387, Joystick2Button18 = 388, Joystick2Button19 = 389, Joystick3Button0 = 390, Joystick3Button1 = 391, Joystick3Button2 = 392, Joystick3Button3 = 393, Joystick3Button4 = 394, Joystick3Button5 = 395, Joystick3Button6 = 396, Joystick3Button7 = 397, Joystick3Button8 = 398, Joystick3Button9 = 399, Joystick3Button10 = 400, Joystick3Button11 = 401, Joystick3Button12 = 402, Joystick3Button13 = 403, Joystick3Button14 = 404, Joystick3Button15 = 405, Joystick3Button16 = 406, Joystick3Button17 = 407, Joystick3Button18 = 408, Joystick3Button19 = 409, Joystick4Button0 = 410, Joystick4Button1 = 411, Joystick4Button2 = 412, Joystick4Button3 = 413, Joystick4Button4 = 414, Joystick4Button5 = 415, Joystick4Button6 = 416, Joystick4Button7 = 417, Joystick4Button8 = 418, Joystick4Button9 = 419, Joystick4Button10 = 420, Joystick4Button11 = 421, Joystick4Button12 = 422, Joystick4Button13 = 423, Joystick4Button14 = 424, Joystick4Button15 = 425, Joystick4Button16 = 426, Joystick4Button17 = 427, Joystick4Button18 = 428, Joystick4Button19 = 429, Joystick5Button0 = 430, Joystick5Button1 = 431, Joystick5Button2 = 432, Joystick5Button3 = 433, Joystick5Button4 = 434, Joystick5Button5 = 435, Joystick5Button6 = 436, Joystick5Button7 = 437, Joystick5Button8 = 438, Joystick5Button9 = 439, Joystick5Button10 = 440, Joystick5Button11 = 441, Joystick5Button12 = 442, Joystick5Button13 = 443, Joystick5Button14 = 444, Joystick5Button15 = 445, Joystick5Button16 = 446, Joystick5Button17 = 447, Joystick5Button18 = 448, Joystick5Button19 = 449, Joystick6Button0 = 450, Joystick6Button1 = 451, Joystick6Button2 = 452, Joystick6Button3 = 453, Joystick6Button4 = 454, Joystick6Button5 = 455, Joystick6Button6 = 456, Joystick6Button7 = 457, Joystick6Button8 = 458, Joystick6Button9 = 459, Joystick6Button10 = 460, Joystick6Button11 = 461, Joystick6Button12 = 462, Joystick6Button13 = 463, Joystick6Button14 = 464, Joystick6Button15 = 465, Joystick6Button16 = 466, Joystick6Button17 = 467, Joystick6Button18 = 468, Joystick6Button19 = 469, Joystick7Button0 = 470, Joystick7Button1 = 471, Joystick7Button2 = 472, Joystick7Button3 = 473, Joystick7Button4 = 474, Joystick7Button5 = 475, Joystick7Button6 = 476, Joystick7Button7 = 477, Joystick7Button8 = 478, Joystick7Button9 = 479, Joystick7Button10 = 480, Joystick7Button11 = 481, Joystick7Button12 = 482, Joystick7Button13 = 483, Joystick7Button14 = 484, Joystick7Button15 = 485, Joystick7Button16 = 486, Joystick7Button17 = 487, Joystick7Button18 = 488, Joystick7Button19 = 489, Joystick8Button0 = 490, Joystick8Button1 = 491, Joystick8Button2 = 492, Joystick8Button3 = 493, Joystick8Button4 = 494, Joystick8Button5 = 495, Joystick8Button6 = 496, Joystick8Button7 = 497, Joystick8Button8 = 498, Joystick8Button9 = 499, Joystick8Button10 = 500, Joystick8Button11 = 501, Joystick8Button12 = 502, Joystick8Button13 = 503, Joystick8Button14 = 504, Joystick8Button15 = 505, Joystick8Button16 = 506, Joystick8Button17 = 507, Joystick8Button18 = 508, Joystick8Button19 = 509 }
  6088. /** Controls IME input. */
  6089. enum IMECompositionMode
  6090. { Auto = 0, On = 1, Off = 2 }
  6091. /** Describes physical orientation of the device as determined by the OS. */
  6092. enum DeviceOrientation
  6093. { Unknown = 0, Portrait = 1, PortraitUpsideDown = 2, LandscapeLeft = 3, LandscapeRight = 4, FaceUp = 5, FaceDown = 6 }
  6094. /** Interface into location functionality. */
  6095. class LocationService extends System.Object
  6096. {
  6097. }
  6098. /** Interface into compass functionality. */
  6099. class Compass extends System.Object
  6100. {
  6101. }
  6102. /** Interface into the Gyroscope. */
  6103. class Gyroscope extends System.Object
  6104. {
  6105. }
  6106. /** Specifies Layers to use in a Physics.Raycast. */
  6107. class LayerMask extends System.ValueType
  6108. {
  6109. /** Converts a layer mask value to an integer value. */
  6110. public get value(): number;
  6111. public set value(value: number);
  6112. public static op_Implicit ($mask: UnityEngine.LayerMask) : number
  6113. public static op_Implicit ($intVal: number) : UnityEngine.LayerMask
  6114. /** Given a layer number, returns the name of the layer as defined in either a Builtin or a User Layer in the. */
  6115. public static LayerToName ($layer: number) : string
  6116. /** Given a layer name, returns the layer index as defined by either a Builtin or a User Layer in the. */
  6117. public static NameToLayer ($layerName: string) : number
  6118. /** Given a set of layer names as defined by either a Builtin or a User Layer in the, returns the equivalent layer mask for all of them.
  6119. * @param layerNames List of layer names to convert to a layer mask.
  6120. * @returns The layer mask created from the layerNames.
  6121. */
  6122. public static GetMask (...layerNames: string[]) : number
  6123. }
  6124. /** A collection of common math functions. */
  6125. class Mathf extends System.ValueType
  6126. {
  6127. /** The well-known 3.14159265358979... value (Read Only). */
  6128. public static PI : number/** A representation of positive infinity (Read Only). */
  6129. public static Infinity : number/** A representation of negative infinity (Read Only). */
  6130. public static NegativeInfinity : number/** Degrees-to-radians conversion constant (Read Only). */
  6131. public static Deg2Rad : number/** Radians-to-degrees conversion constant (Read Only). */
  6132. public static Rad2Deg : number/** A tiny floating point value (Read Only). */
  6133. public static Epsilon : number/** Returns the closest power of two value. */
  6134. public static ClosestPowerOfTwo ($value: number) : number
  6135. /** Returns true if the value is power of two. */
  6136. public static IsPowerOfTwo ($value: number) : boolean
  6137. /** Returns the next power of two that is equal to, or greater than, the argument. */
  6138. public static NextPowerOfTwo ($value: number) : number
  6139. /** Converts the given value from gamma (sRGB) to linear color space. */
  6140. public static GammaToLinearSpace ($value: number) : number
  6141. /** Converts the given value from linear to gamma (sRGB) color space. */
  6142. public static LinearToGammaSpace ($value: number) : number
  6143. /** Convert a color temperature in Kelvin to RGB color.
  6144. * @param kelvin Temperature in Kelvin. Range 1000 to 40000 Kelvin.
  6145. * @returns Correlated Color Temperature as floating point RGB color.
  6146. */
  6147. public static CorrelatedColorTemperatureToRGB ($kelvin: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  6148. public static FloatToHalf ($val: number) : number
  6149. public static HalfToFloat ($val: number) : number
  6150. /** Generate 2D Perlin noise.
  6151. * @param x X-coordinate of sample point.
  6152. * @param y Y-coordinate of sample point.
  6153. * @returns Value between 0.0 and 1.0. (Return value might be slightly beyond 1.0.)
  6154. */
  6155. public static PerlinNoise ($x: number, $y: number) : number
  6156. /** Returns the sine of angle f.
  6157. * @param f The input angle, in radians.
  6158. * @returns The return value between -1 and +1.
  6159. */
  6160. public static Sin ($f: number) : number
  6161. /** Returns the cosine of angle f.
  6162. * @param f The input angle, in radians.
  6163. * @returns The return value between -1 and 1.
  6164. */
  6165. public static Cos ($f: number) : number
  6166. /** Returns the tangent of angle f in radians. */
  6167. public static Tan ($f: number) : number
  6168. /** Returns the arc-sine of f - the angle in radians whose sine is f. */
  6169. public static Asin ($f: number) : number
  6170. /** Returns the arc-cosine of f - the angle in radians whose cosine is f. */
  6171. public static Acos ($f: number) : number
  6172. /** Returns the arc-tangent of f - the angle in radians whose tangent is f. */
  6173. public static Atan ($f: number) : number
  6174. /** Returns the angle in radians whose Tan is y/x. */
  6175. public static Atan2 ($y: number, $x: number) : number
  6176. /** Returns square root of f. */
  6177. public static Sqrt ($f: number) : number
  6178. /** Returns the absolute value of f. */
  6179. public static Abs ($f: number) : number
  6180. /** Returns the absolute value of value. */
  6181. public static Abs ($value: number) : number
  6182. /** Returns the smallest of two or more values. */
  6183. public static Min ($a: number, $b: number) : number
  6184. /** Returns the smallest of two or more values. */
  6185. public static Min (...values: number[]) : number
  6186. /** Returns largest of two or more values. */
  6187. public static Max ($a: number, $b: number) : number
  6188. /** Returns largest of two or more values. */
  6189. public static Max (...values: number[]) : number
  6190. /** Returns f raised to power p. */
  6191. public static Pow ($f: number, $p: number) : number
  6192. /** Returns e raised to the specified power. */
  6193. public static Exp ($power: number) : number
  6194. /** Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base. */
  6195. public static Log ($f: number, $p: number) : number
  6196. /** Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number. */
  6197. public static Log ($f: number) : number
  6198. /** Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number. */
  6199. public static Log10 ($f: number) : number
  6200. /** Returns the smallest integer greater to or equal to f. */
  6201. public static Ceil ($f: number) : number
  6202. /** Returns the largest integer smaller than or equal to f. */
  6203. public static Floor ($f: number) : number
  6204. /** Returns f rounded to the nearest integer. */
  6205. public static Round ($f: number) : number
  6206. /** Returns the smallest integer greater to or equal to f. */
  6207. public static CeilToInt ($f: number) : number
  6208. /** Returns the largest integer smaller to or equal to f. */
  6209. public static FloorToInt ($f: number) : number
  6210. /** Returns f rounded to the nearest integer. */
  6211. public static RoundToInt ($f: number) : number
  6212. /** Returns the sign of f. */
  6213. public static Sign ($f: number) : number
  6214. /** Clamps the given value between the given minimum float and maximum float values. Returns the given value if it is within the min and max range.
  6215. * @param value The floating point value to restrict inside the range defined by the min and max values.
  6216. * @param min The minimum floating point value to compare against.
  6217. * @param max The maximum floating point value to compare against.
  6218. * @returns The float result between the min and max values.
  6219. */
  6220. public static Clamp ($value: number, $min: number, $max: number) : number
  6221. /** Clamps value between 0 and 1 and returns value. */
  6222. public static Clamp01 ($value: number) : number
  6223. /** Linearly interpolates between a and b by t.
  6224. * @param a The start value.
  6225. * @param b The end value.
  6226. * @param t The interpolation value between the two floats.
  6227. * @returns The interpolated float result between the two float values.
  6228. */
  6229. public static Lerp ($a: number, $b: number, $t: number) : number
  6230. /** Linearly interpolates between a and b by t with no limit to t.
  6231. * @param a The start value.
  6232. * @param b The end value.
  6233. * @param t The interpolation between the two floats.
  6234. * @returns The float value as a result from the linear interpolation.
  6235. */
  6236. public static LerpUnclamped ($a: number, $b: number, $t: number) : number
  6237. /** Same as Lerp but makes sure the values interpolate correctly when they wrap around 360 degrees. */
  6238. public static LerpAngle ($a: number, $b: number, $t: number) : number
  6239. /** Moves a value current towards target. * @param current The current value.
  6240. * @param target The value to move towards.
  6241. * @param maxDelta The maximum change that should be applied to the value.
  6242. */
  6243. public static MoveTowards ($current: number, $target: number, $maxDelta: number) : number
  6244. /** Same as MoveTowards but makes sure the values interpolate correctly when they wrap around 360 degrees. */
  6245. public static MoveTowardsAngle ($current: number, $target: number, $maxDelta: number) : number
  6246. /** Interpolates between min and max with smoothing at the limits. */
  6247. public static SmoothStep ($from: number, $to: number, $t: number) : number
  6248. public static Gamma ($value: number, $absmax: number, $gamma: number) : number
  6249. /** Compares two floating point values and returns true if they are similar. */
  6250. public static Approximately ($a: number, $b: number) : boolean
  6251. /** Gradually changes a value towards a desired goal over time. * @param current The current position.
  6252. * @param target The position we are trying to reach.
  6253. * @param currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
  6254. * @param smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
  6255. * @param maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
  6256. * @param deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
  6257. */
  6258. public static SmoothDamp ($current: number, $target: number, $currentVelocity: $Ref<number>, $smoothTime: number, $maxSpeed: number) : number
  6259. /** Gradually changes a value towards a desired goal over time. * @param current The current position.
  6260. * @param target The position we are trying to reach.
  6261. * @param currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
  6262. * @param smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
  6263. * @param maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
  6264. * @param deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
  6265. */
  6266. public static SmoothDamp ($current: number, $target: number, $currentVelocity: $Ref<number>, $smoothTime: number) : number
  6267. /** Gradually changes a value towards a desired goal over time. * @param current The current position.
  6268. * @param target The position we are trying to reach.
  6269. * @param currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
  6270. * @param smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
  6271. * @param maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
  6272. * @param deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
  6273. */
  6274. public static SmoothDamp ($current: number, $target: number, $currentVelocity: $Ref<number>, $smoothTime: number, $maxSpeed: number, $deltaTime: number) : number
  6275. /** Gradually changes an angle given in degrees towards a desired goal angle over time. * @param current The current position.
  6276. * @param target The position we are trying to reach.
  6277. * @param currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
  6278. * @param smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
  6279. * @param maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
  6280. * @param deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
  6281. */
  6282. public static SmoothDampAngle ($current: number, $target: number, $currentVelocity: $Ref<number>, $smoothTime: number, $maxSpeed: number) : number
  6283. /** Gradually changes an angle given in degrees towards a desired goal angle over time. * @param current The current position.
  6284. * @param target The position we are trying to reach.
  6285. * @param currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
  6286. * @param smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
  6287. * @param maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
  6288. * @param deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
  6289. */
  6290. public static SmoothDampAngle ($current: number, $target: number, $currentVelocity: $Ref<number>, $smoothTime: number) : number
  6291. /** Gradually changes an angle given in degrees towards a desired goal angle over time. * @param current The current position.
  6292. * @param target The position we are trying to reach.
  6293. * @param currentVelocity The current velocity, this value is modified by the function every time you call it.
  6294. * @param smoothTime Approximately the time it will take to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster.
  6295. * @param maxSpeed Optionally allows you to clamp the maximum speed.
  6296. * @param deltaTime The time since the last call to this function. By default Time.deltaTime.
  6297. */
  6298. public static SmoothDampAngle ($current: number, $target: number, $currentVelocity: $Ref<number>, $smoothTime: number, $maxSpeed: number, $deltaTime: number) : number
  6299. /** Loops the value t, so that it is never larger than length and never smaller than 0. */
  6300. public static Repeat ($t: number, $length: number) : number
  6301. /** PingPongs the value t, so that it is never larger than length and never smaller than 0. */
  6302. public static PingPong ($t: number, $length: number) : number
  6303. /** Calculates the linear parameter t that produces the interpolant value within the range [a, b].
  6304. * @param a Start value.
  6305. * @param b End value.
  6306. * @param value Value between start and end.
  6307. * @returns Percentage of value between start and end.
  6308. */
  6309. public static InverseLerp ($a: number, $b: number, $value: number) : number
  6310. /** Calculates the shortest difference between two given angles given in degrees. */
  6311. public static DeltaAngle ($current: number, $target: number) : number
  6312. }
  6313. /** MonoBehaviour is the base class from which every Unity script derives. */
  6314. class MonoBehaviour extends UnityEngine.Behaviour
  6315. {
  6316. /** Disabling this lets you skip the GUI layout phase. */
  6317. public get useGUILayout(): boolean;
  6318. public set useGUILayout(value: boolean);
  6319. /** Allow a specific instance of a MonoBehaviour to run in edit mode (only available in the editor). */
  6320. public get runInEditMode(): boolean;
  6321. public set runInEditMode(value: boolean);
  6322. public IsInvoking () : boolean
  6323. public CancelInvoke () : void
  6324. /** Invokes the method methodName in time seconds. */
  6325. public Invoke ($methodName: string, $time: number) : void
  6326. /** Invokes the method methodName in time seconds, then repeatedly every repeatRate seconds. */
  6327. public InvokeRepeating ($methodName: string, $time: number, $repeatRate: number) : void
  6328. /** Cancels all Invoke calls with name methodName on this behaviour. */
  6329. public CancelInvoke ($methodName: string) : void
  6330. /** Is any invoke on methodName pending? */
  6331. public IsInvoking ($methodName: string) : boolean
  6332. /** Starts a coroutine named methodName. */
  6333. public StartCoroutine ($methodName: string) : UnityEngine.Coroutine
  6334. /** Starts a coroutine named methodName. */
  6335. public StartCoroutine ($methodName: string, $value: any) : UnityEngine.Coroutine
  6336. /** Starts a coroutine. */
  6337. public StartCoroutine ($routine: System.Collections.IEnumerator) : UnityEngine.Coroutine
  6338. /** Stops the first coroutine named methodName, or the coroutine stored in routine running on this behaviour. * @param methodName Name of coroutine.
  6339. * @param routine Name of the function in code, including coroutines.
  6340. */
  6341. public StopCoroutine ($routine: System.Collections.IEnumerator) : void
  6342. /** Stops the first coroutine named methodName, or the coroutine stored in routine running on this behaviour. * @param methodName Name of coroutine.
  6343. * @param routine Name of the function in code, including coroutines.
  6344. */
  6345. public StopCoroutine ($routine: UnityEngine.Coroutine) : void
  6346. /** Stops the first coroutine named methodName, or the coroutine stored in routine running on this behaviour. * @param methodName Name of coroutine.
  6347. * @param routine Name of the function in code, including coroutines.
  6348. */
  6349. public StopCoroutine ($methodName: string) : void
  6350. public StopAllCoroutines () : void
  6351. /** Logs message to the Unity Console (identical to Debug.Log). */
  6352. public static print ($message: any) : void
  6353. public constructor ()
  6354. }
  6355. /** MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine returns a Coroutine. Instances of this class are only used to reference these coroutines, and do not hold any exposed properties or functions. */
  6356. class Coroutine extends UnityEngine.YieldInstruction
  6357. {
  6358. }
  6359. /** Stores and accesses player preferences between game sessions. */
  6360. class PlayerPrefs extends System.Object
  6361. {
  6362. /** Sets the value of the preference identified by key. */
  6363. public static SetInt ($key: string, $value: number) : void
  6364. /** Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists. */
  6365. public static GetInt ($key: string, $defaultValue: number) : number
  6366. /** Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists. */
  6367. public static GetInt ($key: string) : number
  6368. /** Sets the value of the preference identified by key. */
  6369. public static SetFloat ($key: string, $value: number) : void
  6370. /** Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists. */
  6371. public static GetFloat ($key: string, $defaultValue: number) : number
  6372. /** Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists. */
  6373. public static GetFloat ($key: string) : number
  6374. /** Sets the value of the preference identified by key. */
  6375. public static SetString ($key: string, $value: string) : void
  6376. /** Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists. */
  6377. public static GetString ($key: string, $defaultValue: string) : string
  6378. /** Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists. */
  6379. public static GetString ($key: string) : string
  6380. /** Returns true if key exists in the preferences. */
  6381. public static HasKey ($key: string) : boolean
  6382. /** Removes key and its corresponding value from the preferences. */
  6383. public static DeleteKey ($key: string) : void
  6384. public static DeleteAll () : void
  6385. public static Save () : void
  6386. public constructor ()
  6387. }
  6388. /** Class for generating random data. */
  6389. class Random extends System.Object
  6390. {
  6391. /** Gets/Sets the full internal state of the random number generator. */
  6392. public static get state(): UnityEngine.Random.State;
  6393. public static set state(value: UnityEngine.Random.State);
  6394. /** Returns a random number between 0.0 [inclusive] and 1.0 [inclusive] (Read Only). */
  6395. public static get value(): number;
  6396. /** Returns a random point inside a sphere with radius 1 (Read Only). */
  6397. public static get insideUnitSphere(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  6398. /** Returns a random point inside a circle with radius 1 (Read Only). */
  6399. public static get insideUnitCircle(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  6400. /** Returns a random point on the surface of a sphere with radius 1 (Read Only). */
  6401. public static get onUnitSphere(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  6402. /** Returns a random rotation (Read Only). */
  6403. public static get rotation(): UnityEngine.Quaternion;
  6404. /** Returns a random rotation with uniform distribution (Read Only). */
  6405. public static get rotationUniform(): UnityEngine.Quaternion;
  6406. /** Initializes the random number generator state with a seed. * @param seed Seed used to initialize the random number generator.
  6407. */
  6408. public static InitState ($seed: number) : void
  6409. /** Return a random float number between min [inclusive] and max [inclusive] (Read Only). */
  6410. public static Range ($min: number, $max: number) : number
  6411. public static ColorHSV () : UnityEngine.Color
  6412. /** Generates a random color from HSV and alpha ranges.
  6413. * @param hueMin Minimum hue [0..1].
  6414. * @param hueMax Maximum hue [0..1].
  6415. * @param saturationMin Minimum saturation [0..1].
  6416. * @param saturationMax Maximum saturation[0..1].
  6417. * @param valueMin Minimum value [0..1].
  6418. * @param valueMax Maximum value [0..1].
  6419. * @param alphaMin Minimum alpha [0..1].
  6420. * @param alphaMax Maximum alpha [0..1].
  6421. * @returns A random color with HSV and alpha values in the input ranges.
  6422. */
  6423. public static ColorHSV ($hueMin: number, $hueMax: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  6424. /** Generates a random color from HSV and alpha ranges.
  6425. * @param hueMin Minimum hue [0..1].
  6426. * @param hueMax Maximum hue [0..1].
  6427. * @param saturationMin Minimum saturation [0..1].
  6428. * @param saturationMax Maximum saturation[0..1].
  6429. * @param valueMin Minimum value [0..1].
  6430. * @param valueMax Maximum value [0..1].
  6431. * @param alphaMin Minimum alpha [0..1].
  6432. * @param alphaMax Maximum alpha [0..1].
  6433. * @returns A random color with HSV and alpha values in the input ranges.
  6434. */
  6435. public static ColorHSV ($hueMin: number, $hueMax: number, $saturationMin: number, $saturationMax: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  6436. /** Generates a random color from HSV and alpha ranges.
  6437. * @param hueMin Minimum hue [0..1].
  6438. * @param hueMax Maximum hue [0..1].
  6439. * @param saturationMin Minimum saturation [0..1].
  6440. * @param saturationMax Maximum saturation[0..1].
  6441. * @param valueMin Minimum value [0..1].
  6442. * @param valueMax Maximum value [0..1].
  6443. * @param alphaMin Minimum alpha [0..1].
  6444. * @param alphaMax Maximum alpha [0..1].
  6445. * @returns A random color with HSV and alpha values in the input ranges.
  6446. */
  6447. public static ColorHSV ($hueMin: number, $hueMax: number, $saturationMin: number, $saturationMax: number, $valueMin: number, $valueMax: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  6448. /** Generates a random color from HSV and alpha ranges.
  6449. * @param hueMin Minimum hue [0..1].
  6450. * @param hueMax Maximum hue [0..1].
  6451. * @param saturationMin Minimum saturation [0..1].
  6452. * @param saturationMax Maximum saturation[0..1].
  6453. * @param valueMin Minimum value [0..1].
  6454. * @param valueMax Maximum value [0..1].
  6455. * @param alphaMin Minimum alpha [0..1].
  6456. * @param alphaMax Maximum alpha [0..1].
  6457. * @returns A random color with HSV and alpha values in the input ranges.
  6458. */
  6459. public static ColorHSV ($hueMin: number, $hueMax: number, $saturationMin: number, $saturationMax: number, $valueMin: number, $valueMax: number, $alphaMin: number, $alphaMax: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  6460. public constructor ()
  6461. }
  6462. /** The Resources class allows you to find and access Objects including assets. */
  6463. class Resources extends System.Object
  6464. {
  6465. /** Returns a list of all objects of Type type.
  6466. * @param type Type of the class to match while searching.
  6467. * @returns An array of objects whose class is type or is derived from type.
  6468. */
  6469. public static FindObjectsOfTypeAll ($type: System.Type) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Object>
  6470. /** Loads an asset stored at path in a Resources folder.
  6471. * @param path Pathname of the target folder. When using the empty string (i.e., ""), the function will load the entire contents of the Resources folder.
  6472. * @param systemTypeInstance Type filter for objects returned.
  6473. * @returns The requested asset returned as an Object.
  6474. */
  6475. public static Load ($path: string) : UnityEngine.Object
  6476. /** Loads an asset stored at path in a Resources folder.
  6477. * @param path Pathname of the target folder. When using the empty string (i.e., ""), the function will load the entire contents of the Resources folder.
  6478. * @param systemTypeInstance Type filter for objects returned.
  6479. * @returns The requested asset returned as an Object.
  6480. */
  6481. public static Load ($path: string, $systemTypeInstance: System.Type) : UnityEngine.Object
  6482. /** Asynchronously loads an asset stored at path in a Resources folder. * @param path Pathname of the target folder. When using the empty string (i.e., ""), the function will load the entire contents of the Resources folder.
  6483. */
  6484. public static LoadAsync ($path: string) : UnityEngine.ResourceRequest
  6485. /** Asynchronously loads an asset stored at path in a Resources folder. * @param path Pathname of the target folder. When using the empty string (i.e., ""), the function will load the entire contents of the Resources folder.
  6486. * @param systemTypeInstance Type filter for objects returned.
  6487. */
  6488. public static LoadAsync ($path: string, $type: System.Type) : UnityEngine.ResourceRequest
  6489. /** Loads all assets in a folder or file at path in a Resources folder. * @param path Pathname of the target folder. When using the empty string (i.e., ""), the function will load the entire contents of the Resources folder.
  6490. * @param systemTypeInstance Type filter for objects returned.
  6491. */
  6492. public static LoadAll ($path: string, $systemTypeInstance: System.Type) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Object>
  6493. /** Loads all assets in a folder or file at path in a Resources folder. * @param path Pathname of the target folder. When using the empty string (i.e., ""), the function will load the entire contents of the Resources folder.
  6494. */
  6495. public static LoadAll ($path: string) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Object>
  6496. public static GetBuiltinResource ($type: System.Type, $path: string) : UnityEngine.Object
  6497. /** Unloads assetToUnload from memory. */
  6498. public static UnloadAsset ($assetToUnload: UnityEngine.Object) : void
  6499. public static UnloadUnusedAssets () : UnityEngine.AsyncOperation
  6500. public constructor ()
  6501. }
  6502. /** Asynchronous load request from the Resources bundle. */
  6503. class ResourceRequest extends UnityEngine.AsyncOperation
  6504. {
  6505. }
  6506. /** Access system and hardware information. */
  6507. class SystemInfo extends System.Object
  6508. {
  6509. /** Value returned by SystemInfo string properties which are not supported on the current platform. */
  6510. public static unsupportedIdentifier : string/** The current battery level (Read Only). */
  6511. public static get batteryLevel(): number;
  6512. /** Returns the current status of the device's battery (Read Only). */
  6513. public static get batteryStatus(): UnityEngine.BatteryStatus;
  6514. /** Operating system name with version (Read Only). */
  6515. public static get operatingSystem(): string;
  6516. /** Returns the operating system family the game is running on (Read Only). */
  6517. public static get operatingSystemFamily(): UnityEngine.OperatingSystemFamily;
  6518. /** Processor name (Read Only). */
  6519. public static get processorType(): string;
  6520. /** Processor frequency in MHz (Read Only). */
  6521. public static get processorFrequency(): number;
  6522. /** Number of processors present (Read Only). */
  6523. public static get processorCount(): number;
  6524. /** Amount of system memory present (Read Only). */
  6525. public static get systemMemorySize(): number;
  6526. /** A unique device identifier. It is guaranteed to be unique for every device (Read Only). */
  6527. public static get deviceUniqueIdentifier(): string;
  6528. /** The user defined name of the device (Read Only). */
  6529. public static get deviceName(): string;
  6530. /** The model of the device (Read Only). */
  6531. public static get deviceModel(): string;
  6532. /** Is an accelerometer available on the device? */
  6533. public static get supportsAccelerometer(): boolean;
  6534. /** Is a gyroscope available on the device? */
  6535. public static get supportsGyroscope(): boolean;
  6536. /** Is the device capable of reporting its location? */
  6537. public static get supportsLocationService(): boolean;
  6538. /** Is the device capable of providing the user haptic feedback by vibration? */
  6539. public static get supportsVibration(): boolean;
  6540. /** Is there an Audio device available for playback? (Read Only) */
  6541. public static get supportsAudio(): boolean;
  6542. /** Returns the kind of device the application is running on (Read Only). */
  6543. public static get deviceType(): UnityEngine.DeviceType;
  6544. /** Amount of video memory present (Read Only). */
  6545. public static get graphicsMemorySize(): number;
  6546. /** The name of the graphics device (Read Only). */
  6547. public static get graphicsDeviceName(): string;
  6548. /** The vendor of the graphics device (Read Only). */
  6549. public static get graphicsDeviceVendor(): string;
  6550. /** The identifier code of the graphics device (Read Only). */
  6551. public static get graphicsDeviceID(): number;
  6552. /** The identifier code of the graphics device vendor (Read Only). */
  6553. public static get graphicsDeviceVendorID(): number;
  6554. /** The graphics API type used by the graphics device (Read Only). */
  6555. public static get graphicsDeviceType(): UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType;
  6556. /** Returns true if the texture UV coordinate convention for this platform has Y starting at the top of the image. */
  6557. public static get graphicsUVStartsAtTop(): boolean;
  6558. /** The graphics API type and driver version used by the graphics device (Read Only). */
  6559. public static get graphicsDeviceVersion(): string;
  6560. /** Graphics device shader capability level (Read Only). */
  6561. public static get graphicsShaderLevel(): number;
  6562. /** Is graphics device using multi-threaded rendering (Read Only)? */
  6563. public static get graphicsMultiThreaded(): boolean;
  6564. /** True if the GPU supports hidden surface removal. */
  6565. public static get hasHiddenSurfaceRemovalOnGPU(): boolean;
  6566. /** Returns true when the GPU has native support for indexing uniform arrays in fragment shaders without restrictions. */
  6567. public static get hasDynamicUniformArrayIndexingInFragmentShaders(): boolean;
  6568. /** Are built-in shadows supported? (Read Only) */
  6569. public static get supportsShadows(): boolean;
  6570. /** Is sampling raw depth from shadowmaps supported? (Read Only) */
  6571. public static get supportsRawShadowDepthSampling(): boolean;
  6572. /** Whether motion vectors are supported on this platform. */
  6573. public static get supportsMotionVectors(): boolean;
  6574. /** Are cubemap render textures supported? (Read Only) */
  6575. public static get supportsRenderToCubemap(): boolean;
  6576. /** Are image effects supported? (Read Only) */
  6577. public static get supportsImageEffects(): boolean;
  6578. /** Are 3D (volume) textures supported? (Read Only) */
  6579. public static get supports3DTextures(): boolean;
  6580. /** Are 2D Array textures supported? (Read Only) */
  6581. public static get supports2DArrayTextures(): boolean;
  6582. /** Are 3D (volume) RenderTextures supported? (Read Only) */
  6583. public static get supports3DRenderTextures(): boolean;
  6584. /** Are Cubemap Array textures supported? (Read Only) */
  6585. public static get supportsCubemapArrayTextures(): boolean;
  6586. /** Support for various Graphics.CopyTexture cases (Read Only). */
  6587. public static get copyTextureSupport(): UnityEngine.Rendering.CopyTextureSupport;
  6588. /** Are compute shaders supported? (Read Only) */
  6589. public static get supportsComputeShaders(): boolean;
  6590. /** Is GPU draw call instancing supported? (Read Only) */
  6591. public static get supportsInstancing(): boolean;
  6592. /** Does the hardware support quad topology? (Read Only) */
  6593. public static get supportsHardwareQuadTopology(): boolean;
  6594. /** Are 32-bit index buffers supported? (Read Only) */
  6595. public static get supports32bitsIndexBuffer(): boolean;
  6596. /** Are sparse textures supported? (Read Only) */
  6597. public static get supportsSparseTextures(): boolean;
  6598. /** How many simultaneous render targets (MRTs) are supported? (Read Only) */
  6599. public static get supportedRenderTargetCount(): number;
  6600. /** Returns true when the platform supports different blend modes when rendering to multiple render targets, or false otherwise. */
  6601. public static get supportsSeparatedRenderTargetsBlend(): boolean;
  6602. /** Are multisampled textures supported? (Read Only) */
  6603. public static get supportsMultisampledTextures(): number;
  6604. /** Returns true if multisampled textures are resolved automatically */
  6605. public static get supportsMultisampleAutoResolve(): boolean;
  6606. /** Returns true if the 'Mirror Once' texture wrap mode is supported. (Read Only) */
  6607. public static get supportsTextureWrapMirrorOnce(): number;
  6608. /** This property is true if the current platform uses a reversed depth buffer (where values range from 1 at the near plane and 0 at far plane), and false if the depth buffer is normal (0 is near, 1 is far). (Read Only) */
  6609. public static get usesReversedZBuffer(): boolean;
  6610. /** What NPOT (non-power of two size) texture support does the GPU provide? (Read Only) */
  6611. public static get npotSupport(): UnityEngine.NPOTSupport;
  6612. /** Maximum texture size (Read Only). */
  6613. public static get maxTextureSize(): number;
  6614. /** Maximum Cubemap texture size (Read Only). */
  6615. public static get maxCubemapSize(): number;
  6616. /** Returns true when the platform supports asynchronous compute queues and false if otherwise.
  6617. Note that asynchronous compute queues are only supported on PS4. */
  6618. public static get supportsAsyncCompute(): boolean;
  6619. /** Returns true when the platform supports GPUFences and false if otherwise.
  6620. Note that GPUFences are only supported on PS4. */
  6621. public static get supportsGPUFence(): boolean;
  6622. /** Returns true if asynchronous readback of GPU data is available for this device and false otherwise. */
  6623. public static get supportsAsyncGPUReadback(): boolean;
  6624. /** Is streaming of texture mip maps supported? (Read Only) */
  6625. public static get supportsMipStreaming(): boolean;
  6626. /** Is render texture format supported?
  6627. * @param format The format to look up.
  6628. * @returns True if the format is supported.
  6629. */
  6630. public static SupportsRenderTextureFormat ($format: UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat) : boolean
  6631. /** Is blending supported on render texture format?
  6632. * @param format The format to look up.
  6633. * @returns True if blending is supported on the given format.
  6634. */
  6635. public static SupportsBlendingOnRenderTextureFormat ($format: UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat) : boolean
  6636. /** Is texture format supported on this device?
  6637. * @param format The TextureFormat format to look up.
  6638. * @returns True if the format is supported.
  6639. */
  6640. public static SupportsTextureFormat ($format: UnityEngine.TextureFormat) : boolean
  6641. public static IsFormatSupported ($format: UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat, $usage: UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage) : boolean
  6642. public constructor ()
  6643. }
  6644. /** Enumeration for SystemInfo.batteryStatus which represents the current status of the device's battery. */
  6645. enum BatteryStatus
  6646. { Unknown = 0, Charging = 1, Discharging = 2, NotCharging = 3, Full = 4 }
  6647. /** Enumeration for SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily. */
  6648. enum OperatingSystemFamily
  6649. { Other = 0, MacOSX = 1, Windows = 2, Linux = 3 }
  6650. /** Enumeration for SystemInfo.deviceType, denotes a coarse grouping of kinds of devices. */
  6651. enum DeviceType
  6652. { Unknown = 0, Handheld = 1, Console = 2, Desktop = 3 }
  6653. /** NPOT Texture2D|textures support. */
  6654. enum NPOTSupport
  6655. { None = 0, Restricted = 1, Full = 2 }
  6656. /** Text file assets. */
  6657. class TextAsset extends UnityEngine.Object
  6658. {
  6659. /** The text contents of the .txt file as a string. (Read Only) */
  6660. public get text(): string;
  6661. /** The raw bytes of the text asset. (Read Only) */
  6662. public get bytes(): System.Array$1<number>;
  6663. public constructor ()
  6664. public constructor ($text: string)
  6665. }
  6666. /** Class for handling 3D Textures, Use this to create. */
  6667. class Texture3D extends UnityEngine.Texture
  6668. {
  6669. /** The depth of the texture (Read Only). */
  6670. public get depth(): number;
  6671. /** The format of the pixel data in the texture (Read Only). */
  6672. public get format(): UnityEngine.TextureFormat;
  6673. /** Returns true if this 3D texture is Read/Write Enabled; otherwise returns false. For dynamic textures created from script, always returns true. */
  6674. public get isReadable(): boolean;
  6675. /** Returns an array of pixel colors representing one mip level of the 3D texture. */
  6676. public GetPixels ($miplevel: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>
  6677. public GetPixels () : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>
  6678. /** Returns an array of pixel colors representing one mip level of the 3D texture. */
  6679. public GetPixels32 ($miplevel: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  6680. public GetPixels32 () : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  6681. /** Sets pixel colors of a 3D texture. * @param colors The colors to set the pixels to.
  6682. * @param miplevel The mipmap level to be affected by the new colors.
  6683. */
  6684. public SetPixels ($colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>, $miplevel: number) : void
  6685. public SetPixels ($colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>) : void
  6686. /** Sets pixel colors of a 3D texture. * @param colors The colors to set the pixels to.
  6687. * @param miplevel The mipmap level to be affected by the new colors.
  6688. */
  6689. public SetPixels32 ($colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>, $miplevel: number) : void
  6690. public SetPixels32 ($colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>) : void
  6691. /** Actually apply all previous SetPixels changes. * @param updateMipmaps When set to true, mipmap levels are recalculated.
  6692. * @param makeNoLongerReadable When set to true, system memory copy of a texture is released.
  6693. */
  6694. public Apply ($updateMipmaps: boolean, $makeNoLongerReadable: boolean) : void
  6695. public Apply ($updateMipmaps: boolean) : void
  6696. public Apply () : void
  6697. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number, $depth: number, $format: UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat, $flags: UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags)
  6698. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number, $depth: number, $textureFormat: UnityEngine.TextureFormat, $mipChain: boolean)
  6699. public constructor ()
  6700. }
  6701. /** Class for handling 2D texture arrays. */
  6702. class Texture2DArray extends UnityEngine.Texture
  6703. {
  6704. /** Number of elements in a texture array (Read Only). */
  6705. public get depth(): number;
  6706. /** Texture format (Read Only). */
  6707. public get format(): UnityEngine.TextureFormat;
  6708. /** Returns true if this texture array is Read/Write Enabled; otherwise returns false. For dynamic textures created from script, always returns true. */
  6709. public get isReadable(): boolean;
  6710. /** Returns pixel colors of a single array slice.
  6711. * @param arrayElement Array slice to read pixels from.
  6712. * @param miplevel Mipmap level to read pixels from.
  6713. * @returns Array of pixel colors.
  6714. */
  6715. public GetPixels ($arrayElement: number, $miplevel: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>
  6716. public GetPixels ($arrayElement: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>
  6717. /** Returns pixel colors of a single array slice.
  6718. * @param arrayElement Array slice to read pixels from.
  6719. * @param miplevel Mipmap level to read pixels from.
  6720. * @returns Array of pixel colors in low precision (8 bits/channel) format.
  6721. */
  6722. public GetPixels32 ($arrayElement: number, $miplevel: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  6723. public GetPixels32 ($arrayElement: number) : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  6724. /** Set pixel colors for the whole mip level. * @param colors An array of pixel colors.
  6725. * @param arrayElement The texture array element index.
  6726. * @param miplevel The mip level.
  6727. */
  6728. public SetPixels ($colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>, $arrayElement: number, $miplevel: number) : void
  6729. public SetPixels ($colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color>, $arrayElement: number) : void
  6730. /** Set pixel colors for the whole mip level. * @param colors An array of pixel colors.
  6731. * @param arrayElement The texture array element index.
  6732. * @param miplevel The mip level.
  6733. */
  6734. public SetPixels32 ($colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>, $arrayElement: number, $miplevel: number) : void
  6735. public SetPixels32 ($colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>, $arrayElement: number) : void
  6736. /** Actually apply all previous SetPixels changes. * @param updateMipmaps When set to true, mipmap levels are recalculated.
  6737. * @param makeNoLongerReadable When set to true, system memory copy of a texture is released.
  6738. */
  6739. public Apply ($updateMipmaps: boolean, $makeNoLongerReadable: boolean) : void
  6740. public Apply ($updateMipmaps: boolean) : void
  6741. public Apply () : void
  6742. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number, $depth: number, $format: UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat, $flags: UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags)
  6743. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number, $depth: number, $textureFormat: UnityEngine.TextureFormat, $mipChain: boolean, $linear: boolean)
  6744. public constructor ($width: number, $height: number, $depth: number, $textureFormat: UnityEngine.TextureFormat, $mipChain: boolean)
  6745. public constructor ()
  6746. }
  6747. /** The interface to get time information from Unity. */
  6748. class Time extends System.Object
  6749. {
  6750. /** The time at the beginning of this frame (Read Only). This is the time in seconds since the start of the game. */
  6751. public static get time(): number;
  6752. /** The time this frame has started (Read Only). This is the time in seconds since the last level has been loaded. */
  6753. public static get timeSinceLevelLoad(): number;
  6754. /** The completion time in seconds since the last frame (Read Only). */
  6755. public static get deltaTime(): number;
  6756. /** The time the latest MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate has started (Read Only). This is the time in seconds since the start of the game. */
  6757. public static get fixedTime(): number;
  6758. /** The timeScale-independant time for this frame (Read Only). This is the time in seconds since the start of the game. */
  6759. public static get unscaledTime(): number;
  6760. /** The TimeScale-independant time the latest MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate has started (Read Only). This is the time in seconds since the start of the game. */
  6761. public static get fixedUnscaledTime(): number;
  6762. /** The timeScale-independent interval in seconds from the last frame to the current one (Read Only). */
  6763. public static get unscaledDeltaTime(): number;
  6764. /** The timeScale-independent interval in seconds from the last fixed frame to the current one (Read Only). */
  6765. public static get fixedUnscaledDeltaTime(): number;
  6766. /** The interval in seconds at which physics and other fixed frame rate updates (like MonoBehaviour's MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate) are performed. */
  6767. public static get fixedDeltaTime(): number;
  6768. public static set fixedDeltaTime(value: number);
  6769. /** The maximum time a frame can take. Physics and other fixed frame rate updates (like MonoBehaviour's MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate) will be performed only for this duration of time per frame. */
  6770. public static get maximumDeltaTime(): number;
  6771. public static set maximumDeltaTime(value: number);
  6772. /** A smoothed out Time.deltaTime (Read Only). */
  6773. public static get smoothDeltaTime(): number;
  6774. /** The maximum time a frame can spend on particle updates. If the frame takes longer than this, then updates are split into multiple smaller updates. */
  6775. public static get maximumParticleDeltaTime(): number;
  6776. public static set maximumParticleDeltaTime(value: number);
  6777. /** The scale at which the time is passing. This can be used for slow motion effects. */
  6778. public static get timeScale(): number;
  6779. public static set timeScale(value: number);
  6780. /** The total number of frames that have passed (Read Only). */
  6781. public static get frameCount(): number;
  6782. public static get renderedFrameCount(): number;
  6783. /** The real time in seconds since the game started (Read Only). */
  6784. public static get realtimeSinceStartup(): number;
  6785. /** Slows game playback time to allow screenshots to be saved between frames. */
  6786. public static get captureFramerate(): number;
  6787. public static set captureFramerate(value: number);
  6788. /** Returns true if called inside a fixed time step callback (like MonoBehaviour's MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate), otherwise returns false. */
  6789. public static get inFixedTimeStep(): boolean;
  6790. public constructor ()
  6791. }
  6792. /** Script interface for. */
  6793. class Font extends UnityEngine.Object
  6794. {
  6795. /** The material used for the font display. */
  6796. public get material(): UnityEngine.Material;
  6797. public set material(value: UnityEngine.Material);
  6798. public get fontNames(): System.Array$1<string>;
  6799. public set fontNames(value: System.Array$1<string>);
  6800. /** Is the font a dynamic font. */
  6801. public get dynamic(): boolean;
  6802. /** The ascent of the font. */
  6803. public get ascent(): number;
  6804. /** The default size of the font. */
  6805. public get fontSize(): number;
  6806. /** Access an array of all characters contained in the font texture. */
  6807. public get characterInfo(): System.Array$1<UnityEngine.CharacterInfo>;
  6808. public set characterInfo(value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.CharacterInfo>);
  6809. /** The line height of the font. */
  6810. public get lineHeight(): number;
  6811. public static add_textureRebuilt ($value: System.Action$1<UnityEngine.Font>) : void
  6812. public static remove_textureRebuilt ($value: System.Action$1<UnityEngine.Font>) : void
  6813. /** Creates a Font object which lets you render a font installed on the user machine.
  6814. * @param fontname The name of the OS font to use for this font object.
  6815. * @param size The default character size of the generated font.
  6816. * @param fontnames Am array of names of OS fonts to use for this font object. When rendering characters using this font object, the first font which is installed on the machine, which contains the requested character will be used.
  6817. * @returns The generate Font object.
  6818. */
  6819. public static CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont ($fontname: string, $size: number) : UnityEngine.Font
  6820. /** Creates a Font object which lets you render a font installed on the user machine.
  6821. * @param fontname The name of the OS font to use for this font object.
  6822. * @param size The default character size of the generated font.
  6823. * @param fontnames Am array of names of OS fonts to use for this font object. When rendering characters using this font object, the first font which is installed on the machine, which contains the requested character will be used.
  6824. * @returns The generate Font object.
  6825. */
  6826. public static CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont ($fontnames: System.Array$1<string>, $size: number) : UnityEngine.Font
  6827. /** Returns the maximum number of verts that the text generator may return for a given string. * @param str Input string.
  6828. */
  6829. public static GetMaxVertsForString ($str: string) : number
  6830. /** Does this font have a specific character?
  6831. * @param c The character to check for.
  6832. * @returns Whether or not the font has the character specified.
  6833. */
  6834. public HasCharacter ($c: number) : boolean
  6835. public static GetOSInstalledFontNames () : System.Array$1<string>
  6836. public static GetPathsToOSFonts () : System.Array$1<string>
  6837. /** Get rendering info for a specific character. * @param ch The character you need rendering information for.
  6838. * @param info Returns the CharacterInfo struct with the rendering information for the character (if available).
  6839. * @param size The size of the character (default value of zero will use font default size).
  6840. * @param style The style of the character.
  6841. */
  6842. public GetCharacterInfo ($ch: number, $info: $Ref<UnityEngine.CharacterInfo>, $size: number, $style: UnityEngine.FontStyle) : boolean
  6843. /** Get rendering info for a specific character. * @param ch The character you need rendering information for.
  6844. * @param info Returns the CharacterInfo struct with the rendering information for the character (if available).
  6845. * @param size The size of the character (default value of zero will use font default size).
  6846. * @param style The style of the character.
  6847. */
  6848. public GetCharacterInfo ($ch: number, $info: $Ref<UnityEngine.CharacterInfo>, $size: number) : boolean
  6849. /** Get rendering info for a specific character. * @param ch The character you need rendering information for.
  6850. * @param info Returns the CharacterInfo struct with the rendering information for the character (if available).
  6851. * @param size The size of the character (default value of zero will use font default size).
  6852. * @param style The style of the character.
  6853. */
  6854. public GetCharacterInfo ($ch: number, $info: $Ref<UnityEngine.CharacterInfo>) : boolean
  6855. /** Request characters to be added to the font texture (dynamic fonts only). * @param characters The characters which are needed to be in the font texture.
  6856. * @param size The size of the requested characters (the default value of zero will use the font's default size).
  6857. * @param style The style of the requested characters.
  6858. */
  6859. public RequestCharactersInTexture ($characters: string, $size: number, $style: UnityEngine.FontStyle) : void
  6860. public RequestCharactersInTexture ($characters: string, $size: number) : void
  6861. public RequestCharactersInTexture ($characters: string) : void
  6862. public constructor ()
  6863. public constructor ($name: string)
  6864. }
  6865. /** Specification for how to render a character from the font texture. See Font.characterInfo. */
  6866. class CharacterInfo extends System.ValueType
  6867. {
  6868. }
  6869. /** Font Style applied to GUI Texts, Text Meshes or GUIStyles. */
  6870. enum FontStyle
  6871. { Normal = 0, Bold = 1, Italic = 2, BoldAndItalic = 3 }
  6872. /** Script interface for Particle Systems. */
  6873. class ParticleSystem extends UnityEngine.Component
  6874. {
  6875. /** Determines whether the Particle System is playing. */
  6876. public get isPlaying(): boolean;
  6877. /** Determines whether the Particle System is emitting particles. A Particle System may stop emitting when its emission module has finished, it has been paused or if the system has been stopped using ParticleSystem.Stop|Stop with the ParticleSystemStopBehavior.StopEmitting|StopEmitting flag. Resume emitting by calling ParticleSystem.Play|Play. */
  6878. public get isEmitting(): boolean;
  6879. /** Determines whether the Particle System is stopped. */
  6880. public get isStopped(): boolean;
  6881. /** Determines whether the Particle System is paused. */
  6882. public get isPaused(): boolean;
  6883. /** The current number of particles (Read Only). */
  6884. public get particleCount(): number;
  6885. /** Playback position in seconds. */
  6886. public get time(): number;
  6887. public set time(value: number);
  6888. /** Override the random seed used for the Particle System emission. */
  6889. public get randomSeed(): number;
  6890. public set randomSeed(value: number);
  6891. /** Controls whether the Particle System uses an automatically-generated random number to seed the random number generator. */
  6892. public get useAutoRandomSeed(): boolean;
  6893. public set useAutoRandomSeed(value: boolean);
  6894. /** Does this system support Procedural Simulation? */
  6895. public get proceduralSimulationSupported(): boolean;
  6896. /** Access the main Particle System settings. */
  6897. public get main(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.MainModule;
  6898. /** Script interface for the Particle System emission module. */
  6899. public get emission(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.EmissionModule;
  6900. /** Script interface for the Particle System Shape module. */
  6901. public get shape(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.ShapeModule;
  6902. /** Script interface for the Particle System Velocity over Lifetime module. */
  6903. public get velocityOverLifetime(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.VelocityOverLifetimeModule;
  6904. /** Script interface for the Particle System Limit Velocity over Lifetime module. */
  6905. public get limitVelocityOverLifetime(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.LimitVelocityOverLifetimeModule;
  6906. /** Script interface for the Particle System velocity inheritance module. */
  6907. public get inheritVelocity(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.InheritVelocityModule;
  6908. /** Script interface for the Particle System force over lifetime module. */
  6909. public get forceOverLifetime(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.ForceOverLifetimeModule;
  6910. /** Script interface for the Particle System color over lifetime module. */
  6911. public get colorOverLifetime(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.ColorOverLifetimeModule;
  6912. /** Script interface for the Particle System color by lifetime module. */
  6913. public get colorBySpeed(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.ColorBySpeedModule;
  6914. /** Script interface for the Particle System Size over Lifetime module. */
  6915. public get sizeOverLifetime(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.SizeOverLifetimeModule;
  6916. /** Script interface for the Particle System Size by Speed module. */
  6917. public get sizeBySpeed(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.SizeBySpeedModule;
  6918. /** Script interface for the Particle System Rotation over Lifetime module. */
  6919. public get rotationOverLifetime(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.RotationOverLifetimeModule;
  6920. /** Script interface for the Particle System Rotation by Speed module. */
  6921. public get rotationBySpeed(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.RotationBySpeedModule;
  6922. /** Script interface for the Particle System external forces module. */
  6923. public get externalForces(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.ExternalForcesModule;
  6924. /** Script interface for the Particle System Noise module. */
  6925. public get noise(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.NoiseModule;
  6926. /** Script interface for the Particle System collision module. */
  6927. public get collision(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.CollisionModule;
  6928. /** Script interface for the Particle System Trigger module. */
  6929. public get trigger(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.TriggerModule;
  6930. /** Script interface for the Particle System Sub Emitters module. */
  6931. public get subEmitters(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.SubEmittersModule;
  6932. /** Script interface for the Particle System Texture Sheet Animation module. */
  6933. public get textureSheetAnimation(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.TextureSheetAnimationModule;
  6934. /** Script interface for the Particle System Lights module. */
  6935. public get lights(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.LightsModule;
  6936. /** Script interface for the Particle System Trails module. */
  6937. public get trails(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.TrailModule;
  6938. /** Script interface for the Particle System Custom Data module. */
  6939. public get customData(): UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.CustomDataModule;
  6940. public SetCustomParticleData ($customData: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>, $streamIndex: UnityEngine.ParticleSystemCustomData) : void
  6941. public GetCustomParticleData ($customData: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>, $streamIndex: UnityEngine.ParticleSystemCustomData) : number
  6942. /** Triggers the specified sub emitter on all particles of the Particle System. * @param subEmitterIndex Index of the sub emitter to trigger.
  6943. */
  6944. public TriggerSubEmitter ($subEmitterIndex: number) : void
  6945. public TriggerSubEmitter ($subEmitterIndex: number, $particle: $Ref<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>) : void
  6946. public TriggerSubEmitter ($subEmitterIndex: number, $particles: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>) : void
  6947. public SetParticles ($particles: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>, $size: number, $offset: number) : void
  6948. public SetParticles ($particles: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>, $size: number) : void
  6949. public SetParticles ($particles: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>) : void
  6950. public SetParticles ($particles: Unity.Collections.NativeArray$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>, $size: number, $offset: number) : void
  6951. public SetParticles ($particles: Unity.Collections.NativeArray$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>, $size: number) : void
  6952. public SetParticles ($particles: Unity.Collections.NativeArray$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>) : void
  6953. public GetParticles ($particles: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>, $size: number, $offset: number) : number
  6954. public GetParticles ($particles: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>, $size: number) : number
  6955. public GetParticles ($particles: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>) : number
  6956. public GetParticles ($particles: Unity.Collections.NativeArray$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>, $size: number, $offset: number) : number
  6957. public GetParticles ($particles: Unity.Collections.NativeArray$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>, $size: number) : number
  6958. public GetParticles ($particles: Unity.Collections.NativeArray$1<UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.Particle>) : number
  6959. /** Fast-forwards the Particle System by simulating particles over the given period of time, then pauses it. * @param t Time period in seconds to advance the ParticleSystem simulation by. If restart is true, the ParticleSystem will be reset to 0 time, and then advanced by this value. If restart is false, the ParticleSystem simulation will be advanced in time from its current state by this value.
  6960. * @param withChildren Fast-forward all child Particle Systems as well.
  6961. * @param restart Restart and start from the beginning.
  6962. * @param fixedTimeStep Only update the system at fixed intervals, based on the value in "Fixed Time" in the Time options.
  6963. */
  6964. public Simulate ($t: number, $withChildren: boolean, $restart: boolean, $fixedTimeStep: boolean) : void
  6965. /** Fast-forwards the Particle System by simulating particles over the given period of time, then pauses it. * @param t Time period in seconds to advance the ParticleSystem simulation by. If restart is true, the ParticleSystem will be reset to 0 time, and then advanced by this value. If restart is false, the ParticleSystem simulation will be advanced in time from its current state by this value.
  6966. * @param withChildren Fast-forward all child Particle Systems as well.
  6967. * @param restart Restart and start from the beginning.
  6968. * @param fixedTimeStep Only update the system at fixed intervals, based on the value in "Fixed Time" in the Time options.
  6969. */
  6970. public Simulate ($t: number, $withChildren: boolean, $restart: boolean) : void
  6971. /** Fast-forwards the Particle System by simulating particles over the given period of time, then pauses it. * @param t Time period in seconds to advance the ParticleSystem simulation by. If restart is true, the ParticleSystem will be reset to 0 time, and then advanced by this value. If restart is false, the ParticleSystem simulation will be advanced in time from its current state by this value.
  6972. * @param withChildren Fast-forward all child Particle Systems as well.
  6973. * @param restart Restart and start from the beginning.
  6974. * @param fixedTimeStep Only update the system at fixed intervals, based on the value in "Fixed Time" in the Time options.
  6975. */
  6976. public Simulate ($t: number, $withChildren: boolean) : void
  6977. /** Fast-forwards the Particle System by simulating particles over the given period of time, then pauses it. * @param t Time period in seconds to advance the ParticleSystem simulation by. If restart is true, the ParticleSystem will be reset to 0 time, and then advanced by this value. If restart is false, the ParticleSystem simulation will be advanced in time from its current state by this value.
  6978. * @param withChildren Fast-forward all child Particle Systems as well.
  6979. * @param restart Restart and start from the beginning.
  6980. * @param fixedTimeStep Only update the system at fixed intervals, based on the value in "Fixed Time" in the Time options.
  6981. */
  6982. public Simulate ($t: number) : void
  6983. /** Starts the Particle System. * @param withChildren Play all child Particle Systems as well.
  6984. */
  6985. public Play ($withChildren: boolean) : void
  6986. public Play () : void
  6987. /** Pauses the system so no new particles are emitted and the existing particles are not updated. * @param withChildren Pause all child Particle Systems as well.
  6988. */
  6989. public Pause ($withChildren: boolean) : void
  6990. public Pause () : void
  6991. /** Stops playing the Particle System using the supplied stop behaviour. * @param withChildren Stop all child Particle Systems as well.
  6992. * @param stopBehavior Stop emitting or stop emitting and clear the system.
  6993. */
  6994. public Stop ($withChildren: boolean, $stopBehavior: UnityEngine.ParticleSystemStopBehavior) : void
  6995. /** Stops playing the Particle System using the supplied stop behaviour. * @param withChildren Stop all child Particle Systems as well.
  6996. * @param stopBehavior Stop emitting or stop emitting and clear the system.
  6997. */
  6998. public Stop ($withChildren: boolean) : void
  6999. public Stop () : void
  7000. /** Remove all particles in the Particle System. * @param withChildren Clear all child Particle Systems as well.
  7001. */
  7002. public Clear ($withChildren: boolean) : void
  7003. public Clear () : void
  7004. /** Does the Particle System contain any live particles, or will it produce more?
  7005. * @param withChildren Check all child Particle Systems as well.
  7006. * @returns True if the Particle System contains live particles or is still creating new particles. False if the Particle System has stopped emitting particles and all particles are dead.
  7007. */
  7008. public IsAlive ($withChildren: boolean) : boolean
  7009. public IsAlive () : boolean
  7010. /** Emit count particles immediately. * @param count Number of particles to emit.
  7011. */
  7012. public Emit ($count: number) : void
  7013. public Emit ($emitParams: UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.EmitParams, $count: number) : void
  7014. public static ResetPreMappedBufferMemory () : void
  7015. public constructor ()
  7016. }
  7017. /** Which stream of custom particle data to set. */
  7018. enum ParticleSystemCustomData
  7019. { Custom1 = 0, Custom2 = 1 }
  7020. /** The space to simulate particles in. */
  7021. enum ParticleSystemSimulationSpace
  7022. { Local = 0, World = 1, Custom = 2 }
  7023. /** Control how particle systems apply transform scale. */
  7024. enum ParticleSystemScalingMode
  7025. { Hierarchy = 0, Local = 1, Shape = 2 }
  7026. /** The behavior to apply when calling ParticleSystem.Stop|Stop. */
  7027. enum ParticleSystemStopBehavior
  7028. { StopEmittingAndClear = 0, StopEmitting = 1 }
  7029. /** RenderMode for the Canvas. */
  7030. enum RenderMode
  7031. { ScreenSpaceOverlay = 0, ScreenSpaceCamera = 1, WorldSpace = 2 }
  7032. /** A base class of all colliders. */
  7033. class Collider extends UnityEngine.Component
  7034. {
  7035. }
  7036. /** Structure used to get information back from a raycast. */
  7037. class RaycastHit extends System.ValueType
  7038. {
  7039. }
  7040. /** A mesh collider allows you to do between meshes and primitives. */
  7041. class MeshCollider extends UnityEngine.Collider
  7042. {
  7043. }
  7044. /** Renders meshes inserted by the MeshFilter or TextMesh. */
  7045. class MeshRenderer extends UnityEngine.Renderer
  7046. {
  7047. }
  7048. /** General functionality for all renderers. */
  7049. class Renderer extends UnityEngine.Component
  7050. {
  7051. }
  7052. /** Represents a Sprite object for use in 2D gameplay. */
  7053. class Sprite extends UnityEngine.Object
  7054. {
  7055. }
  7056. /** Types of modifier key that can be active during a keystroke event. */
  7057. enum EventModifiers
  7058. { None = 0, Shift = 1, Control = 2, Alt = 4, Command = 8, Numeric = 16, CapsLock = 32, FunctionKey = 64 }
  7059. }
  7060. namespace UnityEngine.SceneManagement {
  7061. /** Run-time data structure for *.unity file. */
  7062. class Scene extends System.ValueType
  7063. {
  7064. }
  7065. }
  7066. namespace UnityEngine.Playables {
  7067. /** Use the PlayableGraph to manage Playable creations and destructions. */
  7068. class PlayableGraph extends System.ValueType
  7069. {
  7070. }
  7071. }
  7072. namespace UnityEngine.AudioClip {
  7073. interface PCMReaderCallback
  7074. { (data: System.Array$1<number>) : void; }
  7075. var PCMReaderCallback: { new (func: (data: System.Array$1<number>) => void): PCMReaderCallback; }
  7076. interface PCMSetPositionCallback
  7077. { (position: number) : void; }
  7078. var PCMSetPositionCallback: { new (func: (position: number) => void): PCMSetPositionCallback; }
  7079. }
  7080. namespace UnityEngine.Audio {
  7081. /** Object representing a group in the mixer. */
  7082. class AudioMixerGroup extends UnityEngine.Object implements UnityEngine.Internal.ISubAssetNotDuplicatable
  7083. {
  7084. }
  7085. }
  7086. namespace UnityEngine.Internal {
  7087. interface ISubAssetNotDuplicatable
  7088. {
  7089. }
  7090. }
  7091. namespace UnityEngine.Rendering {
  7092. /** Texture "dimension" (type). */
  7093. enum TextureDimension
  7094. { Unknown = -1, None = 0, Any = 1, Tex2D = 2, Tex3D = 3, Cube = 4, Tex2DArray = 5, CubeArray = 6 }
  7095. /** Opaque object sorting mode of a Camera. */
  7096. enum OpaqueSortMode
  7097. { Default = 0, FrontToBack = 1, NoDistanceSort = 2 }
  7098. /** Defines a place in camera's rendering to attach Rendering.CommandBuffer objects to. */
  7099. enum CameraEvent
  7100. { BeforeDepthTexture = 0, AfterDepthTexture = 1, BeforeDepthNormalsTexture = 2, AfterDepthNormalsTexture = 3, BeforeGBuffer = 4, AfterGBuffer = 5, BeforeLighting = 6, AfterLighting = 7, BeforeFinalPass = 8, AfterFinalPass = 9, BeforeForwardOpaque = 10, AfterForwardOpaque = 11, BeforeImageEffectsOpaque = 12, AfterImageEffectsOpaque = 13, BeforeSkybox = 14, AfterSkybox = 15, BeforeForwardAlpha = 16, AfterForwardAlpha = 17, BeforeImageEffects = 18, AfterImageEffects = 19, AfterEverything = 20, BeforeReflections = 21, AfterReflections = 22, BeforeHaloAndLensFlares = 23, AfterHaloAndLensFlares = 24 }
  7101. /** List of graphics commands to execute. */
  7102. class CommandBuffer extends System.Object implements System.IDisposable
  7103. {
  7104. }
  7105. /** Describes the desired characteristics with respect to prioritisation and load balancing of the queue that a command buffer being submitted via Graphics.ExecuteCommandBufferAsync or [[ScriptableRenderContext.ExecuteCommandBufferAsync] should be sent to. */
  7106. enum ComputeQueueType
  7107. { Default = 0, Background = 1, Urgent = 2 }
  7108. enum ShaderHardwareTier
  7109. { Tier1 = 0, Tier2 = 1, Tier3 = 2 }
  7110. /** Graphics Tier.
  7111. See Also: Graphics.activeTier. */
  7112. enum GraphicsTier
  7113. { Tier1 = 0, Tier2 = 1, Tier3 = 2 }
  7114. /** Used to manage synchronisation between tasks on async compute queues and the graphics queue. */
  7115. class GPUFence extends System.ValueType
  7116. {
  7117. }
  7118. /** Broadly describes the stages of processing a draw call on the GPU. */
  7119. enum SynchronisationStage
  7120. { VertexProcessing = 0, PixelProcessing = 1 }
  7121. /** How shadows are cast from this object. */
  7122. enum ShadowCastingMode
  7123. { Off = 0, On = 1, TwoSided = 2, ShadowsOnly = 3 }
  7124. /** Light probe interpolation type. */
  7125. enum LightProbeUsage
  7126. { Off = 0, BlendProbes = 1, UseProxyVolume = 2, CustomProvided = 4 }
  7127. /** Format of the mesh index buffer data. */
  7128. enum IndexFormat
  7129. { UInt16 = 0, UInt32 = 1 }
  7130. /** Graphics device API type. */
  7131. enum GraphicsDeviceType
  7132. { OpenGL2 = 0, Direct3D9 = 1, Direct3D11 = 2, PlayStation3 = 3, Null = 4, Xbox360 = 6, OpenGLES2 = 8, OpenGLES3 = 11, PlayStationVita = 12, PlayStation4 = 13, XboxOne = 14, PlayStationMobile = 15, Metal = 16, OpenGLCore = 17, Direct3D12 = 18, N3DS = 19, Vulkan = 21, Switch = 22, XboxOneD3D12 = 23 }
  7133. /** Support for various Graphics.CopyTexture cases. */
  7134. enum CopyTextureSupport
  7135. { None = 0, Basic = 1, Copy3D = 2, DifferentTypes = 4, TextureToRT = 8, RTToTexture = 16 }
  7136. /** Blend mode for controlling the blending. */
  7137. enum BlendMode
  7138. { Zero = 0, One = 1, DstColor = 2, SrcColor = 3, OneMinusDstColor = 4, SrcAlpha = 5, OneMinusSrcColor = 6, DstAlpha = 7, OneMinusDstAlpha = 8, SrcAlphaSaturate = 9, OneMinusSrcAlpha = 10 }
  7139. }
  7140. namespace UnityEngine.Application {
  7141. interface AdvertisingIdentifierCallback
  7142. { (advertisingId: string, trackingEnabled: boolean, errorMsg: string) : void; }
  7143. var AdvertisingIdentifierCallback: { new (func: (advertisingId: string, trackingEnabled: boolean, errorMsg: string) => void): AdvertisingIdentifierCallback; }
  7144. interface LowMemoryCallback
  7145. { () : void; }
  7146. var LowMemoryCallback: { new (func: () => void): LowMemoryCallback; }
  7147. interface LogCallback
  7148. { (condition: string, stackTrace: string, type: UnityEngine.LogType) : void; }
  7149. var LogCallback: { new (func: (condition: string, stackTrace: string, type: UnityEngine.LogType) => void): LogCallback; }
  7150. }
  7151. namespace UnityEngine.Events {
  7152. /** Zero argument delegate used by UnityEvents. */
  7153. interface UnityAction
  7154. { () : void; }
  7155. var UnityAction: { new (func: () => void): UnityAction; }
  7156. }
  7157. namespace UnityEngine.Camera {
  7158. interface CameraCallback
  7159. { (cam: UnityEngine.Camera) : void; }
  7160. var CameraCallback: { new (func: (cam: UnityEngine.Camera) => void): CameraCallback; }
  7161. enum GateFitMode
  7162. { Vertical = 1, Horizontal = 2, Fill = 3, Overscan = 4, None = 0 }
  7163. enum MonoOrStereoscopicEye
  7164. { Left = 0, Right = 1, Mono = 2 }
  7165. class GateFitParameters extends System.ValueType
  7166. {
  7167. }
  7168. enum StereoscopicEye
  7169. { Left = 0, Right = 1 }
  7170. }
  7171. namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering {
  7172. /** Use this format to create either Textures or RenderTextures from scripts. */
  7173. enum GraphicsFormat
  7174. { None = 0, R8_SRGB = 1, R8G8_SRGB = 2, R8G8B8_SRGB = 3, R8G8B8A8_SRGB = 4, R8_UNorm = 5, R8G8_UNorm = 6, R8G8B8_UNorm = 7, R8G8B8A8_UNorm = 8, R8_SNorm = 9, R8G8_SNorm = 10, R8G8B8_SNorm = 11, R8G8B8A8_SNorm = 12, R8_UInt = 13, R8G8_UInt = 14, R8G8B8_UInt = 15, R8G8B8A8_UInt = 16, R8_SInt = 17, R8G8_SInt = 18, R8G8B8_SInt = 19, R8G8B8A8_SInt = 20, R16_UNorm = 21, R16G16_UNorm = 22, R16G16B16_UNorm = 23, R16G16B16A16_UNorm = 24, R16_SNorm = 25, R16G16_SNorm = 26, R16G16B16_SNorm = 27, R16G16B16A16_SNorm = 28, R16_UInt = 29, R16G16_UInt = 30, R16G16B16_UInt = 31, R16G16B16A16_UInt = 32, R16_SInt = 33, R16G16_SInt = 34, R16G16B16_SInt = 35, R16G16B16A16_SInt = 36, R32_UInt = 37, R32G32_UInt = 38, R32G32B32_UInt = 39, R32G32B32A32_UInt = 40, R32_SInt = 41, R32G32_SInt = 42, R32G32B32_SInt = 43, R32G32B32A32_SInt = 44, R16_SFloat = 45, R16G16_SFloat = 46, R16G16B16_SFloat = 47, R16G16B16A16_SFloat = 48, R32_SFloat = 49, R32G32_SFloat = 50, R32G32B32_SFloat = 51, R32G32B32A32_SFloat = 52, B8G8R8_SRGB = 56, B8G8R8A8_SRGB = 57, B8G8R8_UNorm = 58, B8G8R8A8_UNorm = 59, B8G8R8_SNorm = 60, B8G8R8A8_SNorm = 61, B8G8R8_UInt = 62, B8G8R8A8_UInt = 63, B8G8R8_SInt = 64, B8G8R8A8_SInt = 65, R4G4B4A4_UNormPack16 = 66, B4G4R4A4_UNormPack16 = 67, R5G6B5_UNormPack16 = 68, B5G6R5_UNormPack16 = 69, R5G5B5A1_UNormPack16 = 70, B5G5R5A1_UNormPack16 = 71, A1R5G5B5_UNormPack16 = 72, E5B9G9R9_UFloatPack32 = 73, B10G11R11_UFloatPack32 = 74, A2B10G10R10_UNormPack32 = 75, A2B10G10R10_UIntPack32 = 76, A2B10G10R10_SIntPack32 = 77, A2R10G10B10_UNormPack32 = 78, A2R10G10B10_UIntPack32 = 79, A2R10G10B10_SIntPack32 = 80, A2R10G10B10_XRSRGBPack32 = 81, A2R10G10B10_XRUNormPack32 = 82, R10G10B10_XRSRGBPack32 = 83, R10G10B10_XRUNormPack32 = 84, A10R10G10B10_XRSRGBPack32 = 85, A10R10G10B10_XRUNormPack32 = 86, D16_UNorm = 90, D24_UNorm = 91, D24_UNorm_S8_UInt = 92, D32_SFloat = 93, D32_SFloat_S8_Uint = 94, S8_Uint = 95, RGB_DXT1_SRGB = 96, RGBA_DXT1_SRGB = 96, RGB_DXT1_UNorm = 97, RGBA_DXT1_UNorm = 97, RGBA_DXT3_SRGB = 98, RGBA_DXT3_UNorm = 99, RGBA_DXT5_SRGB = 100, RGBA_DXT5_UNorm = 101, R_BC4_UNorm = 102, R_BC4_SNorm = 103, RG_BC5_UNorm = 104, RG_BC5_SNorm = 105, RGB_BC6H_UFloat = 106, RGB_BC6H_SFloat = 107, RGBA_BC7_SRGB = 108, RGBA_BC7_UNorm = 109, RGB_PVRTC_2Bpp_SRGB = 110, RGB_PVRTC_2Bpp_UNorm = 111, RGB_PVRTC_4Bpp_SRGB = 112, RGB_PVRTC_4Bpp_UNorm = 113, RGBA_PVRTC_2Bpp_SRGB = 114, RGBA_PVRTC_2Bpp_UNorm = 115, RGBA_PVRTC_4Bpp_SRGB = 116, RGBA_PVRTC_4Bpp_UNorm = 117, RGB_ETC_UNorm = 118, RGB_ETC2_SRGB = 119, RGB_ETC2_UNorm = 120, RGB_A1_ETC2_SRGB = 121, RGB_A1_ETC2_UNorm = 122, RGBA_ETC2_SRGB = 123, RGBA_ETC2_UNorm = 124, R_EAC_UNorm = 125, R_EAC_SNorm = 126, RG_EAC_UNorm = 127, RG_EAC_SNorm = 128, RGBA_ASTC4X4_SRGB = 129, RGBA_ASTC4X4_UNorm = 130, RGBA_ASTC5X5_SRGB = 131, RGBA_ASTC5X5_UNorm = 132, RGBA_ASTC6X6_SRGB = 133, RGBA_ASTC6X6_UNorm = 134, RGBA_ASTC8X8_SRGB = 135, RGBA_ASTC8X8_UNorm = 136, RGBA_ASTC10X10_SRGB = 137, RGBA_ASTC10X10_UNorm = 138, RGBA_ASTC12X12_SRGB = 139, RGBA_ASTC12X12_UNorm = 140 }
  7175. enum TextureCreationFlags
  7176. { None = 0, MipChain = 1, Crunch = 64 }
  7177. /** Use this format usages to figure out the capabilities of specific GraphicsFormat */
  7178. enum FormatUsage
  7179. { Sample = 0, Linear = 1, Render = 3, Blend = 4, LoadStore = 8, MSAA2x = 9, MSAA4x = 10, MSAA8x = 11 }
  7180. }
  7181. namespace UnityEngine.Display {
  7182. interface DisplaysUpdatedDelegate
  7183. { () : void; }
  7184. var DisplaysUpdatedDelegate: { new (func: () => void): DisplaysUpdatedDelegate; }
  7185. }
  7186. namespace Unity.Collections {
  7187. class NativeArray$1<T> extends System.ValueType implements System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.IDisposable, System.IEquatable$1<Unity.Collections.NativeArray$1<T>>, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<T>
  7188. {
  7189. }
  7190. }
  7191. namespace UnityEngine.Random {
  7192. class State extends System.ValueType
  7193. {
  7194. }
  7195. }
  7196. namespace UnityEngine.Font {
  7197. interface FontTextureRebuildCallback
  7198. { () : void; }
  7199. var FontTextureRebuildCallback: { new (func: () => void): FontTextureRebuildCallback; }
  7200. }
  7201. namespace UnityEngine.ParticleSystem {
  7202. class Particle extends System.ValueType
  7203. {
  7204. }
  7205. class MainModule extends System.ValueType
  7206. {
  7207. }
  7208. class EmissionModule extends System.ValueType
  7209. {
  7210. }
  7211. class ShapeModule extends System.ValueType
  7212. {
  7213. }
  7214. class VelocityOverLifetimeModule extends System.ValueType
  7215. {
  7216. }
  7217. class LimitVelocityOverLifetimeModule extends System.ValueType
  7218. {
  7219. }
  7220. class InheritVelocityModule extends System.ValueType
  7221. {
  7222. }
  7223. class ForceOverLifetimeModule extends System.ValueType
  7224. {
  7225. }
  7226. class ColorOverLifetimeModule extends System.ValueType
  7227. {
  7228. }
  7229. class ColorBySpeedModule extends System.ValueType
  7230. {
  7231. }
  7232. class SizeOverLifetimeModule extends System.ValueType
  7233. {
  7234. }
  7235. class SizeBySpeedModule extends System.ValueType
  7236. {
  7237. }
  7238. class RotationOverLifetimeModule extends System.ValueType
  7239. {
  7240. }
  7241. class RotationBySpeedModule extends System.ValueType
  7242. {
  7243. }
  7244. class ExternalForcesModule extends System.ValueType
  7245. {
  7246. }
  7247. class NoiseModule extends System.ValueType
  7248. {
  7249. }
  7250. class CollisionModule extends System.ValueType
  7251. {
  7252. }
  7253. class TriggerModule extends System.ValueType
  7254. {
  7255. }
  7256. class SubEmittersModule extends System.ValueType
  7257. {
  7258. }
  7259. class TextureSheetAnimationModule extends System.ValueType
  7260. {
  7261. }
  7262. class LightsModule extends System.ValueType
  7263. {
  7264. }
  7265. class TrailModule extends System.ValueType
  7266. {
  7267. }
  7268. class CustomDataModule extends System.ValueType
  7269. {
  7270. }
  7271. class EmitParams extends System.ValueType
  7272. {
  7273. }
  7274. }
  7275. namespace FairyEditor.Dialog {
  7276. class DialogBase extends FairyGUI.Window implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  7277. {
  7278. public __actionHandler : System.Action
  7279. public __cancelHandler : System.Action
  7280. public Center ($restraint: boolean) : void
  7281. public Center():void
  7282. public ActionHandler () : void
  7283. public CancelHandler () : void
  7284. public constructor ()
  7285. }
  7286. }
  7287. namespace FairyGUI {
  7288. class Window extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  7289. {
  7290. public bringToFontOnClick : boolean
  7291. public __onInit : System.Action
  7292. public __onShown : System.Action
  7293. public __onHide : System.Action
  7294. public __doShowAnimation : System.Action
  7295. public __doHideAnimation : System.Action
  7296. public get contentPane(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  7297. public set contentPane(value: FairyGUI.GComponent);
  7298. public get frame(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  7299. public get closeButton(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  7300. public set closeButton(value: FairyGUI.GObject);
  7301. public get dragArea(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  7302. public set dragArea(value: FairyGUI.GObject);
  7303. public get contentArea(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  7304. public set contentArea(value: FairyGUI.GObject);
  7305. public get modalWaitingPane(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  7306. public get isShowing(): boolean;
  7307. public get isTop(): boolean;
  7308. public get modal(): boolean;
  7309. public set modal(value: boolean);
  7310. public get modalWaiting(): boolean;
  7311. public AddUISource ($source: FairyGUI.IUISource) : void
  7312. public Show () : void
  7313. public ShowOn ($r: FairyGUI.GRoot) : void
  7314. public Hide () : void
  7315. public HideImmediately () : void
  7316. public CenterOn ($r: FairyGUI.GRoot, $restraint: boolean) : void
  7317. public ToggleStatus () : void
  7318. public BringToFront () : void
  7319. public ShowModalWait () : void
  7320. public ShowModalWait ($requestingCmd: number) : void
  7321. public CloseModalWait () : boolean
  7322. public CloseModalWait ($requestingCmd: number) : boolean
  7323. public Init () : void
  7324. public constructor ()
  7325. }
  7326. class GComponent extends FairyGUI.GObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  7327. {
  7328. public __onConstruct : System.Action
  7329. public __onDispose : System.Action
  7330. public get rootContainer(): FairyGUI.Container;
  7331. public get container(): FairyGUI.Container;
  7332. public get scrollPane(): FairyGUI.ScrollPane;
  7333. public get onDrop(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7334. public get fairyBatching(): boolean;
  7335. public set fairyBatching(value: boolean);
  7336. public get opaque(): boolean;
  7337. public set opaque(value: boolean);
  7338. public get margin(): FairyGUI.Margin;
  7339. public set margin(value: FairyGUI.Margin);
  7340. public get childrenRenderOrder(): FairyGUI.ChildrenRenderOrder;
  7341. public set childrenRenderOrder(value: FairyGUI.ChildrenRenderOrder);
  7342. public get apexIndex(): number;
  7343. public set apexIndex(value: number);
  7344. public get tabStopChildren(): boolean;
  7345. public set tabStopChildren(value: boolean);
  7346. public get numChildren(): number;
  7347. public get Controllers(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.Controller>;
  7348. public get clipSoftness(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7349. public set clipSoftness(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7350. public get mask(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  7351. public set mask(value: FairyGUI.DisplayObject);
  7352. public get reversedMask(): boolean;
  7353. public set reversedMask(value: boolean);
  7354. public get baseUserData(): string;
  7355. public get viewWidth(): number;
  7356. public set viewWidth(value: number);
  7357. public get viewHeight(): number;
  7358. public set viewHeight(value: number);
  7359. public InvalidateBatchingState ($childChanged: boolean) : void
  7360. public AddChild ($child: FairyGUI.GObject) : FairyGUI.GObject
  7361. public AddChildAt ($child: FairyGUI.GObject, $index: number) : FairyGUI.GObject
  7362. public RemoveChild ($child: FairyGUI.GObject) : FairyGUI.GObject
  7363. public RemoveChild ($child: FairyGUI.GObject, $dispose: boolean) : FairyGUI.GObject
  7364. public RemoveChildAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.GObject
  7365. public RemoveChildAt ($index: number, $dispose: boolean) : FairyGUI.GObject
  7366. public RemoveChildren () : void
  7367. public RemoveChildren ($beginIndex: number, $endIndex: number, $dispose: boolean) : void
  7368. public GetChildAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.GObject
  7369. public GetChild ($name: string) : FairyGUI.GObject
  7370. public GetChildByPath ($path: string) : FairyGUI.GObject
  7371. public GetVisibleChild ($name: string) : FairyGUI.GObject
  7372. public GetChildInGroup ($group: FairyGUI.GGroup, $name: string) : FairyGUI.GObject
  7373. public GetChildren () : System.Array$1<FairyGUI.GObject>
  7374. public GetChildIndex ($child: FairyGUI.GObject) : number
  7375. public SetChildIndex ($child: FairyGUI.GObject, $index: number) : void
  7376. public SetChildIndexBefore ($child: FairyGUI.GObject, $index: number) : number
  7377. public SwapChildren ($child1: FairyGUI.GObject, $child2: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  7378. public SwapChildrenAt ($index1: number, $index2: number) : void
  7379. public IsAncestorOf ($obj: FairyGUI.GObject) : boolean
  7380. public ChangeChildrenOrder ($objs: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<FairyGUI.GObject>) : void
  7381. public AddController ($controller: FairyGUI.Controller) : void
  7382. public GetControllerAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.Controller
  7383. public GetController ($name: string) : FairyGUI.Controller
  7384. public RemoveController ($c: FairyGUI.Controller) : void
  7385. public GetTransitionAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.Transition
  7386. public GetTransition ($name: string) : FairyGUI.Transition
  7387. public IsChildInView ($child: FairyGUI.GObject) : boolean
  7388. public GetFirstChildInView () : number
  7389. public SetBoundsChangedFlag () : void
  7390. public EnsureBoundsCorrect () : void
  7391. public GetSnappingPosition ($xValue: $Ref<number>, $yValue: $Ref<number>) : void
  7392. public GetSnappingPositionWithDir ($xValue: $Ref<number>, $yValue: $Ref<number>, $xDir: number, $yDir: number) : void
  7393. public ConstructFromXML ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  7394. public constructor ()
  7395. public InvalidateBatchingState () : void
  7396. }
  7397. class GObject extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  7398. {
  7399. public name : string
  7400. public data : any
  7401. public sourceWidth : number
  7402. public sourceHeight : number
  7403. public initWidth : number
  7404. public initHeight : number
  7405. public minWidth : number
  7406. public maxWidth : number
  7407. public minHeight : number
  7408. public maxHeight : number
  7409. public dragBounds : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Rect>
  7410. public packageItem : FairyGUI.PackageItem
  7411. public get id(): string;
  7412. public get relations(): FairyGUI.Relations;
  7413. public get parent(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  7414. public get displayObject(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  7415. public static get draggingObject(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  7416. public get onClick(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7417. public get onRightClick(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7418. public get onTouchBegin(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7419. public get onTouchMove(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7420. public get onTouchEnd(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7421. public get onRollOver(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7422. public get onRollOut(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7423. public get onAddedToStage(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7424. public get onRemovedFromStage(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7425. public get onKeyDown(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7426. public get onClickLink(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7427. public get onPositionChanged(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7428. public get onSizeChanged(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7429. public get onDragStart(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7430. public get onDragMove(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7431. public get onDragEnd(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7432. public get onGearStop(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7433. public get onFocusIn(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7434. public get onFocusOut(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7435. public get x(): number;
  7436. public set x(value: number);
  7437. public get y(): number;
  7438. public set y(value: number);
  7439. public get z(): number;
  7440. public set z(value: number);
  7441. public get xy(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7442. public set xy(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7443. public get position(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  7444. public set position(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  7445. public get width(): number;
  7446. public set width(value: number);
  7447. public get height(): number;
  7448. public set height(value: number);
  7449. public get size(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7450. public set size(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7451. public get actualWidth(): number;
  7452. public get actualHeight(): number;
  7453. public get xMin(): number;
  7454. public set xMin(value: number);
  7455. public get yMin(): number;
  7456. public set yMin(value: number);
  7457. public get scaleX(): number;
  7458. public set scaleX(value: number);
  7459. public get scaleY(): number;
  7460. public set scaleY(value: number);
  7461. public get scale(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7462. public set scale(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7463. public get skew(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7464. public set skew(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7465. public get pivotX(): number;
  7466. public set pivotX(value: number);
  7467. public get pivotY(): number;
  7468. public set pivotY(value: number);
  7469. public get pivot(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7470. public set pivot(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7471. public get pivotAsAnchor(): boolean;
  7472. public set pivotAsAnchor(value: boolean);
  7473. public get touchable(): boolean;
  7474. public set touchable(value: boolean);
  7475. public get grayed(): boolean;
  7476. public set grayed(value: boolean);
  7477. public get enabled(): boolean;
  7478. public set enabled(value: boolean);
  7479. public get rotation(): number;
  7480. public set rotation(value: number);
  7481. public get rotationX(): number;
  7482. public set rotationX(value: number);
  7483. public get rotationY(): number;
  7484. public set rotationY(value: number);
  7485. public get alpha(): number;
  7486. public set alpha(value: number);
  7487. public get visible(): boolean;
  7488. public set visible(value: boolean);
  7489. public get sortingOrder(): number;
  7490. public set sortingOrder(value: number);
  7491. public get focusable(): boolean;
  7492. public set focusable(value: boolean);
  7493. public get tabStop(): boolean;
  7494. public set tabStop(value: boolean);
  7495. public get focused(): boolean;
  7496. public get tooltips(): string;
  7497. public set tooltips(value: string);
  7498. public get cursor(): string;
  7499. public set cursor(value: string);
  7500. public get filter(): FairyGUI.IFilter;
  7501. public set filter(value: FairyGUI.IFilter);
  7502. public get blendMode(): FairyGUI.BlendMode;
  7503. public set blendMode(value: FairyGUI.BlendMode);
  7504. public get gameObjectName(): string;
  7505. public set gameObjectName(value: string);
  7506. public get inContainer(): boolean;
  7507. public get onStage(): boolean;
  7508. public get resourceURL(): string;
  7509. public get gearXY(): FairyGUI.GearXY;
  7510. public get gearSize(): FairyGUI.GearSize;
  7511. public get gearLook(): FairyGUI.GearLook;
  7512. public get group(): FairyGUI.GGroup;
  7513. public set group(value: FairyGUI.GGroup);
  7514. public get root(): FairyGUI.GRoot;
  7515. public get text(): string;
  7516. public set text(value: string);
  7517. public get icon(): string;
  7518. public set icon(value: string);
  7519. public get draggable(): boolean;
  7520. public set draggable(value: boolean);
  7521. public get dragging(): boolean;
  7522. public get isDisposed(): boolean;
  7523. public get asImage(): FairyGUI.GImage;
  7524. public get asCom(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  7525. public get asButton(): FairyGUI.GButton;
  7526. public get asLabel(): FairyGUI.GLabel;
  7527. public get asProgress(): FairyGUI.GProgressBar;
  7528. public get asSlider(): FairyGUI.GSlider;
  7529. public get asComboBox(): FairyGUI.GComboBox;
  7530. public get asTextField(): FairyGUI.GTextField;
  7531. public get asRichTextField(): FairyGUI.GRichTextField;
  7532. public get asTextInput(): FairyGUI.GTextInput;
  7533. public get asLoader(): FairyGUI.GLoader;
  7534. public get asLoader3D(): FairyGUI.GLoader3D;
  7535. public get asList(): FairyGUI.GList;
  7536. public get asGraph(): FairyGUI.GGraph;
  7537. public get asGroup(): FairyGUI.GGroup;
  7538. public get asMovieClip(): FairyGUI.GMovieClip;
  7539. public get asTree(): FairyGUI.GTree;
  7540. public get treeNode(): FairyGUI.GTreeNode;
  7541. public SetXY ($xv: number, $yv: number) : void
  7542. public SetXY ($xv: number, $yv: number, $topLeftValue: boolean) : void
  7543. public SetPosition ($xv: number, $yv: number, $zv: number) : void
  7544. public Center () : void
  7545. public Center ($restraint: boolean) : void
  7546. public MakeFullScreen () : void
  7547. public SetSize ($wv: number, $hv: number) : void
  7548. public SetSize ($wv: number, $hv: number, $ignorePivot: boolean) : void
  7549. public SetScale ($wv: number, $hv: number) : void
  7550. public SetPivot ($xv: number, $yv: number) : void
  7551. public SetPivot ($xv: number, $yv: number, $asAnchor: boolean) : void
  7552. public RequestFocus () : void
  7553. public RequestFocus ($byKey: boolean) : void
  7554. public SetHome ($obj: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  7555. public GetGear ($index: number) : FairyGUI.GearBase
  7556. public InvalidateBatchingState () : void
  7557. public HandleControllerChanged ($c: FairyGUI.Controller) : void
  7558. public AddRelation ($target: FairyGUI.GObject, $relationType: FairyGUI.RelationType) : void
  7559. public AddRelation ($target: FairyGUI.GObject, $relationType: FairyGUI.RelationType, $usePercent: boolean) : void
  7560. public RemoveRelation ($target: FairyGUI.GObject, $relationType: FairyGUI.RelationType) : void
  7561. public RemoveFromParent () : void
  7562. public StartDrag () : void
  7563. public StartDrag ($touchId: number) : void
  7564. public StopDrag () : void
  7565. public LocalToGlobal ($pt: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  7566. public GlobalToLocal ($pt: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  7567. public LocalToGlobal ($rect: UnityEngine.Rect) : UnityEngine.Rect
  7568. public GlobalToLocal ($rect: UnityEngine.Rect) : UnityEngine.Rect
  7569. public LocalToRoot ($pt: UnityEngine.Vector2, $r: FairyGUI.GRoot) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  7570. public RootToLocal ($pt: UnityEngine.Vector2, $r: FairyGUI.GRoot) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  7571. public WorldToLocal ($pt: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  7572. public WorldToLocal ($pt: UnityEngine.Vector3, $camera: UnityEngine.Camera) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  7573. public TransformPoint ($pt: UnityEngine.Vector2, $targetSpace: FairyGUI.GObject) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  7574. public TransformRect ($rect: UnityEngine.Rect, $targetSpace: FairyGUI.GObject) : UnityEngine.Rect
  7575. public Dispose () : void
  7576. public ConstructFromResource () : void
  7577. public Setup_BeforeAdd ($buffer: FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer, $beginPos: number) : void
  7578. public Setup_AfterAdd ($buffer: FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer, $beginPos: number) : void
  7579. public TweenMove ($endValue: UnityEngine.Vector2, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  7580. public TweenMoveX ($endValue: number, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  7581. public TweenMoveY ($endValue: number, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  7582. public TweenScale ($endValue: UnityEngine.Vector2, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  7583. public TweenScaleX ($endValue: number, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  7584. public TweenScaleY ($endValue: number, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  7585. public TweenResize ($endValue: UnityEngine.Vector2, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  7586. public TweenFade ($endValue: number, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  7587. public TweenRotate ($endValue: number, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  7588. public constructor ()
  7589. }
  7590. class EventDispatcher extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  7591. {
  7592. public AddEventListener ($strType: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  7593. public AddEventListener ($strType: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback0) : void
  7594. public RemoveEventListener ($strType: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  7595. public RemoveEventListener ($strType: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback0) : void
  7596. public AddCapture ($strType: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  7597. public RemoveCapture ($strType: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  7598. public RemoveEventListeners () : void
  7599. public RemoveEventListeners ($strType: string) : void
  7600. public hasEventListeners ($strType: string) : boolean
  7601. public isDispatching ($strType: string) : boolean
  7602. public DispatchEvent ($strType: string) : boolean
  7603. public DispatchEvent ($strType: string, $data: any) : boolean
  7604. public DispatchEvent ($strType: string, $data: any, $initiator: any) : boolean
  7605. public DispatchEvent ($context: FairyGUI.EventContext) : boolean
  7606. public BubbleEvent ($strType: string, $data: any) : boolean
  7607. public BroadcastEvent ($strType: string, $data: any) : boolean
  7608. public constructor ()
  7609. }
  7610. interface IEventDispatcher
  7611. {
  7612. AddEventListener ($strType: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback0) : void
  7613. AddEventListener ($strType: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  7614. RemoveEventListener ($strType: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback0) : void
  7615. RemoveEventListener ($strType: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  7616. DispatchEvent ($context: FairyGUI.EventContext) : boolean
  7617. DispatchEvent ($strType: string) : boolean
  7618. DispatchEvent ($strType: string, $data: any) : boolean
  7619. DispatchEvent ($strType: string, $data: any, $initiator: any) : boolean
  7620. }
  7621. class GRoot extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  7622. {
  7623. public static get contentScaleFactor(): number;
  7624. public static get contentScaleLevel(): number;
  7625. public static get inst(): FairyGUI.GRoot;
  7626. public get modalLayer(): FairyGUI.GGraph;
  7627. public get hasModalWindow(): boolean;
  7628. public get modalWaiting(): boolean;
  7629. public get touchTarget(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  7630. public get hasAnyPopup(): boolean;
  7631. public get focus(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  7632. public set focus(value: FairyGUI.GObject);
  7633. public get soundVolume(): number;
  7634. public set soundVolume(value: number);
  7635. public SetContentScaleFactor ($designResolutionX: number, $designResolutionY: number) : void
  7636. public SetContentScaleFactor ($designResolutionX: number, $designResolutionY: number, $screenMatchMode: FairyGUI.UIContentScaler.ScreenMatchMode) : void
  7637. public SetContentScaleFactor ($constantScaleFactor: number) : void
  7638. public ApplyContentScaleFactor () : void
  7639. public ShowWindow ($win: FairyGUI.Window) : void
  7640. public HideWindow ($win: FairyGUI.Window) : void
  7641. public HideWindowImmediately ($win: FairyGUI.Window) : void
  7642. public HideWindowImmediately ($win: FairyGUI.Window, $dispose: boolean) : void
  7643. public BringToFront ($win: FairyGUI.Window) : void
  7644. public ShowModalWait () : void
  7645. public CloseModalWait () : void
  7646. public CloseAllExceptModals () : void
  7647. public CloseAllWindows () : void
  7648. public GetTopWindow () : FairyGUI.Window
  7649. public DisplayObjectToGObject ($obj: FairyGUI.DisplayObject) : FairyGUI.GObject
  7650. public ShowPopup ($popup: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  7651. public ShowPopup ($popup: FairyGUI.GObject, $target: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  7652. public ShowPopup ($popup: FairyGUI.GObject, $target: FairyGUI.GObject, $dir: FairyGUI.PopupDirection) : void
  7653. public ShowPopup ($popup: FairyGUI.GObject, $target: FairyGUI.GObject, $dir: FairyGUI.PopupDirection, $closeUntilUpEvent: boolean) : void
  7654. public GetPoupPosition ($popup: FairyGUI.GObject, $target: FairyGUI.GObject, $dir: FairyGUI.PopupDirection) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  7655. public TogglePopup ($popup: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  7656. public TogglePopup ($popup: FairyGUI.GObject, $target: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  7657. public TogglePopup ($popup: FairyGUI.GObject, $target: FairyGUI.GObject, $dir: FairyGUI.PopupDirection) : void
  7658. public TogglePopup ($popup: FairyGUI.GObject, $target: FairyGUI.GObject, $dir: FairyGUI.PopupDirection, $closeUntilUpEvent: boolean) : void
  7659. public HidePopup () : void
  7660. public HidePopup ($popup: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  7661. public ShowTooltips ($msg: string) : void
  7662. public ShowTooltips ($msg: string, $delay: number) : void
  7663. public ShowTooltipsWin ($tooltipWin: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  7664. public ShowTooltipsWin ($tooltipWin: FairyGUI.GObject, $delay: number) : void
  7665. public HideTooltips () : void
  7666. public EnableSound () : void
  7667. public DisableSound () : void
  7668. public PlayOneShotSound ($clip: UnityEngine.AudioClip, $volumeScale: number) : void
  7669. public PlayOneShotSound ($clip: UnityEngine.AudioClip) : void
  7670. public constructor ()
  7671. }
  7672. interface EventCallback1
  7673. { (context: FairyGUI.EventContext) : void; }
  7674. var EventCallback1: { new (func: (context: FairyGUI.EventContext) => void): EventCallback1; }
  7675. class EventContext extends System.Object
  7676. {
  7677. public type : string
  7678. public data : any
  7679. public get sender(): FairyGUI.EventDispatcher;
  7680. public get initiator(): any;
  7681. public get inputEvent(): FairyGUI.InputEvent;
  7682. public get isDefaultPrevented(): boolean;
  7683. public StopPropagation () : void
  7684. public PreventDefault () : void
  7685. public CaptureTouch () : void
  7686. public constructor ()
  7687. }
  7688. class GLoader extends FairyGUI.GObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IAnimationGear, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  7689. {
  7690. public showErrorSign : boolean
  7691. public get url(): string;
  7692. public set url(value: string);
  7693. public get icon(): string;
  7694. public set icon(value: string);
  7695. public get align(): FairyGUI.AlignType;
  7696. public set align(value: FairyGUI.AlignType);
  7697. public get verticalAlign(): FairyGUI.VertAlignType;
  7698. public set verticalAlign(value: FairyGUI.VertAlignType);
  7699. public get fill(): FairyGUI.FillType;
  7700. public set fill(value: FairyGUI.FillType);
  7701. public get shrinkOnly(): boolean;
  7702. public set shrinkOnly(value: boolean);
  7703. public get autoSize(): boolean;
  7704. public set autoSize(value: boolean);
  7705. public get playing(): boolean;
  7706. public set playing(value: boolean);
  7707. public get frame(): number;
  7708. public set frame(value: number);
  7709. public get timeScale(): number;
  7710. public set timeScale(value: number);
  7711. public get ignoreEngineTimeScale(): boolean;
  7712. public set ignoreEngineTimeScale(value: boolean);
  7713. public get material(): UnityEngine.Material;
  7714. public set material(value: UnityEngine.Material);
  7715. public get shader(): string;
  7716. public set shader(value: string);
  7717. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  7718. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  7719. public get fillMethod(): FairyGUI.FillMethod;
  7720. public set fillMethod(value: FairyGUI.FillMethod);
  7721. public get fillOrigin(): number;
  7722. public set fillOrigin(value: number);
  7723. public get fillClockwise(): boolean;
  7724. public set fillClockwise(value: boolean);
  7725. public get fillAmount(): number;
  7726. public set fillAmount(value: number);
  7727. public get image(): FairyGUI.Image;
  7728. public get movieClip(): FairyGUI.MovieClip;
  7729. public get component(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  7730. public get texture(): FairyGUI.NTexture;
  7731. public set texture(value: FairyGUI.NTexture);
  7732. public get filter(): FairyGUI.IFilter;
  7733. public set filter(value: FairyGUI.IFilter);
  7734. public get blendMode(): FairyGUI.BlendMode;
  7735. public set blendMode(value: FairyGUI.BlendMode);
  7736. public Advance ($time: number) : void
  7737. public constructor ()
  7738. }
  7739. interface IAnimationGear
  7740. {
  7741. playing : boolean
  7742. frame : number
  7743. timeScale : number
  7744. ignoreEngineTimeScale : boolean
  7745. Advance ($time: number) : void
  7746. }
  7747. interface IColorGear
  7748. {
  7749. color : UnityEngine.Color
  7750. }
  7751. class Image extends FairyGUI.DisplayObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  7752. {
  7753. public get texture(): FairyGUI.NTexture;
  7754. public set texture(value: FairyGUI.NTexture);
  7755. public get textureScale(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7756. public set textureScale(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7757. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  7758. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  7759. public get fillMethod(): FairyGUI.FillMethod;
  7760. public set fillMethod(value: FairyGUI.FillMethod);
  7761. public get fillOrigin(): number;
  7762. public set fillOrigin(value: number);
  7763. public get fillClockwise(): boolean;
  7764. public set fillClockwise(value: boolean);
  7765. public get fillAmount(): number;
  7766. public set fillAmount(value: number);
  7767. public get scale9Grid(): System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Rect>;
  7768. public set scale9Grid(value: System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Rect>);
  7769. public get scaleByTile(): boolean;
  7770. public set scaleByTile(value: boolean);
  7771. public get tileGridIndice(): number;
  7772. public set tileGridIndice(value: number);
  7773. public SetNativeSize () : void
  7774. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  7775. public SliceFill ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  7776. public constructor ()
  7777. public constructor ($texture: FairyGUI.NTexture)
  7778. }
  7779. class DisplayObject extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  7780. {
  7781. public name : string
  7782. public gOwner : FairyGUI.GObject
  7783. public id : number
  7784. public get parent(): FairyGUI.Container;
  7785. public get gameObject(): UnityEngine.GameObject;
  7786. public get cachedTransform(): UnityEngine.Transform;
  7787. public get graphics(): FairyGUI.NGraphics;
  7788. public get paintingGraphics(): FairyGUI.NGraphics;
  7789. public get onClick(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7790. public get onRightClick(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7791. public get onTouchBegin(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7792. public get onTouchMove(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7793. public get onTouchEnd(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7794. public get onRollOver(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7795. public get onRollOut(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7796. public get onMouseWheel(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7797. public get onAddedToStage(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7798. public get onRemovedFromStage(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7799. public get onKeyDown(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7800. public get onClickLink(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7801. public get onFocusIn(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7802. public get onFocusOut(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  7803. public get alpha(): number;
  7804. public set alpha(value: number);
  7805. public get grayed(): boolean;
  7806. public set grayed(value: boolean);
  7807. public get visible(): boolean;
  7808. public set visible(value: boolean);
  7809. public get x(): number;
  7810. public set x(value: number);
  7811. public get y(): number;
  7812. public set y(value: number);
  7813. public get z(): number;
  7814. public set z(value: number);
  7815. public get xy(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7816. public set xy(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7817. public get position(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  7818. public set position(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  7819. public get pixelPerfect(): boolean;
  7820. public set pixelPerfect(value: boolean);
  7821. public get width(): number;
  7822. public set width(value: number);
  7823. public get height(): number;
  7824. public set height(value: number);
  7825. public get size(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7826. public set size(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7827. public get scaleX(): number;
  7828. public set scaleX(value: number);
  7829. public get scaleY(): number;
  7830. public set scaleY(value: number);
  7831. public get scale(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7832. public set scale(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7833. public get rotation(): number;
  7834. public set rotation(value: number);
  7835. public get rotationX(): number;
  7836. public set rotationX(value: number);
  7837. public get rotationY(): number;
  7838. public set rotationY(value: number);
  7839. public get skew(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7840. public set skew(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7841. public get perspective(): boolean;
  7842. public set perspective(value: boolean);
  7843. public get focalLength(): number;
  7844. public set focalLength(value: number);
  7845. public get pivot(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7846. public set pivot(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7847. public get location(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  7848. public set location(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  7849. public get material(): UnityEngine.Material;
  7850. public set material(value: UnityEngine.Material);
  7851. public get shader(): string;
  7852. public set shader(value: string);
  7853. public get renderingOrder(): number;
  7854. public set renderingOrder(value: number);
  7855. public get layer(): number;
  7856. public set layer(value: number);
  7857. public get focusable(): boolean;
  7858. public set focusable(value: boolean);
  7859. public get tabStop(): boolean;
  7860. public set tabStop(value: boolean);
  7861. public get focused(): boolean;
  7862. public get cursor(): string;
  7863. public set cursor(value: string);
  7864. public get isDisposed(): boolean;
  7865. public get topmost(): FairyGUI.Container;
  7866. public get stage(): FairyGUI.Stage;
  7867. public get worldSpaceContainer(): FairyGUI.Container;
  7868. public get touchable(): boolean;
  7869. public set touchable(value: boolean);
  7870. public get touchDisabled(): boolean;
  7871. public get paintingMode(): boolean;
  7872. public get cacheAsBitmap(): boolean;
  7873. public set cacheAsBitmap(value: boolean);
  7874. public get filter(): FairyGUI.IFilter;
  7875. public set filter(value: FairyGUI.IFilter);
  7876. public get blendMode(): FairyGUI.BlendMode;
  7877. public set blendMode(value: FairyGUI.BlendMode);
  7878. public get home(): UnityEngine.Transform;
  7879. public set home(value: UnityEngine.Transform);
  7880. public add_onPaint ($value: System.Action) : void
  7881. public remove_onPaint ($value: System.Action) : void
  7882. public SetXY ($xv: number, $yv: number) : void
  7883. public SetPosition ($xv: number, $yv: number, $zv: number) : void
  7884. public SetSize ($wv: number, $hv: number) : void
  7885. public EnsureSizeCorrect () : void
  7886. public SetScale ($xv: number, $yv: number) : void
  7887. public EnterPaintingMode () : void
  7888. public EnterPaintingMode ($requestorId: number, $extend: System.Nullable$1<FairyGUI.Margin>) : void
  7889. public EnterPaintingMode ($requestorId: number, $extend: System.Nullable$1<FairyGUI.Margin>, $scale: number) : void
  7890. public LeavePaintingMode ($requestorId: number) : void
  7891. public GetScreenShot ($extend: System.Nullable$1<FairyGUI.Margin>, $scale: number) : UnityEngine.Texture2D
  7892. public GetBounds ($targetSpace: FairyGUI.DisplayObject) : UnityEngine.Rect
  7893. public GlobalToLocal ($point: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  7894. public LocalToGlobal ($point: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  7895. public WorldToLocal ($worldPoint: UnityEngine.Vector3, $direction: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  7896. public LocalToWorld ($localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector3) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  7897. public TransformPoint ($point: UnityEngine.Vector2, $targetSpace: FairyGUI.DisplayObject) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  7898. public TransformRect ($rect: UnityEngine.Rect, $targetSpace: FairyGUI.DisplayObject) : UnityEngine.Rect
  7899. public RemoveFromParent () : void
  7900. public InvalidateBatchingState () : void
  7901. public Update ($context: FairyGUI.UpdateContext) : void
  7902. public Dispose () : void
  7903. public constructor ()
  7904. }
  7905. interface IMeshFactory
  7906. {
  7907. OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  7908. }
  7909. class EventListener extends System.Object
  7910. {
  7911. public get type(): string;
  7912. public get isEmpty(): boolean;
  7913. public get isDispatching(): boolean;
  7914. public AddCapture ($callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  7915. public RemoveCapture ($callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  7916. public Add ($callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  7917. public Remove ($callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  7918. public Add ($callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback0) : void
  7919. public Remove ($callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback0) : void
  7920. public Set ($callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  7921. public Set ($callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback0) : void
  7922. public Clear () : void
  7923. public Call () : boolean
  7924. public Call ($data: any) : boolean
  7925. public BubbleCall ($data: any) : boolean
  7926. public BubbleCall () : boolean
  7927. public BroadcastCall ($data: any) : boolean
  7928. public BroadcastCall () : boolean
  7929. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.EventDispatcher, $type: string)
  7930. public constructor ()
  7931. }
  7932. class NTexture extends System.Object
  7933. {
  7934. public uvRect : UnityEngine.Rect
  7935. public rotated : boolean
  7936. public refCount : number
  7937. public lastActive : number
  7938. public destroyMethod : FairyGUI.DestroyMethod
  7939. public static get Empty(): FairyGUI.NTexture;
  7940. public get width(): number;
  7941. public get height(): number;
  7942. public get offset(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7943. public set offset(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7944. public get originalSize(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  7945. public set originalSize(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  7946. public get root(): FairyGUI.NTexture;
  7947. public get disposed(): boolean;
  7948. public get nativeTexture(): UnityEngine.Texture;
  7949. public get alphaTexture(): UnityEngine.Texture;
  7950. public static add_CustomDestroyMethod ($value: System.Action$1<UnityEngine.Texture>) : void
  7951. public static remove_CustomDestroyMethod ($value: System.Action$1<UnityEngine.Texture>) : void
  7952. public add_onSizeChanged ($value: System.Action$1<FairyGUI.NTexture>) : void
  7953. public remove_onSizeChanged ($value: System.Action$1<FairyGUI.NTexture>) : void
  7954. public add_onRelease ($value: System.Action$1<FairyGUI.NTexture>) : void
  7955. public remove_onRelease ($value: System.Action$1<FairyGUI.NTexture>) : void
  7956. public static DisposeEmpty () : void
  7957. public GetDrawRect ($drawRect: UnityEngine.Rect) : UnityEngine.Rect
  7958. public GetUV ($uv: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>) : void
  7959. public GetMaterialManager ($shaderName: string) : FairyGUI.MaterialManager
  7960. public Unload () : void
  7961. public Unload ($destroyMaterials: boolean) : void
  7962. public Reload ($nativeTexture: UnityEngine.Texture, $alphaTexture: UnityEngine.Texture) : void
  7963. public AddRef () : void
  7964. public ReleaseRef () : void
  7965. public Dispose () : void
  7966. public constructor ($texture: UnityEngine.Texture)
  7967. public constructor ($texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $alphaTexture: UnityEngine.Texture, $xScale: number, $yScale: number)
  7968. public constructor ($texture: UnityEngine.Texture, $region: UnityEngine.Rect)
  7969. public constructor ($root: FairyGUI.NTexture, $region: UnityEngine.Rect, $rotated: boolean)
  7970. public constructor ($root: FairyGUI.NTexture, $region: UnityEngine.Rect, $rotated: boolean, $originalSize: UnityEngine.Vector2, $offset: UnityEngine.Vector2)
  7971. public constructor ($sprite: UnityEngine.Sprite)
  7972. public constructor ()
  7973. }
  7974. class BitmapFont extends FairyGUI.BaseFont
  7975. {
  7976. public size : number
  7977. public resizable : boolean
  7978. public hasChannel : boolean
  7979. public AddChar ($ch: number, $glyph: FairyGUI.BitmapFont.BMGlyph) : void
  7980. public constructor ()
  7981. }
  7982. class BaseFont extends System.Object
  7983. {
  7984. public name : string
  7985. public mainTexture : FairyGUI.NTexture
  7986. public canTint : boolean
  7987. public customBold : boolean
  7988. public customBoldAndItalic : boolean
  7989. public customOutline : boolean
  7990. public shader : string
  7991. public keepCrisp : boolean
  7992. public version : number
  7993. public UpdateGraphics ($graphics: FairyGUI.NGraphics) : void
  7994. public SetFormat ($format: FairyGUI.TextFormat, $fontSizeScale: number) : void
  7995. public PrepareCharacters ($text: string) : void
  7996. public GetGlyph ($ch: number, $width: $Ref<number>, $height: $Ref<number>, $baseline: $Ref<number>) : boolean
  7997. public DrawGlyph ($x: number, $y: number, $vertList: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $uvList: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $uv2List: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $colList: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Color32>) : number
  7998. public DrawLine ($x: number, $y: number, $width: number, $fontSize: number, $type: number, $vertList: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $uvList: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $uv2List: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $colList: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Color32>) : number
  7999. public HasCharacter ($ch: number) : boolean
  8000. public GetLineHeight ($size: number) : number
  8001. public Dispose () : void
  8002. public constructor ()
  8003. }
  8004. enum AlignType
  8005. { Left = 0, Center = 1, Right = 2 }
  8006. enum VertAlignType
  8007. { Top = 0, Middle = 1, Bottom = 2 }
  8008. enum AutoSizeType
  8009. { None = 0, Both = 1, Height = 2, Shrink = 3, Ellipsis = 4 }
  8010. enum FlipType
  8011. { None = 0, Horizontal = 1, Vertical = 2, Both = 3 }
  8012. enum FillMethod
  8013. { None = 0, Horizontal = 1, Vertical = 2, Radial90 = 3, Radial180 = 4, Radial360 = 5 }
  8014. enum EaseType
  8015. { Linear = 0, SineIn = 1, SineOut = 2, SineInOut = 3, QuadIn = 4, QuadOut = 5, QuadInOut = 6, CubicIn = 7, CubicOut = 8, CubicInOut = 9, QuartIn = 10, QuartOut = 11, QuartInOut = 12, QuintIn = 13, QuintOut = 14, QuintInOut = 15, ExpoIn = 16, ExpoOut = 17, ExpoInOut = 18, CircIn = 19, CircOut = 20, CircInOut = 21, ElasticIn = 22, ElasticOut = 23, ElasticInOut = 24, BackIn = 25, BackOut = 26, BackInOut = 27, BounceIn = 28, BounceOut = 29, BounceInOut = 30, Custom = 31 }
  8016. class CustomEase extends System.Object
  8017. {
  8018. public Create ($pathPoints: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>) : void
  8019. public Evaluate ($time: number) : number
  8020. public constructor ($pointDensity?: number)
  8021. public constructor ()
  8022. }
  8023. class GPathPoint extends System.ValueType
  8024. {
  8025. public pos : UnityEngine.Vector3
  8026. public control1 : UnityEngine.Vector3
  8027. public control2 : UnityEngine.Vector3
  8028. public curveType : FairyGUI.GPathPoint.CurveType
  8029. public smooth : boolean
  8030. public constructor ($pos: UnityEngine.Vector3)
  8031. public constructor ($pos: UnityEngine.Vector3, $control: UnityEngine.Vector3)
  8032. public constructor ($pos: UnityEngine.Vector3, $control1: UnityEngine.Vector3, $control2: UnityEngine.Vector3)
  8033. public constructor ($pos: UnityEngine.Vector3, $curveType: FairyGUI.GPathPoint.CurveType)
  8034. public constructor ()
  8035. }
  8036. class Container extends FairyGUI.DisplayObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  8037. {
  8038. public renderMode : UnityEngine.RenderMode
  8039. public renderCamera : UnityEngine.Camera
  8040. public opaque : boolean
  8041. public clipSoftness : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>
  8042. public hitArea : FairyGUI.IHitTest
  8043. public touchChildren : boolean
  8044. public reversedMask : boolean
  8045. public get numChildren(): number;
  8046. public get clipRect(): System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Rect>;
  8047. public set clipRect(value: System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Rect>);
  8048. public get mask(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  8049. public set mask(value: FairyGUI.DisplayObject);
  8050. public get fairyBatching(): boolean;
  8051. public set fairyBatching(value: boolean);
  8052. public get tabStopChildren(): boolean;
  8053. public set tabStopChildren(value: boolean);
  8054. public add_onUpdate ($value: System.Action) : void
  8055. public remove_onUpdate ($value: System.Action) : void
  8056. public AddChild ($child: FairyGUI.DisplayObject) : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8057. public AddChildAt ($child: FairyGUI.DisplayObject, $index: number) : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8058. public Contains ($child: FairyGUI.DisplayObject) : boolean
  8059. public GetChildAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8060. public GetChild ($name: string) : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8061. public GetChildren () : System.Array$1<FairyGUI.DisplayObject>
  8062. public GetChildIndex ($child: FairyGUI.DisplayObject) : number
  8063. public RemoveChild ($child: FairyGUI.DisplayObject) : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8064. public RemoveChild ($child: FairyGUI.DisplayObject, $dispose: boolean) : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8065. public RemoveChildAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8066. public RemoveChildAt ($index: number, $dispose: boolean) : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8067. public RemoveChildren () : void
  8068. public RemoveChildren ($beginIndex: number, $endIndex: number, $dispose: boolean) : void
  8069. public SetChildIndex ($child: FairyGUI.DisplayObject, $index: number) : void
  8070. public SwapChildren ($child1: FairyGUI.DisplayObject, $child2: FairyGUI.DisplayObject) : void
  8071. public SwapChildrenAt ($index1: number, $index2: number) : void
  8072. public ChangeChildrenOrder ($indice: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<number>, $objs: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<FairyGUI.DisplayObject>) : void
  8073. public GetDescendants ($backward: boolean) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator$1<FairyGUI.DisplayObject>
  8074. public CreateGraphics () : void
  8075. public GetRenderCamera () : UnityEngine.Camera
  8076. public HitTest ($stagePoint: UnityEngine.Vector2, $forTouch: boolean) : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8077. public IsAncestorOf ($obj: FairyGUI.DisplayObject) : boolean
  8078. public InvalidateBatchingState ($childrenChanged: boolean) : void
  8079. public SetChildrenLayer ($value: number) : void
  8080. public constructor ()
  8081. public constructor ($gameObjectName: string)
  8082. public constructor ($attachTarget: UnityEngine.GameObject)
  8083. public InvalidateBatchingState () : void
  8084. }
  8085. interface IHitTest
  8086. {
  8087. HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8088. }
  8089. class TextFormat extends System.Object
  8090. {
  8091. public size : number
  8092. public font : string
  8093. public color : UnityEngine.Color
  8094. public lineSpacing : number
  8095. public letterSpacing : number
  8096. public bold : boolean
  8097. public underline : boolean
  8098. public italic : boolean
  8099. public strikethrough : boolean
  8100. public gradientColor : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  8101. public align : FairyGUI.AlignType
  8102. public specialStyle : FairyGUI.TextFormat.SpecialStyle
  8103. public outline : number
  8104. public outlineColor : UnityEngine.Color
  8105. public shadowOffset : UnityEngine.Vector2
  8106. public shadowColor : UnityEngine.Color
  8107. public faceDilate : number
  8108. public outlineSoftness : number
  8109. public underlaySoftness : number
  8110. public SetColor ($value: number) : void
  8111. public EqualStyle ($aFormat: FairyGUI.TextFormat) : boolean
  8112. public CopyFrom ($source: FairyGUI.TextFormat) : void
  8113. public FillVertexColors ($vertexColors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>) : void
  8114. public constructor ()
  8115. }
  8116. class GTweener extends System.Object
  8117. {
  8118. public get delay(): number;
  8119. public get duration(): number;
  8120. public get repeat(): number;
  8121. public get target(): any;
  8122. public get userData(): any;
  8123. public get startValue(): FairyGUI.TweenValue;
  8124. public get endValue(): FairyGUI.TweenValue;
  8125. public get value(): FairyGUI.TweenValue;
  8126. public get deltaValue(): FairyGUI.TweenValue;
  8127. public get normalizedTime(): number;
  8128. public get completed(): boolean;
  8129. public get allCompleted(): boolean;
  8130. public SetDelay ($value: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8131. public SetDuration ($value: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8132. public SetBreakpoint ($value: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8133. public SetEase ($value: FairyGUI.EaseType) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8134. public SetEase ($value: FairyGUI.EaseType, $customEase: FairyGUI.CustomEase) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8135. public SetEasePeriod ($value: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8136. public SetEaseOvershootOrAmplitude ($value: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8137. public SetRepeat ($times: number, $yoyo?: boolean) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8138. public SetTimeScale ($value: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8139. public SetIgnoreEngineTimeScale ($value: boolean) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8140. public SetSnapping ($value: boolean) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8141. public SetPath ($value: FairyGUI.GPath) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8142. public SetTarget ($value: any) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8143. public SetTarget ($value: any, $propType: FairyGUI.TweenPropType) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8144. public SetUserData ($value: any) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8145. public OnUpdate ($callback: FairyGUI.GTweenCallback) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8146. public OnStart ($callback: FairyGUI.GTweenCallback) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8147. public OnComplete ($callback: FairyGUI.GTweenCallback) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8148. public OnUpdate ($callback: FairyGUI.GTweenCallback1) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8149. public OnStart ($callback: FairyGUI.GTweenCallback1) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8150. public OnComplete ($callback: FairyGUI.GTweenCallback1) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8151. public SetListener ($value: FairyGUI.ITweenListener) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8152. public SetPaused ($paused: boolean) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  8153. public Seek ($time: number) : void
  8154. public Kill ($complete?: boolean) : void
  8155. public constructor ()
  8156. }
  8157. class GPath extends System.Object
  8158. {
  8159. public get length(): number;
  8160. public get segmentCount(): number;
  8161. public Create ($pt1: FairyGUI.GPathPoint, $pt2: FairyGUI.GPathPoint) : void
  8162. public Create ($pt1: FairyGUI.GPathPoint, $pt2: FairyGUI.GPathPoint, $pt3: FairyGUI.GPathPoint) : void
  8163. public Create ($pt1: FairyGUI.GPathPoint, $pt2: FairyGUI.GPathPoint, $pt3: FairyGUI.GPathPoint, $pt4: FairyGUI.GPathPoint) : void
  8164. public Create ($points: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>) : void
  8165. public Clear () : void
  8166. public GetPointAt ($t: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  8167. public GetSegmentLength ($segmentIndex: number) : number
  8168. public GetPointsInSegment ($segmentIndex: number, $t0: number, $t1: number, $points: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $ts?: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>, $pointDensity?: number) : void
  8169. public GetAllPoints ($points: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>, $pointDensity?: number) : void
  8170. public constructor ()
  8171. }
  8172. class RichTextField extends FairyGUI.Container implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  8173. {
  8174. public get htmlPageContext(): FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlPageContext;
  8175. public set htmlPageContext(value: FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlPageContext);
  8176. public get htmlParseOptions(): FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlParseOptions;
  8177. public get emojies(): System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<number, FairyGUI.Emoji>;
  8178. public set emojies(value: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<number, FairyGUI.Emoji>);
  8179. public get textField(): FairyGUI.TextField;
  8180. public get text(): string;
  8181. public set text(value: string);
  8182. public get htmlText(): string;
  8183. public set htmlText(value: string);
  8184. public get textFormat(): FairyGUI.TextFormat;
  8185. public set textFormat(value: FairyGUI.TextFormat);
  8186. public get htmlElementCount(): number;
  8187. public GetHtmlElement ($name: string) : FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement
  8188. public GetHtmlElementAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement
  8189. public ShowHtmlObject ($index: number, $show: boolean) : void
  8190. public constructor ()
  8191. }
  8192. class InputEvent extends System.Object
  8193. {
  8194. public get x(): number;
  8195. public get y(): number;
  8196. public get keyCode(): UnityEngine.KeyCode;
  8197. public get character(): number;
  8198. public get modifiers(): UnityEngine.EventModifiers;
  8199. public get mouseWheelDelta(): number;
  8200. public get touchId(): number;
  8201. public get button(): number;
  8202. public get clickCount(): number;
  8203. public get holdTime(): number;
  8204. public get position(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  8205. public get isDoubleClick(): boolean;
  8206. public get ctrlOrCmd(): boolean;
  8207. public get ctrl(): boolean;
  8208. public get shift(): boolean;
  8209. public get alt(): boolean;
  8210. public get command(): boolean;
  8211. public constructor ()
  8212. }
  8213. class GComboBox extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  8214. {
  8215. public visibleItemCount : number
  8216. public dropdown : FairyGUI.GComponent
  8217. public sound : FairyGUI.NAudioClip
  8218. public soundVolumeScale : number
  8219. public get onChanged(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  8220. public get icon(): string;
  8221. public set icon(value: string);
  8222. public get title(): string;
  8223. public set title(value: string);
  8224. public get text(): string;
  8225. public set text(value: string);
  8226. public get titleColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  8227. public set titleColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  8228. public get titleFontSize(): number;
  8229. public set titleFontSize(value: number);
  8230. public get items(): System.Array$1<string>;
  8231. public set items(value: System.Array$1<string>);
  8232. public get icons(): System.Array$1<string>;
  8233. public set icons(value: System.Array$1<string>);
  8234. public get values(): System.Array$1<string>;
  8235. public set values(value: System.Array$1<string>);
  8236. public get itemList(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>;
  8237. public get valueList(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>;
  8238. public get iconList(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>;
  8239. public get selectedIndex(): number;
  8240. public set selectedIndex(value: number);
  8241. public get selectionController(): FairyGUI.Controller;
  8242. public set selectionController(value: FairyGUI.Controller);
  8243. public get value(): string;
  8244. public set value(value: string);
  8245. public get popupDirection(): FairyGUI.PopupDirection;
  8246. public set popupDirection(value: FairyGUI.PopupDirection);
  8247. public ApplyListChange () : void
  8248. public GetTextField () : FairyGUI.GTextField
  8249. public UpdateDropdownList () : void
  8250. public constructor ()
  8251. }
  8252. class Shape extends FairyGUI.DisplayObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  8253. {
  8254. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  8255. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  8256. public get isEmpty(): boolean;
  8257. public DrawRect ($lineSize: number, $lineColor: UnityEngine.Color, $fillColor: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  8258. public DrawRect ($lineSize: number, $colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>) : void
  8259. public DrawRoundRect ($lineSize: number, $lineColor: UnityEngine.Color, $fillColor: UnityEngine.Color, $topLeftRadius: number, $topRightRadius: number, $bottomLeftRadius: number, $bottomRightRadius: number) : void
  8260. public DrawEllipse ($fillColor: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  8261. public DrawEllipse ($lineSize: number, $centerColor: UnityEngine.Color, $lineColor: UnityEngine.Color, $fillColor: UnityEngine.Color, $startDegree: number, $endDegree: number) : void
  8262. public DrawPolygon ($points: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $fillColor: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  8263. public DrawPolygon ($points: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $colors: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>) : void
  8264. public DrawPolygon ($points: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $fillColor: UnityEngine.Color, $lineSize: number, $lineColor: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  8265. public DrawRegularPolygon ($sides: number, $lineSize: number, $centerColor: UnityEngine.Color, $lineColor: UnityEngine.Color, $fillColor: UnityEngine.Color, $rotation: number, $distances: System.Array$1<number>) : void
  8266. public Clear () : void
  8267. public constructor ()
  8268. }
  8269. class VertexBuffer extends System.Object
  8270. {
  8271. public contentRect : UnityEngine.Rect
  8272. public uvRect : UnityEngine.Rect
  8273. public vertexColor : UnityEngine.Color32
  8274. public textureSize : UnityEngine.Vector2
  8275. public vertices : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector3>
  8276. public colors : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  8277. public uvs : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>
  8278. public uvs2 : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>
  8279. public triangles : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>
  8280. public static NormalizedUV : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>
  8281. public static NormalizedPosition : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>
  8282. public get currentVertCount(): number;
  8283. public static Begin () : FairyGUI.VertexBuffer
  8284. public static Begin ($source: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : FairyGUI.VertexBuffer
  8285. public End () : void
  8286. public Clear () : void
  8287. public AddVert ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  8288. public AddVert ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $color: UnityEngine.Color32) : void
  8289. public AddVert ($position: UnityEngine.Vector3, $color: UnityEngine.Color32, $uv: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  8290. public AddQuad ($vertRect: UnityEngine.Rect) : void
  8291. public AddQuad ($vertRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $color: UnityEngine.Color32) : void
  8292. public AddQuad ($vertRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $color: UnityEngine.Color32, $uvRect: UnityEngine.Rect) : void
  8293. public RepeatColors ($value: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>, $startIndex: number, $count: number) : void
  8294. public AddTriangle ($idx0: number, $idx1: number, $idx2: number) : void
  8295. public AddTriangles ($idxList: System.Array$1<number>, $startVertexIndex?: number) : void
  8296. public AddTriangles ($startVertexIndex?: number) : void
  8297. public GetPosition ($index: number) : UnityEngine.Vector3
  8298. public GetUVAtPosition ($position: UnityEngine.Vector2, $usePercent: boolean) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  8299. public Append ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8300. public Insert ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8301. }
  8302. class LineMesh extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  8303. {
  8304. public path : FairyGUI.GPath
  8305. public lineWidth : number
  8306. public lineWidthCurve : UnityEngine.AnimationCurve
  8307. public gradient : UnityEngine.Gradient
  8308. public roundEdge : boolean
  8309. public fillStart : number
  8310. public fillEnd : number
  8311. public pointDensity : number
  8312. public repeatFill : boolean
  8313. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8314. public constructor ()
  8315. }
  8316. class StraightLineMesh extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  8317. {
  8318. public color : UnityEngine.Color
  8319. public origin : UnityEngine.Vector3
  8320. public end : UnityEngine.Vector3
  8321. public lineWidth : number
  8322. public repeatFill : boolean
  8323. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8324. public constructor ()
  8325. public constructor ($lineWidth: number, $color: UnityEngine.Color, $repeatFill: boolean)
  8326. }
  8327. enum PopupDirection
  8328. { Auto = 0, Up = 1, Down = 2 }
  8329. class GTree extends FairyGUI.GList implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  8330. {
  8331. public treeNodeRender : FairyGUI.GTree.TreeNodeRenderDelegate
  8332. public treeNodeWillExpand : FairyGUI.GTree.TreeNodeWillExpandDelegate
  8333. public get rootNode(): FairyGUI.GTreeNode;
  8334. public get indent(): number;
  8335. public set indent(value: number);
  8336. public get clickToExpand(): number;
  8337. public set clickToExpand(value: number);
  8338. public GetSelectedNode () : FairyGUI.GTreeNode
  8339. public GetSelectedNodes () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GTreeNode>
  8340. public GetSelectedNodes ($result: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GTreeNode>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GTreeNode>
  8341. public SelectNode ($node: FairyGUI.GTreeNode) : void
  8342. public SelectNode ($node: FairyGUI.GTreeNode, $scrollItToView: boolean) : void
  8343. public UnselectNode ($node: FairyGUI.GTreeNode) : void
  8344. public ExpandAll () : void
  8345. public ExpandAll ($folderNode: FairyGUI.GTreeNode) : void
  8346. public CollapseAll () : void
  8347. public CollapseAll ($folderNode: FairyGUI.GTreeNode) : void
  8348. public constructor ()
  8349. }
  8350. class GList extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  8351. {
  8352. public foldInvisibleItems : boolean
  8353. public selectionMode : FairyGUI.ListSelectionMode
  8354. public itemRenderer : FairyGUI.ListItemRenderer
  8355. public itemProvider : FairyGUI.ListItemProvider
  8356. public scrollItemToViewOnClick : boolean
  8357. public get onClickItem(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  8358. public get onRightClickItem(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  8359. public get defaultItem(): string;
  8360. public set defaultItem(value: string);
  8361. public get layout(): FairyGUI.ListLayoutType;
  8362. public set layout(value: FairyGUI.ListLayoutType);
  8363. public get lineCount(): number;
  8364. public set lineCount(value: number);
  8365. public get columnCount(): number;
  8366. public set columnCount(value: number);
  8367. public get lineGap(): number;
  8368. public set lineGap(value: number);
  8369. public get columnGap(): number;
  8370. public set columnGap(value: number);
  8371. public get align(): FairyGUI.AlignType;
  8372. public set align(value: FairyGUI.AlignType);
  8373. public get verticalAlign(): FairyGUI.VertAlignType;
  8374. public set verticalAlign(value: FairyGUI.VertAlignType);
  8375. public get autoResizeItem(): boolean;
  8376. public set autoResizeItem(value: boolean);
  8377. public get defaultItemSize(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  8378. public set defaultItemSize(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  8379. public get itemPool(): FairyGUI.GObjectPool;
  8380. public get selectedIndex(): number;
  8381. public set selectedIndex(value: number);
  8382. public get selectionController(): FairyGUI.Controller;
  8383. public set selectionController(value: FairyGUI.Controller);
  8384. public get touchItem(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  8385. public get isVirtual(): boolean;
  8386. public get numItems(): number;
  8387. public set numItems(value: number);
  8388. public GetFromPool ($url: string) : FairyGUI.GObject
  8389. public AddItemFromPool () : FairyGUI.GObject
  8390. public AddItemFromPool ($url: string) : FairyGUI.GObject
  8391. public RemoveChildToPoolAt ($index: number) : void
  8392. public RemoveChildToPool ($child: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  8393. public RemoveChildrenToPool () : void
  8394. public RemoveChildrenToPool ($beginIndex: number, $endIndex: number) : void
  8395. public GetSelection () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>
  8396. public GetSelection ($result: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>
  8397. public AddSelection ($index: number, $scrollItToView: boolean) : void
  8398. public RemoveSelection ($index: number) : void
  8399. public ClearSelection () : void
  8400. public SelectAll () : void
  8401. public SelectNone () : void
  8402. public SelectReverse () : void
  8403. public EnableSelectionFocusEvents ($enabled: boolean) : void
  8404. public EnableArrowKeyNavigation ($enabled: boolean) : void
  8405. public HandleArrowKey ($dir: number) : number
  8406. public ResizeToFit () : void
  8407. public ResizeToFit ($itemCount: number) : void
  8408. public ResizeToFit ($itemCount: number, $minSize: number) : void
  8409. public ScrollToView ($index: number) : void
  8410. public ScrollToView ($index: number, $ani: boolean) : void
  8411. public ScrollToView ($index: number, $ani: boolean, $setFirst: boolean) : void
  8412. public ChildIndexToItemIndex ($index: number) : number
  8413. public ItemIndexToChildIndex ($index: number) : number
  8414. public SetVirtual () : void
  8415. public SetVirtualAndLoop () : void
  8416. public RefreshVirtualList () : void
  8417. public constructor ()
  8418. }
  8419. class GTreeNode extends System.Object
  8420. {
  8421. public data : any
  8422. public get parent(): FairyGUI.GTreeNode;
  8423. public get tree(): FairyGUI.GTree;
  8424. public get cell(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  8425. public get level(): number;
  8426. public get expanded(): boolean;
  8427. public set expanded(value: boolean);
  8428. public get isFolder(): boolean;
  8429. public get text(): string;
  8430. public set text(value: string);
  8431. public get icon(): string;
  8432. public set icon(value: string);
  8433. public get numChildren(): number;
  8434. public ExpandToRoot () : void
  8435. public AddChild ($child: FairyGUI.GTreeNode) : FairyGUI.GTreeNode
  8436. public AddChildAt ($child: FairyGUI.GTreeNode, $index: number) : FairyGUI.GTreeNode
  8437. public RemoveChild ($child: FairyGUI.GTreeNode) : FairyGUI.GTreeNode
  8438. public RemoveChildAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.GTreeNode
  8439. public RemoveChildren ($beginIndex?: number, $endIndex?: number) : void
  8440. public GetChildAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.GTreeNode
  8441. public GetChildIndex ($child: FairyGUI.GTreeNode) : number
  8442. public GetPrevSibling () : FairyGUI.GTreeNode
  8443. public GetNextSibling () : FairyGUI.GTreeNode
  8444. public SetChildIndex ($child: FairyGUI.GTreeNode, $index: number) : void
  8445. public SwapChildren ($child1: FairyGUI.GTreeNode, $child2: FairyGUI.GTreeNode) : void
  8446. public SwapChildrenAt ($index1: number, $index2: number) : void
  8447. public constructor ($hasChild: boolean)
  8448. public constructor ($hasChild: boolean, $resURL: string)
  8449. public constructor ()
  8450. }
  8451. class GLabel extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  8452. {
  8453. public get icon(): string;
  8454. public set icon(value: string);
  8455. public get title(): string;
  8456. public set title(value: string);
  8457. public get text(): string;
  8458. public set text(value: string);
  8459. public get editable(): boolean;
  8460. public set editable(value: boolean);
  8461. public get titleColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  8462. public set titleColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  8463. public get titleFontSize(): number;
  8464. public set titleFontSize(value: number);
  8465. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  8466. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  8467. public GetTextField () : FairyGUI.GTextField
  8468. public constructor ()
  8469. }
  8470. class GButton extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  8471. {
  8472. public sound : FairyGUI.NAudioClip
  8473. public soundVolumeScale : number
  8474. public changeStateOnClick : boolean
  8475. public linkedPopup : FairyGUI.GObject
  8476. public static UP : string
  8477. public static DOWN : string
  8478. public static OVER : string
  8479. public static SELECTED_OVER : string
  8480. public static DISABLED : string
  8481. public static SELECTED_DISABLED : string
  8482. public get onChanged(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  8483. public get icon(): string;
  8484. public set icon(value: string);
  8485. public get title(): string;
  8486. public set title(value: string);
  8487. public get text(): string;
  8488. public set text(value: string);
  8489. public get selectedIcon(): string;
  8490. public set selectedIcon(value: string);
  8491. public get selectedTitle(): string;
  8492. public set selectedTitle(value: string);
  8493. public get titleColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  8494. public set titleColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  8495. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  8496. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  8497. public get titleFontSize(): number;
  8498. public set titleFontSize(value: number);
  8499. public get selected(): boolean;
  8500. public set selected(value: boolean);
  8501. public get mode(): FairyGUI.ButtonMode;
  8502. public set mode(value: FairyGUI.ButtonMode);
  8503. public get relatedController(): FairyGUI.Controller;
  8504. public set relatedController(value: FairyGUI.Controller);
  8505. public get relatedPageId(): string;
  8506. public set relatedPageId(value: string);
  8507. public FireClick ($downEffect: boolean, $clickCall?: boolean) : void
  8508. public GetTextField () : FairyGUI.GTextField
  8509. public constructor ()
  8510. }
  8511. class GTextField extends FairyGUI.GObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear, FairyGUI.ITextColorGear
  8512. {
  8513. public get text(): string;
  8514. public set text(value: string);
  8515. public get templateVars(): System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>;
  8516. public set templateVars(value: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>);
  8517. public get textFormat(): FairyGUI.TextFormat;
  8518. public set textFormat(value: FairyGUI.TextFormat);
  8519. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  8520. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  8521. public get align(): FairyGUI.AlignType;
  8522. public set align(value: FairyGUI.AlignType);
  8523. public get verticalAlign(): FairyGUI.VertAlignType;
  8524. public set verticalAlign(value: FairyGUI.VertAlignType);
  8525. public get singleLine(): boolean;
  8526. public set singleLine(value: boolean);
  8527. public get stroke(): number;
  8528. public set stroke(value: number);
  8529. public get strokeColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  8530. public set strokeColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  8531. public get shadowOffset(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  8532. public set shadowOffset(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  8533. public get UBBEnabled(): boolean;
  8534. public set UBBEnabled(value: boolean);
  8535. public get autoSize(): FairyGUI.AutoSizeType;
  8536. public set autoSize(value: FairyGUI.AutoSizeType);
  8537. public get textWidth(): number;
  8538. public get textHeight(): number;
  8539. public SetVar ($name: string, $value: string) : FairyGUI.GTextField
  8540. public FlushVars () : void
  8541. public HasCharacter ($ch: number) : boolean
  8542. public constructor ()
  8543. }
  8544. interface ITextColorGear extends FairyGUI.IColorGear
  8545. {
  8546. strokeColor : UnityEngine.Color
  8547. color : UnityEngine.Color
  8548. }
  8549. enum GroupLayoutType
  8550. { None = 0, Horizontal = 1, Vertical = 2 }
  8551. class BlendModeUtils extends System.Object
  8552. {
  8553. public static Factors : System.Array$1<FairyGUI.BlendModeUtils.BlendFactor>
  8554. public static Apply ($mat: UnityEngine.Material, $blendMode: FairyGUI.BlendMode) : void
  8555. public static Override ($blendMode: FairyGUI.BlendMode, $srcFactor: UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode, $dstFactor: UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode) : void
  8556. public constructor ()
  8557. }
  8558. enum BlendMode
  8559. { Normal = 0, None = 1, Add = 2, Multiply = 3, Screen = 4, Erase = 5, Mask = 6, Below = 7, Off = 8, One_OneMinusSrcAlpha = 9, Custom1 = 10, Custom2 = 11, Custom3 = 12 }
  8560. class CaptureCamera extends UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
  8561. {
  8562. public cachedTransform : UnityEngine.Transform
  8563. public cachedCamera : UnityEngine.Camera
  8564. public static Name : string
  8565. public static LayerName : string
  8566. public static HiddenLayerName : string
  8567. public static get layer(): number;
  8568. public static get hiddenLayer(): number;
  8569. public static CheckMain () : void
  8570. public static CreateRenderTexture ($width: number, $height: number, $stencilSupport: boolean) : UnityEngine.RenderTexture
  8571. public static Capture ($target: FairyGUI.DisplayObject, $texture: UnityEngine.RenderTexture, $contentHeight: number, $offset: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  8572. public constructor ()
  8573. }
  8574. class UpdateContext extends System.Object
  8575. {
  8576. public clipped : boolean
  8577. public clipInfo : FairyGUI.UpdateContext.ClipInfo
  8578. public renderingOrder : number
  8579. public batchingDepth : number
  8580. public rectMaskDepth : number
  8581. public stencilReferenceValue : number
  8582. public stencilCompareValue : number
  8583. public alpha : number
  8584. public grayed : boolean
  8585. public static current : FairyGUI.UpdateContext
  8586. public static working : boolean
  8587. public static add_OnBegin ($value: System.Action) : void
  8588. public static remove_OnBegin ($value: System.Action) : void
  8589. public static add_OnEnd ($value: System.Action) : void
  8590. public static remove_OnEnd ($value: System.Action) : void
  8591. public Begin () : void
  8592. public End () : void
  8593. public EnterClipping ($clipId: number, $clipRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $softness: System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Vector4>) : void
  8594. public EnterClipping ($clipId: number, $reversedMask: boolean) : void
  8595. public LeaveClipping () : void
  8596. public EnterPaintingMode () : void
  8597. public LeavePaintingMode () : void
  8598. public ApplyClippingProperties ($mat: UnityEngine.Material, $isStdMaterial: boolean) : void
  8599. public ApplyAlphaMaskProperties ($mat: UnityEngine.Material, $erasing: boolean) : void
  8600. public constructor ()
  8601. }
  8602. class NGraphics extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  8603. {
  8604. public blendMode : FairyGUI.BlendMode
  8605. public dontClip : boolean
  8606. public get gameObject(): UnityEngine.GameObject;
  8607. public get meshFilter(): UnityEngine.MeshFilter;
  8608. public get meshRenderer(): UnityEngine.MeshRenderer;
  8609. public get mesh(): UnityEngine.Mesh;
  8610. public get meshFactory(): FairyGUI.IMeshFactory;
  8611. public set meshFactory(value: FairyGUI.IMeshFactory);
  8612. public get contentRect(): UnityEngine.Rect;
  8613. public set contentRect(value: UnityEngine.Rect);
  8614. public get flip(): FairyGUI.FlipType;
  8615. public set flip(value: FairyGUI.FlipType);
  8616. public get texture(): FairyGUI.NTexture;
  8617. public set texture(value: FairyGUI.NTexture);
  8618. public get shader(): string;
  8619. public set shader(value: string);
  8620. public get material(): UnityEngine.Material;
  8621. public set material(value: UnityEngine.Material);
  8622. public get materialKeywords(): System.Array$1<string>;
  8623. public set materialKeywords(value: System.Array$1<string>);
  8624. public get enabled(): boolean;
  8625. public set enabled(value: boolean);
  8626. public get sortingOrder(): number;
  8627. public set sortingOrder(value: number);
  8628. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  8629. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  8630. public get vertexMatrix(): FairyGUI.NGraphics.VertexMatrix;
  8631. public set vertexMatrix(value: FairyGUI.NGraphics.VertexMatrix);
  8632. public get materialPropertyBlock(): UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock;
  8633. public add_meshModifier ($value: System.Action) : void
  8634. public remove_meshModifier ($value: System.Action) : void
  8635. public SetShaderAndTexture ($shader: string, $texture: FairyGUI.NTexture) : void
  8636. public SetMaterial ($material: UnityEngine.Material) : void
  8637. public ToggleKeyword ($keyword: string, $enabled: boolean) : void
  8638. public Tint () : void
  8639. public SetMeshDirty () : void
  8640. public UpdateMesh () : boolean
  8641. public Dispose () : void
  8642. public Update ($context: FairyGUI.UpdateContext, $alpha: number, $grayed: boolean) : void
  8643. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8644. public constructor ($gameObject: UnityEngine.GameObject)
  8645. public constructor ()
  8646. }
  8647. class Stage extends FairyGUI.Container implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  8648. {
  8649. public get soundVolume(): number;
  8650. public set soundVolume(value: number);
  8651. public static get inst(): FairyGUI.Stage;
  8652. public static get touchScreen(): boolean;
  8653. public static set touchScreen(value: boolean);
  8654. public static get keyboardInput(): boolean;
  8655. public static set keyboardInput(value: boolean);
  8656. public static get isTouchOnUI(): boolean;
  8657. public static get devicePixelRatio(): number;
  8658. public static set devicePixelRatio(value: number);
  8659. public get onStageResized(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  8660. public get touchTarget(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  8661. public get focus(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  8662. public set focus(value: FairyGUI.DisplayObject);
  8663. public get touchPosition(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  8664. public get touchCount(): number;
  8665. public get keyboard(): FairyGUI.IKeyboard;
  8666. public set keyboard(value: FairyGUI.IKeyboard);
  8667. public get activeCursor(): string;
  8668. public add_beforeUpdate ($value: System.Action) : void
  8669. public remove_beforeUpdate ($value: System.Action) : void
  8670. public add_afterUpdate ($value: System.Action) : void
  8671. public remove_afterUpdate ($value: System.Action) : void
  8672. public static Instantiate () : void
  8673. public SetFocus ($newFocus: FairyGUI.DisplayObject, $byKey?: boolean) : void
  8674. public DoKeyNavigate ($backward: boolean) : void
  8675. public GetTouchPosition ($touchId: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  8676. public GetTouchTarget ($touchId: number) : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8677. public GetAllTouch ($result: System.Array$1<number>) : System.Array$1<number>
  8678. public ResetInputState () : void
  8679. public CancelClick ($touchId: number) : void
  8680. public EnableSound () : void
  8681. public DisableSound () : void
  8682. public PlayOneShotSound ($clip: UnityEngine.AudioClip, $volumeScale: number) : void
  8683. public PlayOneShotSound ($clip: UnityEngine.AudioClip) : void
  8684. public OpenKeyboard ($text: string, $autocorrection: boolean, $multiline: boolean, $secure: boolean, $alert: boolean, $textPlaceholder: string, $keyboardType: number, $hideInput: boolean) : void
  8685. public CloseKeyboard () : void
  8686. public InputString ($value: string) : void
  8687. public SetCustomInput ($screenPos: UnityEngine.Vector2, $buttonDown: boolean) : void
  8688. public SetCustomInput ($screenPos: UnityEngine.Vector2, $buttonDown: boolean, $buttonUp: boolean) : void
  8689. public SetCustomInput ($hit: $Ref<UnityEngine.RaycastHit>, $buttonDown: boolean) : void
  8690. public SetCustomInput ($hit: $Ref<UnityEngine.RaycastHit>, $buttonDown: boolean, $buttonUp: boolean) : void
  8691. public ForceUpdate () : void
  8692. public ApplyPanelOrder ($target: FairyGUI.Container) : void
  8693. public SortWorldSpacePanelsByZOrder ($panelSortingOrder: number) : void
  8694. public MonitorTexture ($texture: FairyGUI.NTexture) : void
  8695. public AddTouchMonitor ($touchId: number, $target: FairyGUI.EventDispatcher) : void
  8696. public RemoveTouchMonitor ($target: FairyGUI.EventDispatcher) : void
  8697. public IsTouchMonitoring ($target: FairyGUI.EventDispatcher) : boolean
  8698. public RegisterCursor ($cursorName: string, $texture: UnityEngine.Texture2D, $hotspot: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  8699. public constructor ()
  8700. }
  8701. class Margin extends System.ValueType
  8702. {
  8703. public left : number
  8704. public right : number
  8705. public top : number
  8706. public bottom : number
  8707. }
  8708. interface IFilter
  8709. {
  8710. target : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8711. Update () : void
  8712. Dispose () : void
  8713. }
  8714. class DisplayObjectInfo extends UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
  8715. {
  8716. public displayObject : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8717. public constructor ()
  8718. }
  8719. class GoWrapper extends FairyGUI.DisplayObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  8720. {
  8721. public customCloneMaterials : System.Action$1<System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<UnityEngine.Material, UnityEngine.Material>>
  8722. public customRecoverMaterials : System.Action
  8723. public get wrapTarget(): UnityEngine.GameObject;
  8724. public set wrapTarget(value: UnityEngine.GameObject);
  8725. public get renderingOrder(): number;
  8726. public set renderingOrder(value: number);
  8727. public add_onUpdate ($value: System.Action$1<FairyGUI.UpdateContext>) : void
  8728. public remove_onUpdate ($value: System.Action$1<FairyGUI.UpdateContext>) : void
  8729. public SetWrapTarget ($target: UnityEngine.GameObject, $cloneMaterial: boolean) : void
  8730. public CacheRenderers () : void
  8731. public constructor ()
  8732. public constructor ($go: UnityEngine.GameObject)
  8733. }
  8734. class ColliderHitTest extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IHitTest
  8735. {
  8736. public collider : UnityEngine.Collider
  8737. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8738. public constructor ()
  8739. }
  8740. class HitTestContext extends System.Object
  8741. {
  8742. public static screenPoint : UnityEngine.Vector3
  8743. public static worldPoint : UnityEngine.Vector3
  8744. public static direction : UnityEngine.Vector3
  8745. public static forTouch : boolean
  8746. public static camera : UnityEngine.Camera
  8747. public static layerMask : number
  8748. public static maxDistance : number
  8749. public static cachedMainCamera : UnityEngine.Camera
  8750. public static GetRaycastHitFromCache ($camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $hit: $Ref<UnityEngine.RaycastHit>) : boolean
  8751. public static CacheRaycastHit ($camera: UnityEngine.Camera, $hit: $Ref<UnityEngine.RaycastHit>) : void
  8752. public static ClearRaycastHitCache () : void
  8753. public constructor ()
  8754. }
  8755. class MeshColliderHitTest extends FairyGUI.ColliderHitTest implements FairyGUI.IHitTest
  8756. {
  8757. public lastHit : UnityEngine.Vector2
  8758. public constructor ($collider: UnityEngine.MeshCollider)
  8759. public constructor ()
  8760. }
  8761. class PixelHitTestData extends System.Object
  8762. {
  8763. public pixelWidth : number
  8764. public scale : number
  8765. public pixels : System.Array$1<number>
  8766. public pixelsLength : number
  8767. public pixelsOffset : number
  8768. public Load ($ba: FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer) : void
  8769. public constructor ()
  8770. }
  8771. class PixelHitTest extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IHitTest
  8772. {
  8773. public offsetX : number
  8774. public offsetY : number
  8775. public sourceWidth : number
  8776. public sourceHeight : number
  8777. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8778. public constructor ($data: FairyGUI.PixelHitTestData, $offsetX: number, $offsetY: number, $sourceWidth: number, $sourceHeight: number)
  8779. public constructor ()
  8780. }
  8781. class RectHitTest extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IHitTest
  8782. {
  8783. public rect : UnityEngine.Rect
  8784. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8785. public constructor ()
  8786. }
  8787. class ShapeHitTest extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IHitTest
  8788. {
  8789. public shape : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  8790. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8791. public constructor ($obj: FairyGUI.DisplayObject)
  8792. public constructor ()
  8793. }
  8794. class MaterialManager extends System.Object
  8795. {
  8796. public firstMaterialInFrame : boolean
  8797. public add_onCreateNewMaterial ($value: System.Action$1<UnityEngine.Material>) : void
  8798. public remove_onCreateNewMaterial ($value: System.Action$1<UnityEngine.Material>) : void
  8799. public GetFlagsByKeywords ($keywords: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<string>) : number
  8800. public GetMaterial ($flags: number, $blendMode: FairyGUI.BlendMode, $group: number) : UnityEngine.Material
  8801. public DestroyMaterials () : void
  8802. public RefreshMaterials () : void
  8803. }
  8804. class CompositeMesh extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IHitTest, FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  8805. {
  8806. public elements : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.IMeshFactory>
  8807. public activeIndex : number
  8808. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8809. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $point: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8810. public constructor ()
  8811. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8812. }
  8813. class EllipseMesh extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IHitTest, FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  8814. {
  8815. public drawRect : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Rect>
  8816. public lineWidth : number
  8817. public lineColor : UnityEngine.Color32
  8818. public centerColor : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  8819. public fillColor : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  8820. public startDegree : number
  8821. public endDegreee : number
  8822. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8823. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $point: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8824. public constructor ()
  8825. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8826. }
  8827. class FillMesh extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  8828. {
  8829. public method : FairyGUI.FillMethod
  8830. public origin : number
  8831. public amount : number
  8832. public clockwise : boolean
  8833. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8834. public constructor ()
  8835. }
  8836. class PlaneMesh extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  8837. {
  8838. public gridSize : number
  8839. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8840. public constructor ()
  8841. }
  8842. class PolygonMesh extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IHitTest, FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  8843. {
  8844. public points : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>
  8845. public texcoords : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>
  8846. public lineWidth : number
  8847. public lineColor : UnityEngine.Color32
  8848. public fillColor : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  8849. public colors : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  8850. public usePercentPositions : boolean
  8851. public Add ($point: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  8852. public Add ($point: UnityEngine.Vector2, $texcoord: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  8853. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8854. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $point: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8855. public constructor ()
  8856. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8857. }
  8858. class RectMesh extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IHitTest, FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  8859. {
  8860. public drawRect : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Rect>
  8861. public lineWidth : number
  8862. public lineColor : UnityEngine.Color32
  8863. public fillColor : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  8864. public colors : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  8865. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8866. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $point: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8867. public constructor ()
  8868. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8869. }
  8870. class RegularPolygonMesh extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IHitTest, FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  8871. {
  8872. public drawRect : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Rect>
  8873. public sides : number
  8874. public lineWidth : number
  8875. public lineColor : UnityEngine.Color32
  8876. public centerColor : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  8877. public fillColor : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  8878. public distances : System.Array$1<number>
  8879. public rotation : number
  8880. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8881. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $point: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8882. public constructor ()
  8883. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8884. }
  8885. class RoundedRectMesh extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IHitTest, FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  8886. {
  8887. public drawRect : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Rect>
  8888. public lineWidth : number
  8889. public lineColor : UnityEngine.Color32
  8890. public fillColor : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Color32>
  8891. public topLeftRadius : number
  8892. public topRightRadius : number
  8893. public bottomLeftRadius : number
  8894. public bottomRightRadius : number
  8895. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  8896. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $point: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8897. public constructor ()
  8898. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  8899. }
  8900. class MovieClip extends FairyGUI.Image implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  8901. {
  8902. public interval : number
  8903. public swing : boolean
  8904. public repeatDelay : number
  8905. public timeScale : number
  8906. public ignoreEngineTimeScale : boolean
  8907. public get onPlayEnd(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  8908. public get frames(): System.Array$1<FairyGUI.MovieClip.Frame>;
  8909. public set frames(value: System.Array$1<FairyGUI.MovieClip.Frame>);
  8910. public get playing(): boolean;
  8911. public set playing(value: boolean);
  8912. public get frame(): number;
  8913. public set frame(value: number);
  8914. public Rewind () : void
  8915. public SyncStatus ($anotherMc: FairyGUI.MovieClip) : void
  8916. public Advance ($time: number) : void
  8917. public SetPlaySettings () : void
  8918. public SetPlaySettings ($start: number, $end: number, $times: number, $endAt: number) : void
  8919. public constructor ()
  8920. }
  8921. class NAudioClip extends System.Object
  8922. {
  8923. public static CustomDestroyMethod : System.Action$1<UnityEngine.AudioClip>
  8924. public destroyMethod : FairyGUI.DestroyMethod
  8925. public nativeClip : UnityEngine.AudioClip
  8926. public Unload () : void
  8927. public Reload ($audioClip: UnityEngine.AudioClip) : void
  8928. public constructor ($audioClip: UnityEngine.AudioClip)
  8929. public constructor ()
  8930. }
  8931. enum DestroyMethod
  8932. { Destroy = 0, Unload = 1, None = 2, ReleaseTemp = 3, Custom = 4 }
  8933. class ShaderConfig extends System.Object
  8934. {
  8935. public static Get : FairyGUI.ShaderConfig.GetFunction
  8936. public static imageShader : string
  8937. public static textShader : string
  8938. public static bmFontShader : string
  8939. public static TMPFontShader : string
  8940. public static ID_ClipBox : number
  8941. public static ID_ClipSoftness : number
  8942. public static ID_AlphaTex : number
  8943. public static ID_StencilComp : number
  8944. public static ID_Stencil : number
  8945. public static ID_StencilOp : number
  8946. public static ID_StencilReadMask : number
  8947. public static ID_ColorMask : number
  8948. public static ID_ColorMatrix : number
  8949. public static ID_ColorOffset : number
  8950. public static ID_BlendSrcFactor : number
  8951. public static ID_BlendDstFactor : number
  8952. public static ID_ColorOption : number
  8953. public static ID_Stencil2 : number
  8954. public static GetShader ($name: string) : UnityEngine.Shader
  8955. }
  8956. interface IKeyboard
  8957. {
  8958. done : boolean
  8959. supportsCaret : boolean
  8960. GetInput () : string
  8961. Open ($text: string, $autocorrection: boolean, $multiline: boolean, $secure: boolean, $alert: boolean, $textPlaceholder: string, $keyboardType: number, $hideInput: boolean) : void
  8962. Close () : void
  8963. }
  8964. class StageCamera extends UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
  8965. {
  8966. public constantSize : boolean
  8967. public unitsPerPixel : number
  8968. public cachedTransform : UnityEngine.Transform
  8969. public cachedCamera : UnityEngine.Camera
  8970. public static main : UnityEngine.Camera
  8971. public static screenSizeVer : number
  8972. public static Name : string
  8973. public static LayerName : string
  8974. public static DefaultCameraSize : number
  8975. public static DefaultUnitsPerPixel : number
  8976. public ApplyModifiedProperties () : void
  8977. public static CheckMainCamera () : void
  8978. public static CheckCaptureCamera () : void
  8979. public static CreateCamera ($name: string, $cullingMask: number) : UnityEngine.Camera
  8980. public constructor ()
  8981. }
  8982. class StageEngine extends UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
  8983. {
  8984. public ObjectsOnStage : number
  8985. public GraphicsOnStage : number
  8986. public static beingQuit : boolean
  8987. public constructor ()
  8988. }
  8989. class Stats extends System.Object
  8990. {
  8991. public static ObjectCount : number
  8992. public static GraphicsCount : number
  8993. public static LatestObjectCreation : number
  8994. public static LatestGraphicsCreation : number
  8995. public constructor ()
  8996. }
  8997. class DynamicFont extends FairyGUI.BaseFont
  8998. {
  8999. public get nativeFont(): UnityEngine.Font;
  9000. public set nativeFont(value: UnityEngine.Font);
  9001. public constructor ()
  9002. public constructor ($name: string, $font: UnityEngine.Font)
  9003. }
  9004. class Emoji extends System.Object
  9005. {
  9006. public url : string
  9007. public width : number
  9008. public height : number
  9009. public constructor ($url: string, $width: number, $height: number)
  9010. public constructor ($url: string)
  9011. public constructor ()
  9012. }
  9013. class FontManager extends System.Object
  9014. {
  9015. public static sFontFactory : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, FairyGUI.BaseFont>
  9016. public static RegisterFont ($font: FairyGUI.BaseFont, $alias?: string) : void
  9017. public static UnregisterFont ($font: FairyGUI.BaseFont) : void
  9018. public static GetFont ($name: string) : FairyGUI.BaseFont
  9019. public static Clear () : void
  9020. public constructor ()
  9021. }
  9022. class InputTextField extends FairyGUI.RichTextField implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  9023. {
  9024. public static onCopy : System.Action$2<FairyGUI.InputTextField, string>
  9025. public static onPaste : System.Action$1<FairyGUI.InputTextField>
  9026. public static contextMenu : FairyGUI.PopupMenu
  9027. public get maxLength(): number;
  9028. public set maxLength(value: number);
  9029. public get keyboardInput(): boolean;
  9030. public set keyboardInput(value: boolean);
  9031. public get keyboardType(): number;
  9032. public set keyboardType(value: number);
  9033. public get hideInput(): boolean;
  9034. public set hideInput(value: boolean);
  9035. public get disableIME(): boolean;
  9036. public set disableIME(value: boolean);
  9037. public get mouseWheelEnabled(): boolean;
  9038. public set mouseWheelEnabled(value: boolean);
  9039. public get onChanged(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9040. public get onSubmit(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9041. public get text(): string;
  9042. public set text(value: string);
  9043. public get textFormat(): FairyGUI.TextFormat;
  9044. public set textFormat(value: FairyGUI.TextFormat);
  9045. public get restrict(): string;
  9046. public set restrict(value: string);
  9047. public get caretPosition(): number;
  9048. public set caretPosition(value: number);
  9049. public get selectionBeginIndex(): number;
  9050. public get selectionEndIndex(): number;
  9051. public get promptText(): string;
  9052. public set promptText(value: string);
  9053. public get displayAsPassword(): boolean;
  9054. public set displayAsPassword(value: boolean);
  9055. public get editable(): boolean;
  9056. public set editable(value: boolean);
  9057. public get border(): number;
  9058. public set border(value: number);
  9059. public get corner(): number;
  9060. public set corner(value: number);
  9061. public get borderColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  9062. public set borderColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  9063. public get backgroundColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  9064. public set backgroundColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  9065. public SetSelection ($start: number, $length: number) : void
  9066. public ReplaceSelection ($value: string) : void
  9067. public ReplaceText ($value: string) : void
  9068. public GetSelection () : string
  9069. public constructor ()
  9070. }
  9071. class PopupMenu extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  9072. {
  9073. public visibleItemCount : number
  9074. public hideOnClickItem : boolean
  9075. public autoSize : boolean
  9076. public get onPopup(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9077. public get onClose(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9078. public get itemCount(): number;
  9079. public get contentPane(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  9080. public get list(): FairyGUI.GList;
  9081. public AddItem ($caption: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback0) : FairyGUI.GButton
  9082. public AddItem ($caption: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : FairyGUI.GButton
  9083. public AddItemAt ($caption: string, $index: number, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : FairyGUI.GButton
  9084. public AddItemAt ($caption: string, $index: number, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback0) : FairyGUI.GButton
  9085. public AddSeperator () : void
  9086. public AddSeperator ($index: number) : void
  9087. public GetItemName ($index: number) : string
  9088. public SetItemText ($name: string, $caption: string) : void
  9089. public SetItemVisible ($name: string, $visible: boolean) : void
  9090. public SetItemGrayed ($name: string, $grayed: boolean) : void
  9091. public SetItemCheckable ($name: string, $checkable: boolean) : void
  9092. public SetItemChecked ($name: string, $check: boolean) : void
  9093. public IsItemChecked ($name: string) : boolean
  9094. public RemoveItem ($name: string) : void
  9095. public ClearItems () : void
  9096. public Dispose () : void
  9097. public Show () : void
  9098. public Show ($target: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  9099. public Show ($target: FairyGUI.GObject, $dir: FairyGUI.PopupDirection) : void
  9100. public Show ($target: FairyGUI.GObject, $dir: FairyGUI.PopupDirection, $parentMenu: FairyGUI.PopupMenu) : void
  9101. public Hide () : void
  9102. public constructor ()
  9103. public constructor ($resourceURL: string)
  9104. }
  9105. class TextField extends FairyGUI.DisplayObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  9106. {
  9107. public get textFormat(): FairyGUI.TextFormat;
  9108. public set textFormat(value: FairyGUI.TextFormat);
  9109. public get align(): FairyGUI.AlignType;
  9110. public set align(value: FairyGUI.AlignType);
  9111. public get verticalAlign(): FairyGUI.VertAlignType;
  9112. public set verticalAlign(value: FairyGUI.VertAlignType);
  9113. public get text(): string;
  9114. public set text(value: string);
  9115. public get htmlText(): string;
  9116. public set htmlText(value: string);
  9117. public get parsedText(): string;
  9118. public get autoSize(): FairyGUI.AutoSizeType;
  9119. public set autoSize(value: FairyGUI.AutoSizeType);
  9120. public get wordWrap(): boolean;
  9121. public set wordWrap(value: boolean);
  9122. public get singleLine(): boolean;
  9123. public set singleLine(value: boolean);
  9124. public get stroke(): number;
  9125. public set stroke(value: number);
  9126. public get strokeColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  9127. public set strokeColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  9128. public get shadowOffset(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  9129. public set shadowOffset(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  9130. public get textWidth(): number;
  9131. public get textHeight(): number;
  9132. public get maxWidth(): number;
  9133. public set maxWidth(value: number);
  9134. public get htmlElements(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement>;
  9135. public get lines(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.TextField.LineInfo>;
  9136. public get charPositions(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.TextField.CharPosition>;
  9137. public get richTextField(): FairyGUI.RichTextField;
  9138. public EnableCharPositionSupport () : void
  9139. public ApplyFormat () : void
  9140. public Redraw () : boolean
  9141. public HasCharacter ($ch: number) : boolean
  9142. public GetLinesShape ($startLine: number, $startCharX: number, $endLine: number, $endCharX: number, $clipped: boolean, $resultRects: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Rect>) : void
  9143. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  9144. public constructor ()
  9145. }
  9146. class RTLSupport extends System.Object
  9147. {
  9148. public static BaseDirection : FairyGUI.RTLSupport.DirectionType
  9149. public static IsArabicLetter ($ch: number) : boolean
  9150. public static ConvertNumber ($strNumber: string) : string
  9151. public static ContainsArabicLetters ($text: string) : boolean
  9152. public static DetectTextDirection ($text: string) : FairyGUI.RTLSupport.DirectionType
  9153. public static DoMapping ($input: string) : string
  9154. public static ConvertLineL ($source: string) : string
  9155. public static ConvertLineR ($source: string) : string
  9156. public constructor ()
  9157. }
  9158. class SelectionShape extends FairyGUI.DisplayObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  9159. {
  9160. public rects : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Rect>
  9161. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  9162. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  9163. public Refresh () : void
  9164. public Clear () : void
  9165. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  9166. public constructor ()
  9167. }
  9168. class TouchScreenKeyboard extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IKeyboard
  9169. {
  9170. public get done(): boolean;
  9171. public get supportsCaret(): boolean;
  9172. public GetInput () : string
  9173. public Open ($text: string, $autocorrection: boolean, $multiline: boolean, $secure: boolean, $alert: boolean, $textPlaceholder: string, $keyboardType: number, $hideInput: boolean) : void
  9174. public Close () : void
  9175. public constructor ()
  9176. }
  9177. class TypingEffect extends System.Object
  9178. {
  9179. public Start () : void
  9180. public Print () : boolean
  9181. public Print ($interval: number) : System.Collections.IEnumerator
  9182. public PrintAll ($interval: number) : void
  9183. public Cancel () : void
  9184. public constructor ($textField: FairyGUI.TextField)
  9185. public constructor ($textField: FairyGUI.GTextField)
  9186. public constructor ()
  9187. }
  9188. interface EventCallback0
  9189. { () : void; }
  9190. var EventCallback0: { new (func: () => void): EventCallback0; }
  9191. class GLoader3D extends FairyGUI.GObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IAnimationGear, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  9192. {
  9193. public get armatureComponent(): DragonBones.UnityArmatureComponent;
  9194. public get spineAnimation(): Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation;
  9195. public get url(): string;
  9196. public set url(value: string);
  9197. public get icon(): string;
  9198. public set icon(value: string);
  9199. public get align(): FairyGUI.AlignType;
  9200. public set align(value: FairyGUI.AlignType);
  9201. public get verticalAlign(): FairyGUI.VertAlignType;
  9202. public set verticalAlign(value: FairyGUI.VertAlignType);
  9203. public get fill(): FairyGUI.FillType;
  9204. public set fill(value: FairyGUI.FillType);
  9205. public get shrinkOnly(): boolean;
  9206. public set shrinkOnly(value: boolean);
  9207. public get autoSize(): boolean;
  9208. public set autoSize(value: boolean);
  9209. public get playing(): boolean;
  9210. public set playing(value: boolean);
  9211. public get frame(): number;
  9212. public set frame(value: number);
  9213. public get timeScale(): number;
  9214. public set timeScale(value: number);
  9215. public get ignoreEngineTimeScale(): boolean;
  9216. public set ignoreEngineTimeScale(value: boolean);
  9217. public get loop(): boolean;
  9218. public set loop(value: boolean);
  9219. public get animationName(): string;
  9220. public set animationName(value: string);
  9221. public get skinName(): string;
  9222. public set skinName(value: string);
  9223. public get material(): UnityEngine.Material;
  9224. public set material(value: UnityEngine.Material);
  9225. public get shader(): string;
  9226. public set shader(value: string);
  9227. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  9228. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  9229. public get wrapTarget(): UnityEngine.GameObject;
  9230. public get filter(): FairyGUI.IFilter;
  9231. public set filter(value: FairyGUI.IFilter);
  9232. public get blendMode(): FairyGUI.BlendMode;
  9233. public set blendMode(value: FairyGUI.BlendMode);
  9234. public SetDragonBones ($asset: DragonBones.DragonBonesData, $width: number, $height: number, $anchor: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  9235. public SetSpine ($asset: Spine.Unity.SkeletonDataAsset, $width: number, $height: number, $anchor: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  9236. public SetSpine ($asset: Spine.Unity.SkeletonDataAsset, $width: number, $height: number, $anchor: UnityEngine.Vector2, $cloneMaterial: boolean) : void
  9237. public Advance ($time: number) : void
  9238. public SetWrapTarget ($gameObject: UnityEngine.GameObject, $cloneMaterial: boolean, $width: number, $height: number) : void
  9239. public constructor ()
  9240. }
  9241. enum FillType
  9242. { None = 0, Scale = 1, ScaleMatchHeight = 2, ScaleMatchWidth = 3, ScaleFree = 4, ScaleNoBorder = 5 }
  9243. class ExternalFont extends FairyGUI.BaseFont
  9244. {
  9245. public get samplePointSize(): number;
  9246. public set samplePointSize(value: number);
  9247. public get renderMode(): UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode;
  9248. public set renderMode(value: UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode);
  9249. public Load ($file: string) : void
  9250. public constructor ()
  9251. }
  9252. class ExternalTMPFont extends FairyGUI.TMPFont
  9253. {
  9254. public Load ($file: string, $samplePointSize: number, $atlasPadding: number) : void
  9255. public constructor ()
  9256. }
  9257. class TMPFont extends FairyGUI.BaseFont
  9258. {
  9259. public get fontAsset(): TMPro.TMP_FontAsset;
  9260. public set fontAsset(value: TMPro.TMP_FontAsset);
  9261. public get fontWeight(): TMPro.FontWeight;
  9262. public set fontWeight(value: TMPro.FontWeight);
  9263. public constructor ()
  9264. }
  9265. class BlurFilter extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IFilter
  9266. {
  9267. public blurSize : number
  9268. public get target(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  9269. public set target(value: FairyGUI.DisplayObject);
  9270. public Dispose () : void
  9271. public Update () : void
  9272. public constructor ()
  9273. }
  9274. class ColorFilter extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IFilter
  9275. {
  9276. public get target(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  9277. public set target(value: FairyGUI.DisplayObject);
  9278. public Dispose () : void
  9279. public Update () : void
  9280. public Invert () : void
  9281. public AdjustSaturation ($sat: number) : void
  9282. public AdjustContrast ($value: number) : void
  9283. public AdjustBrightness ($value: number) : void
  9284. public AdjustHue ($value: number) : void
  9285. public Tint ($color: UnityEngine.Color, $amount?: number) : void
  9286. public Reset () : void
  9287. public ConcatValues (...values: number[]) : void
  9288. public constructor ()
  9289. }
  9290. class LongPressGesture extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  9291. {
  9292. public trigger : number
  9293. public interval : number
  9294. public once : boolean
  9295. public holdRangeRadius : number
  9296. public static TRIGGER : number
  9297. public static INTERVAL : number
  9298. public get host(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  9299. public get onBegin(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9300. public get onEnd(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9301. public get onAction(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9302. public Dispose () : void
  9303. public Enable ($value: boolean) : void
  9304. public Cancel () : void
  9305. public constructor ($host: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9306. public constructor ()
  9307. }
  9308. class PinchGesture extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  9309. {
  9310. public scale : number
  9311. public delta : number
  9312. public get host(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  9313. public get onBegin(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9314. public get onEnd(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9315. public get onAction(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9316. public Dispose () : void
  9317. public Enable ($value: boolean) : void
  9318. public constructor ($host: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9319. public constructor ()
  9320. }
  9321. class RotationGesture extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  9322. {
  9323. public rotation : number
  9324. public delta : number
  9325. public snapping : boolean
  9326. public get host(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  9327. public get onBegin(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9328. public get onEnd(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9329. public get onAction(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9330. public Dispose () : void
  9331. public Enable ($value: boolean) : void
  9332. public constructor ($host: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9333. public constructor ()
  9334. }
  9335. class SwipeGesture extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  9336. {
  9337. public velocity : UnityEngine.Vector2
  9338. public position : UnityEngine.Vector2
  9339. public delta : UnityEngine.Vector2
  9340. public actionDistance : number
  9341. public snapping : boolean
  9342. public static ACTION_DISTANCE : number
  9343. public get host(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  9344. public get onBegin(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9345. public get onEnd(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9346. public get onMove(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9347. public get onAction(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9348. public Dispose () : void
  9349. public Enable ($value: boolean) : void
  9350. public constructor ($host: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9351. public constructor ()
  9352. }
  9353. class EaseManager extends System.Object
  9354. {
  9355. public static Evaluate ($easeType: FairyGUI.EaseType, $time: number, $duration: number, $overshootOrAmplitude?: number, $period?: number, $customEase?: FairyGUI.CustomEase) : number
  9356. }
  9357. class GTween extends System.Object
  9358. {
  9359. public static catchCallbackExceptions : boolean
  9360. public static To ($startValue: number, $endValue: number, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  9361. public static To ($startValue: UnityEngine.Vector2, $endValue: UnityEngine.Vector2, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  9362. public static To ($startValue: UnityEngine.Vector3, $endValue: UnityEngine.Vector3, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  9363. public static To ($startValue: UnityEngine.Vector4, $endValue: UnityEngine.Vector4, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  9364. public static To ($startValue: UnityEngine.Color, $endValue: UnityEngine.Color, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  9365. public static ToDouble ($startValue: number, $endValue: number, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  9366. public static DelayedCall ($delay: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  9367. public static Shake ($startValue: UnityEngine.Vector3, $amplitude: number, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  9368. public static IsTweening ($target: any) : boolean
  9369. public static IsTweening ($target: any, $propType: FairyGUI.TweenPropType) : boolean
  9370. public static Kill ($target: any) : void
  9371. public static Kill ($target: any, $complete: boolean) : void
  9372. public static Kill ($target: any, $propType: FairyGUI.TweenPropType, $complete: boolean) : void
  9373. public static GetTween ($target: any) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  9374. public static GetTween ($target: any, $propType: FairyGUI.TweenPropType) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  9375. public static Clean () : void
  9376. public constructor ()
  9377. }
  9378. enum TweenPropType
  9379. { None = 0, X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3, XY = 4, Position = 5, Width = 6, Height = 7, Size = 8, ScaleX = 9, ScaleY = 10, Scale = 11, Rotation = 12, RotationX = 13, RotationY = 14, Alpha = 15, Progress = 16 }
  9380. interface ITweenListener
  9381. {
  9382. OnTweenStart ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9383. OnTweenUpdate ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9384. OnTweenComplete ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9385. }
  9386. interface GTweenCallback
  9387. { () : void; }
  9388. var GTweenCallback: { new (func: () => void): GTweenCallback; }
  9389. interface GTweenCallback1
  9390. { (tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void; }
  9391. var GTweenCallback1: { new (func: (tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) => void): GTweenCallback1; }
  9392. class TweenValue extends System.Object
  9393. {
  9394. public x : number
  9395. public y : number
  9396. public z : number
  9397. public w : number
  9398. public d : number
  9399. public get vec2(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  9400. public set vec2(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  9401. public get vec3(): UnityEngine.Vector3;
  9402. public set vec3(value: UnityEngine.Vector3);
  9403. public get vec4(): UnityEngine.Vector4;
  9404. public set vec4(value: UnityEngine.Vector4);
  9405. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  9406. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  9407. public get_Item ($index: number) : number
  9408. public set_Item ($index: number, $value: number) : void
  9409. public SetZero () : void
  9410. public constructor ()
  9411. }
  9412. class ChangePageAction extends FairyGUI.ControllerAction
  9413. {
  9414. public objectId : string
  9415. public controllerName : string
  9416. public targetPage : string
  9417. public constructor ()
  9418. }
  9419. class ControllerAction extends System.Object
  9420. {
  9421. public fromPage : System.Array$1<string>
  9422. public toPage : System.Array$1<string>
  9423. public static CreateAction ($type: FairyGUI.ControllerAction.ActionType) : FairyGUI.ControllerAction
  9424. public Run ($controller: FairyGUI.Controller, $prevPage: string, $curPage: string) : void
  9425. public Setup ($buffer: FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer) : void
  9426. public constructor ()
  9427. }
  9428. class Controller extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  9429. {
  9430. public name : string
  9431. public get onChanged(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9432. public get selectedIndex(): number;
  9433. public set selectedIndex(value: number);
  9434. public get selectedPage(): string;
  9435. public set selectedPage(value: string);
  9436. public get previsousIndex(): number;
  9437. public get previousPage(): string;
  9438. public get pageCount(): number;
  9439. public Dispose () : void
  9440. public SetSelectedIndex ($value: number) : void
  9441. public SetSelectedPage ($value: string) : void
  9442. public GetPageName ($index: number) : string
  9443. public GetPageId ($index: number) : string
  9444. public GetPageIdByName ($aName: string) : string
  9445. public AddPage ($name: string) : void
  9446. public AddPageAt ($name: string, $index: number) : void
  9447. public RemovePage ($name: string) : void
  9448. public RemovePageAt ($index: number) : void
  9449. public ClearPages () : void
  9450. public HasPage ($aName: string) : boolean
  9451. public RunActions () : void
  9452. public Setup ($buffer: FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer) : void
  9453. public constructor ()
  9454. }
  9455. class PlayTransitionAction extends FairyGUI.ControllerAction
  9456. {
  9457. public transitionName : string
  9458. public playTimes : number
  9459. public delay : number
  9460. public stopOnExit : boolean
  9461. public constructor ()
  9462. }
  9463. class AsyncCreationHelper extends System.Object
  9464. {
  9465. public static CreateObject ($item: FairyGUI.PackageItem, $callback: FairyGUI.UIPackage.CreateObjectCallback) : void
  9466. public constructor ()
  9467. }
  9468. class PackageItem extends System.Object
  9469. {
  9470. public owner : FairyGUI.UIPackage
  9471. public type : FairyGUI.PackageItemType
  9472. public objectType : FairyGUI.ObjectType
  9473. public id : string
  9474. public name : string
  9475. public width : number
  9476. public height : number
  9477. public file : string
  9478. public exported : boolean
  9479. public texture : FairyGUI.NTexture
  9480. public rawData : FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer
  9481. public branches : System.Array$1<string>
  9482. public highResolution : System.Array$1<string>
  9483. public scale9Grid : System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Rect>
  9484. public scaleByTile : boolean
  9485. public tileGridIndice : number
  9486. public pixelHitTestData : FairyGUI.PixelHitTestData
  9487. public interval : number
  9488. public repeatDelay : number
  9489. public swing : boolean
  9490. public frames : System.Array$1<FairyGUI.MovieClip.Frame>
  9491. public translated : boolean
  9492. public extensionCreator : FairyGUI.UIObjectFactory.GComponentCreator
  9493. public bitmapFont : FairyGUI.BitmapFont
  9494. public audioClip : FairyGUI.NAudioClip
  9495. public skeletonAnchor : UnityEngine.Vector2
  9496. public skeletonAsset : any
  9497. public Load () : any
  9498. public getBranch () : FairyGUI.PackageItem
  9499. public getHighResolution () : FairyGUI.PackageItem
  9500. public constructor ()
  9501. }
  9502. class DragDropManager extends System.Object
  9503. {
  9504. public static get inst(): FairyGUI.DragDropManager;
  9505. public get dragAgent(): FairyGUI.GLoader;
  9506. public get dragging(): boolean;
  9507. public StartDrag ($source: FairyGUI.GObject, $icon: string, $sourceData: any, $touchPointID?: number) : void
  9508. public Cancel () : void
  9509. public constructor ()
  9510. }
  9511. interface EMRenderTarget
  9512. {
  9513. EM_sortingOrder : number
  9514. EM_BeforeUpdate () : void
  9515. EM_Update ($context: FairyGUI.UpdateContext) : void
  9516. EM_Reload () : void
  9517. }
  9518. class EMRenderSupport extends System.Object
  9519. {
  9520. public static orderChanged : boolean
  9521. public static get packageListReady(): boolean;
  9522. public static get hasTarget(): boolean;
  9523. public static Add ($value: FairyGUI.EMRenderTarget) : void
  9524. public static Remove ($value: FairyGUI.EMRenderTarget) : void
  9525. public static Update () : void
  9526. public static Reload () : void
  9527. public constructor ()
  9528. }
  9529. enum ButtonMode
  9530. { Common = 0, Check = 1, Radio = 2 }
  9531. class ScrollPane extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  9532. {
  9533. public static TWEEN_TIME_GO : number
  9534. public static TWEEN_TIME_DEFAULT : number
  9535. public static PULL_RATIO : number
  9536. public static get draggingPane(): FairyGUI.ScrollPane;
  9537. public get onScroll(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9538. public get onScrollEnd(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9539. public get onPullDownRelease(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9540. public get onPullUpRelease(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9541. public get owner(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  9542. public get hzScrollBar(): FairyGUI.GScrollBar;
  9543. public get vtScrollBar(): FairyGUI.GScrollBar;
  9544. public get header(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  9545. public get footer(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  9546. public get bouncebackEffect(): boolean;
  9547. public set bouncebackEffect(value: boolean);
  9548. public get touchEffect(): boolean;
  9549. public set touchEffect(value: boolean);
  9550. public get inertiaDisabled(): boolean;
  9551. public set inertiaDisabled(value: boolean);
  9552. public get softnessOnTopOrLeftSide(): boolean;
  9553. public set softnessOnTopOrLeftSide(value: boolean);
  9554. public get scrollStep(): number;
  9555. public set scrollStep(value: number);
  9556. public get snapToItem(): boolean;
  9557. public set snapToItem(value: boolean);
  9558. public get pageMode(): boolean;
  9559. public set pageMode(value: boolean);
  9560. public get pageController(): FairyGUI.Controller;
  9561. public set pageController(value: FairyGUI.Controller);
  9562. public get mouseWheelEnabled(): boolean;
  9563. public set mouseWheelEnabled(value: boolean);
  9564. public get decelerationRate(): number;
  9565. public set decelerationRate(value: number);
  9566. public get isDragged(): boolean;
  9567. public get percX(): number;
  9568. public set percX(value: number);
  9569. public get percY(): number;
  9570. public set percY(value: number);
  9571. public get posX(): number;
  9572. public set posX(value: number);
  9573. public get posY(): number;
  9574. public set posY(value: number);
  9575. public get isBottomMost(): boolean;
  9576. public get isRightMost(): boolean;
  9577. public get currentPageX(): number;
  9578. public set currentPageX(value: number);
  9579. public get currentPageY(): number;
  9580. public set currentPageY(value: number);
  9581. public get scrollingPosX(): number;
  9582. public get scrollingPosY(): number;
  9583. public get contentWidth(): number;
  9584. public get contentHeight(): number;
  9585. public get viewWidth(): number;
  9586. public set viewWidth(value: number);
  9587. public get viewHeight(): number;
  9588. public set viewHeight(value: number);
  9589. public Setup ($buffer: FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer) : void
  9590. public Dispose () : void
  9591. public SetPercX ($value: number, $ani: boolean) : void
  9592. public SetPercY ($value: number, $ani: boolean) : void
  9593. public SetPosX ($value: number, $ani: boolean) : void
  9594. public SetPosY ($value: number, $ani: boolean) : void
  9595. public SetCurrentPageX ($value: number, $ani: boolean) : void
  9596. public SetCurrentPageY ($value: number, $ani: boolean) : void
  9597. public ScrollTop () : void
  9598. public ScrollTop ($ani: boolean) : void
  9599. public ScrollBottom () : void
  9600. public ScrollBottom ($ani: boolean) : void
  9601. public ScrollUp () : void
  9602. public ScrollUp ($ratio: number, $ani: boolean) : void
  9603. public ScrollDown () : void
  9604. public ScrollDown ($ratio: number, $ani: boolean) : void
  9605. public ScrollLeft () : void
  9606. public ScrollLeft ($ratio: number, $ani: boolean) : void
  9607. public ScrollRight () : void
  9608. public ScrollRight ($ratio: number, $ani: boolean) : void
  9609. public ScrollToView ($obj: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  9610. public ScrollToView ($obj: FairyGUI.GObject, $ani: boolean) : void
  9611. public ScrollToView ($obj: FairyGUI.GObject, $ani: boolean, $setFirst: boolean) : void
  9612. public ScrollToView ($rect: UnityEngine.Rect, $ani: boolean, $setFirst: boolean) : void
  9613. public IsChildInView ($obj: FairyGUI.GObject) : boolean
  9614. public CancelDragging () : void
  9615. public LockHeader ($size: number) : void
  9616. public LockFooter ($size: number) : void
  9617. public UpdateScrollBarVisible () : void
  9618. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GComponent)
  9619. public constructor ()
  9620. }
  9621. enum ChildrenRenderOrder
  9622. { Ascent = 0, Descent = 1, Arch = 2 }
  9623. class GGroup extends FairyGUI.GObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  9624. {
  9625. public get layout(): FairyGUI.GroupLayoutType;
  9626. public set layout(value: FairyGUI.GroupLayoutType);
  9627. public get lineGap(): number;
  9628. public set lineGap(value: number);
  9629. public get columnGap(): number;
  9630. public set columnGap(value: number);
  9631. public get excludeInvisibles(): boolean;
  9632. public set excludeInvisibles(value: boolean);
  9633. public get autoSizeDisabled(): boolean;
  9634. public set autoSizeDisabled(value: boolean);
  9635. public get mainGridMinSize(): number;
  9636. public set mainGridMinSize(value: number);
  9637. public get mainGridIndex(): number;
  9638. public set mainGridIndex(value: number);
  9639. public SetBoundsChangedFlag ($positionChangedOnly?: boolean) : void
  9640. public EnsureBoundsCorrect () : void
  9641. public constructor ()
  9642. }
  9643. class Transition extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.ITweenListener
  9644. {
  9645. public invalidateBatchingEveryFrame : boolean
  9646. public get name(): string;
  9647. public get playing(): boolean;
  9648. public get totalDuration(): number;
  9649. public get timeScale(): number;
  9650. public set timeScale(value: number);
  9651. public get ignoreEngineTimeScale(): boolean;
  9652. public set ignoreEngineTimeScale(value: boolean);
  9653. public Play () : void
  9654. public Play ($onComplete: FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback) : void
  9655. public Play ($times: number, $delay: number, $onComplete: FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback) : void
  9656. public Play ($times: number, $delay: number, $startTime: number, $endTime: number, $onComplete: FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback) : void
  9657. public PlayReverse () : void
  9658. public PlayReverse ($onComplete: FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback) : void
  9659. public PlayReverse ($times: number, $delay: number, $onComplete: FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback) : void
  9660. public ChangePlayTimes ($value: number) : void
  9661. public SetAutoPlay ($autoPlay: boolean, $times: number, $delay: number) : void
  9662. public Stop () : void
  9663. public Stop ($setToComplete: boolean, $processCallback: boolean) : void
  9664. public SetPaused ($paused: boolean) : void
  9665. public Dispose () : void
  9666. public SetValue ($label: string, ...aParams: any[]) : void
  9667. public SetHook ($label: string, $callback: FairyGUI.TransitionHook) : void
  9668. public ClearHooks () : void
  9669. public SetTarget ($label: string, $newTarget: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  9670. public SetDuration ($label: string, $value: number) : void
  9671. public GetLabelTime ($label: string) : number
  9672. public OnTweenStart ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9673. public OnTweenUpdate ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9674. public OnTweenComplete ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9675. public Setup ($buffer: FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer) : void
  9676. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GComponent)
  9677. public constructor ()
  9678. }
  9679. class GearAnimation extends FairyGUI.GearBase
  9680. {
  9681. public AddExtStatus ($pageId: string, $buffer: FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer) : void
  9682. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9683. public constructor ()
  9684. }
  9685. class GearBase extends System.Object
  9686. {
  9687. public static disableAllTweenEffect : boolean
  9688. public get controller(): FairyGUI.Controller;
  9689. public set controller(value: FairyGUI.Controller);
  9690. public get tweenConfig(): FairyGUI.GearTweenConfig;
  9691. public Dispose () : void
  9692. public Setup ($buffer: FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer) : void
  9693. public UpdateFromRelations ($dx: number, $dy: number) : void
  9694. public Apply () : void
  9695. public UpdateState () : void
  9696. }
  9697. class GearTweenConfig extends System.Object
  9698. {
  9699. public tween : boolean
  9700. public easeType : FairyGUI.EaseType
  9701. public customEase : FairyGUI.CustomEase
  9702. public duration : number
  9703. public delay : number
  9704. public constructor ()
  9705. }
  9706. class GearColor extends FairyGUI.GearBase implements FairyGUI.ITweenListener
  9707. {
  9708. public OnTweenStart ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9709. public OnTweenUpdate ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9710. public OnTweenComplete ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9711. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9712. public constructor ()
  9713. }
  9714. class GearDisplay extends FairyGUI.GearBase
  9715. {
  9716. public get pages(): System.Array$1<string>;
  9717. public set pages(value: System.Array$1<string>);
  9718. public get connected(): boolean;
  9719. public AddLock () : number
  9720. public ReleaseLock ($token: number) : void
  9721. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9722. public constructor ()
  9723. }
  9724. class GearDisplay2 extends FairyGUI.GearBase
  9725. {
  9726. public condition : number
  9727. public get pages(): System.Array$1<string>;
  9728. public set pages(value: System.Array$1<string>);
  9729. public Evaluate ($connected: boolean) : boolean
  9730. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9731. public constructor ()
  9732. }
  9733. class GearFontSize extends FairyGUI.GearBase
  9734. {
  9735. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9736. public constructor ()
  9737. }
  9738. class GearIcon extends FairyGUI.GearBase
  9739. {
  9740. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9741. public constructor ()
  9742. }
  9743. class GearLook extends FairyGUI.GearBase implements FairyGUI.ITweenListener
  9744. {
  9745. public OnTweenStart ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9746. public OnTweenUpdate ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9747. public OnTweenComplete ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9748. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9749. public constructor ()
  9750. }
  9751. class GearSize extends FairyGUI.GearBase implements FairyGUI.ITweenListener
  9752. {
  9753. public OnTweenStart ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9754. public OnTweenUpdate ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9755. public OnTweenComplete ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9756. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9757. public constructor ()
  9758. }
  9759. class GearText extends FairyGUI.GearBase
  9760. {
  9761. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9762. public constructor ()
  9763. }
  9764. class GearXY extends FairyGUI.GearBase implements FairyGUI.ITweenListener
  9765. {
  9766. public positionsInPercent : boolean
  9767. public AddExtStatus ($pageId: string, $buffer: FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer) : void
  9768. public OnTweenStart ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9769. public OnTweenUpdate ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9770. public OnTweenComplete ($tweener: FairyGUI.GTweener) : void
  9771. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9772. public constructor ()
  9773. }
  9774. class GGraph extends FairyGUI.GObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  9775. {
  9776. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  9777. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  9778. public get shape(): FairyGUI.Shape;
  9779. public ReplaceMe ($target: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  9780. public AddBeforeMe ($target: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  9781. public AddAfterMe ($target: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  9782. public SetNativeObject ($obj: FairyGUI.DisplayObject) : void
  9783. public DrawRect ($aWidth: number, $aHeight: number, $lineSize: number, $lineColor: UnityEngine.Color, $fillColor: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  9784. public DrawRoundRect ($aWidth: number, $aHeight: number, $fillColor: UnityEngine.Color, $corner: System.Array$1<number>) : void
  9785. public DrawEllipse ($aWidth: number, $aHeight: number, $fillColor: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  9786. public DrawPolygon ($aWidth: number, $aHeight: number, $points: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $fillColor: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  9787. public DrawPolygon ($aWidth: number, $aHeight: number, $points: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $fillColor: UnityEngine.Color, $lineSize: number, $lineColor: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  9788. public constructor ()
  9789. }
  9790. class GImage extends FairyGUI.GObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  9791. {
  9792. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  9793. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  9794. public get flip(): FairyGUI.FlipType;
  9795. public set flip(value: FairyGUI.FlipType);
  9796. public get fillMethod(): FairyGUI.FillMethod;
  9797. public set fillMethod(value: FairyGUI.FillMethod);
  9798. public get fillOrigin(): number;
  9799. public set fillOrigin(value: number);
  9800. public get fillClockwise(): boolean;
  9801. public set fillClockwise(value: boolean);
  9802. public get fillAmount(): number;
  9803. public set fillAmount(value: number);
  9804. public get texture(): FairyGUI.NTexture;
  9805. public set texture(value: FairyGUI.NTexture);
  9806. public get material(): UnityEngine.Material;
  9807. public set material(value: UnityEngine.Material);
  9808. public get shader(): string;
  9809. public set shader(value: string);
  9810. public constructor ()
  9811. }
  9812. enum ListSelectionMode
  9813. { Single = 0, Multiple = 1, Multiple_SingleClick = 2, None = 3 }
  9814. interface ListItemRenderer
  9815. { (index: number, item: FairyGUI.GObject) : void; }
  9816. var ListItemRenderer: { new (func: (index: number, item: FairyGUI.GObject) => void): ListItemRenderer; }
  9817. interface ListItemProvider
  9818. { (index: number) : string; }
  9819. var ListItemProvider: { new (func: (index: number) => string): ListItemProvider; }
  9820. enum ListLayoutType
  9821. { SingleColumn = 0, SingleRow = 1, FlowHorizontal = 2, FlowVertical = 3, Pagination = 4 }
  9822. class GObjectPool extends System.Object
  9823. {
  9824. public initCallback : FairyGUI.GObjectPool.InitCallbackDelegate
  9825. public get count(): number;
  9826. public Clear () : void
  9827. public GetObject ($url: string) : FairyGUI.GObject
  9828. public ReturnObject ($obj: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  9829. public constructor ($manager: UnityEngine.Transform)
  9830. public constructor ()
  9831. }
  9832. class GMovieClip extends FairyGUI.GObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IAnimationGear, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  9833. {
  9834. public get onPlayEnd(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9835. public get playing(): boolean;
  9836. public set playing(value: boolean);
  9837. public get frame(): number;
  9838. public set frame(value: number);
  9839. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  9840. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  9841. public get flip(): FairyGUI.FlipType;
  9842. public set flip(value: FairyGUI.FlipType);
  9843. public get material(): UnityEngine.Material;
  9844. public set material(value: UnityEngine.Material);
  9845. public get shader(): string;
  9846. public set shader(value: string);
  9847. public get timeScale(): number;
  9848. public set timeScale(value: number);
  9849. public get ignoreEngineTimeScale(): boolean;
  9850. public set ignoreEngineTimeScale(value: boolean);
  9851. public Rewind () : void
  9852. public SyncStatus ($anotherMc: FairyGUI.GMovieClip) : void
  9853. public Advance ($time: number) : void
  9854. public SetPlaySettings ($start: number, $end: number, $times: number, $endAt: number) : void
  9855. public constructor ()
  9856. }
  9857. class Relations extends System.Object
  9858. {
  9859. public handling : FairyGUI.GObject
  9860. public get isEmpty(): boolean;
  9861. public Add ($target: FairyGUI.GObject, $relationType: FairyGUI.RelationType) : void
  9862. public Add ($target: FairyGUI.GObject, $relationType: FairyGUI.RelationType, $usePercent: boolean) : void
  9863. public Remove ($target: FairyGUI.GObject, $relationType: FairyGUI.RelationType) : void
  9864. public Contains ($target: FairyGUI.GObject) : boolean
  9865. public ClearFor ($target: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  9866. public ClearAll () : void
  9867. public CopyFrom ($source: FairyGUI.Relations) : void
  9868. public Dispose () : void
  9869. public OnOwnerSizeChanged ($dWidth: number, $dHeight: number, $applyPivot: boolean) : void
  9870. public Setup ($buffer: FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer, $parentToChild: boolean) : void
  9871. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GObject)
  9872. public constructor ()
  9873. }
  9874. enum RelationType
  9875. { Left_Left = 0, Left_Center = 1, Left_Right = 2, Center_Center = 3, Right_Left = 4, Right_Center = 5, Right_Right = 6, Top_Top = 7, Top_Middle = 8, Top_Bottom = 9, Middle_Middle = 10, Bottom_Top = 11, Bottom_Middle = 12, Bottom_Bottom = 13, Width = 14, Height = 15, LeftExt_Left = 16, LeftExt_Right = 17, RightExt_Left = 18, RightExt_Right = 19, TopExt_Top = 20, TopExt_Bottom = 21, BottomExt_Top = 22, BottomExt_Bottom = 23, Size = 24 }
  9876. class GProgressBar extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  9877. {
  9878. public get titleType(): FairyGUI.ProgressTitleType;
  9879. public set titleType(value: FairyGUI.ProgressTitleType);
  9880. public get min(): number;
  9881. public set min(value: number);
  9882. public get max(): number;
  9883. public set max(value: number);
  9884. public get value(): number;
  9885. public set value(value: number);
  9886. public get reverse(): boolean;
  9887. public set reverse(value: boolean);
  9888. public TweenValue ($value: number, $duration: number) : FairyGUI.GTweener
  9889. public Update ($newValue: number) : void
  9890. public constructor ()
  9891. }
  9892. class GSlider extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  9893. {
  9894. public changeOnClick : boolean
  9895. public canDrag : boolean
  9896. public get onChanged(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9897. public get onGripTouchEnd(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9898. public get titleType(): FairyGUI.ProgressTitleType;
  9899. public set titleType(value: FairyGUI.ProgressTitleType);
  9900. public get min(): number;
  9901. public set min(value: number);
  9902. public get max(): number;
  9903. public set max(value: number);
  9904. public get value(): number;
  9905. public set value(value: number);
  9906. public get wholeNumbers(): boolean;
  9907. public set wholeNumbers(value: boolean);
  9908. public constructor ()
  9909. }
  9910. class GRichTextField extends FairyGUI.GTextField implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear, FairyGUI.ITextColorGear
  9911. {
  9912. public get richTextField(): FairyGUI.RichTextField;
  9913. public get emojies(): System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<number, FairyGUI.Emoji>;
  9914. public set emojies(value: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<number, FairyGUI.Emoji>);
  9915. public constructor ()
  9916. }
  9917. class GTextInput extends FairyGUI.GTextField implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear, FairyGUI.ITextColorGear
  9918. {
  9919. public get inputTextField(): FairyGUI.InputTextField;
  9920. public get onChanged(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9921. public get onSubmit(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  9922. public get editable(): boolean;
  9923. public set editable(value: boolean);
  9924. public get hideInput(): boolean;
  9925. public set hideInput(value: boolean);
  9926. public get maxLength(): number;
  9927. public set maxLength(value: number);
  9928. public get restrict(): string;
  9929. public set restrict(value: string);
  9930. public get displayAsPassword(): boolean;
  9931. public set displayAsPassword(value: boolean);
  9932. public get caretPosition(): number;
  9933. public set caretPosition(value: number);
  9934. public get promptText(): string;
  9935. public set promptText(value: string);
  9936. public get keyboardInput(): boolean;
  9937. public set keyboardInput(value: boolean);
  9938. public get keyboardType(): number;
  9939. public set keyboardType(value: number);
  9940. public get disableIME(): boolean;
  9941. public set disableIME(value: boolean);
  9942. public get emojies(): System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<number, FairyGUI.Emoji>;
  9943. public set emojies(value: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<number, FairyGUI.Emoji>);
  9944. public get border(): number;
  9945. public set border(value: number);
  9946. public get corner(): number;
  9947. public set corner(value: number);
  9948. public get borderColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  9949. public set borderColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  9950. public get backgroundColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  9951. public set backgroundColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  9952. public get mouseWheelEnabled(): boolean;
  9953. public set mouseWheelEnabled(value: boolean);
  9954. public SetSelection ($start: number, $length: number) : void
  9955. public ReplaceSelection ($value: string) : void
  9956. public constructor ()
  9957. }
  9958. enum ProgressTitleType
  9959. { Percent = 0, ValueAndMax = 1, Value = 2, Max = 3 }
  9960. class GScrollBar extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  9961. {
  9962. public get minSize(): number;
  9963. public get gripDragging(): boolean;
  9964. public SetScrollPane ($target: FairyGUI.ScrollPane, $vertical: boolean) : void
  9965. public SetDisplayPerc ($value: number) : void
  9966. public setScrollPerc ($value: number) : void
  9967. public constructor ()
  9968. }
  9969. interface IUISource
  9970. {
  9971. fileName : string
  9972. loaded : boolean
  9973. Load ($callback: FairyGUI.UILoadCallback) : void
  9974. Cancel () : void
  9975. }
  9976. interface UILoadCallback
  9977. { () : void; }
  9978. var UILoadCallback: { new (func: () => void): UILoadCallback; }
  9979. class UIPackage extends System.Object
  9980. {
  9981. public static unloadBundleByFGUI : boolean
  9982. public static URL_PREFIX : string
  9983. public get id(): string;
  9984. public get name(): string;
  9985. public static get branch(): string;
  9986. public static set branch(value: string);
  9987. public get assetPath(): string;
  9988. public get customId(): string;
  9989. public set customId(value: string);
  9990. public get resBundle(): UnityEngine.AssetBundle;
  9991. public get dependencies(): System.Array$1<System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>>;
  9992. public static add_onReleaseResource ($value: System.Action$1<FairyGUI.PackageItem>) : void
  9993. public static remove_onReleaseResource ($value: System.Action$1<FairyGUI.PackageItem>) : void
  9994. public static GetVar ($key: string) : string
  9995. public static SetVar ($key: string, $value: string) : void
  9996. public static GetById ($id: string) : FairyGUI.UIPackage
  9997. public static GetByName ($name: string) : FairyGUI.UIPackage
  9998. public static AddPackage ($bundle: UnityEngine.AssetBundle) : FairyGUI.UIPackage
  9999. public static AddPackage ($desc: UnityEngine.AssetBundle, $res: UnityEngine.AssetBundle) : FairyGUI.UIPackage
  10000. public static AddPackage ($desc: UnityEngine.AssetBundle, $res: UnityEngine.AssetBundle, $mainAssetName: string) : FairyGUI.UIPackage
  10001. public static AddPackage ($descFilePath: string) : FairyGUI.UIPackage
  10002. public static AddPackage ($assetPath: string, $loadFunc: FairyGUI.UIPackage.LoadResource) : FairyGUI.UIPackage
  10003. public static AddPackage ($descData: System.Array$1<number>, $assetNamePrefix: string, $loadFunc: FairyGUI.UIPackage.LoadResource) : FairyGUI.UIPackage
  10004. public static AddPackage ($descData: System.Array$1<number>, $assetNamePrefix: string, $loadFunc: FairyGUI.UIPackage.LoadResourceAsync) : FairyGUI.UIPackage
  10005. public static RemovePackage ($packageIdOrName: string) : void
  10006. public static RemoveAllPackages () : void
  10007. public static GetPackages () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.UIPackage>
  10008. public static CreateObject ($pkgName: string, $resName: string) : FairyGUI.GObject
  10009. public static CreateObject ($pkgName: string, $resName: string, $userClass: System.Type) : FairyGUI.GObject
  10010. public static CreateObjectFromURL ($url: string) : FairyGUI.GObject
  10011. public static CreateObjectFromURL ($url: string, $userClass: System.Type) : FairyGUI.GObject
  10012. public static CreateObjectAsync ($pkgName: string, $resName: string, $callback: FairyGUI.UIPackage.CreateObjectCallback) : void
  10013. public static CreateObjectFromURL ($url: string, $callback: FairyGUI.UIPackage.CreateObjectCallback) : void
  10014. public static GetItemAsset ($pkgName: string, $resName: string) : any
  10015. public static GetItemAssetByURL ($url: string) : any
  10016. public static GetItemURL ($pkgName: string, $resName: string) : string
  10017. public static GetItemByURL ($url: string) : FairyGUI.PackageItem
  10018. public static NormalizeURL ($url: string) : string
  10019. public static SetStringsSource ($source: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  10020. public LoadAllAssets () : void
  10021. public UnloadAssets () : void
  10022. public ReloadAssets () : void
  10023. public ReloadAssets ($resBundle: UnityEngine.AssetBundle) : void
  10024. public CreateObject ($resName: string) : FairyGUI.GObject
  10025. public CreateObject ($resName: string, $userClass: System.Type) : FairyGUI.GObject
  10026. public CreateObjectAsync ($resName: string, $callback: FairyGUI.UIPackage.CreateObjectCallback) : void
  10027. public GetItemAsset ($resName: string) : any
  10028. public GetItems () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.PackageItem>
  10029. public GetItem ($itemId: string) : FairyGUI.PackageItem
  10030. public GetItemByName ($itemName: string) : FairyGUI.PackageItem
  10031. public GetItemAsset ($item: FairyGUI.PackageItem) : any
  10032. public SetItemAsset ($item: FairyGUI.PackageItem, $asset: any, $destroyMethod: FairyGUI.DestroyMethod) : void
  10033. public constructor ()
  10034. }
  10035. enum PackageItemType
  10036. { Image = 0, MovieClip = 1, Sound = 2, Component = 3, Atlas = 4, Font = 5, Swf = 6, Misc = 7, Unknown = 8, Spine = 9, DragoneBones = 10 }
  10037. enum ObjectType
  10038. { Image = 0, MovieClip = 1, Swf = 2, Graph = 3, Loader = 4, Group = 5, Text = 6, RichText = 7, InputText = 8, Component = 9, List = 10, Label = 11, Button = 12, ComboBox = 13, ProgressBar = 14, Slider = 15, ScrollBar = 16, Tree = 17, Loader3D = 18 }
  10039. interface PlayCompleteCallback
  10040. { () : void; }
  10041. var PlayCompleteCallback: { new (func: () => void): PlayCompleteCallback; }
  10042. interface TransitionHook
  10043. { () : void; }
  10044. var TransitionHook: { new (func: () => void): TransitionHook; }
  10045. class TranslationHelper extends System.Object
  10046. {
  10047. public static strings : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>>
  10048. public static LoadFromXML ($source: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  10049. public static TranslateComponent ($item: FairyGUI.PackageItem) : void
  10050. public constructor ()
  10051. }
  10052. class TreeNode extends System.Object
  10053. {
  10054. public data : any
  10055. public get parent(): FairyGUI.TreeNode;
  10056. public get tree(): FairyGUI.TreeView;
  10057. public get cell(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  10058. public get level(): number;
  10059. public get expanded(): boolean;
  10060. public set expanded(value: boolean);
  10061. public get isFolder(): boolean;
  10062. public get text(): string;
  10063. public get numChildren(): number;
  10064. public AddChild ($child: FairyGUI.TreeNode) : FairyGUI.TreeNode
  10065. public AddChildAt ($child: FairyGUI.TreeNode, $index: number) : FairyGUI.TreeNode
  10066. public RemoveChild ($child: FairyGUI.TreeNode) : FairyGUI.TreeNode
  10067. public RemoveChildAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.TreeNode
  10068. public RemoveChildren ($beginIndex?: number, $endIndex?: number) : void
  10069. public GetChildAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.TreeNode
  10070. public GetChildIndex ($child: FairyGUI.TreeNode) : number
  10071. public GetPrevSibling () : FairyGUI.TreeNode
  10072. public GetNextSibling () : FairyGUI.TreeNode
  10073. public SetChildIndex ($child: FairyGUI.TreeNode, $index: number) : void
  10074. public SwapChildren ($child1: FairyGUI.TreeNode, $child2: FairyGUI.TreeNode) : void
  10075. public SwapChildrenAt ($index1: number, $index2: number) : void
  10076. public constructor ($hasChild: boolean)
  10077. public constructor ()
  10078. }
  10079. class TreeView extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  10080. {
  10081. public indent : number
  10082. public treeNodeCreateCell : FairyGUI.TreeView.TreeNodeCreateCellDelegate
  10083. public treeNodeRender : FairyGUI.TreeView.TreeNodeRenderDelegate
  10084. public treeNodeWillExpand : FairyGUI.TreeView.TreeNodeWillExpandDelegate
  10085. public get list(): FairyGUI.GList;
  10086. public get root(): FairyGUI.TreeNode;
  10087. public get onClickNode(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  10088. public get onRightClickNode(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  10089. public GetSelectedNode () : FairyGUI.TreeNode
  10090. public GetSelection () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.TreeNode>
  10091. public AddSelection ($node: FairyGUI.TreeNode, $scrollItToView?: boolean) : void
  10092. public RemoveSelection ($node: FairyGUI.TreeNode) : void
  10093. public ClearSelection () : void
  10094. public GetNodeIndex ($node: FairyGUI.TreeNode) : number
  10095. public UpdateNode ($node: FairyGUI.TreeNode) : void
  10096. public UpdateNodes ($nodes: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.TreeNode>) : void
  10097. public ExpandAll ($folderNode: FairyGUI.TreeNode) : void
  10098. public CollapseAll ($folderNode: FairyGUI.TreeNode) : void
  10099. public constructor ($list: FairyGUI.GList)
  10100. public constructor ()
  10101. }
  10102. class UIConfig extends UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
  10103. {
  10104. public static defaultFont : string
  10105. public static windowModalWaiting : string
  10106. public static globalModalWaiting : string
  10107. public static modalLayerColor : UnityEngine.Color
  10108. public static buttonSound : FairyGUI.NAudioClip
  10109. public static buttonSoundVolumeScale : number
  10110. public static horizontalScrollBar : string
  10111. public static verticalScrollBar : string
  10112. public static defaultScrollStep : number
  10113. public static defaultScrollDecelerationRate : number
  10114. public static defaultScrollBarDisplay : FairyGUI.ScrollBarDisplayType
  10115. public static defaultScrollTouchEffect : boolean
  10116. public static defaultScrollBounceEffect : boolean
  10117. public static defaultScrollSnappingThreshold : number
  10118. public static defaultScrollPagingThreshold : number
  10119. public static popupMenu : string
  10120. public static popupMenu_seperator : string
  10121. public static loaderErrorSign : string
  10122. public static tooltipsWin : string
  10123. public static defaultComboBoxVisibleItemCount : number
  10124. public static touchScrollSensitivity : number
  10125. public static touchDragSensitivity : number
  10126. public static clickDragSensitivity : number
  10127. public static allowSoftnessOnTopOrLeftSide : boolean
  10128. public static bringWindowToFrontOnClick : boolean
  10129. public static inputCaretSize : number
  10130. public static inputHighlightColor : UnityEngine.Color
  10131. public static frameTimeForAsyncUIConstruction : number
  10132. public static depthSupportForPaintingMode : boolean
  10133. public static enhancedTextOutlineEffect : boolean
  10134. public static makePixelPerfect : boolean
  10135. public Items : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.UIConfig.ConfigValue>
  10136. public PreloadPackages : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  10137. public static soundLoader : FairyGUI.UIConfig.SoundLoader
  10138. public Load () : void
  10139. public static SetDefaultValue ($key: FairyGUI.UIConfig.ConfigKey, $value: FairyGUI.UIConfig.ConfigValue) : void
  10140. public static ClearResourceRefs () : void
  10141. public ApplyModifiedProperties () : void
  10142. public constructor ()
  10143. }
  10144. enum ScrollBarDisplayType
  10145. { Default = 0, Visible = 1, Auto = 2, Hidden = 3 }
  10146. class UIContentScaler extends UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
  10147. {
  10148. public scaleMode : FairyGUI.UIContentScaler.ScaleMode
  10149. public screenMatchMode : FairyGUI.UIContentScaler.ScreenMatchMode
  10150. public designResolutionX : number
  10151. public designResolutionY : number
  10152. public fallbackScreenDPI : number
  10153. public defaultSpriteDPI : number
  10154. public constantScaleFactor : number
  10155. public ignoreOrientation : boolean
  10156. public static scaleFactor : number
  10157. public static scaleLevel : number
  10158. public ApplyModifiedProperties () : void
  10159. public ApplyChange () : void
  10160. public constructor ()
  10161. }
  10162. class UIObjectFactory extends System.Object
  10163. {
  10164. public static SetPackageItemExtension ($url: string, $type: System.Type) : void
  10165. public static SetPackageItemExtension ($url: string, $creator: FairyGUI.UIObjectFactory.GComponentCreator) : void
  10166. public static SetLoaderExtension ($type: System.Type) : void
  10167. public static SetLoaderExtension ($creator: FairyGUI.UIObjectFactory.GLoaderCreator) : void
  10168. public static Clear () : void
  10169. public static NewObject ($pi: FairyGUI.PackageItem, $userClass?: System.Type) : FairyGUI.GObject
  10170. public static NewObject ($type: FairyGUI.ObjectType) : FairyGUI.GObject
  10171. public constructor ()
  10172. }
  10173. class UIPainter extends UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour implements FairyGUI.EMRenderTarget
  10174. {
  10175. public packageName : string
  10176. public componentName : string
  10177. public sortingOrder : number
  10178. public get container(): FairyGUI.Container;
  10179. public get ui(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  10180. public get EM_sortingOrder(): number;
  10181. public SetSortingOrder ($value: number, $apply: boolean) : void
  10182. public CreateUI () : void
  10183. public ApplyModifiedProperties ($sortingOrderChanged: boolean) : void
  10184. public OnUpdateSource ($data: System.Array$1<any>) : void
  10185. public EM_BeforeUpdate () : void
  10186. public EM_Update ($context: FairyGUI.UpdateContext) : void
  10187. public EM_Reload () : void
  10188. public constructor ()
  10189. }
  10190. class UIPanel extends UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour implements FairyGUI.EMRenderTarget
  10191. {
  10192. public packageName : string
  10193. public componentName : string
  10194. public fitScreen : FairyGUI.FitScreen
  10195. public sortingOrder : number
  10196. public get container(): FairyGUI.Container;
  10197. public get ui(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  10198. public get EM_sortingOrder(): number;
  10199. public CreateUI () : void
  10200. public SetSortingOrder ($value: number, $apply: boolean) : void
  10201. public SetHitTestMode ($value: FairyGUI.HitTestMode) : void
  10202. public CacheNativeChildrenRenderers () : void
  10203. public ApplyModifiedProperties ($sortingOrderChanged: boolean, $fitScreenChanged: boolean) : void
  10204. public MoveUI ($delta: UnityEngine.Vector3) : void
  10205. public GetUIWorldPosition () : UnityEngine.Vector3
  10206. public EM_BeforeUpdate () : void
  10207. public EM_Update ($context: FairyGUI.UpdateContext) : void
  10208. public EM_Reload () : void
  10209. public constructor ()
  10210. }
  10211. enum FitScreen
  10212. { None = 0, FitSize = 1, FitWidthAndSetMiddle = 2, FitHeightAndSetCenter = 3 }
  10213. enum HitTestMode
  10214. { Default = 0, Raycast = 1 }
  10215. class Timers extends System.Object
  10216. {
  10217. public static repeat : number
  10218. public static time : number
  10219. public static catchCallbackExceptions : boolean
  10220. public static get inst(): FairyGUI.Timers;
  10221. public Add ($interval: number, $repeat: number, $callback: FairyGUI.TimerCallback) : void
  10222. public Add ($interval: number, $repeat: number, $callback: FairyGUI.TimerCallback, $callbackParam: any) : void
  10223. public CallLater ($callback: FairyGUI.TimerCallback) : void
  10224. public CallLater ($callback: FairyGUI.TimerCallback, $callbackParam: any) : void
  10225. public AddUpdate ($callback: FairyGUI.TimerCallback) : void
  10226. public AddUpdate ($callback: FairyGUI.TimerCallback, $callbackParam: any) : void
  10227. public StartCoroutine ($routine: System.Collections.IEnumerator) : void
  10228. public Exists ($callback: FairyGUI.TimerCallback) : boolean
  10229. public Remove ($callback: FairyGUI.TimerCallback) : void
  10230. public Update () : void
  10231. public constructor ()
  10232. }
  10233. interface TimerCallback
  10234. { (param: any) : void; }
  10235. var TimerCallback: { new (func: (param: any) => void): TimerCallback; }
  10236. }
  10237. namespace FairyEditor {
  10238. class App extends System.Object
  10239. {
  10240. public static isMacOS : boolean
  10241. public static language : string
  10242. public static batchMode : boolean
  10243. public static preferences : FairyEditor.Preferences
  10244. public static localStore : FairyEditor.LocalStore
  10245. public static hotkeyManager : FairyEditor.HotkeyManager
  10246. public static externalImagePool : ExternalImagePool
  10247. public static get groot(): FairyGUI.GRoot;
  10248. public static get project(): FairyEditor.FProject;
  10249. public static get workspaceSettings(): FairyEditor.WorkspaceSettings;
  10250. public static get mainView(): FairyEditor.View.MainView;
  10251. public static get docView(): FairyEditor.View.DocumentView;
  10252. public static get libView(): FairyEditor.View.LibraryView;
  10253. public static get inspectorView(): FairyEditor.View.InspectorView;
  10254. public static get testView(): FairyEditor.View.TestView;
  10255. public static get timelineView(): FairyEditor.View.TimelineView;
  10256. public static get consoleView(): FairyEditor.View.ConsoleView;
  10257. public static get menu(): FairyEditor.Component.IMenu;
  10258. public static get viewManager(): FairyEditor.ViewManager;
  10259. public static get dragManager(): FairyEditor.DragDropManager;
  10260. public static get pluginManager(): FairyEditor.PluginManager;
  10261. public static get docFactory(): FairyEditor.View.DocumentFactory;
  10262. public static get activeDoc(): FairyEditor.View.Document;
  10263. public static get preferenceFolder(): string;
  10264. public static get isActive(): boolean;
  10265. public static add_onProjectOpened ($value: System.Action) : void
  10266. public static remove_onProjectOpened ($value: System.Action) : void
  10267. public static add_onProjectClosed ($value: System.Action) : void
  10268. public static remove_onProjectClosed ($value: System.Action) : void
  10269. public static add_onUpdate ($value: System.Action) : void
  10270. public static remove_onUpdate ($value: System.Action) : void
  10271. public static add_onLateUpdate ($value: System.Action) : void
  10272. public static remove_onLateUpdate ($value: System.Action) : void
  10273. public static add_onValidate ($value: System.Action) : void
  10274. public static remove_onValidate ($value: System.Action) : void
  10275. public static GetString ($index: number) : string
  10276. public static GetString ($index: string) : string
  10277. public static GetIcon ($key: string) : string
  10278. public static GetIcon ($key: string, $big: boolean) : string
  10279. public static StartBackgroundJob () : void
  10280. public static EndBackgroundJob () : void
  10281. public static SetFrameRateFactor ($factor: FairyEditor.App.FrameRateFactor, $enabled: boolean) : void
  10282. public static OpenProject ($path: string) : void
  10283. public static CloseProject () : void
  10284. public static RefreshProject () : void
  10285. public static ShowPreview ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : void
  10286. public static FindReference ($source: string) : void
  10287. public static GetActiveFolder () : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  10288. public static QueryToClose ($restart: boolean) : void
  10289. public static Close () : void
  10290. public static Alert ($msg: string) : void
  10291. public static Alert ($msg: string, $err: System.Exception) : void
  10292. public static Alert ($msg: string, $err: System.Exception, $callback: System.Action) : void
  10293. public static Confirm ($msg: string, $callback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  10294. public static Input ($msg: string, $text: string, $callback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  10295. public static SetWaitCursor ($value: boolean) : void
  10296. public static ShowWaiting () : void
  10297. public static ShowWaiting ($msg: string) : void
  10298. public static ShowWaiting ($msg: string, $cancelCallback: System.Action) : void
  10299. public static CloseWaiting () : void
  10300. public static SetVar ($key: string, $value: any) : void
  10301. public static On ($eventType: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  10302. public static Off ($eventType: string, $callback: FairyGUI.EventCallback1) : void
  10303. public static Dispatch ($eventType: string, $eventData?: any) : void
  10304. public static ChangeColorSapce ($colorSpace: UnityEngine.ColorSpace) : void
  10305. public constructor ()
  10306. }
  10307. class Preferences extends System.Object
  10308. {
  10309. public language : string
  10310. public checkNewVersion : string
  10311. public genComPreview : boolean
  10312. public meaningfullChildName : boolean
  10313. public hideInvisibleChild : boolean
  10314. public publishAction : string
  10315. public saveBeforePublish : boolean
  10316. public PNGCompressionToolPath : string
  10317. public editorFont : string
  10318. public hotkeys : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>
  10319. public Load () : void
  10320. public Save () : void
  10321. public constructor ()
  10322. }
  10323. class LocalStore extends System.Object
  10324. {
  10325. public Set ($key: string, $value: any) : void
  10326. public Load () : void
  10327. public Save () : void
  10328. public constructor ()
  10329. }
  10330. class HotkeyManager extends System.Object
  10331. {
  10332. public get functions(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.HotkeyManager.FunctionDef>;
  10333. public Init () : void
  10334. public SetHotkey ($funcId: string, $hotkey: string) : void
  10335. public ResetHotkey ($funcId: string) : void
  10336. public ResetAll () : void
  10337. public CaptureHotkey ($receiver: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  10338. public GetFunctionDef ($funcId: string) : FairyEditor.HotkeyManager.FunctionDef
  10339. public GetFunction ($evt: FairyGUI.InputEvent, $code: $Ref<number>) : string
  10340. public TranslateKey ($hotkey: string) : number
  10341. public constructor ()
  10342. }
  10343. class FProject extends System.Object
  10344. {
  10345. public isMain : boolean
  10346. public _globalFontVersion : number
  10347. public static FILE_EXT : string
  10348. public static ASSETS_PATH : string
  10349. public static SETTINGS_PATH : string
  10350. public static OBJS_PATH : string
  10351. public get versionCode(): number;
  10352. public get serialNumberSeed(): string;
  10353. public get lastChanged(): number;
  10354. public get opened(): boolean;
  10355. public get id(): string;
  10356. public get name(): string;
  10357. public get type(): string;
  10358. public set type(value: string);
  10359. public get supportAtlas(): boolean;
  10360. public get isH5(): boolean;
  10361. public get supportExtractAlpha(): boolean;
  10362. public get supportAlphaMask(): boolean;
  10363. public get zipFormatOption(): boolean;
  10364. public get binaryFormatOption(): boolean;
  10365. public get supportCustomFileExtension(): boolean;
  10366. public get basePath(): string;
  10367. public get assetsPath(): string;
  10368. public get objsPath(): string;
  10369. public get settingsPath(): string;
  10370. public get activeBranch(): string;
  10371. public set activeBranch(value: string);
  10372. public get allPackages(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackage>;
  10373. public get allBranches(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>;
  10374. public SetChanged () : void
  10375. public static CreateNew ($projectPath: string, $name: string, $type: string, $pkgName?: string) : void
  10376. public Open ($projectDescFile: string) : void
  10377. public ScanBranches () : boolean
  10378. public Dispose () : void
  10379. public GetSettings ($name: string) : FairyEditor.SettingsBase
  10380. public LoadAllSettings () : void
  10381. public GetDefaultFont () : string
  10382. public Rename ($newName: string) : void
  10383. public GetPackage ($packageId: string) : FairyEditor.FPackage
  10384. public GetPackageByName ($packageName: string) : FairyEditor.FPackage
  10385. public CreatePackage ($newName: string) : FairyEditor.FPackage
  10386. public AddPackage ($folder: string) : FairyEditor.FPackage
  10387. public DeletePackage ($packageId: string) : void
  10388. public Save () : void
  10389. public GetItemByURL ($url: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  10390. public GetItem ($pkgId: string, $itemId: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  10391. public FindItemByFile ($file: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  10392. public GetItemNameByURL ($url: string) : string
  10393. public CreateBranch ($branchName: string) : void
  10394. public RenameBranch ($oldName: string, $newName: string) : void
  10395. public RemoveBranch ($branchName: string) : void
  10396. public RegisterComExtension ($name: string, $className: string, $superClassName: string) : void
  10397. public GetComExtension ($className: string) : FairyEditor.ComExtensionDef
  10398. public GetComExtensionNames () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  10399. public ClearComExtensions () : void
  10400. public static ValidateName ($newName: string) : string
  10401. public constructor ($main?: boolean)
  10402. public constructor ()
  10403. }
  10404. class WorkspaceSettings extends System.Object
  10405. {
  10406. public Set ($key: string, $value: any) : void
  10407. public Load () : void
  10408. public Save () : void
  10409. public constructor ()
  10410. }
  10411. class ViewManager extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  10412. {
  10413. public get playMode(): boolean;
  10414. public set playMode(value: boolean);
  10415. public get viewIds(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>;
  10416. public get lastFocusedView(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  10417. public AddView ($view: FairyGUI.GComponent, $viewId: string, $options: FairyEditor.ViewOptions) : FairyGUI.GComponent
  10418. public RemoveView ($viewId: string) : void
  10419. public GetView ($viewId: string) : FairyGUI.GComponent
  10420. public IsViewShowing ($viewId: string) : boolean
  10421. public SetViewTitle ($viewId: string, $title: string) : void
  10422. public ShowView ($viewId: string) : void
  10423. public HideView ($viewId: string) : void
  10424. public LoadLayout () : void
  10425. public ResetLayout () : void
  10426. public SaveLayout () : void
  10427. public ShowTabMenu ($view: FairyGUI.GComponent) : void
  10428. public OnDragGridStart ($grid: FairyEditor.Component.ViewGrid, $tabButton: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  10429. public constructor ()
  10430. }
  10431. class DragDropManager extends System.Object
  10432. {
  10433. public get agent(): FairyGUI.GObject;
  10434. public get dragging(): boolean;
  10435. public StartDrag ($source?: FairyGUI.GObject, $sourceData?: any, $icon?: any, $cursor?: string, $onComplete?: System.Action$2<FairyGUI.GObject, any>, $onCancel?: System.Action$2<FairyGUI.GObject, any>, $onMove?: System.Action$3<FairyGUI.GObject, any, FairyGUI.EventContext>) : void
  10436. public Cancel () : void
  10437. public constructor ()
  10438. }
  10439. class PluginManager extends System.Object
  10440. {
  10441. public allPlugins : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.PluginManager.PluginInfo>
  10442. public get userPluginFolder(): string;
  10443. public get projectPluginFolder(): string;
  10444. public get basePath(): string;
  10445. public Dispose () : void
  10446. public Load () : void
  10447. public LoadUIPackage ($filePath: string) : void
  10448. public SetHotkey ($hotkey: string, $callback: System.Action) : void
  10449. public HandleHotkey ($keyCode: number) : boolean
  10450. public CreateNewPlugin ($name: string, $displayName: string, $icon: string, $desc: string, $template: string) : void
  10451. public constructor ()
  10452. }
  10453. class FPackageItem extends System.Object
  10454. {
  10455. public exported : boolean
  10456. public favorite : boolean
  10457. public isError : boolean
  10458. public get owner(): FairyEditor.FPackage;
  10459. public get parent(): FairyEditor.FPackageItem;
  10460. public get type(): string;
  10461. public get id(): string;
  10462. public set id(value: string);
  10463. public get path(): string;
  10464. public get branch(): string;
  10465. public get isRoot(): boolean;
  10466. public get isBranchRoot(): boolean;
  10467. public get name(): string;
  10468. public get file(): string;
  10469. public get fileName(): string;
  10470. public get modificationTime(): Date;
  10471. public get sortKey(): string;
  10472. public get version(): number;
  10473. public get width(): number;
  10474. public set width(value: number);
  10475. public get height(): number;
  10476. public set height(value: number);
  10477. public get thumbnail(): FairyGUI.NTexture;
  10478. public get children(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>;
  10479. public get folderAtlas(): string;
  10480. public set folderAtlas(value: string);
  10481. public get supportAtlas(): boolean;
  10482. public get supportResolution(): boolean;
  10483. public get title(): string;
  10484. public get contentHash(): string;
  10485. public get isDisposed(): boolean;
  10486. public add_onChanged ($value: System.Action$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : void
  10487. public remove_onChanged ($value: System.Action$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : void
  10488. public add_onAlternativeAdded ($value: System.Action$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : void
  10489. public remove_onAlternativeAdded ($value: System.Action$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : void
  10490. public MatchName ($key: string) : boolean
  10491. public GetURL () : string
  10492. public GetIcon ($opened?: boolean, $big?: boolean, $thumbnail?: boolean) : string
  10493. public CopySettings ($source: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : void
  10494. public SetFile ($path: string, $fileName: string, $checkStatus?: boolean) : void
  10495. public SetChanged () : void
  10496. public Touch () : void
  10497. public SetUptoDate () : void
  10498. public FileExists () : boolean
  10499. public GetAsset () : FairyEditor.AssetBase
  10500. public ReadAssetSettings ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  10501. public OpenWithDefaultApplication () : void
  10502. public GetBranch ($branchName: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  10503. public GetTrunk () : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  10504. public GetHighResolution ($scaleLevel: number) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  10505. public GetStdResolution () : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  10506. public GetAtlasIndex () : number
  10507. public SetVar ($key: string, $value: any) : void
  10508. public AddRef () : void
  10509. public ReleaseRef () : void
  10510. public UnloadAsset ($timestamp?: number) : void
  10511. public Dispose () : void
  10512. public Serialize ($forPublish?: boolean) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  10513. public constructor ($owner: FairyEditor.FPackage, $type: string, $id: string)
  10514. public constructor ()
  10515. }
  10516. class Bootstrap extends UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
  10517. {
  10518. public constructor ()
  10519. }
  10520. class LoaderExtension extends FairyGUI.GLoader implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IAnimationGear, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  10521. {
  10522. public constructor ()
  10523. }
  10524. class AniSprite extends FairyGUI.Image implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  10525. {
  10526. public get onPlayEnd(): FairyGUI.EventListener;
  10527. public get animation(): FairyEditor.AniData;
  10528. public set animation(value: FairyEditor.AniData);
  10529. public get playing(): boolean;
  10530. public set playing(value: boolean);
  10531. public get frame(): number;
  10532. public set frame(value: number);
  10533. public get frameCount(): number;
  10534. public Rewind () : void
  10535. public Advance ($time: number) : void
  10536. public SetPlaySettings () : void
  10537. public SetPlaySettings ($start: number, $end: number, $times: number, $endAt: number) : void
  10538. public StepNext () : void
  10539. public StepPrev () : void
  10540. public constructor ()
  10541. }
  10542. class AniData extends System.Object
  10543. {
  10544. public version : number
  10545. public boundsRect : UnityEngine.Rect
  10546. public fps : number
  10547. public speed : number
  10548. public repeatDelay : number
  10549. public swing : boolean
  10550. public frameList : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.AniData.Frame>
  10551. public spriteList : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.AniData.FrameSprite>
  10552. public static FILE_MARK : string
  10553. public get frameCount(): number;
  10554. public Load ($file: string) : void
  10555. public Load ($ba: FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer) : void
  10556. public Save ($file: string) : void
  10557. public Save () : System.Array$1<number>
  10558. public CalculateBoundsRect () : void
  10559. public CopySettings ($source: FairyEditor.AniData) : void
  10560. public CopyFrom ($source: FairyEditor.AniData) : void
  10561. public Reset ($ownsTexture?: boolean) : void
  10562. public ImportImages ($images: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<string>, $CompressPng: boolean) : void
  10563. public constructor ()
  10564. }
  10565. class AniAsset extends FairyEditor.AssetBase
  10566. {
  10567. public smoothing : boolean
  10568. public atlas : string
  10569. public get animation(): FairyEditor.AniData;
  10570. public Load () : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
  10571. public constructor ($packageItem: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  10572. public constructor ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  10573. public constructor ()
  10574. }
  10575. class AssetBase extends System.Object
  10576. {
  10577. public get isLoading(): boolean;
  10578. public get isLoaded(): boolean;
  10579. public ReadSettings ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  10580. public WriteSettings ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $forPublish: boolean) : void
  10581. public LoadMeta () : void
  10582. public Unload () : void
  10583. public Dispose () : void
  10584. public GetThumbnail () : FairyGUI.NTexture
  10585. public constructor ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  10586. public constructor ()
  10587. }
  10588. class BmFontData extends System.Object
  10589. {
  10590. public face : string
  10591. public xadvance : number
  10592. public canTint : boolean
  10593. public resizable : boolean
  10594. public fontSize : number
  10595. public lineHeight : number
  10596. public atlasFile : string
  10597. public pages : number
  10598. public hasChannel : boolean
  10599. public baseline : number
  10600. public packed : number
  10601. public alphaChnl : number
  10602. public redChnl : number
  10603. public greenChnl : number
  10604. public blueChnl : number
  10605. public glyphs : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.BmFontData.Glyph>
  10606. public Load ($content: string, $lazyLoadChars?: boolean) : void
  10607. public LoadChars () : void
  10608. public Build () : string
  10609. public constructor ()
  10610. }
  10611. class ComponentAsset extends FairyEditor.AssetBase
  10612. {
  10613. public get extension(): string;
  10614. public get xml(): FairyGUI.Utils.XML;
  10615. public get displayList(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.ComponentAsset.DisplayListItem>;
  10616. public GetCustomProperties () : System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<FairyEditor.ComProperty>
  10617. public GetControllerPages ($name: string, $pageNames: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>, $pageIds: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>) : void
  10618. public CreateObject ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $flags?: number) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1<FairyEditor.FComponent>
  10619. public constructor ($packageItem: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  10620. public constructor ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  10621. public constructor ()
  10622. }
  10623. class ComProperty extends System.Object
  10624. {
  10625. public target : string
  10626. public propertyId : number
  10627. public label : string
  10628. public value : any
  10629. public CopyFrom ($source: FairyEditor.ComProperty) : void
  10630. public constructor ()
  10631. }
  10632. class FComponent extends FairyEditor.FObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  10633. {
  10634. public customExtentionId : string
  10635. public initName : string
  10636. public designImage : string
  10637. public designImageOffsetX : number
  10638. public designImageOffsetY : number
  10639. public designImageAlpha : number
  10640. public designImageLayer : number
  10641. public designImageForTest : boolean
  10642. public bgColor : UnityEngine.Color
  10643. public bgColorEnabled : boolean
  10644. public hitTestSource : FairyEditor.FObject
  10645. public mask : FairyEditor.FObject
  10646. public reversedMask : boolean
  10647. public remark : string
  10648. public headerRes : string
  10649. public footerRes : string
  10650. public showSound : string
  10651. public hideSound : string
  10652. public get numChildren(): number;
  10653. public get children(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FObject>;
  10654. public get controllers(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FController>;
  10655. public get transitions(): FairyEditor.FTransitions;
  10656. public get customProperties(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.ComProperty>;
  10657. public set customProperties(value: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.ComProperty>);
  10658. public get bounds(): UnityEngine.Rect;
  10659. public get extention(): FairyEditor.ComExtention;
  10660. public get extentionId(): string;
  10661. public set extentionId(value: string);
  10662. public get scrollPane(): FairyEditor.FScrollPane;
  10663. public get overflow(): string;
  10664. public set overflow(value: string);
  10665. public get overflow2(): string;
  10666. public set overflow2(value: string);
  10667. public get scroll(): string;
  10668. public set scroll(value: string);
  10669. public get scrollBarFlags(): number;
  10670. public set scrollBarFlags(value: number);
  10671. public get scrollBarDisplay(): string;
  10672. public set scrollBarDisplay(value: string);
  10673. public get margin(): FairyEditor.FMargin;
  10674. public get marginStr(): string;
  10675. public set marginStr(value: string);
  10676. public get scrollBarMargin(): FairyEditor.FMargin;
  10677. public get scrollBarMarginStr(): string;
  10678. public set scrollBarMarginStr(value: string);
  10679. public get hzScrollBarRes(): string;
  10680. public set hzScrollBarRes(value: string);
  10681. public get vtScrollBarRes(): string;
  10682. public set vtScrollBarRes(value: string);
  10683. public get clipSoftnessX(): number;
  10684. public set clipSoftnessX(value: number);
  10685. public get clipSoftnessY(): number;
  10686. public set clipSoftnessY(value: number);
  10687. public get viewWidth(): number;
  10688. public set viewWidth(value: number);
  10689. public get viewHeight(): number;
  10690. public set viewHeight(value: number);
  10691. public get opaque(): boolean;
  10692. public set opaque(value: boolean);
  10693. public get text(): string;
  10694. public set text(value: string);
  10695. public get icon(): string;
  10696. public set icon(value: string);
  10697. public get childrenRenderOrder(): string;
  10698. public set childrenRenderOrder(value: string);
  10699. public get apexIndex(): number;
  10700. public set apexIndex(value: number);
  10701. public get pageController(): string;
  10702. public set pageController(value: string);
  10703. public get pageControllerObj(): FairyEditor.FController;
  10704. public get scriptData(): FairyGUI.Utils.XML;
  10705. public AddChild ($child: FairyEditor.FObject) : FairyEditor.FObject
  10706. public AddChildAt ($child: FairyEditor.FObject, $index: number) : FairyEditor.FObject
  10707. public RemoveChild ($child: FairyEditor.FObject, $dispose?: boolean) : FairyEditor.FObject
  10708. public RemoveChildAt ($index: number, $dispose?: boolean) : FairyEditor.FObject
  10709. public RemoveChildren ($beginIndex?: number, $endIndex?: number, $dispose?: boolean) : void
  10710. public GetChildAt ($index: number) : FairyEditor.FObject
  10711. public GetChild ($name: string) : FairyEditor.FObject
  10712. public GetChildByPath ($path: string) : FairyEditor.FObject
  10713. public GetChildById ($id: string) : FairyEditor.FObject
  10714. public GetChildIndex ($child: FairyEditor.FObject) : number
  10715. public SetChildIndex ($child: FairyEditor.FObject, $index: number) : void
  10716. public SwapChildren ($child1: FairyEditor.FObject, $child2: FairyEditor.FObject) : void
  10717. public SwapChildrenAt ($index1: number, $index2: number) : void
  10718. public AddController ($controller: FairyEditor.FController, $applyNow?: boolean) : void
  10719. public GetController ($name: string) : FairyEditor.FController
  10720. public RemoveController ($c: FairyEditor.FController) : void
  10721. public UpdateChildrenVisible () : void
  10722. public UpdateDisplayList ($immediatelly?: boolean) : void
  10723. public GetSnappingPosition ($xValue: number, $yValue: number) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  10724. public EnsureBoundsCorrect () : void
  10725. public SetBoundsChangedFlag () : void
  10726. public GetBounds () : UnityEngine.Rect
  10727. public SetBounds ($ax: number, $ay: number, $aw: number, $ah: number) : void
  10728. public ApplyController ($c: FairyEditor.FController) : void
  10729. public ApplyAllControllers () : void
  10730. public AdjustRadioGroupDepth ($obj: FairyEditor.FObject, $c: FairyEditor.FController) : void
  10731. public GetCustomProperty ($target: string, $propertyId: number) : FairyEditor.ComProperty
  10732. public ApplyCustomProperty ($cp: FairyEditor.ComProperty) : void
  10733. public UpdateOverflow () : void
  10734. public Write_editMode () : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  10735. public ValidateChildren ($checkOnly?: boolean) : boolean
  10736. public CreateChild ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : FairyEditor.FObject
  10737. public GetChildrenInfo () : string
  10738. public GetNextId () : string
  10739. public IsIdInUse ($val: string) : boolean
  10740. public ContainsComponent ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : boolean
  10741. public NotifyChildReplaced ($source: FairyEditor.FObject, $target: FairyEditor.FObject) : void
  10742. public constructor ($flags: number)
  10743. }
  10744. class FObject extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  10745. {
  10746. public _parent : FairyEditor.FComponent
  10747. public _id : string
  10748. public _width : number
  10749. public _height : number
  10750. public _rawWidth : number
  10751. public _rawHeight : number
  10752. public _widthEnabled : boolean
  10753. public _heightEnabled : boolean
  10754. public _renderDepth : number
  10755. public _outlineVersion : number
  10756. public _opened : boolean
  10757. public _group : FairyEditor.FGroup
  10758. public _sizePercentInGroup : number
  10759. public _gearLocked : boolean
  10760. public _internalVisible : boolean
  10761. public _hasSnapshot : boolean
  10762. public _treeNode : FairyEditor.FTreeNode
  10763. public _pivotFromSource : boolean
  10764. public _pkg : FairyEditor.FPackage
  10765. public _res : FairyEditor.ResourceRef
  10766. public _objectType : string
  10767. public _docElement : FairyEditor.View.DocElement
  10768. public _flags : number
  10769. public _underConstruct : boolean
  10770. public sourceWidth : number
  10771. public sourceHeight : number
  10772. public initWidth : number
  10773. public initHeight : number
  10774. public customData : string
  10775. public static loadingSnapshot : boolean
  10776. public static MAX_GEAR_INDEX : number
  10777. public get id(): string;
  10778. public get name(): string;
  10779. public set name(value: string);
  10780. public get objectType(): string;
  10781. public get pkg(): FairyEditor.FPackage;
  10782. public get docElement(): FairyEditor.View.DocElement;
  10783. public get touchable(): boolean;
  10784. public set touchable(value: boolean);
  10785. public get touchDisabled(): boolean;
  10786. public get grayed(): boolean;
  10787. public set grayed(value: boolean);
  10788. public get enabled(): boolean;
  10789. public set enabled(value: boolean);
  10790. public get resourceURL(): string;
  10791. public get x(): number;
  10792. public set x(value: number);
  10793. public get y(): number;
  10794. public set y(value: number);
  10795. public get xy(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  10796. public set xy(value: UnityEngine.Vector2);
  10797. public get xMin(): number;
  10798. public set xMin(value: number);
  10799. public get xMax(): number;
  10800. public set xMax(value: number);
  10801. public get yMin(): number;
  10802. public set yMin(value: number);
  10803. public get yMax(): number;
  10804. public set yMax(value: number);
  10805. public get height(): number;
  10806. public set height(value: number);
  10807. public get width(): number;
  10808. public set width(value: number);
  10809. public get size(): UnityEngine.Vector2;
  10810. public get minWidth(): number;
  10811. public set minWidth(value: number);
  10812. public get minHeight(): number;
  10813. public set minHeight(value: number);
  10814. public get maxWidth(): number;
  10815. public set maxWidth(value: number);
  10816. public get maxHeight(): number;
  10817. public set maxHeight(value: number);
  10818. public get actualWidth(): number;
  10819. public get actualHeight(): number;
  10820. public get scaleX(): number;
  10821. public set scaleX(value: number);
  10822. public get scaleY(): number;
  10823. public set scaleY(value: number);
  10824. public get aspectLocked(): boolean;
  10825. public set aspectLocked(value: boolean);
  10826. public get aspectRatio(): number;
  10827. public get skewX(): number;
  10828. public set skewX(value: number);
  10829. public get skewY(): number;
  10830. public set skewY(value: number);
  10831. public get pivotX(): number;
  10832. public set pivotX(value: number);
  10833. public get pivotY(): number;
  10834. public set pivotY(value: number);
  10835. public get anchor(): boolean;
  10836. public set anchor(value: boolean);
  10837. public get locked(): boolean;
  10838. public set locked(value: boolean);
  10839. public get hideByEditor(): boolean;
  10840. public set hideByEditor(value: boolean);
  10841. public get useSourceSize(): boolean;
  10842. public set useSourceSize(value: boolean);
  10843. public get rotation(): number;
  10844. public set rotation(value: number);
  10845. public get alpha(): number;
  10846. public set alpha(value: number);
  10847. public get visible(): boolean;
  10848. public set visible(value: boolean);
  10849. public get internalVisible(): boolean;
  10850. public get internalVisible2(): boolean;
  10851. public get internalVisible3(): boolean;
  10852. public get groupId(): string;
  10853. public set groupId(value: string);
  10854. public get tooltips(): string;
  10855. public set tooltips(value: string);
  10856. public get filterData(): FairyEditor.FilterData;
  10857. public set filterData(value: FairyEditor.FilterData);
  10858. public get filter(): string;
  10859. public set filter(value: string);
  10860. public get blendMode(): string;
  10861. public set blendMode(value: string);
  10862. public get relations(): FairyEditor.FRelations;
  10863. public get displayObject(): FairyEditor.FDisplayObject;
  10864. public get parent(): FairyEditor.FComponent;
  10865. public get text(): string;
  10866. public set text(value: string);
  10867. public get icon(): string;
  10868. public set icon(value: string);
  10869. public get errorStatus(): boolean;
  10870. public set errorStatus(value: boolean);
  10871. public get topmost(): FairyEditor.FComponent;
  10872. public SetXY ($xv: number, $yv: number) : void
  10873. public SetTopLeft ($xv: number, $yv: number) : void
  10874. public SetSize ($wv: number, $hv: number, $ignorePivot?: boolean, $dontCheckLock?: boolean) : void
  10875. public SetScale ($sx: number, $sy: number) : void
  10876. public SetSkew ($xv: number, $yv: number) : void
  10877. public SetPivot ($xv: number, $yv: number, $asAnchor: boolean) : void
  10878. public InGroup ($group: FairyEditor.FGroup) : boolean
  10879. public GetGear ($index: number, $createIfNull?: boolean) : FairyEditor.Framework.Gears.IGear
  10880. public UpdateGear ($index: number) : void
  10881. public UpdateGearFromRelations ($index: number, $dx: number, $dy: number) : void
  10882. public SupportGear ($index: number) : boolean
  10883. public ValidateGears () : void
  10884. public HasGears () : boolean
  10885. public CheckGearController ($index: number, $c: FairyEditor.FController) : boolean
  10886. public CheckGearsController ($c: FairyEditor.FController) : boolean
  10887. public AddDisplayLock () : number
  10888. public ReleaseDisplayLock ($token: number) : void
  10889. public CheckGearDisplay () : void
  10890. public RemoveFromParent () : void
  10891. public LocalToGlobal ($pt: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  10892. public GlobalToLocal ($pt: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  10893. public static cast ($obj: FairyGUI.DisplayObject) : FairyEditor.FObject
  10894. public HandleXYChanged () : void
  10895. public HandleSizeChanged () : void
  10896. public HandleGrayedChanged () : void
  10897. public HandleAlphaChanged () : void
  10898. public HandleVisibleChanged () : void
  10899. public HandleControllerChanged ($c: FairyEditor.FController) : void
  10900. public GetProperty ($propName: string) : any
  10901. public SetProperty ($propName: string, $value: any) : void
  10902. public GetProp ($index: FairyEditor.ObjectPropID) : any
  10903. public SetProp ($index: FairyEditor.ObjectPropID, $value: any) : void
  10904. public IsObsolete () : boolean
  10905. public Validate ($checkOnly?: boolean) : boolean
  10906. public GetDetailString () : string
  10907. public Create () : void
  10908. public Dispose () : void
  10909. public Recreate () : void
  10910. public Read_beforeAdd ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $strings: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>) : void
  10911. public Read_afterAdd ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $strings: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>) : void
  10912. public Write () : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  10913. public ReadGears ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  10914. public WriteGears ($xml?: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  10915. public TakeSnapshot ($ss: FairyEditor.ObjectSnapshot) : void
  10916. public ReadSnapshot ($ss: FairyEditor.ObjectSnapshot) : void
  10917. public constructor ($flags: number)
  10918. public constructor ()
  10919. }
  10920. class DragonBonesAsset extends FairyEditor.SkeletonAsset
  10921. {
  10922. public static ParseBounds ($sourceFile: string) : UnityEngine.Rect
  10923. public constructor ($packageItem: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  10924. public constructor ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  10925. public constructor ()
  10926. }
  10927. class SkeletonAsset extends FairyEditor.AssetBase
  10928. {
  10929. public files : System.Array$1<string>
  10930. public atlasNames : System.Array$1<string>
  10931. public anchorX : number
  10932. public anchorY : number
  10933. public shader : string
  10934. public pma : boolean
  10935. public get data(): FairyEditor.ISkeletonDataAsset;
  10936. public get animations(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>;
  10937. public get skins(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>;
  10938. public Load () : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
  10939. }
  10940. class FBitmapFont extends FairyGUI.BitmapFont
  10941. {
  10942. public get fontData(): FairyEditor.BmFontData;
  10943. public get usingAtlas(): boolean;
  10944. public get branch(): string;
  10945. public GetSubFont ($branch: string, $scaleLevel: number) : FairyEditor.FBitmapFont
  10946. public constructor ($packageItem: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  10947. public constructor ($parent: FairyEditor.FBitmapFont, $branch: string, $scaleLevel: number)
  10948. public constructor ()
  10949. }
  10950. class FontAsset extends FairyEditor.AssetBase
  10951. {
  10952. public texture : string
  10953. public samplePointSize : number
  10954. public renderMode : string
  10955. public italicStyle : number
  10956. public boldWeight : number
  10957. public atlasPadding : number
  10958. public static DefaultItalicStyle : number
  10959. public static DefaultBoldWeight : number
  10960. public static DefaultAtlasPadding : number
  10961. public get fontType(): FairyEditor.FontAsset.FontType;
  10962. public static IsTTF ($file: string) : boolean
  10963. public GetFont ($flags: number) : FairyGUI.BaseFont
  10964. public GetFont ($branch: string, $scaleLevel: number) : FairyGUI.BaseFont
  10965. public static ParseRenderMode ($str: string) : UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode
  10966. public constructor ($packageItem: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  10967. public constructor ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  10968. public constructor ()
  10969. }
  10970. class ImageAsset extends FairyEditor.AssetBase
  10971. {
  10972. public scale9Grid : UnityEngine.Rect
  10973. public scaleOption : string
  10974. public qualityOption : string
  10975. public quality : number
  10976. public smoothing : boolean
  10977. public gridTile : number
  10978. public atlas : string
  10979. public duplicatePadding : boolean
  10980. public disableTrim : boolean
  10981. public svgWidth : number
  10982. public svgHeight : number
  10983. public static QUALITY_DEFAULT : string
  10984. public static QUALITY_SOURCE : string
  10985. public static QUALITY_CUSTOM : string
  10986. public static SCALE_9GRID : string
  10987. public static SCALE_TILE : string
  10988. public get texture(): FairyGUI.NTexture;
  10989. public get converting(): boolean;
  10990. public get format(): string;
  10991. public get targetQuality(): number;
  10992. public get file(): string;
  10993. public LoadTexture () : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
  10994. public LoadForPublish ($trim: boolean) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
  10995. public constructor ($packageItem: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  10996. public constructor ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  10997. public constructor ()
  10998. }
  10999. interface ISkeletonDataAsset
  11000. {
  11001. GetAnimations () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  11002. GetSkins () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  11003. CreateComponent () : FairyEditor.ISkeletonAnimationComponent
  11004. Dispose () : void
  11005. }
  11006. class SoundAsset extends FairyEditor.AssetBase
  11007. {
  11008. public get audio(): UnityEngine.AudioClip;
  11009. public Play ($volumeScale?: number) : void
  11010. public constructor ($packageItem: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  11011. public constructor ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  11012. public constructor ()
  11013. }
  11014. class SpineAsset extends FairyEditor.SkeletonAsset
  11015. {
  11016. public static ParseBounds ($sourceFile: string) : UnityEngine.Rect
  11017. public constructor ($packageItem: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  11018. public constructor ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  11019. public constructor ()
  11020. }
  11021. class SwfAsset extends FairyEditor.AssetBase
  11022. {
  11023. public constructor ($packageItem: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  11024. public constructor ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem)
  11025. public constructor ()
  11026. }
  11027. class ComExtensionDef extends System.Object
  11028. {
  11029. public name : string
  11030. public className : string
  11031. public superClassName : string
  11032. public constructor ()
  11033. }
  11034. class ComExtention extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  11035. {
  11036. public _type : string
  11037. public get owner(): FairyEditor.FComponent;
  11038. public set owner(value: FairyEditor.FComponent);
  11039. public get text(): string;
  11040. public set text(value: string);
  11041. public get icon(): string;
  11042. public set icon(value: string);
  11043. public Create () : void
  11044. public Dispose () : void
  11045. public Read_editMode ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  11046. public Write_editMode () : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  11047. public Read ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $strings: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>) : void
  11048. public Write () : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  11049. public HandleControllerChanged ($c: FairyEditor.FController) : void
  11050. public GetProp ($index: FairyEditor.ObjectPropID) : any
  11051. public SetProp ($index: FairyEditor.ObjectPropID, $value: any) : void
  11052. public GetProperty ($propName: string) : any
  11053. public SetProperty ($propName: string, $value: any) : void
  11054. public constructor ()
  11055. }
  11056. class FController extends FairyGUI.EventDispatcher implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  11057. {
  11058. public name : string
  11059. public autoRadioGroupDepth : boolean
  11060. public exported : boolean
  11061. public alias : string
  11062. public homePageType : string
  11063. public homePage : string
  11064. public parent : FairyEditor.FComponent
  11065. public changing : boolean
  11066. public get selectedIndex(): number;
  11067. public set selectedIndex(value: number);
  11068. public get previsousIndex(): number;
  11069. public get selectedPage(): string;
  11070. public set selectedPage(value: string);
  11071. public get selectedPageId(): string;
  11072. public set selectedPageId(value: string);
  11073. public set oppositePageId(value: string);
  11074. public get previousPage(): string;
  11075. public get previousPageId(): string;
  11076. public get pageCount(): number;
  11077. public SetSelectedIndex ($value: number) : void
  11078. public GetPages () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FControllerPage>
  11079. public GetPageIds ($ret?: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  11080. public GetPageNames ($ret?: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  11081. public HasPageId ($value: string) : boolean
  11082. public HasPageName ($value: string) : boolean
  11083. public GetNameById ($id: string, $emptyMsg: string) : string
  11084. public GetNamesByIds ($ids: System.Collections.IList, $emptyMsg: string) : string
  11085. public AddPage ($name: string) : FairyEditor.FControllerPage
  11086. public AddPageAt ($name: string, $index: number) : FairyEditor.FControllerPage
  11087. public RemovePageAt ($index: number) : void
  11088. public SetPages ($pages: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<string>) : void
  11089. public SwapPage ($index1: number, $index2: number) : void
  11090. public GetActions () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FControllerAction>
  11091. public AddAction ($type: string) : FairyEditor.FControllerAction
  11092. public RemoveAction ($action: FairyEditor.FControllerAction) : void
  11093. public SwapAction ($index1: number, $index2: number) : void
  11094. public RunActions () : void
  11095. public Read ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  11096. public Write () : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  11097. public Reset () : void
  11098. public constructor ()
  11099. }
  11100. enum ObjectPropID
  11101. { Text = 0, Icon = 1, Color = 2, OutlineColor = 3, Playing = 4, Frame = 5, DeltaTime = 6, TimeScale = 7, FontSize = 8, Selected = 9, AnimationName = 10, SkinName = 11 }
  11102. class FEvents extends System.Object
  11103. {
  11104. public static POS_CHANGED : string
  11105. public static SIZE_CHANGED : string
  11106. public static CHANGED : string
  11107. public static PLAY_END : string
  11108. public static SUBMIT : string
  11109. public static ADDED : string
  11110. public static REMOVED : string
  11111. public static CLICK_ITEM : string
  11112. }
  11113. class AlignConst extends System.Object
  11114. {
  11115. public static LEFT : string
  11116. public static CENTER : string
  11117. public static RIGHT : string
  11118. public static Parse ($str: string) : FairyGUI.AlignType
  11119. public static ToString ($type: FairyGUI.AlignType) : string
  11120. public ToString () : string
  11121. }
  11122. class VerticalAlignConst extends System.Object
  11123. {
  11124. public static TOP : string
  11125. public static MIDDLE : string
  11126. public static BOTTOM : string
  11127. public static Parse ($str: string) : FairyGUI.VertAlignType
  11128. public static ToString ($type: FairyGUI.VertAlignType) : string
  11129. public ToString () : string
  11130. }
  11131. class AutoSizeConst extends System.Object
  11132. {
  11133. public static NONE : string
  11134. public static HEIGHT : string
  11135. public static BOTH : string
  11136. public static SHRINK : string
  11137. public static ELLIPSIS : string
  11138. public static Parse ($str: string) : FairyGUI.AutoSizeType
  11139. public static ToString ($type: FairyGUI.AutoSizeType) : string
  11140. public ToString () : string
  11141. }
  11142. class OverflowConst extends System.Object
  11143. {
  11144. public static VISIBLE : string
  11145. public static HIDDEN : string
  11146. public static SCROLL : string
  11147. }
  11148. class ScrollBarDisplayConst extends System.Object
  11149. {
  11150. public static DEFAULT : string
  11151. public static VISIBLE : string
  11152. public static AUTO : string
  11153. public static HIDDEN : string
  11154. }
  11155. class ScrollConst extends System.Object
  11156. {
  11157. public static HORIZONTAL : string
  11158. public static VERTICAL : string
  11159. public static BOTH : string
  11160. }
  11161. class FlipConst extends System.Object
  11162. {
  11163. public static NONE : string
  11164. public static HZ : string
  11165. public static VT : string
  11166. public static BOTH : string
  11167. public static Parse ($str: string) : FairyGUI.FlipType
  11168. }
  11169. class LoaderFillConst extends System.Object
  11170. {
  11171. public static NONE : string
  11172. public static SCALE_SHOW_ALL : string
  11173. public static SCALE_NO_BORDER : string
  11174. public static SCALE_MATCH_HEIGHT : string
  11175. public static SCALE_MATCH_WIDTH : string
  11176. public static SCALE_FREE : string
  11177. }
  11178. class FillMethodConst extends System.Object
  11179. {
  11180. public static Parse ($str: string) : FairyGUI.FillMethod
  11181. }
  11182. class EaseTypeConst extends System.Object
  11183. {
  11184. public static easeType : System.Array$1<string>
  11185. public static easeInOutType : System.Array$1<string>
  11186. public static Parse ($value: string) : FairyGUI.EaseType
  11187. }
  11188. class FButton extends FairyEditor.ComExtention implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  11189. {
  11190. public changeStageOnClick : boolean
  11191. public static COMMON : string
  11192. public static CHECK : string
  11193. public static RADIO : string
  11194. public static UP : string
  11195. public static DOWN : string
  11196. public static OVER : string
  11197. public static SELECTED_OVER : string
  11198. public static DISABLED : string
  11199. public static SELECTED_DISABLED : string
  11200. public get icon(): string;
  11201. public set icon(value: string);
  11202. public get selectedIcon(): string;
  11203. public set selectedIcon(value: string);
  11204. public get title(): string;
  11205. public set title(value: string);
  11206. public get text(): string;
  11207. public set text(value: string);
  11208. public get selectedTitle(): string;
  11209. public set selectedTitle(value: string);
  11210. public get titleColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  11211. public set titleColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  11212. public get titleColorSet(): boolean;
  11213. public set titleColorSet(value: boolean);
  11214. public get titleFontSize(): number;
  11215. public set titleFontSize(value: number);
  11216. public get titleFontSizeSet(): boolean;
  11217. public set titleFontSizeSet(value: boolean);
  11218. public get sound(): string;
  11219. public set sound(value: string);
  11220. public get volume(): number;
  11221. public set volume(value: number);
  11222. public get baseSound(): string;
  11223. public set baseSound(value: string);
  11224. public get baseVolume(): number;
  11225. public set baseVolume(value: number);
  11226. public get soundSet(): boolean;
  11227. public set soundSet(value: boolean);
  11228. public get downEffect(): string;
  11229. public set downEffect(value: string);
  11230. public get downEffectValue(): number;
  11231. public set downEffectValue(value: number);
  11232. public get selected(): boolean;
  11233. public set selected(value: boolean);
  11234. public get mode(): string;
  11235. public set mode(value: string);
  11236. public get controller(): string;
  11237. public set controller(value: string);
  11238. public get controllerObj(): FairyEditor.FController;
  11239. public get page(): string;
  11240. public set page(value: string);
  11241. public GetTextField () : FairyEditor.FTextField
  11242. public HandleGrayChanged () : boolean
  11243. public constructor ()
  11244. }
  11245. class FTextField extends FairyEditor.FObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  11246. {
  11247. public clearOnPublish : boolean
  11248. public get text(): string;
  11249. public set text(value: string);
  11250. public get textFormat(): FairyGUI.TextFormat;
  11251. public get supportProEffect(): boolean;
  11252. public get font(): string;
  11253. public set font(value: string);
  11254. public get fontSize(): number;
  11255. public set fontSize(value: number);
  11256. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  11257. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  11258. public get align(): string;
  11259. public set align(value: string);
  11260. public get verticalAlign(): string;
  11261. public set verticalAlign(value: string);
  11262. public get leading(): number;
  11263. public set leading(value: number);
  11264. public get letterSpacing(): number;
  11265. public set letterSpacing(value: number);
  11266. public get underline(): boolean;
  11267. public set underline(value: boolean);
  11268. public get bold(): boolean;
  11269. public set bold(value: boolean);
  11270. public get italic(): boolean;
  11271. public set italic(value: boolean);
  11272. public get strike(): boolean;
  11273. public set strike(value: boolean);
  11274. public get stroke(): boolean;
  11275. public set stroke(value: boolean);
  11276. public get strokeColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  11277. public set strokeColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  11278. public get strokeSize(): number;
  11279. public set strokeSize(value: number);
  11280. public get shadowY(): number;
  11281. public set shadowY(value: number);
  11282. public get shadowX(): number;
  11283. public set shadowX(value: number);
  11284. public get shadow(): boolean;
  11285. public set shadow(value: boolean);
  11286. public get shadowColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  11287. public set shadowColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  11288. public get outlineSoftness(): number;
  11289. public set outlineSoftness(value: number);
  11290. public get underlaySoftness(): number;
  11291. public set underlaySoftness(value: number);
  11292. public get faceDilate(): number;
  11293. public set faceDilate(value: number);
  11294. public get ubbEnabled(): boolean;
  11295. public set ubbEnabled(value: boolean);
  11296. public get varsEnabled(): boolean;
  11297. public set varsEnabled(value: boolean);
  11298. public get autoSize(): string;
  11299. public set autoSize(value: string);
  11300. public get singleLine(): boolean;
  11301. public set singleLine(value: boolean);
  11302. public InitFrom ($other: FairyEditor.FTextField) : void
  11303. public CopyTextFormat ($source: FairyEditor.FTextField) : void
  11304. public constructor ($flags: number)
  11305. }
  11306. class FComboBox extends FairyEditor.ComExtention implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  11307. {
  11308. public clearOnPublish : boolean
  11309. public get title(): string;
  11310. public set title(value: string);
  11311. public get text(): string;
  11312. public set text(value: string);
  11313. public get icon(): string;
  11314. public set icon(value: string);
  11315. public get titleColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  11316. public set titleColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  11317. public get titleColorSet(): boolean;
  11318. public set titleColorSet(value: boolean);
  11319. public get dropdown(): string;
  11320. public set dropdown(value: string);
  11321. public get visibleItemCount(): number;
  11322. public set visibleItemCount(value: number);
  11323. public get direction(): string;
  11324. public set direction(value: string);
  11325. public get items(): System.Array$1<System.Array$1<string>>;
  11326. public set items(value: System.Array$1<System.Array$1<string>>);
  11327. public set selectedIndex(value: number);
  11328. public get selectionController(): string;
  11329. public set selectionController(value: string);
  11330. public get selectionControllerObj(): FairyEditor.FController;
  11331. public get sound(): string;
  11332. public set sound(value: string);
  11333. public get volume(): number;
  11334. public set volume(value: number);
  11335. public GetTextField () : FairyEditor.FTextField
  11336. public constructor ()
  11337. }
  11338. class FTransitions extends System.Object
  11339. {
  11340. public _loadingSnapshot : boolean
  11341. public get items(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FTransition>;
  11342. public get isEmpty(): boolean;
  11343. public AddItem ($name?: string) : FairyEditor.FTransition
  11344. public RemoveItem ($item: FairyEditor.FTransition) : void
  11345. public GetItem ($name: string) : FairyEditor.FTransition
  11346. public Read ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  11347. public Write ($xml?: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  11348. public Dispose () : void
  11349. public ClearSnapshot () : void
  11350. public TakeSnapshot () : void
  11351. public ReadSnapshot ($readController?: boolean) : void
  11352. public OnOwnerAddedToStage () : void
  11353. public OnOwnerRemovedFromStage () : void
  11354. public constructor ($owner: FairyEditor.FComponent)
  11355. public constructor ()
  11356. }
  11357. class FScrollPane extends System.Object
  11358. {
  11359. public static DISPLAY_ON_LEFT : number
  11360. public static SNAP_TO_ITEM : number
  11361. public static DISPLAY_IN_DEMAND : number
  11362. public static PAGE_MODE : number
  11363. public static TOUCH_EFFECT_ON : number
  11364. public static TOUCH_EFFECT_OFF : number
  11365. public static BOUNCE_BACK_EFFECT_ON : number
  11366. public static BOUNCE_BACK_EFFECT_OFF : number
  11367. public static INERTIA_DISABLED : number
  11368. public static MASK_DISABLED : number
  11369. public static FLOATING : number
  11370. public static DONT_CLIP_MARGIN : number
  11371. public get vtScrollBar(): FairyEditor.FScrollBar;
  11372. public get hzScrollBar(): FairyEditor.FScrollBar;
  11373. public get owner(): FairyEditor.FComponent;
  11374. public get percX(): number;
  11375. public set percX(value: number);
  11376. public get percY(): number;
  11377. public set percY(value: number);
  11378. public get posX(): number;
  11379. public set posX(value: number);
  11380. public get posY(): number;
  11381. public set posY(value: number);
  11382. public get contentWidth(): number;
  11383. public get contentHeight(): number;
  11384. public get viewWidth(): number;
  11385. public set viewWidth(value: number);
  11386. public get viewHeight(): number;
  11387. public set viewHeight(value: number);
  11388. public get pageX(): number;
  11389. public set pageX(value: number);
  11390. public get pageY(): number;
  11391. public set pageY(value: number);
  11392. public Dispose () : void
  11393. public Install () : void
  11394. public Uninstall () : void
  11395. public SetPercX ($value: number, $ani?: boolean) : void
  11396. public SetPercY ($value: number, $ani?: boolean) : void
  11397. public SetPosX ($value: number, $ani?: boolean) : void
  11398. public SetPosY ($value: number, $ani?: boolean) : void
  11399. public SetPageX ($value: number, $ani?: boolean) : void
  11400. public SetPageY ($value: number, $ani?: boolean) : void
  11401. public ScrollTop ($ani?: boolean) : void
  11402. public ScrollBottom ($ani?: boolean) : void
  11403. public ScrollUp ($ratio?: number, $ani?: boolean) : void
  11404. public ScrollDown ($ratio?: number, $ani?: boolean) : void
  11405. public ScrollLeft ($ratio?: number, $ani?: boolean) : void
  11406. public ScrollRight ($ratio?: number, $ani?: boolean) : void
  11407. public ScrollToView ($obj: FairyEditor.FObject, $ani?: boolean, $setFirst?: boolean) : void
  11408. public ScrollToView ($rect: UnityEngine.Rect, $ani?: boolean, $setFirst?: boolean) : void
  11409. public OnOwnerSizeChanged () : void
  11410. public OnFlagsChanged ($forceReceate?: boolean) : void
  11411. public Validate ($checkOnly?: boolean) : boolean
  11412. public UpdateScrollRect () : void
  11413. public SetContentSize ($aWidth: number, $aHeight: number) : void
  11414. public HandleControllerChanged ($c: FairyEditor.FController) : void
  11415. public UpdateScrollBarVisible () : void
  11416. public constructor ($owner: FairyEditor.FComponent)
  11417. public constructor ()
  11418. }
  11419. class FMargin extends System.Object
  11420. {
  11421. public left : number
  11422. public right : number
  11423. public top : number
  11424. public bottom : number
  11425. public get empty(): boolean;
  11426. public Parse ($str: string) : void
  11427. public Reset () : void
  11428. public Copy ($source: FairyEditor.FMargin) : void
  11429. public constructor ()
  11430. }
  11431. class FControllerPage extends System.Object
  11432. {
  11433. public id : string
  11434. public name : string
  11435. public remark : string
  11436. public constructor ()
  11437. }
  11438. class FControllerAction extends System.Object
  11439. {
  11440. public type : string
  11441. public fromPage : System.Array$1<string>
  11442. public toPage : System.Array$1<string>
  11443. public transitionName : string
  11444. public repeat : number
  11445. public delay : number
  11446. public stopOnExit : boolean
  11447. public objectId : string
  11448. public controllerName : string
  11449. public targetPage : string
  11450. public Run ($controller: FairyEditor.FController, $prevPage: string, $curPage: string) : void
  11451. public Reset () : void
  11452. public GetFullControllerName ($gcom: FairyEditor.FComponent) : string
  11453. public GetControllerObj ($gcom: FairyEditor.FComponent) : FairyEditor.FController
  11454. public Read ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  11455. public Write () : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  11456. public constructor ()
  11457. }
  11458. class FCustomEase extends FairyGUI.CustomEase
  11459. {
  11460. public points : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>
  11461. public Update () : void
  11462. public constructor ()
  11463. }
  11464. class FDisplayObject extends FairyGUI.Container implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  11465. {
  11466. public get owner(): FairyEditor.FObject;
  11467. public get container(): FairyGUI.Container;
  11468. public get content(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  11469. public set content(value: FairyGUI.DisplayObject);
  11470. public get errorStatus(): boolean;
  11471. public set errorStatus(value: boolean);
  11472. public Reset () : void
  11473. public HandleSizeChanged () : void
  11474. public SetLoading ($value: boolean) : void
  11475. public ApplyBlendMode () : void
  11476. public ApplyFilter () : void
  11477. public constructor ($owner: FairyEditor.FObject)
  11478. public constructor ()
  11479. public constructor ($gameObjectName: string)
  11480. public constructor ($attachTarget: UnityEngine.GameObject)
  11481. }
  11482. class FGraph extends FairyEditor.FObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IHitTest
  11483. {
  11484. public static EMPTY : string
  11485. public static RECT : string
  11486. public static ELLIPSE : string
  11487. public static POLYGON : string
  11488. public static REGULAR_POLYGON : string
  11489. public get type(): string;
  11490. public set type(value: string);
  11491. public get isVerticesEditable(): boolean;
  11492. public get shapeLocked(): boolean;
  11493. public set shapeLocked(value: boolean);
  11494. public get cornerRadius(): string;
  11495. public set cornerRadius(value: string);
  11496. public get lineColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  11497. public set lineColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  11498. public get lineSize(): number;
  11499. public set lineSize(value: number);
  11500. public get fillColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  11501. public set fillColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  11502. public get polygonPoints(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>;
  11503. public get verticesDistance(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>;
  11504. public get sides(): number;
  11505. public set sides(value: number);
  11506. public get startAngle(): number;
  11507. public set startAngle(value: number);
  11508. public get polygonData(): any;
  11509. public set polygonData(value: any);
  11510. public AddVertex ($vx: number, $vy: number, $near: boolean) : void
  11511. public RemoveVertex ($index: number) : void
  11512. public UpdateVertex ($index: number, $xv: number, $yv: number) : void
  11513. public UpdateVertexDistance ($index: number, $value: number) : void
  11514. public CalculatePolygonBounds () : UnityEngine.Rect
  11515. public UpdateGraph () : void
  11516. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  11517. public constructor ($flags: number)
  11518. }
  11519. class FGroup extends FairyEditor.FObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  11520. {
  11521. public _updating : number
  11522. public _childrenDirty : boolean
  11523. public static HORIZONTAL : string
  11524. public static VERTICAL : string
  11525. public get advanced(): boolean;
  11526. public set advanced(value: boolean);
  11527. public get excludeInvisibles(): boolean;
  11528. public set excludeInvisibles(value: boolean);
  11529. public get autoSizeDisabled(): boolean;
  11530. public set autoSizeDisabled(value: boolean);
  11531. public get mainGridMinSize(): number;
  11532. public set mainGridMinSize(value: number);
  11533. public get mainGridIndex(): number;
  11534. public set mainGridIndex(value: number);
  11535. public get hasMainGrid(): boolean;
  11536. public set hasMainGrid(value: boolean);
  11537. public get collapsed(): boolean;
  11538. public set collapsed(value: boolean);
  11539. public get layout(): string;
  11540. public set layout(value: string);
  11541. public get lineGap(): number;
  11542. public set lineGap(value: number);
  11543. public get columnGap(): number;
  11544. public set columnGap(value: number);
  11545. public get boundsChanged(): boolean;
  11546. public get children(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FObject>;
  11547. public get empty(): boolean;
  11548. public Refresh ($positionChangedOnly?: boolean) : void
  11549. public FreeChildrenArray () : void
  11550. public GetStartIndex () : number
  11551. public UpdateImmdediately ($param?: any) : void
  11552. public MoveChildren ($dx: number, $dy: number) : void
  11553. public ResizeChildren ($dw: number, $dh: number) : void
  11554. public constructor ($flags: number)
  11555. }
  11556. class FilterData extends System.Object
  11557. {
  11558. public type : string
  11559. public brightness : number
  11560. public contrast : number
  11561. public saturation : number
  11562. public hue : number
  11563. public Read ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  11564. public Write ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  11565. public CopyFrom ($source: FairyEditor.FilterData) : void
  11566. public Clone () : FairyEditor.FilterData
  11567. public constructor ()
  11568. }
  11569. class FImage extends FairyEditor.FObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IHitTest
  11570. {
  11571. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  11572. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  11573. public get flip(): string;
  11574. public set flip(value: string);
  11575. public get fillOrigin(): number;
  11576. public set fillOrigin(value: number);
  11577. public get fillClockwise(): boolean;
  11578. public set fillClockwise(value: boolean);
  11579. public get fillMethod(): string;
  11580. public set fillMethod(value: string);
  11581. public get fillAmount(): number;
  11582. public set fillAmount(value: number);
  11583. public get bitmap(): FairyGUI.Image;
  11584. public HitTest ($contentRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $localPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : boolean
  11585. public constructor ($flags: number)
  11586. }
  11587. class FLabel extends FairyEditor.ComExtention implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  11588. {
  11589. public restrict : string
  11590. public maxLength : number
  11591. public keyboardType : number
  11592. public get icon(): string;
  11593. public set icon(value: string);
  11594. public get title(): string;
  11595. public set title(value: string);
  11596. public get text(): string;
  11597. public set text(value: string);
  11598. public get titleColor(): UnityEngine.Color;
  11599. public set titleColor(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  11600. public get titleColorSet(): boolean;
  11601. public set titleColorSet(value: boolean);
  11602. public get titleFontSize(): number;
  11603. public set titleFontSize(value: number);
  11604. public get titleFontSizeSet(): boolean;
  11605. public set titleFontSizeSet(value: boolean);
  11606. public get input(): boolean;
  11607. public get password(): boolean;
  11608. public set password(value: boolean);
  11609. public get promptText(): string;
  11610. public set promptText(value: string);
  11611. public get sound(): string;
  11612. public set sound(value: string);
  11613. public get volume(): number;
  11614. public set volume(value: number);
  11615. public GetTextField () : FairyEditor.FTextField
  11616. public constructor ()
  11617. }
  11618. class FList extends FairyEditor.FComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  11619. {
  11620. public clearOnPublish : boolean
  11621. public scrollItemToViewOnClick : boolean
  11622. public foldInvisibleItems : boolean
  11623. public clickToExpand : number
  11624. public static SINGLE_COLUMN : string
  11625. public static SINGLE_ROW : string
  11626. public static FLOW_HZ : string
  11627. public static FLOW_VT : string
  11628. public static PAGINATION : string
  11629. public get layout(): string;
  11630. public set layout(value: string);
  11631. public get selectionMode(): string;
  11632. public set selectionMode(value: string);
  11633. public get lineGap(): number;
  11634. public set lineGap(value: number);
  11635. public get columnGap(): number;
  11636. public set columnGap(value: number);
  11637. public get repeatX(): number;
  11638. public set repeatX(value: number);
  11639. public get repeatY(): number;
  11640. public set repeatY(value: number);
  11641. public get defaultItem(): string;
  11642. public set defaultItem(value: string);
  11643. public get autoResizeItem(): boolean;
  11644. public set autoResizeItem(value: boolean);
  11645. public get autoResizeItem1(): boolean;
  11646. public set autoResizeItem1(value: boolean);
  11647. public get autoResizeItem2(): boolean;
  11648. public set autoResizeItem2(value: boolean);
  11649. public get treeViewEnabled(): boolean;
  11650. public set treeViewEnabled(value: boolean);
  11651. public get indent(): number;
  11652. public set indent(value: number);
  11653. public get items(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.ListItemData>;
  11654. public set items(value: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.ListItemData>);
  11655. public get align(): string;
  11656. public set align(value: string);
  11657. public get verticalAlign(): string;
  11658. public set verticalAlign(value: string);
  11659. public get selectionController(): string;
  11660. public set selectionController(value: string);
  11661. public get selectionControllerObj(): FairyEditor.FController;
  11662. public get selectedIndex(): number;
  11663. public set selectedIndex(value: number);
  11664. public GetSelection ($result?: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<number>
  11665. public AddSelection ($index: number, $scrollItToView?: boolean) : void
  11666. public RemoveSelection ($index: number) : void
  11667. public ClearSelection () : void
  11668. public AddItem ($url: string) : FairyEditor.FObject
  11669. public AddItemAt ($url: string, $index: number) : FairyEditor.FObject
  11670. public ResizeToFit ($itemCount?: number, $minSize?: number) : void
  11671. public constructor ($flags: number)
  11672. }
  11673. class ListItemData extends System.Object
  11674. {
  11675. public url : string
  11676. public name : string
  11677. public title : string
  11678. public icon : string
  11679. public selectedTitle : string
  11680. public selectedIcon : string
  11681. public level : number
  11682. public get properties(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.ComProperty>;
  11683. public CopyFrom ($source: FairyEditor.ListItemData) : void
  11684. public constructor ()
  11685. }
  11686. class FLoader extends FairyEditor.FObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  11687. {
  11688. public clearOnPublish : boolean
  11689. public get url(): string;
  11690. public set url(value: string);
  11691. public get texture(): FairyGUI.NTexture;
  11692. public set texture(value: FairyGUI.NTexture);
  11693. public get icon(): string;
  11694. public set icon(value: string);
  11695. public get align(): string;
  11696. public set align(value: string);
  11697. public get verticalAlign(): string;
  11698. public set verticalAlign(value: string);
  11699. public get fill(): string;
  11700. public set fill(value: string);
  11701. public get shrinkOnly(): boolean;
  11702. public set shrinkOnly(value: boolean);
  11703. public get autoSize(): boolean;
  11704. public set autoSize(value: boolean);
  11705. public get playing(): boolean;
  11706. public set playing(value: boolean);
  11707. public get frame(): number;
  11708. public set frame(value: number);
  11709. public get showErrorSign(): boolean;
  11710. public set showErrorSign(value: boolean);
  11711. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  11712. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  11713. public get fillOrigin(): number;
  11714. public set fillOrigin(value: number);
  11715. public get fillClockwise(): boolean;
  11716. public set fillClockwise(value: boolean);
  11717. public get fillMethod(): string;
  11718. public set fillMethod(value: string);
  11719. public get fillAmount(): number;
  11720. public set fillAmount(value: number);
  11721. public get contentRes(): FairyEditor.ResourceRef;
  11722. public constructor ($flags: number)
  11723. }
  11724. class ResourceRef extends System.Object
  11725. {
  11726. public get packageItem(): FairyEditor.FPackageItem;
  11727. public get displayItem(): FairyEditor.FPackageItem;
  11728. public get displayFont(): FairyGUI.BaseFont;
  11729. public get name(): string;
  11730. public get desc(): string;
  11731. public get isMissing(): boolean;
  11732. public get missingInfo(): FairyEditor.MissingInfo;
  11733. public get sourceWidth(): number;
  11734. public get sourceHeight(): number;
  11735. public SetPackageItem ($res: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $ownerFlags?: number) : void
  11736. public IsObsolete () : boolean
  11737. public GetURL () : string
  11738. public Update () : void
  11739. public Release () : void
  11740. public constructor ($pi?: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $missingInfo?: FairyEditor.MissingInfo, $ownerFlags?: number)
  11741. public constructor ()
  11742. }
  11743. class FLoader3D extends FairyEditor.FObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  11744. {
  11745. public clearOnPublish : boolean
  11746. public get url(): string;
  11747. public set url(value: string);
  11748. public get icon(): string;
  11749. public set icon(value: string);
  11750. public get autoSize(): boolean;
  11751. public set autoSize(value: boolean);
  11752. public get fill(): string;
  11753. public set fill(value: string);
  11754. public get shrinkOnly(): boolean;
  11755. public set shrinkOnly(value: boolean);
  11756. public get align(): string;
  11757. public set align(value: string);
  11758. public get verticalAlign(): string;
  11759. public set verticalAlign(value: string);
  11760. public get playing(): boolean;
  11761. public set playing(value: boolean);
  11762. public get frame(): number;
  11763. public set frame(value: number);
  11764. public get animationName(): string;
  11765. public set animationName(value: string);
  11766. public get skinName(): string;
  11767. public set skinName(value: string);
  11768. public get loop(): boolean;
  11769. public set loop(value: boolean);
  11770. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  11771. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  11772. public get contentRes(): FairyEditor.ResourceRef;
  11773. public constructor ($flags: number)
  11774. }
  11775. class FMovieClip extends FairyEditor.FObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  11776. {
  11777. public get playing(): boolean;
  11778. public set playing(value: boolean);
  11779. public get frame(): number;
  11780. public set frame(value: number);
  11781. public get color(): UnityEngine.Color;
  11782. public set color(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  11783. public Advance ($time: number) : void
  11784. public constructor ($flags: number)
  11785. }
  11786. class FTreeNode extends System.Object
  11787. {
  11788. public get expanded(): boolean;
  11789. public set expanded(value: boolean);
  11790. public get isFolder(): boolean;
  11791. public get parent(): FairyEditor.FTreeNode;
  11792. public get data(): any;
  11793. public set data(value: any);
  11794. public get text(): string;
  11795. public get cell(): FairyEditor.FComponent;
  11796. public get level(): number;
  11797. public get numChildren(): number;
  11798. public get tree(): FairyEditor.FTree;
  11799. public AddChild ($child: FairyEditor.FTreeNode) : FairyEditor.FTreeNode
  11800. public AddChildAt ($child: FairyEditor.FTreeNode, $index: number) : FairyEditor.FTreeNode
  11801. public RemoveChild ($child: FairyEditor.FTreeNode) : FairyEditor.FTreeNode
  11802. public RemoveChildAt ($index: number) : FairyEditor.FTreeNode
  11803. public RemoveChildren ($beginIndex?: number, $endIndex?: number) : void
  11804. public GetChildAt ($index: number) : FairyEditor.FTreeNode
  11805. public GetChildIndex ($child: FairyEditor.FTreeNode) : number
  11806. public GetPrevSibling () : FairyEditor.FTreeNode
  11807. public GetNextSibling () : FairyEditor.FTreeNode
  11808. public SetChildIndex ($child: FairyEditor.FTreeNode, $index: number) : void
  11809. public SwapChildren ($child1: FairyEditor.FTreeNode, $child2: FairyEditor.FTreeNode) : void
  11810. public SwapChildrenAt ($index1: number, $index2: number) : void
  11811. public ExpandToRoot () : void
  11812. public constructor ($hasChild: boolean, $resURL?: string)
  11813. public constructor ()
  11814. }
  11815. class FPackage extends System.Object
  11816. {
  11817. public get opened(): boolean;
  11818. public get project(): FairyEditor.FProject;
  11819. public get id(): string;
  11820. public get name(): string;
  11821. public get basePath(): string;
  11822. public get cacheFolder(): string;
  11823. public get metaFolder(): string;
  11824. public get items(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>;
  11825. public get publishSettings(): FairyEditor.PublishSettings;
  11826. public get rootItem(): FairyEditor.FPackageItem;
  11827. public get strings(): System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>>;
  11828. public set strings(value: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>>);
  11829. public GetBranchRootItem ($branch: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11830. public BeginBatch () : void
  11831. public EndBatch () : void
  11832. public Open () : void
  11833. public Save () : void
  11834. public SetChanged () : void
  11835. public Touch () : void
  11836. public Dispose () : void
  11837. public EnsureOpen () : void
  11838. public FreeUnusedResources ($ignoreTimeStamp: boolean) : void
  11839. public GetNextId () : string
  11840. public GetSequenceName ($resName: string) : string
  11841. public GetUniqueName ($folder: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $fileName: string) : string
  11842. public GetItemListing ($folder: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $filters?: System.Array$1<string>, $sorted?: boolean, $recursive?: boolean, $result?: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>
  11843. public GetFavoriteItems ($result?: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>
  11844. public GetItem ($itemId: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11845. public FindItemByName ($itemName: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11846. public GetItemByPath ($path: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11847. public GetItemByName ($folder: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $itemName: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11848. public GetItemByFileName ($folder: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $fileName: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11849. public GetItemPath ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $result?: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>
  11850. public AddItem ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : void
  11851. public RenameItem ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $newName: string) : void
  11852. public MoveItem ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $path: string) : void
  11853. public DeleteItem ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : number
  11854. public DuplicateItem ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $newName: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11855. public EnsurePathExists ($path: string, $allowCreateDirectory: boolean) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11856. public GetBranchPath ($branch: string) : string
  11857. public CreateBranch ($branch: string) : void
  11858. public CreateFolder ($cname: string, $path?: string, $autoRename?: boolean) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11859. public CreatePath ($path: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11860. public CreateComponentItem ($cname: string, $width: number, $height: number, $path?: string, $extentionId?: string, $exported?: boolean, $autoRename?: boolean) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11861. public CreateFontItem ($cname: string, $path?: string, $autoRename?: boolean) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11862. public CreateMovieClipItem ($cname: string, $path?: string, $autoRename?: boolean) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  11863. public ImportResource ($sourceFile: string, $toPath: string, $resName: string) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>
  11864. public UpdateResource ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $sourceFile: string) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
  11865. public constructor ($project: FairyEditor.FProject, $folder: string)
  11866. public constructor ()
  11867. }
  11868. class FRelations extends System.Object
  11869. {
  11870. public handling : FairyEditor.FObject
  11871. public get widthLocked(): boolean;
  11872. public get heightLocked(): boolean;
  11873. public get items(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FRelationItem>;
  11874. public get isEmpty(): boolean;
  11875. public AddItem ($target: FairyEditor.FObject, $type: number, $usePercent?: boolean) : FairyEditor.FRelationItem
  11876. public AddItem ($target: FairyEditor.FObject, $sidePair: string) : FairyEditor.FRelationItem
  11877. public RemoveItem ($item: FairyEditor.FRelationItem) : void
  11878. public ReplaceItem ($index: number, $target: FairyEditor.FObject, $sidePair: string) : void
  11879. public GetItem ($target: FairyEditor.FObject) : FairyEditor.FRelationItem
  11880. public HasTarget ($target: FairyEditor.FObject) : boolean
  11881. public RemoveTarget ($target: FairyEditor.FObject) : void
  11882. public ReplaceTarget ($originTarget: FairyEditor.FObject, $newTarget: FairyEditor.FObject) : void
  11883. public OnOwnerSizeChanged ($dWidth: number, $dHeight: number, $applyPivot: boolean) : void
  11884. public Reset () : void
  11885. public Read ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $inSource?: boolean) : void
  11886. public Write ($xml?: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  11887. public constructor ($owner: FairyEditor.FObject)
  11888. public constructor ()
  11889. }
  11890. class ObjectSnapshot extends System.Object
  11891. {
  11892. public x : number
  11893. public y : number
  11894. public width : number
  11895. public height : number
  11896. public scaleX : number
  11897. public scaleY : number
  11898. public skewX : number
  11899. public skewY : number
  11900. public pivotX : number
  11901. public pivotY : number
  11902. public anchor : boolean
  11903. public alpha : number
  11904. public rotation : number
  11905. public color : UnityEngine.Color
  11906. public playing : boolean
  11907. public frame : number
  11908. public visible : boolean
  11909. public filterData : FairyEditor.FilterData
  11910. public text : string
  11911. public icon : string
  11912. public animationName : string
  11913. public skinName : string
  11914. public static GetFromPool ($obj: FairyEditor.FObject) : FairyEditor.ObjectSnapshot
  11915. public static ReturnToPool ($col: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.ObjectSnapshot>) : void
  11916. public Take () : void
  11917. public Load () : void
  11918. public constructor ()
  11919. }
  11920. class FObjectFactory extends System.Object
  11921. {
  11922. public static constructingDepth : number
  11923. public static CreateObject ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $flags?: number) : FairyEditor.FObject
  11924. public static CreateObject ($pkg: FairyEditor.FPackage, $type: string, $missingInfo?: FairyEditor.MissingInfo, $flags?: number) : FairyEditor.FObject
  11925. public static CreateObject ($di: FairyEditor.ComponentAsset.DisplayListItem, $flags?: number) : FairyEditor.FObject
  11926. public static NewObject ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $flags?: number) : FairyEditor.FObject
  11927. public static NewObject ($pkg: FairyEditor.FPackage, $type: string, $missingInfo?: FairyEditor.MissingInfo, $flags?: number) : FairyEditor.FObject
  11928. public static NewObject ($di: FairyEditor.ComponentAsset.DisplayListItem, $flags?: number) : FairyEditor.FObject
  11929. public static NewExtention ($pkg: FairyEditor.FPackage, $type: string) : FairyEditor.ComExtention
  11930. public static GetClassByType ($type: string) : System.Type
  11931. public constructor ()
  11932. }
  11933. class MissingInfo extends System.Object
  11934. {
  11935. public pkgName : string
  11936. public pkgId : string
  11937. public itemId : string
  11938. public fileName : string
  11939. public constructor ($pkgId: string, $itemId: string, $fileName: string)
  11940. public constructor ($url: string)
  11941. public constructor ()
  11942. }
  11943. class FObjectFlags extends System.Object
  11944. {
  11945. public static IN_DOC : number
  11946. public static IN_TEST : number
  11947. public static IN_PREVIEW : number
  11948. public static INSPECTING : number
  11949. public static ROOT : number
  11950. public static IsDocRoot ($flags: number) : boolean
  11951. public static GetScaleLevel ($flags: number) : number
  11952. public constructor ()
  11953. }
  11954. class FObjectType extends System.Object
  11955. {
  11956. public static PACKAGE : string
  11957. public static FOLDER : string
  11958. public static IMAGE : string
  11959. public static GRAPH : string
  11960. public static LIST : string
  11961. public static LOADER : string
  11962. public static TEXT : string
  11963. public static RICHTEXT : string
  11964. public static INPUTTEXT : string
  11965. public static GROUP : string
  11966. public static SWF : string
  11967. public static MOVIECLIP : string
  11968. public static COMPONENT : string
  11969. public static Loader3D : string
  11970. public static EXT_BUTTON : string
  11971. public static EXT_LABEL : string
  11972. public static EXT_COMBOBOX : string
  11973. public static EXT_PROGRESS_BAR : string
  11974. public static EXT_SLIDER : string
  11975. public static EXT_SCROLLBAR : string
  11976. public static NAME_PREFIX : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>
  11977. public constructor ()
  11978. }
  11979. class PublishSettings extends System.Object
  11980. {
  11981. public path : string
  11982. public fileName : string
  11983. public packageCount : number
  11984. public genCode : boolean
  11985. public codePath : string
  11986. public branchPath : string
  11987. public useGlobalAtlasSettings : boolean
  11988. public atlasList : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.AtlasSettings>
  11989. public excludedList : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  11990. public FillCombo ($cb: FairyGUI.GComboBox) : void
  11991. public constructor ()
  11992. }
  11993. class FPackageItemType extends System.Object
  11994. {
  11995. public static FOLDER : string
  11996. public static IMAGE : string
  11997. public static SWF : string
  11998. public static MOVIECLIP : string
  11999. public static SOUND : string
  12000. public static COMPONENT : string
  12001. public static FONT : string
  12002. public static MISC : string
  12003. public static ATLAS : string
  12004. public static SPINE : string
  12005. public static DRAGONBONES : string
  12006. public static fileExtensionMap : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>
  12007. public static GetFileType ($file: string) : string
  12008. public constructor ()
  12009. }
  12010. class FProgressBar extends FairyEditor.ComExtention implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  12011. {
  12012. public static TITLE_PERCENT : string
  12013. public static TITLE_VALUE_AND_MAX : string
  12014. public static TITLE_VALUE_ONLY : string
  12015. public static TITLE_MAX_ONLY : string
  12016. public get titleType(): string;
  12017. public set titleType(value: string);
  12018. public get min(): number;
  12019. public set min(value: number);
  12020. public get max(): number;
  12021. public set max(value: number);
  12022. public get value(): number;
  12023. public set value(value: number);
  12024. public get reverse(): boolean;
  12025. public set reverse(value: boolean);
  12026. public get sound(): string;
  12027. public set sound(value: string);
  12028. public get volume(): number;
  12029. public set volume(value: number);
  12030. public Update () : void
  12031. public constructor ()
  12032. }
  12033. class SettingsBase extends System.Object
  12034. {
  12035. public get fileName(): string;
  12036. public Touch ($forced?: boolean) : void
  12037. public Save () : void
  12038. }
  12039. class FRelationDef extends System.Object
  12040. {
  12041. public affectBySelfSizeChanged : boolean
  12042. public percent : boolean
  12043. public type : number
  12044. public constructor ()
  12045. }
  12046. class FRelationItem extends System.Object
  12047. {
  12048. public get owner(): FairyEditor.FObject;
  12049. public get readOnly(): boolean;
  12050. public get target(): FairyEditor.FObject;
  12051. public set target(value: FairyEditor.FObject);
  12052. public get containsWidthRelated(): boolean;
  12053. public get containsHeightRelated(): boolean;
  12054. public get defs(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FRelationDef>;
  12055. public get desc(): string;
  12056. public set desc(value: string);
  12057. public Set ($target: FairyEditor.FObject, $sidePairs: string, $readOnly?: boolean) : void
  12058. public Dispose () : void
  12059. public AddDef ($type: number, $usePercent?: boolean, $checkDuplicated?: boolean) : void
  12060. public AddDefs ($sidePairs: string, $checkDuplicated?: boolean) : void
  12061. public HasDef ($type: number) : boolean
  12062. public ApplySelfSizeChanged ($dWidth: number, $dHeight: number, $applyPivot: boolean) : void
  12063. public constructor ($owner: FairyEditor.FObject)
  12064. public constructor ()
  12065. }
  12066. class FRelationType extends System.Object
  12067. {
  12068. public static Left_Left : number
  12069. public static Left_Center : number
  12070. public static Left_Right : number
  12071. public static Center_Center : number
  12072. public static Right_Left : number
  12073. public static Right_Center : number
  12074. public static Right_Right : number
  12075. public static LeftExt_Left : number
  12076. public static LeftExt_Right : number
  12077. public static RightExt_Left : number
  12078. public static RightExt_Right : number
  12079. public static Width : number
  12080. public static Top_Top : number
  12081. public static Top_Middle : number
  12082. public static Top_Bottom : number
  12083. public static Middle_Middle : number
  12084. public static Bottom_Top : number
  12085. public static Bottom_Middle : number
  12086. public static Bottom_Bottom : number
  12087. public static TopExt_Top : number
  12088. public static TopExt_Bottom : number
  12089. public static BottomExt_Top : number
  12090. public static BottomExt_Bottom : number
  12091. public static Height : number
  12092. public static Size : number
  12093. public static Names : System.Array$1<string>
  12094. public constructor ()
  12095. }
  12096. class FRichTextField extends FairyEditor.FTextField implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  12097. {
  12098. public constructor ($flags: number)
  12099. }
  12100. class FScrollBar extends FairyEditor.ComExtention implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  12101. {
  12102. public get minSize(): number;
  12103. public get fixedGripSize(): boolean;
  12104. public set fixedGripSize(value: boolean);
  12105. public get gripDragging(): boolean;
  12106. public SetScrollPane ($scrollPane: FairyEditor.FScrollPane, $vertical: boolean) : void
  12107. public SetDisplayPerc ($value: number) : void
  12108. public SetScrollPerc ($val: number) : void
  12109. public constructor ()
  12110. }
  12111. class FSlider extends FairyEditor.ComExtention implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  12112. {
  12113. public changeOnClick : boolean
  12114. public static TITLE_PERCENT : string
  12115. public static TITLE_VALUE_AND_MAX : string
  12116. public static TITLE_VALUE_ONLY : string
  12117. public static TITLE_MAX_ONLY : string
  12118. public get titleType(): string;
  12119. public set titleType(value: string);
  12120. public get min(): number;
  12121. public set min(value: number);
  12122. public get max(): number;
  12123. public set max(value: number);
  12124. public get value(): number;
  12125. public set value(value: number);
  12126. public get reverse(): boolean;
  12127. public set reverse(value: boolean);
  12128. public get wholeNumbers(): boolean;
  12129. public set wholeNumbers(value: boolean);
  12130. public Update () : void
  12131. public constructor ()
  12132. }
  12133. class FSwfObject extends FairyEditor.FObject implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  12134. {
  12135. public get playing(): boolean;
  12136. public set playing(value: boolean);
  12137. public get frame(): number;
  12138. public set frame(value: number);
  12139. public Advance ($timeInMiniseconds: number) : void
  12140. public constructor ($flags: number)
  12141. }
  12142. class FTextInput extends FairyEditor.FTextField implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  12143. {
  12144. public get password(): boolean;
  12145. public set password(value: boolean);
  12146. public get keyboardType(): number;
  12147. public set keyboardType(value: number);
  12148. public get maxLength(): number;
  12149. public set maxLength(value: number);
  12150. public get restrict(): string;
  12151. public set restrict(value: string);
  12152. public get promptText(): string;
  12153. public set promptText(value: string);
  12154. public constructor ($flags: number)
  12155. }
  12156. class FTransition extends System.Object
  12157. {
  12158. public static OPTION_IGNORE_DISPLAY_CONTROLLER : number
  12159. public static OPTION_AUTO_STOP_DISABLED : number
  12160. public static OPTION_AUTO_STOP_AT_END : number
  12161. public get owner(): FairyEditor.FComponent;
  12162. public set owner(value: FairyEditor.FComponent);
  12163. public get name(): string;
  12164. public set name(value: string);
  12165. public get options(): number;
  12166. public set options(value: number);
  12167. public get autoPlay(): boolean;
  12168. public set autoPlay(value: boolean);
  12169. public get autoPlayDelay(): number;
  12170. public set autoPlayDelay(value: number);
  12171. public get autoPlayRepeat(): number;
  12172. public set autoPlayRepeat(value: number);
  12173. public get frameRate(): number;
  12174. public set frameRate(value: number);
  12175. public get items(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FTransitionItem>;
  12176. public get maxFrame(): number;
  12177. public get playing(): boolean;
  12178. public get playTimes(): number;
  12179. public set playTimes(value: number);
  12180. public Dispose () : void
  12181. public CreateItem ($targetId: string, $type: string, $frame: number) : FairyEditor.FTransitionItem
  12182. public FindItem ($frame: number, $targetId: string, $type: string) : FairyEditor.FTransitionItem
  12183. public FindItems ($frameStart: number, $frameEnd: number, $targetId: string, $type: string, $result: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FTransitionItem>) : void
  12184. public GetItemWithPath ($frame: number, $targetId: string) : FairyEditor.FTransitionItem
  12185. public AddItem ($transItem: FairyEditor.FTransitionItem) : void
  12186. public AddItems ($items: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<FairyEditor.FTransitionItem>) : void
  12187. public DeleteItem ($item: FairyEditor.FTransitionItem) : void
  12188. public DeleteItems ($targetId: string, $type: string) : System.Array$1<FairyEditor.FTransitionItem>
  12189. public CopyItems ($targetId: string, $type: string) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  12190. public CopyItems ($items: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FTransitionItem>) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  12191. public static GetAllowType ($obj: FairyEditor.FObject, $type: string) : boolean
  12192. public static SupportTween ($type: string) : boolean
  12193. public UpdateFromRelations ($targetId: string, $dx: number, $dy: number) : void
  12194. public Validate () : void
  12195. public Read ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  12196. public Write ($forSaving: boolean) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  12197. public OnExit () : void
  12198. public OnOwnerAddedToStage () : void
  12199. public OnOwnerRemovedFromStage () : void
  12200. public Play ($onComplete?: System.Action, $times?: number, $delay?: number, $startFrame?: number, $endFrame?: number, $editMode?: boolean) : void
  12201. public Stop ($setToComplete?: boolean, $processCallback?: boolean) : void
  12202. public GetProperty ($propName: string) : any
  12203. public SetProperty ($propName: string, $value: any) : void
  12204. public static ReadItems ($owner: FairyEditor.FTransition, $col: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.Utils.XML>, $result: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FTransitionItem>) : void
  12205. public static WriteItems ($items: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FTransitionItem>, $xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $forSaving: boolean) : void
  12206. public constructor ($owner: FairyEditor.FComponent)
  12207. public constructor ()
  12208. }
  12209. class FTransitionItem extends System.Object
  12210. {
  12211. public easeType : string
  12212. public easeInOutType : string
  12213. public repeat : number
  12214. public yoyo : boolean
  12215. public label : string
  12216. public value : FairyEditor.FTransitionValue
  12217. public tweenValue : FairyEditor.FTransitionValue
  12218. public pathOffsetX : number
  12219. public pathOffsetY : number
  12220. public target : FairyEditor.FObject
  12221. public owner : FairyEditor.FTransition
  12222. public tweener : FairyGUI.GTweener
  12223. public innerTrans : FairyEditor.FTransition
  12224. public nextItem : FairyEditor.FTransitionItem
  12225. public prevItem : FairyEditor.FTransitionItem
  12226. public displayLockToken : number
  12227. public get type(): string;
  12228. public set type(value: string);
  12229. public get targetId(): string;
  12230. public set targetId(value: string);
  12231. public get frame(): number;
  12232. public set frame(value: number);
  12233. public get tween(): boolean;
  12234. public set tween(value: boolean);
  12235. public get easeName(): string;
  12236. public get usePath(): boolean;
  12237. public set usePath(value: boolean);
  12238. public get path(): FairyEditor.GPathExt;
  12239. public get pathPoints(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>;
  12240. public set pathPoints(value: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>);
  12241. public get customEase(): FairyEditor.FCustomEase;
  12242. public get pathData(): string;
  12243. public set pathData(value: string);
  12244. public get customEaseData(): string;
  12245. public set customEaseData(value: string);
  12246. public get encodedValue(): string;
  12247. public set encodedValue(value: string);
  12248. public SetPathToTweener () : void
  12249. public AddPathPoint ($px: number, $py: number, $near: boolean) : void
  12250. public RemovePathPoint ($pointIndex: number) : void
  12251. public UpdatePathPoint ($pointIndex: number, $x: number, $y: number) : void
  12252. public UpdateControlPoint ($pointIndex: number, $controlIndex: number, $x: number, $y: number) : void
  12253. public GetProperty ($propName: string) : any
  12254. public SetProperty ($propName: string, $value: any) : void
  12255. public constructor ($owner: FairyEditor.FTransition)
  12256. public constructor ()
  12257. }
  12258. class FTransitionValue extends System.Object
  12259. {
  12260. public f1 : number
  12261. public f2 : number
  12262. public f3 : number
  12263. public f4 : number
  12264. public iu : UnityEngine.Color
  12265. public i : number
  12266. public s : string
  12267. public s2 : string
  12268. public b1 : boolean
  12269. public b2 : boolean
  12270. public b3 : boolean
  12271. public b4 : boolean
  12272. public aniHandledFlag : boolean
  12273. public CopyFrom ($source: FairyEditor.FTransitionValue) : void
  12274. public Reset () : void
  12275. public Equals ($other: FairyEditor.FTransitionValue) : boolean
  12276. public Decode ($type: string, $str: string) : void
  12277. public Encode ($type: string) : string
  12278. public constructor ()
  12279. public Equals ($obj: any) : boolean
  12280. public static Equals ($objA: any, $objB: any) : boolean
  12281. }
  12282. class GPathExt extends FairyGUI.GPath
  12283. {
  12284. public points : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>
  12285. public Update () : void
  12286. public GetSegmentType ($segmentIndex: number) : FairyGUI.GPathPoint.CurveType
  12287. public GetAnchorsInSegment ($segmentIndex: number, $result?: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>
  12288. public FindSegmentNear ($pt: UnityEngine.Vector3) : number
  12289. public static PointLineDistance ($pointX: number, $pointY: number, $startX: number, $startY: number, $endX: number, $endY: number, $isSegment: boolean) : number
  12290. public constructor ()
  12291. }
  12292. class FTree extends FairyEditor.FTreeNode
  12293. {
  12294. public treeNodeRender : FairyEditor.FTree.TreeNodeRenderDelegate
  12295. public treeNodeWillExpand : FairyEditor.FTree.TreeNodeWillExpandDelegate
  12296. public get indent(): number;
  12297. public set indent(value: number);
  12298. public GetSelectedNode () : FairyEditor.FTreeNode
  12299. public GetSelectedNodes ($result?: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FTreeNode>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FTreeNode>
  12300. public SelectNode ($node: FairyEditor.FTreeNode, $scrollItToView?: boolean) : void
  12301. public UnselectNode ($node: FairyEditor.FTreeNode) : void
  12302. public GetNodeIndex ($node: FairyEditor.FTreeNode) : number
  12303. public UpdateNode ($node: FairyEditor.FTreeNode) : void
  12304. public UpdateNodes ($nodes: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FTreeNode>) : void
  12305. public ExpandAll ($folderNode?: FairyEditor.FTreeNode) : void
  12306. public CollapseAll ($folderNode?: FairyEditor.FTreeNode) : void
  12307. public CreateCell ($node: FairyEditor.FTreeNode) : void
  12308. public constructor ($list: FairyEditor.FList)
  12309. public constructor ($hasChild: boolean, $resURL?: string)
  12310. public constructor ()
  12311. }
  12312. class FHtmlImage extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject
  12313. {
  12314. public get loader(): FairyEditor.FLoader;
  12315. public get displayObject(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  12316. public get element(): FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement;
  12317. public get width(): number;
  12318. public get height(): number;
  12319. public Create ($owner: FairyGUI.RichTextField, $element: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement) : void
  12320. public SetPosition ($x: number, $y: number) : void
  12321. public Add () : void
  12322. public Remove () : void
  12323. public Release () : void
  12324. public Dispose () : void
  12325. public constructor ()
  12326. }
  12327. class FHtmlPageContext extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlPageContext
  12328. {
  12329. public static inst : FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlPageContext
  12330. public CreateObject ($owner: FairyGUI.RichTextField, $element: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement) : FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject
  12331. public FreeObject ($obj: FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject) : void
  12332. public GetImageTexture ($image: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlImage) : FairyGUI.NTexture
  12333. public FreeImageTexture ($image: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlImage, $texture: FairyGUI.NTexture) : void
  12334. public constructor ()
  12335. }
  12336. class ProjectType extends System.Object
  12337. {
  12338. public static Flash : string
  12339. public static Starling : string
  12340. public static Unity : string
  12341. public static Egret : string
  12342. public static Layabox : string
  12343. public static Haxe : string
  12344. public static PIXI : string
  12345. public static Cocos2dx : string
  12346. public static CryEngine : string
  12347. public static Vision : string
  12348. public static MonoGame : string
  12349. public static CocosCreator : string
  12350. public static LibGDX : string
  12351. public static Unreal : string
  12352. public static Corona : string
  12353. public static ThreeJS : string
  12354. public static CreateJS : string
  12355. public static DOM : string
  12356. public static IDs : System.Array$1<string>
  12357. public static Names : System.Array$1<string>
  12358. public constructor ()
  12359. }
  12360. interface ISkeletonAnimationComponent
  12361. {
  12362. gameObject : UnityEngine.GameObject
  12363. SetColor ($c: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  12364. SetAlpha ($alpha: number) : void
  12365. UpdateAnimation ($animationName: string, $loop: boolean, $playing: boolean, $frame: number, $skinName: string) : void
  12366. Advance ($time: number) : void
  12367. Dispose () : void
  12368. }
  12369. class SpineCompatibilityHelper extends System.Object
  12370. {
  12371. public static GetFunction ($info: Spine.Unity.SkeletonDataCompatibility.VersionInfo) : FairyEditor.SpineCompatibilityHelper.Delegates
  12372. public static GetVersionInfo ($descAsset: UnityEngine.TextAsset, $problemDescription: $Ref<string>) : Spine.Unity.SkeletonDataCompatibility.VersionInfo
  12373. }
  12374. class PublishHandler extends System.Object
  12375. {
  12376. public static CODE_FILE_MARK : string
  12377. public genCodeHandler : System.Action$1<FairyEditor.PublishHandler>
  12378. public get pkg(): FairyEditor.FPackage;
  12379. public get project(): FairyEditor.FProject;
  12380. public get isSuccess(): boolean;
  12381. public get publishDescOnly(): boolean;
  12382. public set publishDescOnly(value: boolean);
  12383. public get exportPath(): string;
  12384. public set exportPath(value: string);
  12385. public get exportCodePath(): string;
  12386. public set exportCodePath(value: string);
  12387. public get useAtlas(): boolean;
  12388. public get fileName(): string;
  12389. public get fileExtension(): string;
  12390. public get genCode(): boolean;
  12391. public set genCode(value: boolean);
  12392. public get items(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>;
  12393. public get paused(): boolean;
  12394. public set paused(value: boolean);
  12395. public ExportBinaryDesc ($descFile: string) : void
  12396. public ExportDescZip ($zipArchive: System.IO.Compression.ZipStorer) : void
  12397. public ExportResZip ($zipArchive: System.IO.Compression.ZipStorer, $compress: boolean) : void
  12398. public ExportResFiles ($resPrefix: string) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
  12399. public ClearOldResFiles ($folder: string) : void
  12400. public CollectClasses ($stripMember: boolean, $stripClass: boolean, $fguiNamespace: string) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.PublishHandler.ClassInfo>
  12401. public SetupCodeFolder ($path: string, $codeFileExtensions: string) : void
  12402. public SetupCodeFolder ($path: string, $codeFileExtensions: string, $fileMark: string) : void
  12403. public ToFilename ($source: string) : string
  12404. public add_onComplete ($value: System.Action) : void
  12405. public remove_onComplete ($value: System.Action) : void
  12406. public IsInList ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : boolean
  12407. public GetItemDesc ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : any
  12408. public GetScriptData ($item: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  12409. public Run () : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
  12410. public constructor ($pkg: FairyEditor.FPackage, $branch: string)
  12411. public constructor ()
  12412. }
  12413. class Clipboard extends System.Object
  12414. {
  12415. public static TEXT : string
  12416. public static OBJECT_KEY : string
  12417. public static ITEM_KEY : string
  12418. public static TIMELINE_KEY : string
  12419. public static CONTROLLER_KEY : string
  12420. public static RELATION_PROPS_KEY : string
  12421. public static GEAR_PROPS_KEY : string
  12422. public static SetText ($value: string) : void
  12423. public static GetText () : string
  12424. public static GetValue ($key: string) : any
  12425. public static SetValue ($key: string, $value: any) : void
  12426. public static HasFormat ($key: string) : boolean
  12427. }
  12428. class ComponentTemplates extends System.Object
  12429. {
  12430. public CreateLabelItem ($cname: string, $width: number, $height: number, $path: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  12431. public CreateButtonItem ($cname: string, $extentionId: string, $mode: string, $images: System.Array$1<string>, $width: number, $height: number, $asListItem: boolean, $createRelations: boolean, $createText: boolean, $createIcon: boolean, $exported: boolean, $path: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  12432. public CreateComboBoxItem ($cname: string, $buttonImages: System.Array$1<string>, $bgImage: string, $itemImages: System.Array$1<string>, $path: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  12433. public CreateScrollBarItem ($cname: string, $type: number, $createArrows: boolean, $arrow1Images: System.Array$1<string>, $arrow2Images: System.Array$1<string>, $bgImage: string, $gripImages: System.Array$1<string>, $path: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  12434. public CreateProgressBarItem ($cname: string, $bgImage: string, $barImage: string, $titleType: string, $reverse: boolean, $path: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  12435. public CreateSliderItem ($cname: string, $type: number, $bgImage: string, $barImage: string, $gripImages: System.Array$1<string>, $titleType: string, $path: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  12436. public CreatePopupMenuItem ($cname: string, $bgImage: string, $itemImages: System.Array$1<string>, $path: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  12437. public CreateWindowFrameItem ($cname: string, $bgImage: string, $closeButton: string, $createTitle: boolean, $createIcon: boolean, $path: string) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  12438. public constructor ($pkg: FairyEditor.FPackage)
  12439. public constructor ()
  12440. }
  12441. class CopyHandler extends System.Object
  12442. {
  12443. public get resultList(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.DepItem>;
  12444. public get existsItemCount(): number;
  12445. public InitWithItems ($items: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>, $targetPkg: FairyEditor.FPackage, $targetPath: string, $seekLevel: FairyEditor.DependencyQuery.SeekLevel) : void
  12446. public InitWithObject ($sourcePkg: FairyEditor.FPackage, $xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $targetPkg: FairyEditor.FPackage, $targetPath: string, $ignoreExported?: boolean) : void
  12447. public Copy ($targetPkg: FairyEditor.FPackage, $overrideOption: FairyEditor.CopyHandler.OverrideOption, $isMove?: boolean) : void
  12448. public constructor ()
  12449. }
  12450. class DepItem extends System.Object
  12451. {
  12452. public item : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  12453. public content : any
  12454. public isSource : boolean
  12455. public analysed : boolean
  12456. public targetPath : string
  12457. public refCount : number
  12458. public constructor ()
  12459. }
  12460. class CursorType extends System.Object
  12461. {
  12462. public static H_RESIZE : string
  12463. public static V_RESIZE : string
  12464. public static TL_RESIZE : string
  12465. public static TR_RESIZE : string
  12466. public static BL_RESIZE : string
  12467. public static BR_RESIZE : string
  12468. public static SELECT : string
  12469. public static HAND : string
  12470. public static DRAG : string
  12471. public static ADJUST : string
  12472. public static FINGER : string
  12473. public static COLOR_PICKER : string
  12474. public static WAIT : string
  12475. public constructor ()
  12476. }
  12477. class DependencyQuery extends System.Object
  12478. {
  12479. public get resultList(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.DepItem>;
  12480. public get references(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.ReferenceInfo>;
  12481. public QueryDependencies ($items: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>, $seekLevel: FairyEditor.DependencyQuery.SeekLevel) : void
  12482. public QueryDependencies ($project: FairyEditor.FProject, $url: string, $seekLevel: FairyEditor.DependencyQuery.SeekLevel) : void
  12483. public QueryDependencies ($pkg: FairyEditor.FPackage, $xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $seekLevel: FairyEditor.DependencyQuery.SeekLevel) : void
  12484. public QueryReferences ($project: FairyEditor.FProject, $url: string) : void
  12485. public ReplaceReferences ($newItem: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : void
  12486. public constructor ()
  12487. }
  12488. class ReferenceInfo extends System.Object
  12489. {
  12490. public ownerPkg : FairyEditor.FPackage
  12491. public pkgId : string
  12492. public itemId : string
  12493. public content : any
  12494. public propKey : string
  12495. public arrayIndex : number
  12496. public valueType : FairyEditor.ReferenceInfo.ValueType
  12497. public Update ($newItem: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : boolean
  12498. public constructor ()
  12499. }
  12500. class EditorEvents extends System.Object
  12501. {
  12502. public static SelectionChanged : string
  12503. public static DocumentActivated : string
  12504. public static DocumentDeactivated : string
  12505. public static TestStart : string
  12506. public static TestStop : string
  12507. public static PackageListChanged : string
  12508. public static PackageReloaded : string
  12509. public static PackageTreeChanged : string
  12510. public static PackageItemChanged : string
  12511. public static HierarchyChanged : string
  12512. public static ProjectRefreshStart : string
  12513. public static ProjectRefreshEnd : string
  12514. public static BackgroundChanged : string
  12515. public static PluginListChanged : string
  12516. public constructor ()
  12517. }
  12518. class ExportStringsHandler extends System.Object
  12519. {
  12520. public Parse ($pkgs: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<FairyEditor.FPackage>, $ignoreDiscarded?: boolean) : void
  12521. public Export ($file: string, $merge: boolean) : void
  12522. public constructor ()
  12523. }
  12524. class FindDuplicateResource extends System.Object
  12525. {
  12526. public get result(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>;
  12527. public GetGroup ($index: number, $result: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : void
  12528. public Start ($pkgs: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackage>, $onProgress: System.Action$1<number>, $onComplete: System.Action) : void
  12529. public Cancel () : void
  12530. public constructor ()
  12531. }
  12532. class FindUnusedResource extends System.Object
  12533. {
  12534. public get result(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>;
  12535. public Start ($pkgs: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackage>, $onProgress: System.Action$1<number>, $onComplete: System.Action) : void
  12536. public Cancel () : void
  12537. public constructor ()
  12538. }
  12539. class FullSearch extends System.Object
  12540. {
  12541. public get result(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>;
  12542. public Start ($strName: string, $strTypes: string, $includeBrances: boolean) : void
  12543. public constructor ()
  12544. }
  12545. class ImportStringsHandler extends System.Object
  12546. {
  12547. public get strings(): System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>>>;
  12548. public Parse ($file: string) : void
  12549. public Import () : void
  12550. public constructor ()
  12551. }
  12552. class ProjectRefreshHandler extends System.Object
  12553. {
  12554. public Dispose () : void
  12555. public Run () : void
  12556. public constructor ()
  12557. }
  12558. class ResourceImportQueue extends System.Object
  12559. {
  12560. public static Create ($toPkg: FairyEditor.FPackage) : FairyEditor.ResourceImportQueue
  12561. public Add ($file: string, $targetPath?: string, $resName?: string) : FairyEditor.ResourceImportQueue
  12562. public AddRelative ($file: string, $targetPath?: string, $basePath?: string, $resName?: string) : FairyEditor.ResourceImportQueue
  12563. public Process ($callback?: System.Action$1<System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>>, $dropToDocument?: boolean, $dropPos?: System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>) : void
  12564. }
  12565. class ViewOptions extends System.Object
  12566. {
  12567. public title : string
  12568. public icon : string
  12569. public hResizePriority : number
  12570. public vResizePriority : number
  12571. public location : string
  12572. public constructor ()
  12573. }
  12574. class AdaptationSettings extends FairyEditor.SettingsBase
  12575. {
  12576. public scaleMode : string
  12577. public screenMathMode : string
  12578. public designResolutionX : number
  12579. public designResolutionY : number
  12580. public devices : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.AdaptationSettings.DeviceInfo>
  12581. public defaultDevices : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.AdaptationSettings.DeviceInfo>
  12582. public GetDeviceResolution ($device: string) : FairyEditor.AdaptationSettings.DeviceInfo
  12583. public FillCombo ($cb: FairyGUI.GComboBox) : void
  12584. public constructor ($project: FairyEditor.FProject)
  12585. public constructor ()
  12586. }
  12587. class AtlasSettings extends System.Object
  12588. {
  12589. public name : string
  12590. public compression : boolean
  12591. public extractAlpha : boolean
  12592. public packSettings : FairyEditor.PackSettings
  12593. public CopyFrom ($source: FairyEditor.AtlasSettings) : void
  12594. public constructor ()
  12595. }
  12596. class PackSettings extends System.Object
  12597. {
  12598. public pot : boolean
  12599. public mof : boolean
  12600. public padding : number
  12601. public rotation : boolean
  12602. public minWidth : number
  12603. public minHeight : number
  12604. public maxWidth : number
  12605. public maxHeight : number
  12606. public square : boolean
  12607. public fast : boolean
  12608. public edgePadding : boolean
  12609. public duplicatePadding : boolean
  12610. public multiPage : boolean
  12611. public CopyFrom ($source: FairyEditor.PackSettings) : void
  12612. public constructor ()
  12613. }
  12614. class CommonSettings extends FairyEditor.SettingsBase
  12615. {
  12616. public font : string
  12617. public fontSize : number
  12618. public textColor : UnityEngine.Color
  12619. public fontAdjustment : boolean
  12620. public colorScheme : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  12621. public fontSizeScheme : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  12622. public fontScheme : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  12623. public scrollBars : FairyEditor.CommonSettings.ScrollBarConfig
  12624. public tipsRes : string
  12625. public buttonClickSound : string
  12626. public pivot : string
  12627. public constructor ($project: FairyEditor.FProject)
  12628. public constructor ()
  12629. }
  12630. class CustomProps extends FairyEditor.SettingsBase
  12631. {
  12632. public elements : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>
  12633. public FillCombo ($cb: FairyGUI.GComboBox) : void
  12634. public constructor ($project: FairyEditor.FProject)
  12635. public constructor ()
  12636. }
  12637. class GlobalPublishSettings extends FairyEditor.SettingsBase
  12638. {
  12639. public path : string
  12640. public branchPath : string
  12641. public fileExtension : string
  12642. public packageCount : number
  12643. public compressDesc : boolean
  12644. public binaryFormat : boolean
  12645. public jpegQuality : number
  12646. public compressPNG : boolean
  12647. public codeGeneration : FairyEditor.GlobalPublishSettings.CodeGenerationConfig
  12648. public includeHighResolution : number
  12649. public branchProcessing : number
  12650. public seperatedAtlasForBranch : boolean
  12651. public atlasSetting : FairyEditor.GlobalPublishSettings.AtlasSetting
  12652. public get include2x(): boolean;
  12653. public set include2x(value: boolean);
  12654. public get include3x(): boolean;
  12655. public set include3x(value: boolean);
  12656. public get include4x(): boolean;
  12657. public set include4x(value: boolean);
  12658. public constructor ($project: FairyEditor.FProject)
  12659. public constructor ()
  12660. }
  12661. class I18nSettings extends FairyEditor.SettingsBase
  12662. {
  12663. public langFiles : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.I18nSettings.LanguageFile>
  12664. public get lang(): FairyEditor.I18nSettings.LanguageFile;
  12665. public SetLangByName ($langName: string) : void
  12666. public LoadStrings () : void
  12667. public FillCombo ($cb: FairyGUI.GComboBox) : void
  12668. public constructor ($project: FairyEditor.FProject)
  12669. public constructor ()
  12670. }
  12671. interface ILicenseManager
  12672. {
  12673. clientId : string
  12674. isPro : boolean
  12675. isExpired : boolean
  12676. expireDateString : string
  12677. keyHash : string
  12678. Init () : void
  12679. SetKey ($key: string) : void
  12680. Revoke () : void
  12681. }
  12682. class PackageGroupSettings extends FairyEditor.SettingsBase
  12683. {
  12684. public groups : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.PackageGroupSettings.PackageGroup>
  12685. public GetGroup ($name: string) : FairyEditor.PackageGroupSettings.PackageGroup
  12686. public constructor ($project: FairyEditor.FProject)
  12687. public constructor ()
  12688. }
  12689. class ArrowKeyHelper extends System.Object
  12690. {
  12691. public static direction : number
  12692. public static shift : boolean
  12693. public static ctrlOrCmd : boolean
  12694. public static OnKeyDown ($evt: FairyGUI.InputEvent) : void
  12695. public static OnKeyUp ($evt: FairyGUI.InputEvent) : void
  12696. public static Reset () : void
  12697. }
  12698. class AssetSizeUtil extends System.Object
  12699. {
  12700. public static GetSize ($file: string) : FairyEditor.AssetSizeUtil.Result
  12701. }
  12702. class BuilderUtil extends System.Object
  12703. {
  12704. public static TimeBase : Date
  12705. public static GenerateUID () : string
  12706. public static GenDevCode () : string
  12707. public static ToStringBase36 ($num: bigint) : string
  12708. public static ToNumberBase36 ($str: string) : number
  12709. public static Encrypt_MD5 ($input: string, $encode?: System.Text.Encoding) : string
  12710. public static GetMD5HashFromFile ($filePath: string) : string
  12711. public static Decrypt_DES16 ($base64String: string, $key: string) : string
  12712. public static Encrypt_DES16 ($source: string, $key: string) : string
  12713. public static Union ($rect1: UnityEngine.Rect, $rect2: UnityEngine.Rect) : UnityEngine.Rect
  12714. public static GetNameFromId ($aId: string) : string
  12715. public static GetFileExtension ($fileName: string, $keepCase?: boolean) : string
  12716. public static PointLineDistance ($pointX: number, $pointY: number, $startX: number, $startY: number, $endX: number, $endY: number, $isSegment: boolean) : number
  12717. public static GetSizeName ($val: number, $digits?: number) : string
  12718. public static OpenURL ($url: string) : void
  12719. public static OpenWithDefaultApp ($file: string) : void
  12720. public static RevealInExplorer ($file: string) : void
  12721. public static ToUnixTimestamp ($dateTime: Date) : bigint
  12722. public static WaitForNextFrame () : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
  12723. public static CreateZip ($zipFile: string, $dir: string) : void
  12724. public static Unzip ($zipFile: string, $dir: string) : void
  12725. }
  12726. class BytesWriter extends System.Object
  12727. {
  12728. public littleEndian : boolean
  12729. public get length(): number;
  12730. public get position(): number;
  12731. public set position(value: number);
  12732. public ReadByte ($pos: number) : number
  12733. public WriteByte ($value: number) : void
  12734. public WriteBoolean ($value: boolean) : void
  12735. public WriteShort ($value: number) : void
  12736. public WriteInt ($value: number) : void
  12737. public WriteFloat ($value: number) : void
  12738. public WriteUTF ($str: string) : void
  12739. public WriteUTFBytes ($str: string) : void
  12740. public WriteBytes ($bytes: System.Array$1<number>) : void
  12741. public WriteBytes ($ba: FairyEditor.BytesWriter) : void
  12742. public WriteColor ($c: UnityEngine.Color32) : void
  12743. public ToBytes () : System.Array$1<number>
  12744. public constructor ()
  12745. }
  12746. class ColorUtil extends System.Object
  12747. {
  12748. public static ToHexString ($color: UnityEngine.Color, $includeAlpha?: boolean) : string
  12749. public static FromHexString ($str: string, $hasAlpha?: boolean) : UnityEngine.Color
  12750. public static FromARGB ($argb: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  12751. public static FromRGB ($rgb: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  12752. public static ToRGB ($color: UnityEngine.Color) : number
  12753. public static ToARGB ($color: UnityEngine.Color) : number
  12754. }
  12755. class FontUtil extends System.Object
  12756. {
  12757. public static GetOSInstalledFontNames ($forceRefresh: boolean) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FontUtil.FontInfo>
  12758. public static RequestFont ($family: string) : void
  12759. public static GetFontName ($fontFile: string) : FairyEditor.FontUtil.FontName
  12760. public static GetPreviewTexture ($fontInfo: FairyEditor.FontUtil.FontInfo) : FairyGUI.NTexture
  12761. }
  12762. class ImageUtil extends System.Object
  12763. {
  12764. public static get ToolAvailable(): boolean;
  12765. public static Init () : void
  12766. public static Quantize ($image: FairyEditor.VImage) : System.Array$1<number>
  12767. public static Quantize ($pngFile: string, $targetFile: string) : boolean
  12768. public static Quantize ($pngFile: string) : string
  12769. }
  12770. class VImage extends System.Object implements System.IDisposable
  12771. {
  12772. public get width(): number;
  12773. public get height(): number;
  12774. public get transparent(): boolean;
  12775. public get bandCount(): number;
  12776. public static New ($width: number, $height: number, $transparent: boolean) : FairyEditor.VImage
  12777. public static New ($width: number, $height: number, $transparent: boolean, $fillColor: UnityEngine.Color) : FairyEditor.VImage
  12778. public static New ($file: string) : FairyEditor.VImage
  12779. public static New ($data: System.Array$1<number>) : FairyEditor.VImage
  12780. public static New ($file: string, $width: number, $height: number) : FairyEditor.VImage
  12781. public static Thumbnail ($file: string, $width: number) : FairyEditor.VImage
  12782. public static GetImageSize ($file: string, $width: $Ref<number>, $height: $Ref<number>) : boolean
  12783. public Dispose () : void
  12784. public Resize ($width: number, $height: number, $kernel?: FairyEditor.VImage.Kernel) : void
  12785. public ResizeBy ($hscale: number, $vscale: number, $kernel?: FairyEditor.VImage.Kernel) : void
  12786. public Rotate ($angle: number) : void
  12787. public FindTrim () : UnityEngine.Rect
  12788. public Crop ($rect: UnityEngine.Rect) : void
  12789. public Embed ($x: number, $y: number, $width: number, $height: number, $extend: FairyEditor.VImage.Extend, $background: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  12790. public AlphaBlend ($another: FairyEditor.VImage, $x: number, $y: number) : void
  12791. public CopyPixels ($another: FairyEditor.VImage, $x: number, $y: number) : void
  12792. public CopyPixels ($another: FairyEditor.VImage, $sourceRect: UnityEngine.Rect, $destPoint: UnityEngine.Vector2) : void
  12793. public Composite ($another: FairyEditor.VImage, $x: number, $y: number, $blendMode: FairyEditor.VImage.BlendMode, $premultiplied: boolean) : void
  12794. public Composite ($images: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<FairyEditor.VImage>, $pos: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $blendMode: FairyEditor.VImage.BlendMode, $premultiplied: boolean) : void
  12795. public ExtractAlpha ($returnAlpha: boolean) : FairyEditor.VImage
  12796. public Clear ($color: UnityEngine.Color) : void
  12797. public DrawRect ($x: number, $y: number, $width: number, $height: number, $color: UnityEngine.Color, $fill: boolean) : void
  12798. public GetRawData () : System.IntPtr
  12799. public GetRawDataSize () : number
  12800. public GetPixels () : System.Array$1<number>
  12801. public ToTexture ($smoothing: boolean, $makeNoLongerReadable: boolean) : UnityEngine.Texture2D
  12802. public GetAnimation () : FairyEditor.VImage.Animation
  12803. public Save ($file: string) : void
  12804. public Save ($file: string, $format: string) : void
  12805. public Save ($file: string, $format: string, $quality: number) : void
  12806. public Clone () : FairyEditor.VImage
  12807. public static InitLibrary () : void
  12808. }
  12809. class IOUtil extends System.Object
  12810. {
  12811. public static DeleteFile ($file: string, $toTrash?: boolean) : void
  12812. public static CopyFile ($sourceFile: string, $destFile: string) : void
  12813. public static BrowseForDirectory ($title: string, $callback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  12814. public static BrowseForOpen ($title: string, $directory: string, $extensions: System.Array$1<SFB.ExtensionFilter>, $callback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  12815. public static BrowseForOpenMultiple ($title: string, $directory: string, $extensions: System.Array$1<SFB.ExtensionFilter>, $callback: System.Action$1<System.Array$1<string>>) : void
  12816. public static BrowseForSave ($title: string, $directory: string, $extension: SFB.ExtensionFilter, $callback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  12817. public static BrowseForSave ($title: string, $directory: string, $defaultName: string, $defaultExt: string, $callback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  12818. }
  12819. class JsonUtil extends System.Object
  12820. {
  12821. public static ColorHexFormat : boolean
  12822. public static DecodeJson ($content: string) : any
  12823. public static EncodeJson ($obj: any) : string
  12824. public static EncodeJson ($obj: any, $indent: boolean) : string
  12825. }
  12826. class NativeDragDrop extends System.Object
  12827. {
  12828. public static Init () : void
  12829. public static Dispose () : void
  12830. }
  12831. class UserActionException extends System.Exception implements System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  12832. {
  12833. public constructor ($message: string)
  12834. public constructor ()
  12835. }
  12836. class PathPointsUtil extends System.Object
  12837. {
  12838. public static InsertPoint ($pos: UnityEngine.Vector3, $index: number, $points: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>) : void
  12839. public static RemovePoint ($index: number, $points: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>) : void
  12840. public static UpdatePoint ($index: number, $pos: UnityEngine.Vector3, $points: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>) : void
  12841. public static UpdateControlPoint ($pointIndex: number, $controlIndex: number, $pos: UnityEngine.Vector3, $points: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>) : void
  12842. public static SerializeFrom ($source: string, $points: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>) : void
  12843. public static SerializeTo ($points: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>) : string
  12844. }
  12845. class PlistElement extends System.Object
  12846. {
  12847. public AsString () : string
  12848. public AsInteger () : number
  12849. public AsBoolean () : boolean
  12850. public AsArray () : FairyEditor.PlistElementArray
  12851. public AsDict () : FairyEditor.PlistElementDict
  12852. public AsReal () : number
  12853. public AsDate () : Date
  12854. public get_Item ($key: string) : FairyEditor.PlistElement
  12855. public set_Item ($key: string, $value: FairyEditor.PlistElement) : void
  12856. }
  12857. class PlistElementArray extends FairyEditor.PlistElement
  12858. {
  12859. public values : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.PlistElement>
  12860. public AddString ($val: string) : void
  12861. public AddInteger ($val: number) : void
  12862. public AddBoolean ($val: boolean) : void
  12863. public AddDate ($val: Date) : void
  12864. public AddReal ($val: number) : void
  12865. public AddArray () : FairyEditor.PlistElementArray
  12866. public AddDict () : FairyEditor.PlistElementDict
  12867. public constructor ()
  12868. }
  12869. class PlistElementDict extends FairyEditor.PlistElement
  12870. {
  12871. public get values(): System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary$2<string, FairyEditor.PlistElement>;
  12872. public get_Item ($key: string) : FairyEditor.PlistElement
  12873. public set_Item ($key: string, $value: FairyEditor.PlistElement) : void
  12874. public SetInteger ($key: string, $val: number) : void
  12875. public SetString ($key: string, $val: string) : void
  12876. public SetBoolean ($key: string, $val: boolean) : void
  12877. public SetDate ($key: string, $val: Date) : void
  12878. public SetReal ($key: string, $val: number) : void
  12879. public CreateArray ($key: string) : FairyEditor.PlistElementArray
  12880. public CreateDict ($key: string) : FairyEditor.PlistElementDict
  12881. public constructor ()
  12882. }
  12883. class PlistElementString extends FairyEditor.PlistElement
  12884. {
  12885. public value : string
  12886. public constructor ($v: string)
  12887. public constructor ()
  12888. }
  12889. class PlistElementInteger extends FairyEditor.PlistElement
  12890. {
  12891. public value : number
  12892. public constructor ($v: number)
  12893. public constructor ()
  12894. }
  12895. class PlistElementReal extends FairyEditor.PlistElement
  12896. {
  12897. public value : number
  12898. public constructor ($v: number)
  12899. public constructor ()
  12900. }
  12901. class PlistElementBoolean extends FairyEditor.PlistElement
  12902. {
  12903. public value : boolean
  12904. public constructor ($v: boolean)
  12905. public constructor ()
  12906. }
  12907. class PlistElementDate extends FairyEditor.PlistElement
  12908. {
  12909. public value : Date
  12910. public constructor ($date: Date)
  12911. public constructor ()
  12912. }
  12913. class PlistDocument extends System.Object
  12914. {
  12915. public root : FairyEditor.PlistElementDict
  12916. public version : string
  12917. public Create () : void
  12918. public ReadFromFile ($path: string) : void
  12919. public ReadFromStream ($tr: System.IO.TextReader) : void
  12920. public ReadFromString ($text: string) : void
  12921. public WriteToFile ($path: string) : void
  12922. public WriteToStream ($tw: System.IO.TextWriter) : void
  12923. public WriteToString () : string
  12924. public constructor ()
  12925. }
  12926. class PrimitiveExtension extends System.Object
  12927. {
  12928. public static FormattedString ($value: number, $fractionDigits?: number) : string
  12929. }
  12930. class ProcessUtil extends System.Object
  12931. {
  12932. public static LaunchApp () : void
  12933. public static Start ($path: string, $args: System.Array$1<string>, $dir: string, $waitUntilExit: boolean) : string
  12934. public static GetOpenFilename () : string
  12935. public static GetUUID () : string
  12936. public static GetAppVersion () : string
  12937. }
  12938. class ReflectionUtil extends System.Object
  12939. {
  12940. public static GetInfo ($type: System.Type, $propName: string) : any
  12941. public static GetProperty ($obj: any, $propName: string) : any
  12942. public static SetProperty ($obj: any, $propName: string, $value: any) : void
  12943. }
  12944. class WindowUtil extends System.Object
  12945. {
  12946. public static ChangeTitle ($title: string) : void
  12947. public static ChangeIcon ($icon: string) : void
  12948. public static GetScaleFactor () : number
  12949. public static BringToFront () : void
  12950. }
  12951. class XMLExtension extends System.Object
  12952. {
  12953. public static Load ($file: string) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  12954. public static LoadXMLBrief ($file: string) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  12955. public static GetAttributeArray ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $attrName: string, $i1: $Ref<number>, $i2: $Ref<number>) : boolean
  12956. public static GetAttributeArray ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $attrName: string, $i1: $Ref<number>, $i2: $Ref<number>, $i3: $Ref<number>, $i4: $Ref<number>) : boolean
  12957. public static GetAttributeArray ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $attrName: string, $f1: $Ref<number>, $f2: $Ref<number>, $f3: $Ref<number>, $f4: $Ref<number>) : boolean
  12958. public static GetAttributeArray ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $attrName: string, $f1: $Ref<number>, $f2: $Ref<number>) : boolean
  12959. public static GetAttributeArray ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML, $attrName: string, $s1: $Ref<string>, $s2: $Ref<string>) : boolean
  12960. }
  12961. }
  12962. class ExternalImagePool extends System.Object
  12963. {
  12964. }
  12965. namespace FairyEditor.View {
  12966. class MainView extends System.Object
  12967. {
  12968. public get panel(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  12969. public get toolbar(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  12970. public UpdateUserInfo () : void
  12971. public ShowNewVersionPrompt ($versionName: string) : void
  12972. public ShowRestartPrompt () : void
  12973. public ShowAlreadyUpdatedPrompt () : void
  12974. public ShowStartScene () : void
  12975. public HandleGlobalHotkey ($funcId: string) : boolean
  12976. public FillLanguages () : void
  12977. public DropFiles ($mousePos: UnityEngine.Vector2, $arrFiles: System.Array$1<string>) : void
  12978. public constructor ()
  12979. }
  12980. class DocumentView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  12981. {
  12982. public get docContainer(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  12983. public get activeDoc(): FairyEditor.View.IDocument;
  12984. public set activeDoc(value: FairyEditor.View.IDocument);
  12985. public get viewScale(): number;
  12986. public set viewScale(value: number);
  12987. public AddFactory ($factory: FairyEditor.View.IDocumentFactory) : void
  12988. public RemoveFactory ($factory: FairyEditor.View.IDocumentFactory) : void
  12989. public FindDocument ($docURL: string) : FairyEditor.View.IDocument
  12990. public CloseDocuments ($pkg: FairyEditor.FPackage) : void
  12991. public OpenDocument ($url: string, $activateIt?: boolean) : FairyEditor.View.IDocument
  12992. public SaveDocument ($doc?: FairyEditor.View.IDocument) : void
  12993. public SaveAllDocuments () : void
  12994. public CloseDocument ($doc?: FairyEditor.View.IDocument) : void
  12995. public CloseAllDocuments () : void
  12996. public QueryToCloseDocument ($doc?: FairyEditor.View.IDocument) : void
  12997. public QueryToCloseOtherDocuments () : void
  12998. public QueryToCloseAllDocuments () : void
  12999. public QueryToSaveAllDocuments ($callback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  13000. public HasUnsavedDocuments () : boolean
  13001. public UpdateTab ($doc: FairyEditor.View.IDocument) : void
  13002. public HandleHotkey ($context: FairyGUI.EventContext) : void
  13003. public constructor ()
  13004. }
  13005. class LibraryView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13006. {
  13007. public get contextMenu(): FairyEditor.Component.IMenu;
  13008. public get contextMenu_Folder(): FairyEditor.Component.IMenu;
  13009. public get contextMenu_Package(): FairyEditor.Component.IMenu;
  13010. public get currentGroup(): string;
  13011. public GetFolderUnderPoint ($globalPos: UnityEngine.Vector2, $touchTarget: FairyGUI.GObject) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  13012. public GetSelectedResource () : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  13013. public GetSelectedResources ($includeChildren: boolean) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>
  13014. public GetSelectedFolder () : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  13015. public Highlight ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $setFocus?: boolean) : void
  13016. public MoveResources ($dropTarget: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $items: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : void
  13017. public DeleteResources ($items: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : void
  13018. public SetResourcesExported ($items: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>, $value: boolean) : void
  13019. public SetResourcesFavorite ($items: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>, $value: boolean) : void
  13020. public OpenResource ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : void
  13021. public OpenResources ($pis: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : void
  13022. public RevealInExplorer ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : void
  13023. public ShowUpdateResourceDialog ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : void
  13024. public ShowImportResourcesDialog ($pkg?: FairyEditor.FPackage, $toPath?: string) : void
  13025. public AddPackageToGroup ($pkg: FairyEditor.FPackage) : void
  13026. public GetPackagesInGroup ($group: string, $result: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackage>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackage>
  13027. public constructor ()
  13028. }
  13029. class InspectorView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13030. {
  13031. public get visibleInspectors(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.View.IInspector>;
  13032. public get scrollPos(): number;
  13033. public set scrollPos(value: number);
  13034. public GetInspector ($name: string) : FairyEditor.View.IInspector
  13035. public AddInspector ($type: System.Type, $name: string, $title: string) : void
  13036. public AddInspector ($luaTable: XLua.LuaTable, $name: string, $title: string) : void
  13037. public AddInspector ($factoryMethod: System.Func$1<FairyEditor.View.PluginInspector>, $name: string, $title: string) : void
  13038. public RemoveInspector ($name: string) : void
  13039. public RemoveAllPluginInspectors () : void
  13040. public SetTitle ($name: string, $title: string) : void
  13041. public Show ($name: string) : void
  13042. public Show ($names: System.Array$1<string>) : void
  13043. public Show ($names: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>) : void
  13044. public UpdateInspector ($inst: FairyEditor.View.IInspector) : void
  13045. public ShowPopup ($name: string, $target: FairyGUI.GObject, $dir?: FairyGUI.PopupDirection, $closeUntilMouseUp?: boolean) : void
  13046. public Refresh ($name: string) : void
  13047. public Clear () : void
  13048. public constructor ()
  13049. }
  13050. class TestView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13051. {
  13052. public get running(): boolean;
  13053. public Start () : void
  13054. public Reload () : void
  13055. public Stop () : void
  13056. public PlayTransition ($name: string) : void
  13057. public TogglePopup ($popup: FairyEditor.FObject, $target?: FairyEditor.FObject, $direction?: string) : void
  13058. public ShowPopup ($popup: FairyEditor.FObject, $target?: FairyEditor.FObject, $direction?: string) : void
  13059. public HidePopup () : void
  13060. public ShowTooltips ($msg: string) : void
  13061. public HideTooltips () : void
  13062. public constructor ()
  13063. }
  13064. class TimelineView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13065. {
  13066. public Refresh ($transItem?: FairyEditor.FTransitionItem) : void
  13067. public SelectKeyFrame ($transItem: FairyEditor.FTransitionItem) : void
  13068. public GetSelection () : FairyEditor.FTransitionItem
  13069. public GetSelections ($result: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FTransitionItem>) : void
  13070. public constructor ()
  13071. }
  13072. class ConsoleView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13073. {
  13074. public Log ($msg: string) : void
  13075. public Log ($logType: UnityEngine.LogType, $msg: string) : void
  13076. public LogError ($msg: string) : void
  13077. public LogError ($msg: string, $err?: System.Exception) : void
  13078. public LogWarning ($msg: string) : void
  13079. public Clear () : void
  13080. public constructor ()
  13081. }
  13082. class DocumentFactory extends System.Object implements FairyEditor.View.IDocumentFactory
  13083. {
  13084. public get contextMenu(): FairyEditor.Component.IMenu;
  13085. public CreateDocument ($docURL: string) : FairyEditor.View.IDocument
  13086. public InvokeDocumentMethod ($methodName: string, $args?: System.Array$1<any>) : void
  13087. public ConnectInspector ($inspectorName: string) : void
  13088. public ConnectInspector ($inspectorName: string, $forObjectType: string, $forEmptySelection: boolean, $forTimelineMode: boolean) : void
  13089. public disconnectInspector ($inspectorName: string) : void
  13090. public constructor ()
  13091. public CreateDocument ($url: string) : FairyEditor.View.IDocument
  13092. }
  13093. interface IDocumentFactory
  13094. {
  13095. CreateDocument ($url: string) : FairyEditor.View.IDocument
  13096. }
  13097. class Document extends System.Object implements FairyEditor.View.IDocument
  13098. {
  13099. public get panel(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  13100. public get selectionLayer(): FairyGUI.Container;
  13101. public get inspectingTarget(): FairyEditor.FObject;
  13102. public get inspectingTargets(): System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<FairyEditor.FObject>;
  13103. public get inspectingObjectType(): string;
  13104. public get packageItem(): FairyEditor.FPackageItem;
  13105. public get content(): FairyEditor.FComponent;
  13106. public get displayTitle(): string;
  13107. public get displayIcon(): string;
  13108. public get history(): FairyEditor.View.ActionHistory;
  13109. public get docURL(): string;
  13110. public get isModified(): boolean;
  13111. public get savedVersion(): number;
  13112. public get openedGroup(): FairyEditor.FObject;
  13113. public get isPickingObject(): boolean;
  13114. public get timelineMode(): boolean;
  13115. public get editingTransition(): FairyEditor.FTransition;
  13116. public get head(): number;
  13117. public set head(value: number);
  13118. public Open ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : void
  13119. public DiscardChanges () : void
  13120. public OnEnable () : void
  13121. public OnDisable () : void
  13122. public OnDestroy () : void
  13123. public OnValidate () : void
  13124. public SetMeta ($key: string, $value: any) : void
  13125. public OnUpdate () : void
  13126. public GetInspectingTargetCount ($objectType: string) : number
  13127. public SetModified ($value?: boolean) : void
  13128. public Serialize () : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  13129. public Save () : void
  13130. public OnViewSizeChanged () : void
  13131. public OnViewScaleChanged () : void
  13132. public OnViewBackgroundChanged () : void
  13133. public SelectObject ($obj: FairyEditor.FObject, $scrollToView?: boolean, $allowOpenGroups?: boolean) : void
  13134. public SelectAll () : void
  13135. public GetSelection () : System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<FairyEditor.FObject>
  13136. public UnselectObject ($obj: FairyEditor.FObject) : void
  13137. public UnselectAll () : void
  13138. public SetSelection ($obj: FairyEditor.FObject) : void
  13139. public SetSelection ($objs: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<FairyEditor.FObject>) : void
  13140. public CopySelection () : void
  13141. public DeleteSelection () : void
  13142. public DeleteGroupContent ($group: FairyEditor.FGroup) : void
  13143. public MoveSelection ($dx: number, $dy: number) : void
  13144. public GlobalToCanvas ($stagePos: UnityEngine.Vector2) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  13145. public GetCenterPos () : UnityEngine.Vector2
  13146. public Paste ($pos?: System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $pasteToCenter?: boolean) : void
  13147. public ReplaceSelection ($url: string) : void
  13148. public OpenChild ($target: FairyEditor.FObject) : void
  13149. public StartInlineEdit ($target: FairyEditor.FTextField) : void
  13150. public ShowContextMenu () : void
  13151. public UpdateEditMenu ($editMeu: FairyEditor.Component.IMenu) : void
  13152. public InsertObject ($url: string, $pos?: System.Nullable$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $insertIndex?: number) : FairyEditor.FObject
  13153. public RemoveObject ($obj: FairyEditor.FObject) : void
  13154. public AdjustDepth ($index: number) : void
  13155. public CreateGroup () : void
  13156. public DestroyGroup () : void
  13157. public OpenGroup ($group: FairyEditor.FObject) : void
  13158. public CloseGroup ($depth?: number) : void
  13159. public NotifyGroupRemoved ($group: FairyEditor.FGroup) : void
  13160. public HandleHotkey ($hotkeyId: string) : void
  13161. public PickObject ($initValue: FairyEditor.FObject, $callback: System.Action$1<FairyEditor.FObject>, $validator?: System.Func$2<FairyEditor.FObject, boolean>, $cancelCallback?: System.Action) : void
  13162. public CancelPickObject () : void
  13163. public EnterTimelineMode ($name: string) : void
  13164. public ExitTimelineMode () : void
  13165. public RefreshTransition () : void
  13166. public RefreshInspectors ($flag?: number) : void
  13167. public GetOutlineLocks ($obj: FairyEditor.FObject) : number
  13168. public SetTransitionProperty ($trans: FairyEditor.FTransition, $propName: string, $propValue: any) : void
  13169. public SetKeyFrameProperty ($item: FairyEditor.FTransitionItem, $propName: string, $propValue: any) : void
  13170. public SetKeyFrameValue ($item: FairyEditor.FTransitionItem, ...values: any[]) : void
  13171. public SetKeyFramePathPos ($item: FairyEditor.FTransitionItem, $pointIndex: number, $x: number, $y: number) : void
  13172. public SetKeyFrameControlPointPos ($item: FairyEditor.FTransitionItem, $pointIndex: number, $controlIndex: number, $x: number, $y: number) : void
  13173. public SetKeyFrameControlPointSmooth ($item: FairyEditor.FTransitionItem, $pointIndex: number, $smooth: boolean) : void
  13174. public SetKeyFrame ($targetId: string, $type: string, $frame: number) : void
  13175. public AddKeyFrames ($keyFrames: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable$1<FairyEditor.FTransitionItem>) : void
  13176. public CreateKeyFrame ($transType: string) : void
  13177. public CreateKeyFrame ($child: FairyEditor.FObject, $type: string) : FairyEditor.FTransitionItem
  13178. public AddKeyFrame ($item: FairyEditor.FTransitionItem) : void
  13179. public AddKeyFrames ($items: System.Array$1<FairyEditor.FTransitionItem>) : void
  13180. public RemoveKeyFrame ($item: FairyEditor.FTransitionItem) : void
  13181. public RemoveKeyFrames ($targetId: string, $type: string) : void
  13182. public UpdateTransition ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  13183. public AddTransition ($name?: string) : FairyEditor.FTransition
  13184. public RemoveTransition ($name: string) : void
  13185. public DuplicateTransition ($name: string, $newInstanceName?: string) : FairyEditor.FTransition
  13186. public UpdateTransitions ($data: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  13187. public AddController ($data: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  13188. public UpdateController ($controllerName: string, $data: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  13189. public RemoveController ($controllerName: string) : void
  13190. public SwitchPage ($controllerName: string, $index: number) : number
  13191. public constructor ()
  13192. public UpdateEditMenu ($editMenu: FairyEditor.Component.IMenu) : void
  13193. }
  13194. interface IDocument
  13195. {
  13196. panel : FairyGUI.GComponent
  13197. packageItem : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  13198. docURL : string
  13199. displayTitle : string
  13200. displayIcon : string
  13201. isModified : boolean
  13202. Save () : void
  13203. DiscardChanges () : void
  13204. UpdateEditMenu ($editMenu: FairyEditor.Component.IMenu) : void
  13205. HandleHotkey ($hotkeyId: string) : void
  13206. OnEnable () : void
  13207. OnDisable () : void
  13208. OnValidate () : void
  13209. OnUpdate () : void
  13210. OnDestroy () : void
  13211. OnViewSizeChanged () : void
  13212. OnViewScaleChanged () : void
  13213. OnViewBackgroundChanged () : void
  13214. }
  13215. class DocElement extends System.Object
  13216. {
  13217. public get owner(): FairyEditor.View.Document;
  13218. public get isRoot(): boolean;
  13219. public get isValid(): boolean;
  13220. public get relationsDisabled(): boolean;
  13221. public get displayIcon(): string;
  13222. public get selected(): boolean;
  13223. public set selected(value: boolean);
  13224. public get gizmo(): FairyEditor.View.Gizmo;
  13225. public SetProperty ($propName: string, $propValue: any) : void
  13226. public SetGearProperty ($gearIndex: number, $propName: string, $propValue: any) : void
  13227. public UpdateGears ($data: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  13228. public SetRelation ($target: FairyEditor.FObject, $desc: string) : void
  13229. public RemoveRelation ($target: FairyEditor.FObject) : void
  13230. public UpdateRelations ($data: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  13231. public SetExtensionProperty ($propName: string, $propValue: any) : void
  13232. public SetChildProperty ($target: string, $propertyId: number, $propValue: any) : void
  13233. public SetVertexPosition ($pointIndex: number, $x: number, $y: number) : void
  13234. public SetVertexDistance ($pointIndex: number, $distance: number) : void
  13235. public SetScriptData ($name: string, $value: string) : void
  13236. public constructor ($doc: FairyEditor.View.Document, $obj: FairyEditor.FObject, $isRoot?: boolean)
  13237. public constructor ()
  13238. }
  13239. interface IActionHistoryItem
  13240. {
  13241. isPersists : boolean
  13242. Process ($owner: FairyEditor.View.Document) : boolean
  13243. }
  13244. class ActionHistory extends System.Object
  13245. {
  13246. public get processing(): boolean;
  13247. public CanUndo () : boolean
  13248. public CanRedo () : boolean
  13249. public Add ($item: FairyEditor.View.IActionHistoryItem) : void
  13250. public GetPendingList () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.View.IActionHistoryItem>
  13251. public Reset () : void
  13252. public PushHistory () : void
  13253. public PopHistory () : void
  13254. public Undo () : boolean
  13255. public Redo () : boolean
  13256. public constructor ($doc: FairyEditor.View.Document)
  13257. public constructor ()
  13258. }
  13259. class Gizmo extends FairyGUI.Container implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13260. {
  13261. public static RESIZE_HANDLE : number
  13262. public static VERTEX_HANDLE : number
  13263. public static PATH_HANDLE : number
  13264. public static CONTROL_HANDLE : number
  13265. public static HANDLE_SIZE : number
  13266. public static OUTLINE_COLOR : UnityEngine.Color
  13267. public static OUTLINE_COLOR_COM : UnityEngine.Color
  13268. public static OUTLINE_COLOR_GROUP : UnityEngine.Color
  13269. public static PATH_COLOR : UnityEngine.Color
  13270. public static TANGENT_COLOR : UnityEngine.Color
  13271. public static VERTEX_HANDLE_COLOR : UnityEngine.Color
  13272. public static PATH_HANDLE_COLOR : UnityEngine.Color
  13273. public static CONTROLL_HANDLE_COLOR : UnityEngine.Color
  13274. public get owner(): FairyEditor.FObject;
  13275. public get activeHandleIndex(): number;
  13276. public get activeHandleType(): number;
  13277. public get verticesEditing(): boolean;
  13278. public get keyFrame(): FairyEditor.FTransitionItem;
  13279. public get activeHandle(): FairyEditor.View.GizmoHandle;
  13280. public set activeHandle(value: FairyEditor.View.GizmoHandle);
  13281. public EditVertices () : void
  13282. public EditPath ($keyFrame: FairyEditor.FTransitionItem) : void
  13283. public EditComplete () : void
  13284. public Refresh ($immediately?: boolean) : void
  13285. public ShowDecorations ($visible: boolean) : void
  13286. public SetSelected ($value: boolean) : void
  13287. public OnUpdate () : void
  13288. public OnDragStart ($context: FairyGUI.EventContext) : void
  13289. public OnDragMove ($context: FairyGUI.EventContext) : void
  13290. public OnDragEnd ($context: FairyGUI.EventContext) : void
  13291. public constructor ($doc: FairyEditor.View.Document, $owner: FairyEditor.FObject)
  13292. public constructor ()
  13293. public constructor ($gameObjectName: string)
  13294. public constructor ($attachTarget: UnityEngine.GameObject)
  13295. }
  13296. class GizmoHandle extends FairyGUI.Shape implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13297. {
  13298. public index : number
  13299. public get type(): number;
  13300. public get selected(): boolean;
  13301. public set selected(value: boolean);
  13302. public constructor ($type: number, $color: UnityEngine.Color, $shape?: number)
  13303. public constructor ()
  13304. }
  13305. class GizmoHandleSet extends System.Object
  13306. {
  13307. public ResetIndex () : void
  13308. public GetHandle () : FairyEditor.View.GizmoHandle
  13309. public RemoveSpares () : void
  13310. public constructor ($manager: FairyGUI.DisplayObject, $type: number, $color: UnityEngine.Color, $shape?: number)
  13311. public constructor ()
  13312. }
  13313. class GridMesh extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  13314. {
  13315. public gridSize : number
  13316. public offset : UnityEngine.Vector2
  13317. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  13318. public constructor ()
  13319. }
  13320. class InspectorUpdateFlags extends System.Object
  13321. {
  13322. public static COMMON : number
  13323. public static TRANSFORM : number
  13324. public static GEAR : number
  13325. public static RELATION : number
  13326. public static GIZMO : number
  13327. public static FlagsByName : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, number>
  13328. }
  13329. class PathLineMesh extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.IMeshFactory
  13330. {
  13331. public pathLine : FairyGUI.LineMesh
  13332. public controlLines : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.StraightLineMesh>
  13333. public controlLineCount : number
  13334. public GetControlLine () : FairyGUI.StraightLineMesh
  13335. public OnPopulateMesh ($vb: FairyGUI.VertexBuffer) : void
  13336. public constructor ()
  13337. }
  13338. class DocCamera extends UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
  13339. {
  13340. public cachedTransform : UnityEngine.Transform
  13341. public cachedCamera : UnityEngine.Camera
  13342. public owner : FairyGUI.GComponent
  13343. public constructor ()
  13344. }
  13345. class FavoritesView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13346. {
  13347. public constructor ()
  13348. }
  13349. class HierarchyView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13350. {
  13351. public constructor ()
  13352. }
  13353. interface IInspector
  13354. {
  13355. panel : FairyGUI.GComponent
  13356. UpdateUI () : boolean
  13357. Dispose () : void
  13358. }
  13359. class PluginInspector extends System.Object implements FairyEditor.View.IInspector
  13360. {
  13361. public updateAction : System.Func$1<boolean>
  13362. public disposeAction : System.Action
  13363. public get panel(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  13364. public set panel(value: FairyGUI.GComponent);
  13365. public UpdateUI () : boolean
  13366. public Dispose () : void
  13367. public constructor ()
  13368. }
  13369. class MainMenu extends System.Object
  13370. {
  13371. public get root(): FairyEditor.Component.IMenu;
  13372. public AddStartSceneMenu () : void
  13373. public AddProjectMenu () : void
  13374. public constructor ($root: FairyEditor.Component.IMenu)
  13375. public constructor ()
  13376. }
  13377. class PlugInView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13378. {
  13379. public constructor ()
  13380. }
  13381. class PreviewView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13382. {
  13383. public Show ($pi?: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : void
  13384. public constructor ()
  13385. }
  13386. class ProjectView extends System.Object
  13387. {
  13388. public onContextMenu : FairyEditor.View.ProjectView.OnContextMenuDelegate
  13389. public onGetItemListing : FairyEditor.View.ProjectView.OnGetItemListingDelegate
  13390. public allowDrag : boolean
  13391. public get project(): FairyEditor.FProject;
  13392. public set project(value: FairyEditor.FProject);
  13393. public get treeView(): FairyGUI.GTree;
  13394. public get listView(): FairyGUI.GList;
  13395. public set showListView(value: boolean);
  13396. public SetChanged ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : boolean
  13397. public SetTreeChanged ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, $recursive?: boolean, $applyImmediately?: boolean) : void
  13398. public GetSelectedPackage () : FairyEditor.FPackage
  13399. public GetSelectedFolder () : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  13400. public GetSelectedResource () : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  13401. public GetSelectedResources ($result?: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>
  13402. public GetFolderUnderPoint ($globalPos: UnityEngine.Vector2, $touchTarget: FairyGUI.GObject) : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  13403. public GetExpandedFolders ($parentNode?: FairyGUI.GTreeNode, $result?: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  13404. public SetExpanedFolders ($arr: System.Collections.IList) : void
  13405. public IsInView ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : boolean
  13406. public Select ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : boolean
  13407. public SelectNextTo ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : void
  13408. public Expand ($pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : void
  13409. public Rename ($pi?: FairyEditor.FPackageItem) : void
  13410. public Open () : void
  13411. public ChangeIconSize ($scale: number) : void
  13412. public constructor ($proj: FairyEditor.FProject, $tree: FairyGUI.GTree, $sep?: FairyGUI.GObject, $list?: FairyGUI.GList)
  13413. public constructor ()
  13414. }
  13415. class ReferenceView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13416. {
  13417. public Open ($source: string) : void
  13418. public FillMenuTargets () : void
  13419. public constructor ()
  13420. }
  13421. class ResourceMenu extends System.Object
  13422. {
  13423. public get realMenu(): FairyEditor.Component.IMenu;
  13424. public get targetItems(): System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>;
  13425. public Show () : void
  13426. public constructor ()
  13427. }
  13428. class SearchView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13429. {
  13430. public FillMenuTargets () : void
  13431. public constructor ()
  13432. }
  13433. class TransitionListView extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13434. {
  13435. public Refresh () : void
  13436. public constructor ()
  13437. }
  13438. }
  13439. namespace FairyEditor.Component {
  13440. interface IMenu
  13441. {
  13442. AddItem ($caption: string, $name: string, $selectCallback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  13443. AddItem ($caption: string, $name: string, $atIndex: number, $isSubMenu: boolean, $selectCallback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  13444. AddSeperator () : void
  13445. AddSeperator ($atIndex: number) : void
  13446. RemoveItem ($name: string) : void
  13447. SetItemEnabled ($name: string, $enabled: boolean) : void
  13448. SetItemChecked ($name: string, $checked: boolean) : void
  13449. IsItemChecked ($name: string) : boolean
  13450. SetItemText ($name: string, $text: string) : void
  13451. ClearItems () : void
  13452. GetSubMenu ($name: string) : FairyEditor.Component.IMenu
  13453. Invoke ($name: string) : void
  13454. Dispose () : void
  13455. }
  13456. class ViewGrid extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13457. {
  13458. public uid : string
  13459. public get showTabs(): boolean;
  13460. public set showTabs(value: boolean);
  13461. public get numViews(): number;
  13462. public get selectedIndex(): number;
  13463. public set selectedIndex(value: number);
  13464. public get selectedView(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  13465. public set selectedView(value: FairyGUI.GComponent);
  13466. public GetViewAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.GComponent
  13467. public AddView ($view: FairyGUI.GComponent) : void
  13468. public AddViewAt ($view: FairyGUI.GComponent, $index: number) : void
  13469. public RemoveView ($view: FairyGUI.GComponent) : void
  13470. public RemoveViewAt ($index: number) : void
  13471. public SetViewIndex ($view: FairyGUI.GComponent, $index: number) : void
  13472. public GetViewIndex ($view: FairyGUI.GComponent) : number
  13473. public GetViewIndexById ($viewId: string) : number
  13474. public ContainsView ($ids: System.Array$1<string>) : boolean
  13475. public MoveViews ($anotherGrid: FairyEditor.Component.ViewGrid) : void
  13476. public Clear () : void
  13477. public Refresh () : void
  13478. public SetViewTitle ($index: number, $title: string) : void
  13479. public constructor ()
  13480. }
  13481. class ChildObjectInput extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13482. {
  13483. public typeFilter : System.Array$1<string>
  13484. public get value(): FairyEditor.FObject;
  13485. public set value(value: FairyEditor.FObject);
  13486. public Start () : void
  13487. public constructor ()
  13488. }
  13489. class ColorInput extends FairyGUI.GButton implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13490. {
  13491. public showAlpha : boolean
  13492. public get colorValue(): UnityEngine.Color;
  13493. public set colorValue(value: UnityEngine.Color);
  13494. public constructor ()
  13495. }
  13496. class ColorPicker extends System.Object
  13497. {
  13498. public get isShowing(): boolean;
  13499. public Show ($input: FairyEditor.Component.ColorInput, $popupTarget: FairyGUI.GObject, $color: UnityEngine.Color, $showAlpha: boolean) : void
  13500. public Hide () : void
  13501. public constructor ()
  13502. }
  13503. class ComPropertyInput extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13504. {
  13505. public get value(): any;
  13506. public Update ($cp: FairyEditor.ComProperty, $pagesSupplier: any) : void
  13507. public constructor ()
  13508. }
  13509. class ControllerInput extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13510. {
  13511. public prompt : string
  13512. public includeChildren : boolean
  13513. public get owner(): FairyEditor.FComponent;
  13514. public set owner(value: FairyEditor.FComponent);
  13515. public get value(): string;
  13516. public set value(value: string);
  13517. public constructor ()
  13518. }
  13519. class ControllerMultiPageInput extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13520. {
  13521. public prompt : string
  13522. public get controller(): FairyEditor.FController;
  13523. public set controller(value: FairyEditor.FController);
  13524. public get value(): System.Array$1<string>;
  13525. public set value(value: System.Array$1<string>);
  13526. public constructor ()
  13527. }
  13528. class ControllerPageInput extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13529. {
  13530. public prompt : string
  13531. public nullPageOption : boolean
  13532. public additionalOptions : boolean
  13533. public get controller(): FairyEditor.FController;
  13534. public set controller(value: FairyEditor.FController);
  13535. public get value(): string;
  13536. public set value(value: string);
  13537. public constructor ()
  13538. }
  13539. class EditableListItem extends FairyEditor.Component.ListItem implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13540. {
  13541. public sign : FairyGUI.GLoader
  13542. public get editable(): boolean;
  13543. public set editable(value: boolean);
  13544. public get toggleClickCount(): number;
  13545. public set toggleClickCount(value: number);
  13546. public StartEditing ($text?: string) : void
  13547. public constructor ()
  13548. }
  13549. class ListItem extends FairyGUI.GButton implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13550. {
  13551. public titleObj : FairyGUI.GTextField
  13552. public iconObj : FairyGUI.GLoader
  13553. public constructor ()
  13554. }
  13555. class EditableTreeItem extends FairyGUI.GButton implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13556. {
  13557. public toggleClickCount : number
  13558. public get editable(): boolean;
  13559. public set editable(value: boolean);
  13560. public StartEditing ($text?: string) : void
  13561. public constructor ()
  13562. }
  13563. class FontInput extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13564. {
  13565. public constructor ()
  13566. }
  13567. class FontSizeInput extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13568. {
  13569. public get value(): number;
  13570. public set value(value: number);
  13571. public get max(): number;
  13572. public set max(value: number);
  13573. public constructor ()
  13574. }
  13575. class InputElement extends System.ValueType
  13576. {
  13577. public name : string
  13578. public type : string
  13579. public prop : string
  13580. public dummy : boolean
  13581. public extData : any
  13582. public min : FairyEditor.Component.InputElement.OptionalValue$1<number>
  13583. public max : FairyEditor.Component.InputElement.OptionalValue$1<number>
  13584. public step : FairyEditor.Component.InputElement.OptionalValue$1<number>
  13585. public precision : FairyEditor.Component.InputElement.OptionalValue$1<number>
  13586. public items : System.Array$1<string>
  13587. public values : System.Array$1<string>
  13588. public visibleItemCount : FairyEditor.Component.InputElement.OptionalValue$1<number>
  13589. public valueName : string
  13590. public inverted : boolean
  13591. public showAlpha : boolean
  13592. public filter : System.Array$1<string>
  13593. public pages : string
  13594. public includeChildren : boolean
  13595. public prompt : string
  13596. public readonly : boolean
  13597. public disableIME : boolean
  13598. public trim : boolean
  13599. }
  13600. class FormHelper extends System.Object
  13601. {
  13602. public onPropChanged : FairyEditor.Component.FormHelper.OnPropChangedDelegate
  13603. public get owner(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  13604. public BindControls ($data: System.Collections.Generic.IList$1<FairyEditor.Component.InputElement>) : void
  13605. public GetControl ($controlName: string) : FairyGUI.GObject
  13606. public UpdateValuesFrom ($obj: any, $controlNames?: System.Collections.IList) : void
  13607. public SetValue ($controlName: string, $value: any) : void
  13608. public GetValue ($controlName: string) : any
  13609. public UpdateUI () : void
  13610. public constructor ($owner: FairyGUI.GComponent)
  13611. public constructor ()
  13612. }
  13613. class InlineSearchBar extends FairyGUI.GButton implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13614. {
  13615. public get pattern(): System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex;
  13616. public Reset () : void
  13617. public HandleKeyEvent ($evt: FairyGUI.InputEvent) : boolean
  13618. public constructor ()
  13619. }
  13620. class LinkButton extends FairyGUI.GButton implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13621. {
  13622. public constructor ()
  13623. }
  13624. class ListHelper extends System.Object
  13625. {
  13626. public onInsert : System.Action$2<number, FairyGUI.GComponent>
  13627. public onRemove : System.Action$1<number>
  13628. public onSwap : System.Action$2<number, number>
  13629. public Add ($context?: FairyGUI.EventContext) : void
  13630. public Insert ($context?: FairyGUI.EventContext) : void
  13631. public Remove ($context?: FairyGUI.EventContext) : void
  13632. public MoveUp ($context?: FairyGUI.EventContext) : void
  13633. public MoveDown ($context?: FairyGUI.EventContext) : void
  13634. public constructor ($list: FairyGUI.GList, $indexColumn?: string)
  13635. public constructor ()
  13636. }
  13637. class ListItemInput extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13638. {
  13639. public toggleClickCount : number
  13640. public get editable(): boolean;
  13641. public set editable(value: boolean);
  13642. public StartEditing ($text?: string) : void
  13643. public constructor ()
  13644. }
  13645. class ListItemResourceInput extends FairyEditor.Component.ResourceInput implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13646. {
  13647. public toggleClickCount : number
  13648. public StartEditing () : void
  13649. public constructor ()
  13650. }
  13651. class ResourceInput extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13652. {
  13653. public promptText : string
  13654. public isFontInput : boolean
  13655. public set text(value: string);
  13656. public constructor ()
  13657. }
  13658. class MenuBar extends System.Object implements FairyEditor.Component.IMenu
  13659. {
  13660. public Dispose () : void
  13661. public AddItem ($caption: string, $name: string, $selectCallback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  13662. public AddItem ($caption: string, $name: string, $atIndex: number, $isSubMenu: boolean, $selectCallback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  13663. public GetSubMenu ($name: string) : FairyEditor.Component.IMenu
  13664. public RemoveItem ($name: string) : void
  13665. public AddSeperator () : void
  13666. public AddSeperator ($atIndex: number) : void
  13667. public SetItemEnabled ($name: string, $enabled: boolean) : void
  13668. public SetItemChecked ($name: string, $checked: boolean) : void
  13669. public IsItemChecked ($name: string) : boolean
  13670. public SetItemText ($name: string, $text: string) : void
  13671. public ClearItems () : void
  13672. public Invoke ($name: string) : void
  13673. public constructor ($panel: FairyGUI.GComponent)
  13674. public constructor ()
  13675. }
  13676. class NativeMenu extends System.Object implements FairyEditor.Component.IMenu
  13677. {
  13678. public static applicationMenu : FairyEditor.Component.NativeMenu
  13679. public static dockIconMenu : FairyEditor.Component.NativeMenu
  13680. public Dispose () : void
  13681. public AddItem ($caption: string, $name: string, $selectCallback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  13682. public AddItem ($caption: string, $name: string, $atIndex: number, $isSubMenu: boolean, $selectCallback: System.Action$1<string>) : void
  13683. public AddSeperator () : void
  13684. public AddSeperator ($atIndex: number) : void
  13685. public SetItemEnabled ($name: string, $enabled: boolean) : void
  13686. public SetItemChecked ($name: string, $checked: boolean) : void
  13687. public IsItemChecked ($name: string) : boolean
  13688. public SetItemText ($name: string, $text: string) : void
  13689. public GetSubMenu ($name: string) : FairyEditor.Component.IMenu
  13690. public RemoveItem ($name: string) : void
  13691. public ClearItems () : void
  13692. public Invoke ($name: string) : void
  13693. }
  13694. class NumericInput extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13695. {
  13696. public get max(): number;
  13697. public set max(value: number);
  13698. public get min(): number;
  13699. public set min(value: number);
  13700. public get value(): number;
  13701. public set value(value: number);
  13702. public get step(): number;
  13703. public set step(value: number);
  13704. public get fractionDigits(): number;
  13705. public set fractionDigits(value: number);
  13706. public set text(value: string);
  13707. public constructor ()
  13708. }
  13709. class SelectAnimationMenu extends System.Object
  13710. {
  13711. public static GetInstance () : FairyEditor.Component.SelectAnimationMenu
  13712. public Show ($input: FairyGUI.GObject, $target: FairyEditor.FLoader3D, $popupTarget?: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  13713. public constructor ()
  13714. }
  13715. class SelectDesignImageMenu extends System.Object
  13716. {
  13717. public static GetInstance () : FairyEditor.Component.SelectDesignImageMenu
  13718. public Show ($input: FairyGUI.GObject, $popupTarget?: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  13719. public constructor ()
  13720. }
  13721. class SelectPivotMenu extends System.Object
  13722. {
  13723. public static GetInstance () : FairyEditor.Component.SelectPivotMenu
  13724. public Show ($input1: FairyGUI.GObject, $input2: FairyGUI.GObject, $popupTarget?: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  13725. public constructor ()
  13726. }
  13727. class SelectSkinMenu extends System.Object
  13728. {
  13729. public static GetInstance () : FairyEditor.Component.SelectSkinMenu
  13730. public Show ($input: FairyGUI.GObject, $target: FairyEditor.FLoader3D, $popupTarget?: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  13731. public constructor ()
  13732. }
  13733. class TextArea extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13734. {
  13735. public constructor ()
  13736. }
  13737. class TextInput extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13738. {
  13739. public set text(value: string);
  13740. public constructor ()
  13741. }
  13742. class TransitionInput extends FairyGUI.GLabel implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher, FairyGUI.IColorGear
  13743. {
  13744. public prompt : string
  13745. public includeChildren : boolean
  13746. public get owner(): FairyEditor.FComponent;
  13747. public set owner(value: FairyEditor.FComponent);
  13748. public get value(): string;
  13749. public set value(value: string);
  13750. public constructor ()
  13751. }
  13752. class ViewGridGroup extends FairyGUI.GComponent implements FairyGUI.IEventDispatcher
  13753. {
  13754. public uid : string
  13755. public get layout(): FairyGUI.GroupLayoutType;
  13756. public get numGrids(): number;
  13757. public AddGrid ($child: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  13758. public AddGridAt ($child: FairyGUI.GObject, $index: number) : void
  13759. public ResetChildrenSize () : void
  13760. public RemoveGrid ($child: FairyGUI.GObject, $dispose?: boolean) : void
  13761. public ReplaceGrid ($oldChild: FairyGUI.GObject, $newChild: FairyGUI.GObject) : void
  13762. public MoveGrids ($anotherGroup: FairyEditor.Component.ViewGridGroup, $index: number) : void
  13763. public GetGridAt ($index: number) : FairyGUI.GObject
  13764. public GetGridIndex ($grid: FairyGUI.GObject) : number
  13765. public FindGrid ($view: FairyGUI.GComponent, $recursive?: boolean) : FairyEditor.Component.ViewGrid
  13766. public FindGridById ($id: string, $recursive?: boolean) : FairyEditor.Component.ViewGrid
  13767. public FindGridByIds ($ids: System.Array$1<string>, $recursive?: boolean) : FairyEditor.Component.ViewGrid
  13768. public FindGroup ($id: string) : FairyEditor.Component.ViewGridGroup
  13769. public static EachGrid ($grp: FairyEditor.Component.ViewGridGroup, $recursive: boolean, $callback: FairyEditor.Component.ViewGridGroup.EachGridCallback) : FairyEditor.Component.ViewGrid
  13770. public constructor ($layout: FairyGUI.GroupLayoutType)
  13771. public constructor ()
  13772. }
  13773. }
  13774. namespace FairyEditor.App {
  13775. enum FrameRateFactor
  13776. { BackgroundJob = 1, NativeDragDrop = 2, DraggingObject = 256, Testing = 512 }
  13777. }
  13778. namespace FairyGUI.Utils {
  13779. class XML extends System.Object
  13780. {
  13781. public name : string
  13782. public text : string
  13783. public get attributes(): System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>;
  13784. public get elements(): FairyGUI.Utils.XMLList;
  13785. public static Create ($tag: string) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  13786. public HasAttribute ($attrName: string) : boolean
  13787. public GetAttribute ($attrName: string) : string
  13788. public GetAttribute ($attrName: string, $defValue: string) : string
  13789. public GetAttributeInt ($attrName: string) : number
  13790. public GetAttributeInt ($attrName: string, $defValue: number) : number
  13791. public GetAttributeFloat ($attrName: string) : number
  13792. public GetAttributeFloat ($attrName: string, $defValue: number) : number
  13793. public GetAttributeBool ($attrName: string) : boolean
  13794. public GetAttributeBool ($attrName: string, $defValue: boolean) : boolean
  13795. public GetAttributeArray ($attrName: string) : System.Array$1<string>
  13796. public GetAttributeArray ($attrName: string, $seperator: number) : System.Array$1<string>
  13797. public GetAttributeColor ($attrName: string, $defValue: UnityEngine.Color) : UnityEngine.Color
  13798. public GetAttributeVector ($attrName: string) : UnityEngine.Vector2
  13799. public SetAttribute ($attrName: string, $attrValue: string) : void
  13800. public SetAttribute ($attrName: string, $attrValue: boolean) : void
  13801. public SetAttribute ($attrName: string, $attrValue: number) : void
  13802. public RemoveAttribute ($attrName: string) : void
  13803. public GetNode ($selector: string) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  13804. public Elements () : FairyGUI.Utils.XMLList
  13805. public Elements ($selector: string) : FairyGUI.Utils.XMLList
  13806. public GetEnumerator () : FairyGUI.Utils.XMLList.Enumerator
  13807. public GetEnumerator ($selector: string) : FairyGUI.Utils.XMLList.Enumerator
  13808. public AppendChild ($child: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  13809. public RemoveChild ($child: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  13810. public RemoveChildren ($selector: string) : void
  13811. public Parse ($aSource: string) : void
  13812. public Reset () : void
  13813. public ToXMLString ($includeHeader: boolean) : string
  13814. public constructor ($XmlString: string)
  13815. public constructor ()
  13816. }
  13817. interface XML {
  13818. GetAttributeArray ($attrName: string, $i1: $Ref<number>, $i2: $Ref<number>) : boolean;
  13819. GetAttributeArray ($attrName: string, $i1: $Ref<number>, $i2: $Ref<number>, $i3: $Ref<number>, $i4: $Ref<number>) : boolean;
  13820. GetAttributeArray ($attrName: string, $f1: $Ref<number>, $f2: $Ref<number>, $f3: $Ref<number>, $f4: $Ref<number>) : boolean;
  13821. GetAttributeArray ($attrName: string, $f1: $Ref<number>, $f2: $Ref<number>) : boolean;
  13822. GetAttributeArray ($attrName: string, $s1: $Ref<string>, $s2: $Ref<string>) : boolean;
  13823. }
  13824. class ByteBuffer extends System.Object
  13825. {
  13826. public littleEndian : boolean
  13827. public stringTable : System.Array$1<string>
  13828. public version : number
  13829. public get position(): number;
  13830. public set position(value: number);
  13831. public get length(): number;
  13832. public get bytesAvailable(): boolean;
  13833. public get buffer(): System.Array$1<number>;
  13834. public set buffer(value: System.Array$1<number>);
  13835. public Skip ($count: number) : number
  13836. public ReadByte () : number
  13837. public ReadBytes ($output: System.Array$1<number>, $destIndex: number, $count: number) : System.Array$1<number>
  13838. public ReadBytes ($count: number) : System.Array$1<number>
  13839. public ReadBuffer () : FairyGUI.Utils.ByteBuffer
  13840. public ReadChar () : number
  13841. public ReadBool () : boolean
  13842. public ReadShort () : number
  13843. public ReadUshort () : number
  13844. public ReadInt () : number
  13845. public ReadUint () : number
  13846. public ReadFloat () : number
  13847. public ReadLong () : bigint
  13848. public ReadDouble () : number
  13849. public ReadString () : string
  13850. public ReadString ($len: number) : string
  13851. public ReadS () : string
  13852. public ReadSArray ($cnt: number) : System.Array$1<string>
  13853. public ReadPath () : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.GPathPoint>
  13854. public WriteS ($value: string) : void
  13855. public ReadColor () : UnityEngine.Color
  13856. public Seek ($indexTablePos: number, $blockIndex: number) : boolean
  13857. public constructor ($data: System.Array$1<number>, $offset?: number, $length?: number)
  13858. public constructor ()
  13859. }
  13860. interface IHtmlObject
  13861. {
  13862. width : number
  13863. height : number
  13864. displayObject : FairyGUI.DisplayObject
  13865. element : FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement
  13866. Create ($owner: FairyGUI.RichTextField, $element: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement) : void
  13867. SetPosition ($x: number, $y: number) : void
  13868. Add () : void
  13869. Remove () : void
  13870. Release () : void
  13871. Dispose () : void
  13872. }
  13873. class HtmlElement extends System.Object
  13874. {
  13875. public type : FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElementType
  13876. public name : string
  13877. public text : string
  13878. public format : FairyGUI.TextFormat
  13879. public charIndex : number
  13880. public htmlObject : FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject
  13881. public status : number
  13882. public space : number
  13883. public position : UnityEngine.Vector2
  13884. public get isEntity(): boolean;
  13885. public Get ($attrName: string) : any
  13886. public Set ($attrName: string, $attrValue: any) : void
  13887. public GetString ($attrName: string) : string
  13888. public GetString ($attrName: string, $defValue: string) : string
  13889. public GetInt ($attrName: string) : number
  13890. public GetInt ($attrName: string, $defValue: number) : number
  13891. public GetFloat ($attrName: string) : number
  13892. public GetFloat ($attrName: string, $defValue: number) : number
  13893. public GetBool ($attrName: string) : boolean
  13894. public GetBool ($attrName: string, $defValue: boolean) : boolean
  13895. public GetColor ($attrName: string, $defValue: UnityEngine.Color) : UnityEngine.Color
  13896. public FetchAttributes () : void
  13897. public static GetElement ($type: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElementType) : FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement
  13898. public static ReturnElement ($element: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement) : void
  13899. public static ReturnElements ($elements: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement>) : void
  13900. public constructor ()
  13901. }
  13902. interface IHtmlPageContext
  13903. {
  13904. CreateObject ($owner: FairyGUI.RichTextField, $element: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement) : FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject
  13905. FreeObject ($obj: FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject) : void
  13906. GetImageTexture ($image: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlImage) : FairyGUI.NTexture
  13907. FreeImageTexture ($image: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlImage, $texture: FairyGUI.NTexture) : void
  13908. }
  13909. class HtmlPageContext extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlPageContext
  13910. {
  13911. public static inst : FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlPageContext
  13912. public CreateObject ($owner: FairyGUI.RichTextField, $element: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement) : FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject
  13913. public FreeObject ($obj: FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject) : void
  13914. public GetImageTexture ($image: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlImage) : FairyGUI.NTexture
  13915. public FreeImageTexture ($image: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlImage, $texture: FairyGUI.NTexture) : void
  13916. public constructor ()
  13917. }
  13918. class HtmlImage extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject
  13919. {
  13920. public get loader(): FairyGUI.GLoader;
  13921. public get displayObject(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  13922. public get element(): FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement;
  13923. public get width(): number;
  13924. public get height(): number;
  13925. public Create ($owner: FairyGUI.RichTextField, $element: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement) : void
  13926. public SetPosition ($x: number, $y: number) : void
  13927. public Add () : void
  13928. public Remove () : void
  13929. public Release () : void
  13930. public Dispose () : void
  13931. public constructor ()
  13932. }
  13933. class HtmlParseOptions extends System.Object
  13934. {
  13935. public linkUnderline : boolean
  13936. public linkColor : UnityEngine.Color
  13937. public linkBgColor : UnityEngine.Color
  13938. public linkHoverBgColor : UnityEngine.Color
  13939. public ignoreWhiteSpace : boolean
  13940. public static DefaultLinkUnderline : boolean
  13941. public static DefaultLinkColor : UnityEngine.Color
  13942. public static DefaultLinkBgColor : UnityEngine.Color
  13943. public static DefaultLinkHoverBgColor : UnityEngine.Color
  13944. public constructor ()
  13945. }
  13946. class HtmlButton extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject
  13947. {
  13948. public static CLICK_EVENT : string
  13949. public static resource : string
  13950. public get button(): FairyGUI.GComponent;
  13951. public get displayObject(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  13952. public get element(): FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement;
  13953. public get width(): number;
  13954. public get height(): number;
  13955. public Create ($owner: FairyGUI.RichTextField, $element: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement) : void
  13956. public SetPosition ($x: number, $y: number) : void
  13957. public Add () : void
  13958. public Remove () : void
  13959. public Release () : void
  13960. public Dispose () : void
  13961. public constructor ()
  13962. }
  13963. enum HtmlElementType
  13964. { Text = 0, Link = 1, Image = 2, Input = 3, Select = 4, Object = 5, LinkEnd = 6 }
  13965. class HtmlInput extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject
  13966. {
  13967. public static defaultBorderSize : number
  13968. public static defaultBorderColor : UnityEngine.Color
  13969. public static defaultBackgroundColor : UnityEngine.Color
  13970. public get textInput(): FairyGUI.GTextInput;
  13971. public get displayObject(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  13972. public get element(): FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement;
  13973. public get width(): number;
  13974. public get height(): number;
  13975. public Create ($owner: FairyGUI.RichTextField, $element: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement) : void
  13976. public SetPosition ($x: number, $y: number) : void
  13977. public Add () : void
  13978. public Remove () : void
  13979. public Release () : void
  13980. public Dispose () : void
  13981. public constructor ()
  13982. }
  13983. class HtmlLink extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject
  13984. {
  13985. public get displayObject(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  13986. public get element(): FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement;
  13987. public get width(): number;
  13988. public get height(): number;
  13989. public Create ($owner: FairyGUI.RichTextField, $element: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement) : void
  13990. public SetArea ($startLine: number, $startCharX: number, $endLine: number, $endCharX: number) : void
  13991. public SetPosition ($x: number, $y: number) : void
  13992. public Add () : void
  13993. public Remove () : void
  13994. public Release () : void
  13995. public Dispose () : void
  13996. public constructor ()
  13997. }
  13998. class HtmlParser extends System.Object
  13999. {
  14000. public static inst : FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlParser
  14001. public Parse ($aSource: string, $defaultFormat: FairyGUI.TextFormat, $elements: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement>, $parseOptions: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlParseOptions) : void
  14002. public constructor ()
  14003. }
  14004. class HtmlSelect extends System.Object implements FairyGUI.Utils.IHtmlObject
  14005. {
  14006. public static CHANGED_EVENT : string
  14007. public static resource : string
  14008. public get comboBox(): FairyGUI.GComboBox;
  14009. public get displayObject(): FairyGUI.DisplayObject;
  14010. public get element(): FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement;
  14011. public get width(): number;
  14012. public get height(): number;
  14013. public Create ($owner: FairyGUI.RichTextField, $element: FairyGUI.Utils.HtmlElement) : void
  14014. public SetPosition ($x: number, $y: number) : void
  14015. public Add () : void
  14016. public Remove () : void
  14017. public Release () : void
  14018. public Dispose () : void
  14019. public constructor ()
  14020. }
  14021. class ToolSet extends System.Object
  14022. {
  14023. public static ConvertFromHtmlColor ($str: string) : UnityEngine.Color
  14024. public static ColorFromRGB ($value: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  14025. public static ColorFromRGBA ($value: number) : UnityEngine.Color
  14026. public static CharToHex ($c: number) : number
  14027. public static Intersection ($rect1: $Ref<UnityEngine.Rect>, $rect2: $Ref<UnityEngine.Rect>) : UnityEngine.Rect
  14028. public static Union ($rect1: $Ref<UnityEngine.Rect>, $rect2: $Ref<UnityEngine.Rect>) : UnityEngine.Rect
  14029. public static SkewMatrix ($matrix: $Ref<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4>, $skewX: number, $skewY: number) : void
  14030. public static RotateUV ($uv: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>, $baseUVRect: $Ref<UnityEngine.Rect>) : void
  14031. }
  14032. class UBBParser extends System.Object
  14033. {
  14034. public static inst : FairyGUI.Utils.UBBParser
  14035. public defaultTagHandler : FairyGUI.Utils.UBBParser.TagHandler
  14036. public handlers : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, FairyGUI.Utils.UBBParser.TagHandler>
  14037. public defaultImgWidth : number
  14038. public defaultImgHeight : number
  14039. public GetTagText ($remove: boolean) : string
  14040. public Parse ($text: string) : string
  14041. public constructor ()
  14042. }
  14043. class XMLList extends System.Object
  14044. {
  14045. public rawList : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.Utils.XML>
  14046. public get Count(): number;
  14047. public Add ($xml: FairyGUI.Utils.XML) : void
  14048. public Clear () : void
  14049. public get_Item ($index: number) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  14050. public GetEnumerator () : FairyGUI.Utils.XMLList.Enumerator
  14051. public GetEnumerator ($selector: string) : FairyGUI.Utils.XMLList.Enumerator
  14052. public Filter ($selector: string) : FairyGUI.Utils.XMLList
  14053. public Find ($selector: string) : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  14054. public RemoveAll ($selector: string) : void
  14055. public constructor ()
  14056. public constructor ($list: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.Utils.XML>)
  14057. }
  14058. class XMLIterator extends System.Object
  14059. {
  14060. public static tagName : string
  14061. public static tagType : FairyGUI.Utils.XMLTagType
  14062. public static lastTagName : string
  14063. public static Begin ($source: string, $lowerCaseName?: boolean) : void
  14064. public static NextTag () : boolean
  14065. public static GetTagSource () : string
  14066. public static GetRawText ($trim?: boolean) : string
  14067. public static GetText ($trim?: boolean) : string
  14068. public static HasAttribute ($attrName: string) : boolean
  14069. public static GetAttribute ($attrName: string) : string
  14070. public static GetAttribute ($attrName: string, $defValue: string) : string
  14071. public static GetAttributeInt ($attrName: string) : number
  14072. public static GetAttributeInt ($attrName: string, $defValue: number) : number
  14073. public static GetAttributeFloat ($attrName: string) : number
  14074. public static GetAttributeFloat ($attrName: string, $defValue: number) : number
  14075. public static GetAttributeBool ($attrName: string) : boolean
  14076. public static GetAttributeBool ($attrName: string, $defValue: boolean) : boolean
  14077. public static GetAttributes ($result: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>) : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary$2<string, string>
  14078. public static GetAttributes ($result: System.Collections.Hashtable) : System.Collections.Hashtable
  14079. public constructor ()
  14080. }
  14081. enum XMLTagType
  14082. { Start = 0, End = 1, Void = 2, CDATA = 3, Comment = 4, Instruction = 5 }
  14083. class XMLUtils extends System.Object
  14084. {
  14085. public static DecodeString ($aSource: string) : string
  14086. public static EncodeString ($sb: System.Text.StringBuilder, $start: number, $isAttribute?: boolean) : void
  14087. public static EncodeString ($str: string, $isAttribute?: boolean) : string
  14088. public constructor ()
  14089. }
  14090. class ZipReader extends System.Object
  14091. {
  14092. public get entryCount(): number;
  14093. public GetNextEntry ($entry: FairyGUI.Utils.ZipReader.ZipEntry) : boolean
  14094. public GetEntryData ($entry: FairyGUI.Utils.ZipReader.ZipEntry) : System.Array$1<number>
  14095. public constructor ($data: System.Array$1<number>)
  14096. public constructor ()
  14097. }
  14098. }
  14099. namespace System.Threading.Tasks {
  14100. class Task extends System.Object implements System.IAsyncResult, System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem, System.IDisposable
  14101. {
  14102. }
  14103. class Task$1<TResult> extends System.Threading.Tasks.Task implements System.IAsyncResult, System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem, System.IDisposable
  14104. {
  14105. }
  14106. }
  14107. namespace System.Threading {
  14108. interface IThreadPoolWorkItem
  14109. {
  14110. }
  14111. }
  14112. namespace FairyEditor.AniData {
  14113. class Frame extends System.Object
  14114. {
  14115. public rect : UnityEngine.Rect
  14116. public spriteIndex : number
  14117. public delay : number
  14118. public constructor ()
  14119. }
  14120. class FrameSprite extends System.Object
  14121. {
  14122. public texture : FairyGUI.NTexture
  14123. public frameIndex : number
  14124. public raw : System.Array$1<number>
  14125. public constructor ()
  14126. }
  14127. }
  14128. namespace FairyEditor.BmFontData {
  14129. class Glyph extends System.ValueType
  14130. {
  14131. public id : number
  14132. public x : number
  14133. public y : number
  14134. public xoffset : number
  14135. public yoffset : number
  14136. public width : number
  14137. public height : number
  14138. public xadvance : number
  14139. public img : string
  14140. public channel : number
  14141. }
  14142. }
  14143. namespace FairyEditor.ComponentAsset {
  14144. class DisplayListItem extends System.Object
  14145. {
  14146. public packageItem : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  14147. public pkg : FairyEditor.FPackage
  14148. public type : string
  14149. public desc : FairyGUI.Utils.XML
  14150. public missingInfo : FairyEditor.MissingInfo
  14151. public existingInstance : FairyEditor.FObject
  14152. public constructor ()
  14153. }
  14154. }
  14155. namespace FairyEditor.FontAsset {
  14156. enum FontType
  14157. { Sprites = 0, Fnt = 1, TTF = 2 }
  14158. }
  14159. namespace UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel {
  14160. /** The rendering modes used by the Font Engine to render glyphs. */
  14161. enum GlyphRenderMode
  14162. { SMOOTH_HINTED = 4121, SMOOTH = 4117, RASTER_HINTED = 4122, RASTER = 4118, SDF = 4134, SDF8 = 8230, SDF16 = 16422, SDF32 = 32806, SDFAA_HINTED = 4169, SDFAA = 4165 }
  14163. }
  14164. namespace FairyEditor.Framework.Gears {
  14165. interface IGear
  14166. {
  14167. }
  14168. }
  14169. namespace FairyEditor.FTree {
  14170. interface TreeNodeRenderDelegate
  14171. { (node: FairyEditor.FTreeNode, obj: FairyEditor.FComponent) : void; }
  14172. var TreeNodeRenderDelegate: { new (func: (node: FairyEditor.FTreeNode, obj: FairyEditor.FComponent) => void): TreeNodeRenderDelegate; }
  14173. interface TreeNodeWillExpandDelegate
  14174. { (node: FairyEditor.FTreeNode, expand: boolean) : void; }
  14175. var TreeNodeWillExpandDelegate: { new (func: (node: FairyEditor.FTreeNode, expand: boolean) => void): TreeNodeWillExpandDelegate; }
  14176. }
  14177. namespace FairyGUI.GPathPoint {
  14178. enum CurveType
  14179. { CRSpline = 0, Bezier = 1, CubicBezier = 2, Straight = 3 }
  14180. }
  14181. namespace FairyEditor.SpineCompatibilityHelper {
  14182. class Delegates extends System.ValueType
  14183. {
  14184. public CreateRuntimeInstance : FairyEditor.SpineCompatibilityHelper.CreateRuntimeInstanceDelegate
  14185. public ParseBounds : FairyEditor.SpineCompatibilityHelper.ParseBoundsDelegate
  14186. }
  14187. interface CreateRuntimeInstanceDelegate
  14188. { (descAsset: UnityEngine.TextAsset, atlasTextAsset: UnityEngine.TextAsset, textures: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Texture2D>, materialPropertySource: UnityEngine.Material, initialize: boolean) : FairyEditor.ISkeletonDataAsset; }
  14189. var CreateRuntimeInstanceDelegate: { new (func: (descAsset: UnityEngine.TextAsset, atlasTextAsset: UnityEngine.TextAsset, textures: System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Texture2D>, materialPropertySource: UnityEngine.Material, initialize: boolean) => FairyEditor.ISkeletonDataAsset): CreateRuntimeInstanceDelegate; }
  14190. interface ParseBoundsDelegate
  14191. { (sourceFile: string) : UnityEngine.Rect; }
  14192. var ParseBoundsDelegate: { new (func: (sourceFile: string) => UnityEngine.Rect): ParseBoundsDelegate; }
  14193. }
  14194. namespace Spine.Unity.SkeletonDataCompatibility {
  14195. class VersionInfo extends System.Object
  14196. {
  14197. }
  14198. }
  14199. namespace System.IO.Compression {
  14200. class ZipStorer extends System.Object implements System.IDisposable
  14201. {
  14202. }
  14203. }
  14204. namespace FairyEditor.PublishHandler {
  14205. class ClassInfo extends System.Object
  14206. {
  14207. public className : string
  14208. public superClassName : string
  14209. public resId : string
  14210. public resName : string
  14211. public res : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  14212. public members : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.PublishHandler.MemberInfo>
  14213. public references : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  14214. public constructor ()
  14215. }
  14216. class MemberInfo extends System.Object
  14217. {
  14218. public name : string
  14219. public varName : string
  14220. public type : string
  14221. public index : number
  14222. public group : number
  14223. public res : FairyEditor.FPackageItem
  14224. public constructor ()
  14225. }
  14226. }
  14227. namespace FairyEditor.DependencyQuery {
  14228. enum SeekLevel
  14230. }
  14231. namespace FairyEditor.CopyHandler {
  14232. enum OverrideOption
  14233. { RENAME = 0, REPLACE = 1, SKIP = 2 }
  14234. }
  14235. namespace FairyEditor.HotkeyManager {
  14236. class FunctionDef extends System.Object
  14237. {
  14238. public id : string
  14239. public hotkey : string
  14240. public desc : string
  14241. public get isCustomized(): boolean;
  14242. public constructor ($id: string, $hotkey: string, $desc: string)
  14243. public constructor ()
  14244. }
  14245. }
  14246. namespace FairyEditor.PluginManager {
  14247. class PluginInfo extends System.Object
  14248. {
  14249. public name : string
  14250. public displayName : string
  14251. public description : string
  14252. public version : string
  14253. public author : FairyEditor.PluginManager.PluginInfo.Author
  14254. public icon : string
  14255. public main : string
  14256. public onPublish : System.Action$1<FairyEditor.PublishHandler>
  14257. public onDestroy : System.Action
  14258. public constructor ()
  14259. }
  14260. }
  14261. namespace FairyEditor.ReferenceInfo {
  14262. enum ValueType
  14263. { ID = 0, URL = 1, URL_COMPLEX = 2, CHAR_IMG = 3, ASSET_PROP = 4 }
  14264. }
  14265. namespace FairyEditor.AdaptationSettings {
  14266. class DeviceInfo extends System.ValueType
  14267. {
  14268. public name : string
  14269. public resolutionX : number
  14270. public resolutionY : number
  14271. }
  14272. }
  14273. namespace FairyEditor.CommonSettings {
  14274. class ScrollBarConfig extends System.Object
  14275. {
  14276. public horizontal : string
  14277. public vertical : string
  14278. public defaultDisplay : string
  14279. public constructor ()
  14280. }
  14281. }
  14282. namespace FairyEditor.GlobalPublishSettings {
  14283. class CodeGenerationConfig extends System.Object
  14284. {
  14285. public allowGenCode : boolean
  14286. public codePath : string
  14287. public classNamePrefix : string
  14288. public memberNamePrefix : string
  14289. public packageName : string
  14290. public ignoreNoname : boolean
  14291. public getMemberByName : boolean
  14292. public codeType : string
  14293. public constructor ()
  14294. }
  14295. class AtlasSetting extends System.Object
  14296. {
  14297. public maxSize : number
  14298. public paging : boolean
  14299. public sizeOption : string
  14300. public forceSquare : boolean
  14301. public allowRotation : boolean
  14302. public trimImage : boolean
  14303. public constructor ()
  14304. }
  14305. }
  14306. namespace FairyEditor.I18nSettings {
  14307. class LanguageFile extends System.Object
  14308. {
  14309. public name : string
  14310. public path : string
  14311. public fontName : string
  14312. public modificationDate : Date
  14313. public constructor ()
  14314. }
  14315. }
  14316. namespace FairyEditor.PackageGroupSettings {
  14317. class PackageGroup extends System.Object
  14318. {
  14319. public name : string
  14320. public pkgs : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<string>
  14321. public constructor ()
  14322. }
  14323. }
  14324. namespace FairyEditor.AssetSizeUtil {
  14325. class Result extends System.ValueType
  14326. {
  14327. public width : number
  14328. public height : number
  14329. public type : string
  14330. public bitDepth : number
  14331. public colorType : number
  14332. }
  14333. }
  14334. namespace FairyEditor.FontUtil {
  14335. class FontInfo extends System.Object
  14336. {
  14337. public family : string
  14338. public localeFamily : string
  14339. public file : string
  14340. public externalLoad : boolean
  14341. public constructor ()
  14342. }
  14343. class FontName extends System.Object
  14344. {
  14345. public family : string
  14346. public localeFamily : string
  14347. public constructor ()
  14348. }
  14349. }
  14350. namespace SFB {
  14351. class ExtensionFilter extends System.ValueType
  14352. {
  14353. }
  14354. }
  14355. namespace FairyEditor.VImage {
  14356. enum Kernel
  14357. { NEAREST = 0, LINEAR = 1, CUBIC = 2, MITCHELL = 3, LANCZOS2 = 4, LANCZOS3 = 5, LAST = 6 }
  14358. enum Extend
  14359. { BLACK = 0, COPY = 1, REPEAT = 2, MIRROR = 3, WHITE = 4, BACKGROUND = 5, LAST = 6 }
  14360. enum BlendMode
  14361. { CLEAR = 0, SOURCE = 1, OVER = 2, IN = 3, OUT = 4, ATOP = 5, DEST = 6, DEST_OVER = 7, DEST_IN = 8, DEST_OUT = 9, DEST_ATOP = 10, XOR = 11, ADD = 12, SATURATE = 13, MULTIPLY = 14, SCREEN = 15, OVERLAY = 16, DARKEN = 17, LIGHTEN = 18, COLOUR_DODGE = 19, COLOUR_BURN = 20, HARD_LIGHT = 21, SOFT_LIGHT = 22, DIFFERENCE = 23, EXCLUSION = 24, LAST = 25 }
  14362. class Animation extends System.ValueType
  14363. {
  14364. public frames : System.Array$1<FairyEditor.VImage>
  14365. public frameDelays : System.Array$1<number>
  14366. public loopDelay : number
  14367. }
  14368. }
  14369. namespace XLua {
  14370. class LuaTable extends XLua.LuaBase implements System.IDisposable
  14371. {
  14372. }
  14373. class LuaBase extends System.Object implements System.IDisposable
  14374. {
  14375. }
  14376. }
  14377. namespace FairyEditor.View.ProjectView {
  14378. interface OnContextMenuDelegate
  14379. { (pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, context: FairyGUI.EventContext) : void; }
  14380. var OnContextMenuDelegate: { new (func: (pi: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, context: FairyGUI.EventContext) => void): OnContextMenuDelegate; }
  14381. interface OnGetItemListingDelegate
  14382. { (folder: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, filters: System.Array$1<string>, result: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) : System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>; }
  14383. var OnGetItemListingDelegate: { new (func: (folder: FairyEditor.FPackageItem, filters: System.Array$1<string>, result: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>) => System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyEditor.FPackageItem>): OnGetItemListingDelegate; }
  14384. }
  14385. namespace FairyEditor.Component.InputElement {
  14386. class OptionalValue$1<T> extends System.ValueType
  14387. {
  14388. }
  14389. }
  14390. namespace FairyEditor.Component.FormHelper {
  14391. interface OnPropChangedDelegate
  14392. { (propName: string, propValue: any, extData: any) : boolean; }
  14393. var OnPropChangedDelegate: { new (func: (propName: string, propValue: any, extData: any) => boolean): OnPropChangedDelegate; }
  14394. }
  14395. namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions {
  14396. class Regex extends System.Object implements System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
  14397. {
  14398. }
  14399. }
  14400. namespace FairyEditor.Component.ViewGridGroup {
  14401. interface EachGridCallback
  14402. { (grid: FairyEditor.Component.ViewGrid) : boolean; }
  14403. var EachGridCallback: { new (func: (grid: FairyEditor.Component.ViewGrid) => boolean): EachGridCallback; }
  14404. }
  14405. namespace FairyEditor.PluginManager.PluginInfo {
  14406. class Author extends System.Object
  14407. {
  14408. public name : string
  14409. public constructor ()
  14410. }
  14411. }
  14412. namespace FairyGUI.BlendModeUtils {
  14413. class BlendFactor extends System.Object
  14414. {
  14415. public srcFactor : UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode
  14416. public dstFactor : UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode
  14417. public pma : boolean
  14418. public constructor ($srcFactor: UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode, $dstFactor: UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode, $pma?: boolean)
  14419. public constructor ()
  14420. }
  14421. }
  14422. namespace FairyGUI.MovieClip {
  14423. class Frame extends System.Object
  14424. {
  14425. public texture : FairyGUI.NTexture
  14426. public addDelay : number
  14427. public constructor ()
  14428. }
  14429. }
  14430. namespace FairyGUI.NGraphics {
  14431. class VertexMatrix extends System.Object
  14432. {
  14433. public cameraPos : UnityEngine.Vector3
  14434. public matrix : UnityEngine.Matrix4x4
  14435. public constructor ()
  14436. }
  14437. }
  14438. namespace FairyGUI.ShaderConfig {
  14439. interface GetFunction
  14440. { (name: string) : UnityEngine.Shader; }
  14441. var GetFunction: { new (func: (name: string) => UnityEngine.Shader): GetFunction; }
  14442. }
  14443. namespace FairyGUI.BitmapFont {
  14444. class BMGlyph extends System.Object
  14445. {
  14446. public x : number
  14447. public y : number
  14448. public width : number
  14449. public height : number
  14450. public advance : number
  14451. public lineHeight : number
  14452. public uv : System.Array$1<UnityEngine.Vector2>
  14453. public channel : number
  14454. public constructor ()
  14455. }
  14456. }
  14457. namespace FairyGUI.RTLSupport {
  14458. enum DirectionType
  14459. { UNKNOW = 0, LTR = 1, RTL = 2, NEUTRAL = 3 }
  14460. }
  14461. namespace FairyGUI.TextField {
  14462. class LineInfo extends System.Object
  14463. {
  14464. public width : number
  14465. public height : number
  14466. public baseline : number
  14467. public charIndex : number
  14468. public charCount : number
  14469. public y : number
  14470. public static Borrow () : FairyGUI.TextField.LineInfo
  14471. public static Return ($value: FairyGUI.TextField.LineInfo) : void
  14472. public static Return ($values: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.TextField.LineInfo>) : void
  14473. public constructor ()
  14474. }
  14475. class CharPosition extends System.ValueType
  14476. {
  14477. public charIndex : number
  14478. public lineIndex : number
  14479. public offsetX : number
  14480. public vertCount : number
  14481. public width : number
  14482. public imgIndex : number
  14483. }
  14484. class LineCharInfo extends System.ValueType
  14485. {
  14486. public width : number
  14487. public height : number
  14488. public baseline : number
  14489. }
  14490. }
  14491. namespace FairyGUI.TextFormat {
  14492. enum SpecialStyle
  14493. { None = 0, Superscript = 1, Subscript = 2 }
  14494. }
  14495. namespace FairyGUI.UpdateContext {
  14496. class ClipInfo extends System.ValueType
  14497. {
  14498. public rect : UnityEngine.Rect
  14499. public clipBox : UnityEngine.Vector4
  14500. public soft : boolean
  14501. public softness : UnityEngine.Vector4
  14502. public clipId : number
  14503. public rectMaskDepth : number
  14504. public referenceValue : number
  14505. public reversed : boolean
  14506. }
  14507. }
  14508. namespace DragonBones {
  14509. class UnityArmatureComponent extends DragonBones.DragonBoneEventDispatcher implements DragonBones.IEventDispatcher$1<DragonBones.EventObject>, DragonBones.IArmatureProxy
  14510. {
  14511. }
  14512. class DragonBoneEventDispatcher extends DragonBones.UnityEventDispatcher$1<DragonBones.EventObject> implements DragonBones.IEventDispatcher$1<DragonBones.EventObject>
  14513. {
  14514. }
  14515. class EventObject extends DragonBones.BaseObject
  14516. {
  14517. }
  14518. class BaseObject extends System.Object
  14519. {
  14520. }
  14521. class UnityEventDispatcher$1<T> extends UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
  14522. {
  14523. }
  14524. interface IEventDispatcher$1<T>
  14525. {
  14526. }
  14527. interface IArmatureProxy extends DragonBones.IEventDispatcher$1<DragonBones.EventObject>
  14528. {
  14529. }
  14530. class DragonBonesData extends DragonBones.BaseObject
  14531. {
  14532. }
  14533. }
  14534. namespace Spine.Unity {
  14535. class SkeletonAnimation extends Spine.Unity.SkeletonRenderer implements Spine.Unity.ISkeletonAnimation, Spine.Unity.IHasSkeletonDataAsset, Spine.Unity.ISkeletonComponent, Spine.Unity.IAnimationStateComponent
  14536. {
  14537. }
  14538. class SkeletonRenderer extends UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour implements Spine.Unity.IHasSkeletonDataAsset, Spine.Unity.ISkeletonComponent
  14539. {
  14540. }
  14541. interface IHasSkeletonDataAsset
  14542. {
  14543. }
  14544. interface ISkeletonComponent
  14545. {
  14546. }
  14547. interface ISkeletonAnimation
  14548. {
  14549. }
  14550. interface IAnimationStateComponent
  14551. {
  14552. }
  14553. class SkeletonDataAsset extends UnityEngine.ScriptableObject
  14554. {
  14555. }
  14556. }
  14557. namespace TMPro {
  14558. class TMP_FontAsset extends TMPro.TMP_Asset
  14559. {
  14560. }
  14561. class TMP_Asset extends UnityEngine.ScriptableObject
  14562. {
  14563. }
  14564. enum FontWeight
  14565. { Thin = 100, ExtraLight = 200, Light = 300, Regular = 400, Medium = 500, SemiBold = 600, Bold = 700, Heavy = 800, Black = 900 }
  14566. }
  14567. namespace FairyGUI.ControllerAction {
  14568. enum ActionType
  14569. { PlayTransition = 0, ChangePage = 1 }
  14570. }
  14571. namespace FairyGUI.UIPackage {
  14572. interface CreateObjectCallback
  14573. { (result: FairyGUI.GObject) : void; }
  14574. var CreateObjectCallback: { new (func: (result: FairyGUI.GObject) => void): CreateObjectCallback; }
  14575. interface LoadResource
  14576. { (name: string, extension: string, type: System.Type, destroyMethod: $Ref<FairyGUI.DestroyMethod>) : any; }
  14577. var LoadResource: { new (func: (name: string, extension: string, type: System.Type, destroyMethod: $Ref<FairyGUI.DestroyMethod>) => any): LoadResource; }
  14578. interface LoadResourceAsync
  14579. { (name: string, extension: string, type: System.Type, item: FairyGUI.PackageItem) : void; }
  14580. var LoadResourceAsync: { new (func: (name: string, extension: string, type: System.Type, item: FairyGUI.PackageItem) => void): LoadResourceAsync; }
  14581. }
  14582. namespace FairyGUI.GObjectPool {
  14583. interface InitCallbackDelegate
  14584. { (obj: FairyGUI.GObject) : void; }
  14585. var InitCallbackDelegate: { new (func: (obj: FairyGUI.GObject) => void): InitCallbackDelegate; }
  14586. }
  14587. namespace FairyGUI.UIContentScaler {
  14588. enum ScreenMatchMode
  14589. { MatchWidthOrHeight = 0, MatchWidth = 1, MatchHeight = 2 }
  14590. enum ScaleMode
  14591. { ConstantPixelSize = 0, ScaleWithScreenSize = 1, ConstantPhysicalSize = 2 }
  14592. }
  14593. namespace FairyGUI.GTree {
  14594. interface TreeNodeRenderDelegate
  14595. { (node: FairyGUI.GTreeNode, obj: FairyGUI.GComponent) : void; }
  14596. var TreeNodeRenderDelegate: { new (func: (node: FairyGUI.GTreeNode, obj: FairyGUI.GComponent) => void): TreeNodeRenderDelegate; }
  14597. interface TreeNodeWillExpandDelegate
  14598. { (node: FairyGUI.GTreeNode, expand: boolean) : void; }
  14599. var TreeNodeWillExpandDelegate: { new (func: (node: FairyGUI.GTreeNode, expand: boolean) => void): TreeNodeWillExpandDelegate; }
  14600. }
  14601. namespace FairyGUI.UIObjectFactory {
  14602. interface GComponentCreator
  14603. { () : FairyGUI.GComponent; }
  14604. var GComponentCreator: { new (func: () => FairyGUI.GComponent): GComponentCreator; }
  14605. interface GLoaderCreator
  14606. { () : FairyGUI.GLoader; }
  14607. var GLoaderCreator: { new (func: () => FairyGUI.GLoader): GLoaderCreator; }
  14608. }
  14609. namespace FairyGUI.TreeView {
  14610. interface TreeNodeCreateCellDelegate
  14611. { (node: FairyGUI.TreeNode) : FairyGUI.GComponent; }
  14612. var TreeNodeCreateCellDelegate: { new (func: (node: FairyGUI.TreeNode) => FairyGUI.GComponent): TreeNodeCreateCellDelegate; }
  14613. interface TreeNodeRenderDelegate
  14614. { (node: FairyGUI.TreeNode) : void; }
  14615. var TreeNodeRenderDelegate: { new (func: (node: FairyGUI.TreeNode) => void): TreeNodeRenderDelegate; }
  14616. interface TreeNodeWillExpandDelegate
  14617. { (node: FairyGUI.TreeNode, expand: boolean) : void; }
  14618. var TreeNodeWillExpandDelegate: { new (func: (node: FairyGUI.TreeNode, expand: boolean) => void): TreeNodeWillExpandDelegate; }
  14619. }
  14620. namespace FairyGUI.UIConfig {
  14621. class ConfigValue extends System.Object
  14622. {
  14623. public valid : boolean
  14624. public s : string
  14625. public i : number
  14626. public f : number
  14627. public b : boolean
  14628. public c : UnityEngine.Color
  14629. public Reset () : void
  14630. public constructor ()
  14631. }
  14632. interface SoundLoader
  14633. { (url: string) : FairyGUI.NAudioClip; }
  14634. var SoundLoader: { new (func: (url: string) => FairyGUI.NAudioClip): SoundLoader; }
  14635. enum ConfigKey
  14636. { DefaultFont = 0, ButtonSound = 1, ButtonSoundVolumeScale = 2, HorizontalScrollBar = 3, VerticalScrollBar = 4, DefaultScrollStep = 5, DefaultScrollBarDisplay = 6, DefaultScrollTouchEffect = 7, DefaultScrollBounceEffect = 8, TouchScrollSensitivity = 9, WindowModalWaiting = 10, GlobalModalWaiting = 11, PopupMenu = 12, PopupMenu_seperator = 13, LoaderErrorSign = 14, TooltipsWin = 15, DefaultComboBoxVisibleItemCount = 16, TouchDragSensitivity = 17, ClickDragSensitivity = 18, ModalLayerColor = 19, RenderingTextBrighterOnDesktop = 20, AllowSoftnessOnTopOrLeftSide = 21, InputCaretSize = 22, InputHighlightColor = 23, EnhancedTextOutlineEffect = 24, DepthSupportForPaintingMode = 25, RichTextRowVerticalAlign = 26, Branch = 27, PleaseSelect = 100 }
  14637. }
  14638. namespace FairyGUI.Utils.UBBParser {
  14639. interface TagHandler
  14640. { (tagName: string, end: boolean, attr: string) : string; }
  14641. var TagHandler: { new (func: (tagName: string, end: boolean, attr: string) => string): TagHandler; }
  14642. }
  14643. namespace FairyGUI.Utils.XMLList {
  14644. class Enumerator extends System.ValueType
  14645. {
  14646. public get Current(): FairyGUI.Utils.XML;
  14647. public MoveNext () : boolean
  14648. public Erase () : void
  14649. public Reset () : void
  14650. public constructor ($source: System.Collections.Generic.List$1<FairyGUI.Utils.XML>, $selector: string)
  14651. public constructor ()
  14652. }
  14653. }
  14654. namespace FairyGUI.Utils.ZipReader {
  14655. class ZipEntry extends System.Object
  14656. {
  14657. public name : string
  14658. public compress : number
  14659. public crc : number
  14660. public size : number
  14661. public sourceSize : number
  14662. public offset : number
  14663. public isDirectory : boolean
  14664. public constructor ()
  14665. }
  14666. }
  14667. }